Forever Mine

נכתב על ידי mrlolzies101

73K 624 356

F!Lucario x Male reader (art by Winick-Lim) the aftermath of the destroyed village, a lone Lucario comes to... עוד

1. Prologue
2. The Visitor
3. Vermilion
4. Before
5. After
6. The Fight
7. Sense of Adventure
8. The City of Water
(Extra) How Markus and Mewt met

9. Ville De Stoechas

2.3K 24 16
נכתב על ידי mrlolzies101

"Hey! Let's meet up at the weird rock we last saw."

"-what? What do you mean you got lost?!"

"Just... Do you know where Lavender is..?"

"Alright, meet you there."

Fucking Markus, why didn't I expect this? It's almost a half a day trip if I'm sure, at least for him. I put my phone back in my pocket and throw down a Master Ball, releasing its captured Lugia.

Lugia makes a loud roar, shaking the trees around us as I cover my ears. "Shhh, shh, Boy! I'm here" I put my hands on his side, calming him down. He slowly turns to me, maneuvering his neck and head towards me. He gives me a sort of smile, moving closer and licking basically my whole head. I chuckle as I rub his cheeks. "Alright, boy, we need to get to Lavender town, alright?" I say, holding his head towards mine. He does a gentle nod before I hop on top of his back. Lugia slowly flaps his long, finger-like wings as we lift off, spacing us from the ground really fast. I sit back on one of the crests on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. We start making some ground, flying at a cruising speed towards the ghost town.

The bleak cold air high up in the atmosphere probably would have made me into an ice chunk if it wasn't for Lugia's body heat, which kept me hanging onto him. It was like laying on a heater on a December night; it's weird because you'd think a Mon' like him would be cold to the touch too. I could have fallen asleep on him if it wasn't for the sudden jolt that almost sent me flying. Lugia makes a hard halt, stopping and flapping in place. I remove my face from his neck. "W-What's wrong?" I ask, startled. He stays stationary like he's listening in on something before swaying his head back and forth. He then makes a loud roar. I sit up and cover my ears as he goes on for what felt like minutes. The clouds clear away from the waves of loud sound as Lugia listens in again. Then, appearing out of the blue, a large, red, and yellow streak strikes him. He's caught off guard, but he quickly regains his previous stance to keep his trainer from plummeting thousands of feet. As I'm regaining my senses, what appeared to attack was a... Ho-Oh!? It seemed to stare Lugia straight into the eyes before looking at me. Then, it made an ear quaking squawk, with Lugia replying to it with an equally dense roar.

As if the stop's heart attack didn't shake me enough, Lugia does a dive bomb towards the ground, giving me a shrieking scream. Once we got close to the ground, he does a power flap, flattening the ground beneath us and knocking down some trees in the process. He finally lands, giving a big 'Thump!'. I basically fall off of him, flopping on my back to the hard earth. I try to hold in my lunch as I stand back up in an incredible amount of nausea. The Ho-Oh makes a lightning-quick landing, not stopping until he makes a soundless landing on the floor, like a ninja sneaking into a palace. They both have a staredown as I back up, waiting for impending destruction. I would have started running if I wasn't pulled into a bush. I'm being held by my shoulders, but my attention doesn't divert from Lugia. He shoots a colossal wind burst from his mouth at the bird, with the Ho-Oh holding it back with a whirl of fire. While my eardrums were being burst, I took a look at what pulled me back into the bush.

It looked like she was White, but you could tell she was Asian if you looked hard enough. She is sporting a large blue, sparkly tank top covered mostly by an equally blue denim vest. In fact, I think all she was wearing is blue, she's relatively familiar. She has some glowing cyan shorts, long but tight on her legs, and lastly, she had some blue golf gloves. She had long hair, going down to her thighs while she sat behind me.

"Are you alright?" She asks me, not letting go of my shoulders. I give her a stare, but then it hit me! "W-Wait, are you that girl from that statue?" I answer the question with a question. "Yeah, my name is Kaitlynn; now, is everything okay?" She pursues. "Yeah, I'm fine," I reply. "Good, then what the hell happened over there?" She points outwards towards the crater that Lugia and the Ho-Oh made and are also fighting in. "I... honestly don't know, I'm just going to let it play out," I say while a stray gust of wind blows the trees around us away. "And I think we should do it at a distance!"

