Darth Father

Por NaluXGaleforever

13K 312 256

While in Ben's old hut, just after constructing his light saber, luke is suddenly sent back in time. Darth Va... Más

(1)from Tatooine into Naboo
(2)Who's Your Vader
(3)Your Making Him Cry
(4)Ben Gets Hiched
(5)shell we dance
(6)leia gets mad
(7)breaking news for all
(10)New Beginning?

(8)Well That's Anti Climatic

794 19 58
Por NaluXGaleforever

They all walked into the council room, and sat in the chairs that was in a circle. This was a secret meeting, it was on a need to know basis. The people in the meeting was Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Han, Laia, Luke, and Vader. There was one free seat next to Vader.

"Vader, would you remind every one here of what has happened so far?" Windu addressed the EX sith.

"Yes master Windu. Luke and I ended up here in this time almost three years ago. We ended up on Naboo, near Padme's parents place where we passed out for several days.

I got a job for luke to protect the senator along side my younger self. I went to save my mother from Tuscan Raiders in which I succeeded. Then I went to Genesis to wait for and rescue Obi-Wan. I had hoped that Sense my son was with them they would have stayed on Tatooine or Naboo even. Unfortunately I underestimated my son's sense for self preservation." Luke rolled his eyes at what his father had said. Laia just smirked, what Vader had said did sound like her brother.

Vader continued,"we fought in the battle of Genesis, in which I let count Dooku escape. If I hadn't, then to much would have changed, and I wouldn't have known what the future was."every one looked at Vader with a 'really?'look. Vader shrugged, "I was a sith.

That is how the clone wars began. While my young counter part become 'the hero without fear', I have been counseling the jedi in the war. I have been trying to avoid suspicion from Palpatine, who is Darth Sidius.

Then came the mission that changed my life the last time. The mission to rescue Palpatine. In which last time I had killed Dooku and Grievous had got away.

But this time Laia stopped Anakin from killing Dooku, and killed Grievance. They returned to Corosant with Palpatine and Dooku. And now we are almost to the day the empire will rise. We are running out of time.

We have plenty of evidence of Palpatine's sith life. But all of it can be explained away if we let Palpatine open his mouth. So the point in this meeting is to discuss what we are to do with Palpatine." Once Vader had finished they all sat, and thought of ways to get rid of Palpatine.

"The only way I can see is," Windu said slowly thinking carefully at how to say what he had been thinking about for a while. "assassination"

Everyone looked at Windu as if he had gone insane, except for Vader who was smiling and nodding.

"We'll say it was the count who killed him, sense it's still not widely known we captured him." Vader said thoughtfully.

"That's a good idea, you think?" Yoda inquired.

"It's our best bet, but we can not execute him after. Or else it will continue the circle of violence." Vader warned.

"I agree with father." Luke said

"Suck up." Laia muttered under her breath, but Luke could still feel the meaning through their force bond.

"Laia! You know Father is right!"

"I don't think so! I think we should just kill the lot of them! Along with 'father'!" She spat bitterly. She might have promised to try, but it didn't change the past. What Vader had done to her was unforgivable.

Vader had the grace to be ashamed, and he said nothing in his own defence. Putting his face in his hands, Vader put his elbows on his knees just listening to what everyone else said. Everything that Laia said was what Vader told himself. He hated himself, and how could he ask his daughter to forgiveness when he didn't forgive himself.

It was Yoda that came to the rescue. "Like your father, you are." He said matter-of-factly. "same thing I told your father, tell you I will. Fear leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side. What happened to your father, that is. The mind, it twists." Everyone looked at Yoda with a mixture of fascination and disgust. "can not think clearly, a person controlled by the dark side is."

Windu nodded, "Yoda is right. The dark side is like a drug, clouds the reasoning of the person using it. It makes them paranoid, and powerful. Powerful enough to act upon the paranoia. Which makes an endless loop of fear of losing power, hate for those who would take the power, and the power that fuels the hate and fear."

"Which is what happened to me." Vader said in a low voice. He took his face out of his hands, looking at every one. "I'm not making excuses. what I did is something I can never live down." Vader looked at Luke, Laia, and even Han in turn. "I'm sorry for everything. I wasn't mentally in the right place back then, and I made a stupid decision one that I couldn't take back. If I had taken it back I would've been killed by the emperor." Luke started to rub his father's back in a comforting way. "I'm so sorry kids, I'm sorry for hurting your mother, I'm sorry for hurting you kids, and I'm sorry." Vader broke down in tears. Ones that had been held back for a while.

