By Andrewbooks18

65 10 10

After the war, alpha richard retires his position to his son Lyle who was in Oklahoma visiting his brothers... More

chapter 2
A new book
chapter 3
chapter 4

chapter 1

13 3 0
By Andrewbooks18

Reality struck me so hard that i couldn't even save one life. My older brother Brent died by protecting me and my brother teal, i was 17 at that time and my parents were at a pack meeting. me and my brothers were playing with my dad's board game until we heard glass shatter so we all went downstairs only to find a rival member in our home.

Everyone was busy with the meeting that they never even noticed our enemies in our borders. The rival member saw us and got up, our brother told us this "go get the alpha" i shook my head i couldn't leave my big brother alone with him. He gave me the precious smile before turning into his grey and black wolf and he let out a warning howl. I think our pack heard as more howls were in the distance, my brother teal couldn't see the member anywhere we were at a disadvantage "teal i need you to run as fast as you can" i told him as i turned into my white grey direwolf which was kinda larger than the member and my brother

I could hear teal running until i couldn't no more. I let out a huge howl indicating that we were in danger, but Brent was nowhere to be found until he was flying across the room and flew right into me "i told you to run tristan!" He said through our mind link. I shook my head and let out a warning growl to the other wolf, and it all went black

I could hear the heart monitor and a couple other machines around me until i heard voices "----tristan was lucky to even survive the attack but im afraid brent has died sir" the man said i could hear my mother crying she lost her oldest son due to me it was all my fault. "No" i muffled as i opened my eyes "no no" i said, i lifted myself up and got up "brent" i muttered i didn't even hear the voices behind me as i continued walking "he's not dead" i whispered as i sniffed the air for his scent.

I found his scent minutes later, i opened the door seeing his body covered up with a white sheet. "Brent!" I yelled. I could feel arms grabbing me as i screamed and cried my brother's name "no let me go brent!" I screamed. The nurses had to sedate me "----he shouldn't have to go through this, he just lost his brother and Lyle's not around Acosta i don't want to lose him" my father whispered.

{2 years later}

I've grown stronger. I even forgot about my brother's death but i knew one thing was that Lyle was my alpha and my mate yeah uhh no lyle was 18 when my brother's death happened a 20 year old who i supposed "matured" over the summer while visiting his brothers while i had no one until i stumbled upon Lucille hallow who was a witch and a wolf. Lucille was careful about me but over the time we grew into best friends that she trusts me. "Tristan?" She spoke. "Hm?" "Do you ever miss your brother?" She asked "yeah yeah i miss brent he was actually the best oldest brother you could ever ask for" i told her as i leaned against my chair.

"Do you think he's watching you from heaven?" She said. I gave her a warning stare until i said "yeah i suppose he is", Lucille was the sweetest girl here even my parents love her. The bell rung and students were getting there stuff "don't forget your homework is due tomorrow and work on that project!" Our teacher yelled as we exited the class.

"Mr. Black miss hallow a word please" a man asked as he stood by his office "the principal" lucille muttered as she looked at me.


"Some of us here are wolves you two know that right" he said as he locked the door "yeah yeah we do" Lucille said as she sat in the chair. "Okay well your new alpha that's returning needs to know the school rules" he spoke as he sat on the black chair looking at us "no disrespect sir but lyle isn't my alpha" Lucille mumbled "i know i know miss but your alpha tristan he needs to know our rules" he said as he looked out the window.

"I can't do anything about that sir" i told him, he looked back at us two "okay I'll speak to his father then you two are dismissed" he said as me and lucille grabbed our things and exited his office.

"That was weird" lucille said as we reached the double doors. "It was and too suspicious" i replied as we sprinted down the stairs "is he a wolf as well tris" I couldn't smell his scent so he couldn't be a wolf so what is he?.

"Tristan" she said "oh uhh no he's not a wolf" i told her as we entered the forest "so what is he?" She asked. Hmm his teeth was sharp but not human and his eyes were white and his scent was different but it smelt like heaven. "He's an angel" i said as we entered my pack's border "but angels have wings don't they?" She said as she shifted into her orange and brown wolf. I nodded as i shifted into my direwolf "angels sometimes hide their wings as well lucy" i spoke through our mind link.

"Oh so our principal is an angel who knows about us" she said as we ran through the trees.

"That's about it yeah" i told her, feeling the breeze on my fur. "Could we dig deeper into the angels backstory" she asked as we shifted back into our regular forms, i gave her a quick nod and decided when i get home first thing im going to do is dig into the old books grandpa kept.

As we got closer to the pack, there was a fight up ahead. "Lucille!" I whispered as i looked around noticing she disappeared.

~Lyle's pov~

"Bye Lyle i miss you" my older brother said as i grabbed my suitcase and boarded my flight. 'i wonder what tristan is up too' i thought as i zoned off thinking of my mate, i didn't even notice i fell asleep until i was woken up by a little girl "sir you have to leave" she said "oh thanks little one" i mumbled as i grabbed my suitcase and got off the plane.

