
By Skyler_Wilde

150K 10.6K 1.1K

One hundred years ago two significant things happened. The first world war ended and a woman became immortall... More

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3K 218 16
By Skyler_Wilde

Our lead turned into much more than civil questioning.

A thirty minute police pursuit later and an armed unit raid got us the credibility we needed for this case to get a bigger budget. The small problem remained that I was shot by a mortal at point blank range in that foul smelling apartment. The mortal stared down the barrel of that handgun and watched the bullet casing fall off my skin like it would on stone.

Easily dismissed to anyone questioning inside the station. It was a criminal's word against mine–if he even got one before being slammed with charges on assault, smuggling and attempted murder. Still... I despised any kind of visibility. As did Paragon.

Forensics teams swept in force as night descended around the block of flats. There had been casualties. Our officers were rarely given clearance on authorised kill shots. But given the threat, allowances were made. I stared grimly at the blue and white tape cordoning off the flat.

Will blew on his coffee as he watched men and women in full white suits gather evidence. We leant on the hood of our vehicle.

"Despite the mess, I think Chief will be less likely to grill our asses." He noted as he took a skip and his breath puffed clouds into the cold night.

"What gives you that idea?" I retorted without moving my eyes from a pair of forensics bagging the very gun that would have killed me had I been mortal.

"This was more than just a lead... we hit them right where they didn't want the hit. The cash alone in that block..." He trailed off shaking his head.

Of course they would have firearms around that much gang money. I just didn't expect it to be a damn strong hold. He interrupted my thoughts.

"Why don't you look impressed?"

"Because when you poke a hornet's nest you can expect a strong reaction." I stated flatly.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "They had guns on us is that not enough–"

"The word is already out. Their money will be moved and their deals will be harder to track. Our job essentially just got more difficult." I sighed as I turned my head to the moon peaking behind numerous clouds above.

He chuckled shaking his head. "Only you would consider a good night's work a step towards disaster. We just seized over two hundred grand in criminal assets."

"I account for future possibilities so I can anticipate them. How else would our track record be so good?" I muttered, crossing my arms tightly despite not feeling the cold.

"I think you need to take the rest of the night and relax." He said dryly.

I side eyed him before rolling my eyes. "I'm more productive at night–"

"Nice work you two." A firearms lead spoke clearly over the voices beyond. He dropped us a curt nod still fully equipped in operation gear and a balaclava that only revealed a steely pair of eyes. "Although, next time I recommend clearing a building with known arms before the cavalry arrive."

"I'll let you know if we find any cavalry." Will retorted with a wry smile.

The lead's eyes hardened and he cleared his throat and adjusted the SMG strapped to his side. "I don't want to be responsible for a couple of paper pushers caught in a gun fight. You find the trail and we do the rest, alright detective?" He pressed, not waiting for a response and turning on his heel.

Will's shock quickly turned into exasperation. I was already smiling when he faced me.

"Did you get all of that detective?" I mocked.

"Don't think I had my bloody notepad to take down that much bullshi–"

I nudged him in the shoulder stopping his words. He wisely grit his teeth instead. "You can give any monkey a gun. Please give him a computer and let's see how many criminals his ego brings to justice."

"You can't judge him too harshly." I murmured back as we watched them all dart in and out of the crime scene. "He doesn't seem to have the attention span for much more than bang, bang." 

"That better not be an innuendo."

"It's definitely not." I deadpanned.

"I hope you're as ready for a drink as I am after this." He grunted, finishing the last of his coffee and glancing my way.

Yes I was. But not the same drink.

"I can't tonight. My parents are in town." I lied, with false exasperation.

He raised his eyebrows with a smile. "A life outside of work does exist? I'm truly shocked and excited for you."

I chuckled and nodded. "Only sometimes."

* * *

By 1am the city either slept or slept around... This night was no different except for the monster than lurked its streets tonight.

He had planned exactly how one woman's evening would go. He had planned the drug he would slip into her drink when she was too intoxicated to notice. He would see her stumbling inside unable to scarcely control her movements and lead her outside. He would take her into a side street and then another. What he didn't account for was an immortal waiting for just such a monster.

I used to drag it out for them. To truly make a memorable end but now... I just wanted them ended. He pushed the blonde woman, whose dress had torn at the leg, against a dirty brick wall and her breath drew in realisation too late–I acted.

"Evening both!" I called, making the man flinch and the drunk woman try to stumble back. I walked through the dark alley at leisure with my hands tucked firmly in my pockets.

"This isn't your business." The man grunted in a tone that aimed for aggression. Oh he had seen nothing yet...

"I think it is." I countered simply.

He kept his fingers digging into her arms as I approached. The drugged woman seemed caught between wanting to pass out and run but seemed unable to tell me as much. No words were needed however.

"You may leave now." I told the woman, stuck staring into space. "There is a cab at the road that will take you where you need to go." I stated as plain as day. By that I entirely meant my personal driver that would escort her to the nearest hospital.

She made to move but he held on fast to her arms. "She's with me, get the fuck out of here." He began snarling like a rabid dog. The balding head and scarred eye, I'm sure would be the rough appearance to scare off many. 

It was only because of her state that I new I could act freely. I moved faster than shadow in the dark and pinned his neck into the brick with a crack. She left his hands in an instant and I turned to the thin, young woman.

"The taxi is waiting for you at the road." I emphasised to her as she stared dazed, before stumbling back down the alley towards street lights and safety. Now I turned back to the creature in my hand that had a concussion and was struggling to make sense of his new reality.


I didn't bother to spend my minutes communicating. I felt my teeth sharpen in my mouth and let them snap down on his neck. My hand stopped the breath that tried to leave him in a scream as the blood rapidly left his body.

Then the glorious liquid gold entered me. The mortality left him. I drank deeply as he continued to slump below me. His weight was nothing as was his time on this earth. The pure vitality and strength flowed through me in a charge. It would keep the well controlled immortal going for days without issue around mortals. But nothing matched the feeling of fulfilment like their blood did. It was nothing to do with taste and everything to do with need being filled. Hunger was almost as powerful. 

When the burn in my throat left me entirely and was a distant thought I let him slump to the ground in a heap. His skin a white sheen and almost empty. Then I drew a titanium blade from the inside of my jacket and impaled the space where my teeth had been. I drew it out clean and placed it back inside.

I drew my phone out and called. "Pearson, is it done?"

"Delivered her to the ER just now. Shall I pick you up from the same location?"

"Please. Then send a clean up team."

"Consider it done, ma'am."

"Thank you." I ended the called and placed the device back inside my coat as I glared coldly down at the mortal that had deserved no life at all.

My teeth slowly retracted inside my mouth and I pulled the collar of my trench coat up around my neck. My black leather gloves slid into my pockets and I turned back down the shadowed alley.

One less.

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