Harry Potter: Heart Of A Myst...

By WinterWolf-99

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Sirius Black is the father of all godfathers and he will do anything to prove it. He knows that his godson ne... More

Chapter One: The Nature Mage
Chapter Two: Some Sirius Thoughts
Chapter Three: Crashing An Order Meeting
Chapter Four: Picking Up Harry
Chapter Six: Forming A Plan
Chapter Seven: Godfather-Godson Bonding
Chapter Eight: Heart Of... No... Flower Of Gold
Chapter Nine: Setting The Plan In Motion
Chapter Ten: I Hate Politics
Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss
Chapter Twelve: First Sign Of Powers
Chapter Thirteen: Change Of Weather
Chapter Fourteen: Birthday Blow Up
Chapter Fifteen: A True Friend
Chapter Sixteen: Preparing To Leave
Chapter Seventeen: We're Going On A Trip
Chapter Eighteen: A Lesson On Mystic Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Arriving At Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty: Touring Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty-One: Mystic Souls Aplenty
Chapter Twenty-Two: New School New Houses
Chapter Twenty-Three: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Chapter Twenty-Four: Do Not Mess With A Rose
Chapter Twenty-Five: Legacies
Chapter Twenty-Six: Some Sirius Progress
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Storm Is Coming
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Once Is A Coincidence, Twice Is Magic
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unblocking The Block
Chapter Thirty: Breaking The Block
Chapter Thirty-One: The Start of Something New
Chapter Thirty-Two: What Else Can I Do
Chapter Thirty-Three: Control The Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: First Real Day As Crystal Rose Students
Chapter Thirty-Five: Light And Dark Debate
Chapter Thirty-Six: How A Mystic Fights
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Olivia Is The Best Lawyer Ever
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Padfoot & Boreas
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Dealing With The Bumblebee
Chapter Forty: Potion Commotion
Chapter Forty-One: Cutting The Strings
Chapter Forty-Two: No Apologies
Chapter Forty-Three: Creature Feature
Chapter Forty-Four: Order of the Fried Chickens
Chapter Forty-Five: A New Teacher And Friend
Chapter Forty-Six: Mystic Spark
Chapter Forty-Seven: Might Of A Hurricane
Chapter Forty-Eight: Power of the Mind
Chapter Forty-Nine: All Hallows' Eve Introduction
Chapter Fifty: A Sacred Sabbat
Chapter Fifty-One: Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Attack
Chapter Fifty-Three: Never Mess With Crystal Rose
Chapter Fifty-Four: Olivia Rocks The Court
Chapter Fifty-Five: Heart of the Storm
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Sirius Confrontation

Chapter Five: Harry Arrives

9.2K 309 126
By WinterWolf-99

If you had asked Harry yesterday if a woman would ever appear in his room after walking out of a swirl of blue and white energy, he would have looked at you like you had suddenly grown two heads. But that was before that actually happened. And the fact that she knew his name, and apparently also knew Sirius, just added to his shock.

"Who are you," Harry demanded, not moving his wand away at all. 

"Like I just said, my name is Olivia," Olivia still smiled. "I am not here to hurt you."

"I have no reason to believe you," Harry glared at her.

"I could tell you a great number of things that could make you trust me," Olivia says. "But how about Remus just take things from here."

The werewolf understood what she means. If she were to say anything that she learned through her powers or through Sirius, Harry would question her. And they did not have the time for that. They needed to get out of there as fast as possible before the muggles woke up or the ministry came to do who knows what.

"Harry, she really is trustworthy," Remus says. "And this is Kingsley Shacklebolt. He's another friend."

"How do I know it's really you," Harry now aimed his wand at Remus.

"I like this kid," Kingsley said. "Moody would definitely be proud of how caution he is."

"My nickname is Moony, your dad was Prongs, Sirius is Padfoot, and the traitor is Wormtail," Remus tells Harry.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Harry lowered his wand and put it away. He quickly hugged Remus, holding tightly.

"I don't have to stay any longer, do I," Harry asked.

"There is a reason my portal is still open," Olivia smirked.

"Seriously, who are you," Harry still did not know anything about this woman other than her name.

"You'll learn more about me as we try and fix the very broken system of this country," Olivia says.

She walked back through her portal.

"She's not from around here, is she," Harry asked Remus, having noticed her accent.