I could see my mother waiting with my little cousin Roger and my baby sister Juliet "hey mom" i said, she was crying a little as she saw me and gave me a hug. "Okay now come on your father's waiting" she sniffed and wiped her tears as she place my baby sister in her car seat and buckled her up. After we arrived at the pack house i could smell tristan but his scent was weak and another scent was mixed in with his but when i got out i could hear a fight in the distance. "What's going on?" I said as i glanced at mother she shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed juliet out the car and held Rogers hand and entered the house.

As soon as they got inside and away from harm's way i bolted to where the fight was happening. I got closer and some stopped what they were doing and backed away as others followed. I smell his scent again but this time stronger than before, i quickly erased those thoughts when i saw Aiden and Elliott fighting "STOP!" A deeper voice boomed from the trees Elliott and aiden knew who it was and quickly stopped when fear clouded their eyes.

No one makes them that scared unless it's someone very powerful. I could see two figures exit the trees as they came closer i could see tristan and a girl i haven't seen before who was she.

~back to tristan~

"STOP!" I shouted when Lucille returned. I could smell him close by as we jumped from the trees his smell lingered in the air "i really don't understand every time i leave for school and come back it's always you twerps" i said sternly and firmly as i looked at the two. "Im sorry beta but he started it!" Elliott said nervously as he pointed at Aiden "and what started this fight" i asked as i replaced my formal look with a scowl on my face as i crossed my arms waiting for the answer. "W-we-" aiden stuttered "WELL SPIT IT OUT!" I half shouted when i walked closer giving them both death stares "we were fighting over the delta sir!" He said looking at me with his shoulders tensed

I gave them both a scoff "relax im not going to do any-" i was cut off when i punched both of them in the stomach "no one fights over a girl do you both hear me!" I whispered as they whimpered and nodded "now who else would like to fight over the delta!" I asked as i looked at the crowd "no one okay then get back to what you were doing and get them to the infirmary!" I shouted as i returned to Lucille side. I knew he was watching so to piss him off i gave a sly smirk and walked away

"Tristan!" Lucille squeaked as i covered her eyes. "Well delta wanna hangout so we can look up our principal" i whispered in her ear "uhh but i have to be home at 9 tristan you know this" she replied as she gently shoved my hands off her face and gave me a warning scowl. "Tristan!" A voice said as i turned to look at my old alpha "yes sir" "my office now" he said firmly as he returned to whatever he was doing before "oooo Tristan's in trouble~" lucille sang jokingly "shut up lucy" i said as i walked away from the girl and to the alpha's office or should i say study

I knocked on the door before entering hearing a voice saying "come in" i gently opened the door and closed it "you wanted to see me si-" i was cut off when i saw his golden brown eyes "ah yes tristan have a sit" ronald said as he placed his paperwork to the side. I sat down and looked at the man "so it's been let's say 3 years since you both last seen each other" he said as i scowled at the last sentence "well now since Lyle is your new alpha he can officially lift this punishment" he replied as he sat up straight fixing his posture. "I, alpha of the moonstone pack officially lift this punishment given from the old alpha and father" lyle said formally as i felt the relief flow over me 'it's finally lifted' i thought

"Is that all father" lyle said as he glanced back to me with his filled with lust and anger. "Yes you two may leave but lyle come back when everyone is asleep" he replied as me and lyle both stood up, "good night sir" i said politely and exited the room i could feel him chasing me as i ran "you can't keep up now can you pup" i said sarcastically as i ran faster. Not a moment later i was pulled into Lyle's old room, i could feel him. His heavy breathing, his eyes checking me out, and his lips aching for mines "you can't even say hi or hello before pounding me" i said jokingly. He laughed as he walked away sitting on his bed "i missed you tristan" he whispered as he let a out a sigh

"You're 20 now Lyle and im 19 i yearned for you when no one was there to calm me, no one was there to pleasure me like you do until i met Lucille she was there when you weren't she is my best friend and our delta" i said as i inhaled a sigh of relief the pressure was gone for good. I heard him chuckle "when i saw you out there putting those two in there places i felt angry and jealous but it was sexy. But i know you, all you are is just a bottom when it comes down to me" he said in response i could feel him smile. "I'm no bottom" i reply walking towards the balcony. "If you want me to fuck you so hard all i need is just a yes" he whispered in my ear as he bit my earlobe.

"Fuck you" i mumbled and turned around so fast. "Is that a yes kitten~" he muttered making me shiver "yes~" i whispered as i collided our lips together i wrapped my hands around his neck as the kiss turned to a rough make out session. He bit my lip begging for an entrance "bite me again and you'll regret" i whispered as i opened my eyes breathing heavily meeting his golden brown eyes "i love you"he muttered. I gave him a smile and said "i love you too".

(Begone humans)

Still here

(A/N: chapter 1 is officially done and i don't regret anything i wrote when chapter 2 comes out you all are in one huge of a suprise hope to see you all there bye my pups!)

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