I shriek, grabbing her hand and running off into the clearing. I look behind me and see Lugia and Ho-Oh duking it out more. Lugia uses a Hydro Pump but misses horribly, while Ho-Oh opened his beak and spewed out a Sacred Fire. It passes by Lugia, but a few flames catch on and burn him a little bit. Both of them used Ancient Power simultaneously, floating snail imprinted rocks from the ground and launching them at each other, both of them taking equal damage. It's like they're fucking twins! They make almost the same moves every time! I wouldn't be surprised if they just knocked each other out. Kaitlynn is also in the same awe, but then she turns to me. She gives me a straight poker face and asks, "Is that your Lugia?" I nod in reply. "That's my Ho-Oh," She says back. "Uhm, well... does this count as a Gym battle?" I crack a joke. She keeps her same face, not moving a muscle. "Yeesh, tough crowd," I shrug.

Kaitlynn tries to storm off. "I got places to be! I don't have time for this!" I put my hand on her shoulder; it's like she's giving off the same Aura I have. I think Ryley might be rubbing off on me. "Wait-! Are you after Camilia?!" I plead, trying to get her to stop. It succeeded, stopping her right in her tracks and cocking her head towards me. "Y-You know her?" she raises a brow towards me. "Yeah! I'm trying to stop her from destroying possibly the world!" She looks down for a second and then sighs, covering her face and sitting down on a freshly cut (from Lugia) stump.

"She was one of my childhood friends... I knew her dearly, and then she just turned into this," Kaitlynn says, trying to hold back some tears. "I wasn't with her at the time because I was on vacation at Unova, then I came back to everyone's houses in shambles and her name blaring on some loudspeakers and news vans..." Looks like she went through the same things I did, minus the shock from thinking your parents are dead. "I'm sorry, Kaitlynn... The same thing happened to me, but we can get back at her if you-" She stands up quickly and holds me by my collar. "I don't want revenge on her!" She exclaims, right in my face. Looks like I chose the wrong words. "I just want Camilia back..." She slowly lets go of me. "We don't have to get revenge then, but we HAVE to stop her! Before this same fate happens to thousands of other people!" I say in the same angry tone. Kaitlynn covers her face again to think. "*sniffle* Y-Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry" She puts both of her hands on my shoulders. "I'll come with you then; you seem to know where she's at" She wipes her face and smiles at me. "Uhm... I didn't catch your name?" She tilts her head at me. I do a mini facepalm. "(L/n), (Y/n) (L/n)," she giggles at me. "Well, nice to meet you (Y/n)" She puts her hand out, I shake it.

As soon as we shake, both of the flying legendaries hit the ground, both dazed and unconscious; we both laugh and recall them. My laughing is cut short by realizing how far the nearest Poke center is, losing our only flying Pokemon. It takes a second, but Kaitlynn realized how boned she is, too.

"I don't usually walk routes, so... which way is the next... town?" She makes an awkward smile towards me. "It's this way, I think, but it's a good hour of walking if we want to get there," She makes a loud groan of annoyance. "Hey, at least I'll get my 10,000 steps in today!" I joke as I start walking down the path. Kaitlynn soon follows behind as we both try to ask each other questions. I explained what happened up till now.

"Hold on, go back to the underground Pokemon battle; those are real?!" She pipes up. "Yep! And, Woo boy, did it suck!" I chuckle. "That's where I met Markus- Oooh! I forgot to tell you about Markus!" I dial up his number again since it's easy if he'd explain himself to her.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?"

"My uh, 'mode of transportation' fainted, so I'm walking over. Oh! And I got someone else who knows Camilia."

"Hey~! I heard you're that cute Boy Markus~!"

I take the phone back from her.

"You did not just try to get me a pickup, did you?"

"No man, she's fucking with you."

"Look, just get over here before 5."