"She's from Greece," Remus tells him. "Sirius contacted her because she, like myself and Kingsley, do not see Dumbledore actually doing much to counteract Voldemort."

"I like her already," Harry snickered.

He grabbed his trunk and Hedwig's cage and followed Remus and Kingsley through Olivia's portal. Since she had gone through already, Harry did not see much reason to think that it was a trap. Plus, Olivia also seemed to have the same mischievous look in her eye that Sirius and Remus always had. Like they knew how to cause trouble and get away with it. But Harry was also glad to finally get away from the horrible muggles that he was forced to live with.


Harry stumbled out of the portal. Olivia caught him before he could fall onto the floor.

"I apologize for that," she smiled at him. "My portals can be a little hard to get used to when you're a first-time user of them. Most people I know use their own methods of teleportation, so I tend to forget about those that have to use my portals."

"It's fine," Harry tells her. "They are definitely a lot better than portkeys and the Knightbus. Both of those make my stomach want to jump out of my body."

"I will never understand wand-user ways of transportation," Olivia shook her head.

Harry will have to remember to ask her about that. She said "wand-user" but he always thought that wands were the only way magic could be done. Especially since he had heard that wandless magic was very rare and very hard to do. But it also made him remember that from the moment he saw her come out of her portal, there was no wand in her hand. She could have put it away before using her portal, but something told him that was not the case.

"Harry," Sirius said, gaining his attention.

Harry looked behind Olivia. "Sirius."

Harry was almost instantly in his godfather's arms, hugging the life out of him and holding on so tight that not even a crowbar would be able to separate them. Sirius was the first adult in his entire life that had shown how much he cared for Harry Potter and not the Boy-Who-Lived or the son of Lily and James Potter. Sirius cared because he was his godfather and genuinely loved him.

Harry was also glad to see that Sirius had been taking better care of himself now that he was in a house of his own and not hiding inside of caves or abandoned shacks. He now looked clean, freshly shaved, and better dressed. Harry knew that Sirius was doing everything to make himself into the person that he believed that he deserved. That he did not deserve a mostly insane fugitive godfather that could not even take care of himself. Harry nearly broke down when Sirius had told him that everything he did was for him in one of the letters he sent to him.

"I missed you, pup," Sirius holds him.

"I missed you too, Sirius," Harry still did not let go.

Olivia smiled as she watched the two. This was how her cousins treated her. She was nine years older than Krinos and Melody, so she had been fourteen when their parents had died. But even at such a young age, she took care of them as best as she could with her own parents as well. To lose your parents was a horrible thing, especially at a young age. You feel like you never got to know them properly, like you can hardly love any other adult because it makes you feel like you're replacing your parents, like you don't know what else to do with your life without their love and encouragement. But as she looked at the scene of love between godfather and godson, she knew that those two were going to be just what they needed for one another.

"Harry, dear," Mrs.Weasley looked to also be expecting a hug, but Harry remained in his godfather's arms.

Mrs.Weasley's eyes slightly twitched in irritation. She did not like Sirius and she never would. He may be innocent, but a fugitive was hardly the most appropriate guardian for Harry. Sirius was obviously unstable and not fit at all to care for a child. He also was very immature and would constantly use those incredibly childish nicknames, insults she assumes, for Professor Snape. He also was almost always arguing with Headmaster Dumbledore. He was the greatest wizard alive and did not deserve any backtalk from a nobody like Sirius Black. Plus, Dumbledore agreed with her about how Sirius was not a fit guardian for Harry and never will be. He needed people that would keep him on the right path and not rebel against those that clearly know what is best for him.

Harry knew that Mrs.Weasley believed that she had the right to mother him. She believes that she has the right to mother everyone. But that was one of the things that Harry did not about her. She was completely overbearing and never let anyone share their opinions without screaming what she believes should be their opinions. She was like Hermione in that regard. Like she could not handle that other people have different opinions than her own and constantly shoved her beliefs and opinions down their throats to force them to think like her.

He also did not like how she obviously played favorites with her children. She always treats Ron, Ginny, and Percy different from Fred, George, Charlie, and Bill. She babies them all, but also never stops berating the twins, Bill, and Charlie for almost everything about them. Like constantly telling Bill and Charlie to cut their long hair, to take jobs at the ministry, and to just settle down with a girl. With the twins, it is like they can never do anything right in her eyes. She is always yelling at them for one thing or another. She also had no faith in their dream of opening a joke shop. The twins work day and night, from weeks to months, testing dozens of versions of their pranks for their shop, and yet she ruins it whenever she destroys their joke products when she finds them.