"Wait! You need to introduce yourself-"


"Well, shit," I say, putting my phone back. "Look, when you see him in person, you'll get to know him in an instant, trust me," I reassured her.

The sun is still far up in the sky, peering over our heads. We were having a long chat about our Pokemon, so I decided to bring mine out to flex. "This is Ryley and Maiomi," I point to them. They both say 'Hi' at the same time in a cute manner. "This is Jacob" Jacob lets out a 'Rai' as he displays a black hole. "This is Charmeleon" I pat her head softly, "Char Char!" "And this one," I hold up the Master Ball. "Is the Lugia" I smile, waiting for a response. "Well, you already know Ho-Oh" She takes out two Pokeballs and drops them on the ground as they open up. "Scizor," She points to the red Mon' as it makes a 'zor!'. "And Blaziken" The fire chicken pops out of the ball, making a loud squawk. The Blaziken also takes a peer at me, giving me a wave. As we start walking, Kaitlynn recalls her Pokemon, but I keep mine out to check how things were going between them.

"You both okay now?" I ask, pointing at both of them. Maiomi makes a nod while Ryley answers, "Yeah." "Sharing is caring," Maiomi shrugs. Jacob is floating slowly behind me, gazing daintily at the surrounding forest. I turn around, walking at the same pace, but backward as to face the Darkrai. "I haven't gotten to talk to you yet Jacob," The dark type snaps out of his trance, refocusing his eyes on me. "I'm guessing you don't talk much" He nods his head up and down, pointing at his face. "Oh! Can you do any magic tricks?" I bug. Jacob looks up to think for a second before taking one of his hands and making a strange motion with his fingers. A black aura appears around me as I'm getting lifted up in the air. "W-Woah!" I move around in the air as he floats me around in a few directions. He puts me down a few seconds later. I clap as he does a little 'Ta-Da!' with his hands. I turn back around and start walking again, only to be plagued with something weighing down my right leg. I look down to see Charmeleon clinging to my shin, giving it a few nuzzles. "Hey there," I smile, patting her head. She purrs in reply. "So, uh, are we going to continue walking, or are you going to keep playing with your pokemon?" Kaitlynn asked. "Oh! Yeah, just give me a second." I can't keep all of them out, or it's just going to get crowded, I thought to myself. I recall Charmeleon and Maiomi. I decided to keep Ryley and Jacob out for two reasons: I need Ryley for plot armor, and two, I haven't spent much time with Jacob ever since I got him. "Okay, let's go!"

We start walking again, Kaitlynn staying ahead of me. "Hey, (Y/n), who's that?" Ryley points at Kaitlynn. Jacob nods as well to show that he's curious as well. "That's Kaitlynn. She used to know Camilia and is tagging along with us so she can find her, too." "Interesting..." She said, glaring at Kaitlynn.

It took us a few more hours to make it to Lavender. I take out my phone and text Marcus.

"We're here."

"Took you long enough! It's past 5!"

"Yeah, yeah. We are at the entrance."

"Alright, be over in a second."

I look up, and Kaitlynn is just looking around. "Hey!" a voice calls from the entrance. It's Marcus and Mewt. "Is that Marcus?" Kaitlynn asked. "Yup," I said, pushing her towards him.

As far as introductions went, they went fine. Kaitlynn wasn't much of a talker as I thought. "So here's the thing," Marcus pointed out, "Mewt and I explored while you were gone, right? Well, the whole place... it's abandoned." I take a look around; Markus is right. It looks like a ghost town (no pun intended). We both looked at each other in suspicion. "Camilia," We said at the same time. It only makes sense she drove everyone out of this town... But something wasn't right. All the buildings are perfectly fine, not a single scratch done by her hands from what I could tell. Was it really her? "It's bugging you, too, huh?" He catches onto my thinking expression. "Yeah, I' ma take a look around."

Jacob and Ryley are both anxious while they walk around with me. Our steps basically echo around the place once Markus is out of earshot. We'd go around and in the houses, and they would be utterly void of life. Hell, some of them would still have fresh food on the tables! It was terrifying to think about, this many people just... Gone. Ryley would hold onto my arm in fear while we went about, the huge Darkrai also not following far behind. We wound up near a Poke center, staring into its glass doors. I shake the handle, the door not giving way. "Locked? When was a center ever locked?" I think out loud, backing up.