"You must be starving, pup," Sirius said. "I doubt those muggles fed you as much as you deserve, so let's get some meat on those bones of yours."

"While I still have bones," Harry chuckled. "Never know if someone else will pull another Lockhart and remove all the bones in one of my body parts again."

"That man should never have been a teacher," Sirius shook his head. "Whoever hired him must have been either drunk or doing drugs since he was clearly incompetent from everything you told me, pup."

"The only thing that Lockhart knew how to teach was how to run away," Harry snickered. "Also, never unleash a cage of Cornish Pixies in a classroom."

"As I said, incompetent," Sirius shook his head.

He leads Harry into the kitchen, the other kids and other Order members still there. Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley were the only adults there that were not Weasleys. All the other members had left for one reason or another. Hagrid, Snape, and McGonagall probably all went back to Hogwarts.

Sirius sat at the head of the table as he had been. Harry saw that Ron and Hermione left a seat open between them with Ginny across from the seat. He knew that was meat for him, but he smiled as he sat in the seat on Sirius's right. Remus sat down on his other side while Olivia sat on Sirius's left.

Mrs.Weasley looked to want to start cooking, but Olivia beat her to it.

"Harry has arrived and is at this table, so set this scene with all that is able," Olivia cast.

Small flashed erupted over the table and food instantly appeared. Everyone gasped as it all appeared in from of them. Harry noticed that a lot of it was his favorite food. Such as Yorkshire pudding, steak pie, cheddar cheese scones, and roast pork with apple sauce. There were also dishes that he had always wanted to try but they were not served at Hogwarts nor did he ever get to eat it at the muggles. Like pizza, chicken tikka masala, chicken parmesan, and a big plate of American-style cheeseburgers. There were also plenty of different sodas to drink as well.

"Wow," Harry gasped, looking at Olivia. "How'd you do that?"

"Don't eat any of it," Hermione ordered in her 'bossy know-it-all' voice. "The laws of Transfiguration says that food can not be made."

"Not when it's my magic," Olivia smirked. "Wand-users can not conjure food, but my kind certainly can. Quite well, I add."

"This is the second time you've said 'wand-users," Harry said. "What do you mean by that? Aren't wands the only way to use magic?"

"My kind, others like me, are known as mystic souls, Harry," Olivia explained. "My people are born with a different magical core that is what gave us our name. We are known to have special powers that make us more powerful than those that use wands. There are no two mystic souls in a single generation that have the same powers. A lot of us do, however, have powers handed down through our families. My family, for example, has had a lot of mystic souls in it that have powers over nature."

"What about you," Harry was intrigued by what she was saying. 

"I am a time mage," Olivia says. "Which means that I have powers over time. I can manipulate the time around others, travel through time using my portals, and I can even view events of the future and past through time windows."

"That's incredible," Harry gasped. "But what about all this food?"

"Mystic souls use different types of spells than wand-users," Olivia explained. "Mostly it's just two lines that happen to rhyme. It's why we can never read poems out loud. You never know what would happen if you do."

Sirius, Harry, Remus, and Kingsley laughed at that. Sirius and Kingsley certainly have experienced that downside before.

"Did Sirius tell you about what I would like to eat," Harry started piling food onto his plate.

"I actually didn't, pup," Sirius tells his godson.

"It's all in the wording of the spell," Olivia says. "With how I worded it, the spell automatically summoned what you would want to eat. It's all part of the wonder that is being a mystic soul. Hehe."

"You are quite the intriguing person, Olivia," Harry said, savoring the pizza that he was eating.

"I try," Olivia giggled.

Hermione huffed. "You should not lie like that. Wandless magic is rare and it is impossible to do it so effortlessly."

Olivia turned to look at the bushy-haired girl, narrowing her eyes.

"There are plenty of mystic souls that would be very much in their right to curse you for insulting them like that," she said. "This may be wandless magic to you. But to me, it is simply the magic that I use. Just because you do not believe in my powers does not make them any less real."