I make a left-footed heavy dash, doing a robust right kick with the bottom of my shoe. The whole side of the glass shatters while my weight falls through it, taking the handle with it. I pull my foot back out and pat myself down. "There you go," I say, looking back at my mons'. "Stay out here and wait for Markus to come; he'll be here like a moth to a flame," I say, trudging through the glass cautiously.

The only light that's coming in is the sunset from the windows. The whole place is weirdly... Trashed. Not like trashed like some homeless person came in and wrecked Hell, no, it's as if everything was blown off the tables, like a mini-tornado flew in. I sauntered to the back of the main desk, taking Lugia's ball and putting it in the machine. I lean on the shelf, waiting for the ball to heal...

"The hell is that sound?" I say out loud. I hear a loud 'Whirr' behind the door leading to the back. Must be the storage of the center. I creep over to it, opening it to find


I grabbed Lugia's ball and went to go check. There is nothing here, just black. I look behind me, and sure enough, the rest of the center is there. But this room is literally as dark as can be, not even the light coming from the sun, letting its way in. I feel around the sides of the door, looking for a light switch. Then, proceeding to fall in, losing my balance from the fact there isn't even a wall there.

"W-WOoooah- Ufnh!" A hard faceplant on a solid floor rang throughout the... Where the Hell am I? I pull myself upwards, feeling the air around me, pushing inward on me softly with an ambient of a ghost town. A mass of swirling purple, almost hypnotizing, moves around me in all directions as I seem to walk on air. "What the fuck?" My voice echoed so many times I could have gone deaf. I slowly step in a direction, my steps sounding like loud stomps. I start walking backwards to look behind me, but I crash into another wall? I rub the back of my head and turn around, but... There isn't anything there? I place my palms on the wall, the pattern feeling lattice as my confusion furthers. M-Maybe, I'm in one of those realms that those Pokemon can make! But Maiomi is nowhere near me.

I sit there for a minute, thinking. I take out my phone to see if I can call Markus, but as cliche as it sounds, no reception. I try thinking harder. If everything is invisible, then maybe- I look behind me and see a very dark shape, almost jet black. I raise a brow and look at my phone. I turn the screen off, and sure enough, the figure disappears and goes back to purple. I turn on my phone flashlight and shine it around a few times, getting a feel for my surroundings. Everything is pitch black. I see faint outlines of cars and buildings in the distance. It's almost like it's some kind of... Shadow world? I walk down the dark street, lighting my feet and the front of me to see where I'm going. Noises, more noises I hear coming from a specific place, in a very... familiar T road... I practically smacked myself to make sure I wasn't crazy, as I shined my light straight up and saw a sign. I couldn't make out the letters, though. My anxiety worsened when I walked into an invisible wall again. Actually, It feels like glass? It's a glass door. I couldn't see through it. I push it open as it creaks throughout the building. It starts flooding to my head like a Vaporeon using Hydro Pump. The plants, the convenient couches, the desk in front. This is the Pokestop?!

"Yep, this is a fucking horror movie," I say out loud before covering my ears from the loud reverb. I feel around the place until I find the door that led me here, grabbing at the knob and slowly turning it.

"H-Huh?" Nurse joy looks behind her in surprise. I'm in the back of the counter again, peering out of the storage room. "Young man, what are you doing back there?" The poker face I have right now is priceless. "There is a shadow dimension in your Pokecenter-" I look behind me but, all I'm met with is a couple shelves with boxes and a... Very creepy Chansey doll. "W-What the?!" I open the door all the way and thoroughly look around while nurse joy glances over my shoulder. "Are you alright?" She asks, looking at me with concern, "Yes, Ms. Joy, I'm fine," I say, walking through the counter door and out the center.

The sunset is vivid on my face while I walk out, speaking of my face; it's so distraught I get a few looks from the townsfolk. All of Lavender town is here! That would explain why all those people disappeared! I scramble back into the center, planting my hands on the counter. "Ms. Joy! How did you get here?" I ask her. "Oh! Well, I had to get quite a few degrees' in Pokemon Health-" "No! I mean- look, has anything weird happened a few days back?" She stares at me with a blank look. "N-No, nothing out of the ordinary," I think I spooked her. I let go of her shoulders and sigh. "Sorry, just... I gotta go" I leave the stop, dashing to the edge of the city. There it is! The trail that leads to outside the city-

"F-FUUCK!" the thud renders me almost unconscious after a hard whack on the (thankfully) soft dirt. I got launched by the tail of none other than- "A-AAGh!" I'm slammed against one of the walls of a building. The pain is ridden all over my spine as I'm barely able to stand back up. I stare at the shadowy figure, small wings, six legs, and an aura so strong that it could knock you over if you got too close; it's her. The people are running and yelling, trying to get into their houses and away from her. I touch my chest, ribs; several have searing pain when I try to breathe.

"Hm... Look what you did, human" She starts closing distance on me. "I'd have them be killed now, sharing the same fate as you" I get a good look at her gleaming eyes; she's talking to me yet isn't. "W-What... What did you do to them?" She does some kind of chortle. It has the same reverb and sounding as if she was in the shadow world. It's all starting to make sense to me now. "I think you already know, don't you? Because that means you know too much, little one~" my breathing quickens while my heart starts to beat in my ears. I grab the Pokeball out of my pocket and throw it at her, only for it to stop right in the air. "Oh, A Lugia, might I guess?" She spins it around in the air with some sort of magic. "That's adorable~ But you won't be needing him now" The ball disappears out of my sight as if nothing was there. "L-Lugia!" My eyes go wide as plates as I wind up a punch. I ran towards her and hit her right in the base of the neck. Nothing, not even a flinch. I keep punching with both of my arms, hitting her repeatedly, as if it would change my fate. "Give me back, Lugia.." I slump down below her in exhaustion. "This is so adorable~! I could watch this for eons~!" she starts laughing. "You won't have to worry about him; well, you won't be able to," she chuckles even more. It only adds to my rage, but alas, what am I supposed to do? "Why..?" I shamble. "Her resolve is absolute. If it's destruction she wishes for, I shall put an end to those who attempt to impede" She raises one of her legs and moves it over my head. She slowly starts moving it down as I try to push it back. "W-Wait! Why listen to Camilia?" She continues pushing down slowly as if trying to prolong it. "That is none of your concern" my head is starting to hurt from the pressure. "P-Please.." She stops, recoiling back a little bit. It worked? "W-What the? There is another disturbance-"

Just for a millisecond, and only that long, I see a flash of white, red, and black—an Omni-directional voice booms in my eardrums.


My ears pop as Giratina leaves my sight instantly, the shockwave almost knocking me over. "Jacob! You came!" It was a Giga Impact! A thud was made while I tried to stand back onto my feet. "Jacob... We gotta stop her!" He catches me and holds me up by the shoulder. "W-We can't let her kill the townsfolk!" Jacob lays on the floor and flies into the air slowly.

"You... You WRETCHED VEXATION!" The sky goes from sunset to swirling, thunderous dark clouds, with lighting piercing through as if it was outraged. The ground near Giratina has slowly dissipated away with dark energy while she slowly rises up with Jacob.

"(Y/n)?!" Markus falls to my side. "Markus? How did you get here?" I ask. His gaze stays fixated on my chest. "Kaitlynn managed to follow your steps and made Jacob open a portal here; you were gone for almost three hours!" Three... hours? I was here for less than 10 minutes. I have many questions, but alas, no breath to ask them. He picks me up by the shoulder and holds me up by it.


Alright, so yall won't believe, but this was in the making for about all of last year till now. I have no excuse guys and I'm genuinely sorry, school's been eating out my time pussy. If this ending looks incomplete, it's because it is and I just want it out of my fucking sight, I'll be working on the next chapter and the other stories too. Oh, and no more blank promises, if I say I'm going to do something from now on, I'll do it. I'm back in business motherfuckers

המשך קריאה

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