Harry smirked into his soda as he took a drink. Finally, someone standing up to Hermione's annoying belief that she is always right. It got on his nerves more times than he can count. It was about time that someone let her known that she is not always right. Not that she will listen to whoever is telling her that since she only ever listens when it is something that she wants to hear.

"So, I take it from your accent that you're not exactly from around here," Harry regained Olivia's attention.

"Correct, young mage," Olivia giggled. "I was born and raised in Greece. The mystic soul community is quite large in my country. The United States, Egypt, Italy, and Japan also have their own flourishing mystic souls as well. But we are just as common as wand-users."

"I am surprised I haven't met any already, then," Harry says.

"Well, you probably know by now that your ministry is filled with corrupt idiots that care only about themselves and other rich 'purebloods," Olivia said, Harry nodding. "Mystic souls have been born here, but since your ministry is so corrupt, they are usually either killed or have left the country soon after discovering their powers."

"Since they are always so afraid of those with power, it does make sense that they would be so paranoid about mystic souls," Sirius says. "Taking you as an example, Olivia, you could probably wipe out the entire Auror force on your own. No offense, Kingsley."

"None taken, Sirius," the Auror shrugged. "I do have to agree with you. Especially since Fudge has been decreasing the Auror Department's budget every year since he was elected. There's barely enough for all of us to be paid."

"Like I have been saying, corrupt idiots that care only about themselves," Olivia stated. "I'd vanquish them if it wouldn't be considered murder."

"So, Sirius," Harry turned to his godfather. "What is this place, anyway?"

"This is the London townhouse that my family owns," Sirius tells him. "This is where I grew up. Unfortunately, you will probably have to deal with my mother's screaming. Her portrait is hanging by the stairs and she tends to wail louder than a banshee whenever anyone wakes her up."

"Oh god, I hate banshees," Olivia complained. "Their screams give me such headaches."

"You've met banshees," Harry's eyes widen.

Olivia nodded. "I had to deal with them quite a bit when I was younger. Since they are attracted to those in deep sorrow, I had to fight them off after my aunt and uncle were killed."

Sirius's eyes widened in realization. "Krinos?"

Olivia nodded again. "He was with them when it happened, so it affected him more than Melody and myself."

"One, I am sorry for your loss," Harry says. "Two, who are Krinos and Melody?"

"They're my cousins," Olivia explains. "Krinos and Melody are twins, about your age actually. Krinos can control nature and Melody has powers over music."

"They sound cool," Harry would be more than happy to gain some actual friends.

"I am sure they would be more than happy to meet you," Olivia smiled.

"Anyway, Harry," Sirius got Harry's attention back. "Dumbledore has been using the house as headquarters for his group of anti-Moldyshorts people. Known as the Order of the Phoenix."

"Sirius Black," Mrs.Weasley yelled. "Harry is just a boy. Dumbledore said not to tell him anything that he does not need to know."

"Well, since he is going to be staying here for the rest of Summer, he should know why people keep coming and going," Sirius tried hard not to smirk as he gave her the perfect reason to tell Harry.

"So someone actually is doing something about that psycho," Harry thought that nothing was being done at all.

Olivia scoffed. "I wouldn't call what these idiots were doing as doing something about him. I've seen rock trolls move more than they do. It's why Sirius contacted me. So things can actually start getting done."

"Oh, Merlin," Harry shook his head.

If he was honest with himself, Harry would have been more surprised if something was actually being done. But he was pretty much used to the adults in his life never doing anything until it was too late. Or they simply never doing anything at all. It drove him crazy since he was usually the one picking up their slack, and that always put his life in danger. Why did he have to protect the Sorcerer's Stone? Why did he have to kill the basilisk? Why did he and Hermione have to travel back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak? It is the adults that should be protecting their kids and students, not the other way around.

"But I am more than happy to lend a magical hand," Olivia smirked. "If I can spend most of my life vanquishing demons, one dark lord will be easy enough."

The Order members left in the house plus most of the teens were visibly annoyed or angry at Olivia. There was her constant insulting of what they were doing against Voldemort, even if her words say that they are not doing anything. They were also upset over how she treated Dumbledore like he was an idiot when they all knew that the man was basically the next Merlin and did not deserve to be treated like that.

Harry was getting more and more curious about Olivia. She certainly took no nonsense from anybody and definitely held nothing back when speaking her mind. Plus, her powers sounded really cool.

He was looking forward to getting to know her and her family.

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