Every one looked at the middle aged, broken man before them. Luke continued the reassuring contact on Vader's back. After a moment Laia got up, and gave her father a hug. This wasn't a 'I forgive you for everything, because friendship is magic!', but a 'I'll give you one chance to make it up to me'. Though she said nothing, Vader felt what she meant by it, through their fragile bond.

They stayed like that for several minutes, and while the three hugged out their feelings the others continued the original conversation.

"How should we assassinate him? We're not koro-sensei." Obi-Wan said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"We'll send in a small team." Windu said evenly. "I will be the one leading the team." Windu left no room for argument. "Who else?"

"I'll go!" Anikin said eagerly.

"No I will!" Vader said, through the now bone crushing hug. Anakin glared at Vader, and Vader returned the favor. The staring contest continued.

Luke and Laia pulled away from Vader. "Nether of you guys will, I'll go in your places." Both men looked to Luke, who had been the one who spoke, in surprise at the tone of command in Luke's voice. Then Vader's look turned to one of pride.

"He is so much like Padme. He is more like her every day." He said in a bragging kind of way.

"Yeah he is." Anakin said in the same kind of voice.

"But Laia takes after Anakin." Obi-Wan butted in.

"Na, she's way better looking than me!" Anakin said.

"No, she's like us" Vader spoke to Anakin with certainty.

"Why are you two just talking about your kids! We're in a war mother-fuckers. There's no time for stupid subjects. I should grab your hat for that!" Windu exclaimed.

"Moo-shoo, you are not." Yoda chuckled.

Windu rolled his eyes. "Back to the matter at hand. I think I would like Luke to come on the mission. The Chancellor wants Anakin, and possibly Vader. Those are the reasons why you two should not be there. I can not ask Mr Solo or Mrs Solo to be on the mission. Mr Solo is not up to par this the rest of us, and Mrs Solo is pregnant. Obi-Wan need to keep an eye on Skywalker and Vader so they don't run off."

At this Anakin looked indignant, like he wouldn't just run off to join a mission he wasn't invited on. While Vader looked aggrieved but also understanding like would just run off to join a mission he wasn't invited on.

Windu continued, "master Yoda would you like to be on this mission?"

"Think I am 200 years old, do you hmm? No, no, too old I am. Hold you back I would."

Luke had to object, "master, you would not hold us back! Your an amazing jedi!"

"Right, your sister is. Suck up, you are." Laia burst out laughing. Luke flushed, and just joined in with his sister in laughing, which quickly quieted.

Windu brought everyone back to who would go on the mission. "I have a connection. A person who had a background in assassin. I asked her to come in a few days ago. The last time I heard from her she had been in the outer rim. She came in just this morning. I sent someone to go get her before this meeting started. She should be waiting on me to let her in." Windu stood up and went to open the door.

In walked in a obvious female person, in a light weight black uniform, and a black mask mask. Her hair covered by a Hood. She walked in and sat in the empty seat beside Vader. No one felt her in the force, she was in all intents purposes: invisible.

When she spoke it was obvious that she had a voice changer, the voice that came out was masculine and gruff. "Hello master Windu, Yoda it good to see you again." She then turned to the others in the room by order of name being called. "Jedi Knight Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padawan Luke, Han, Laia, and Darth Vader. Nice to meet you."

"How do you know our names?" Vader asked.

"I have my sources." Now the voice was Vader's voice reflected back at him.

"How did you do that?" Luke asked.

"My mask does it automatically." She said now in Luke's voice. "It's helpful when your an assassin that the person you just killed left a voice message for someone after they were killed." Her borrowed voice seemed proud of that.

"That's a good tactic, but the person doing the autopsy can still tell the time of death."

Now Vader's voice again,"true, but it causes confusion. Which I enjoy to watch." Vader did not know if he liked her or was unapproving of her and her line of work. Then again he himself had been a sith, killing children, mothers, fathers, innocent, or otherwise. He could not say anything against her.

"Besides," she continued in a tone of dismissal,"I have been in retirement for a few years. I'm only here on windy's request."

"Wendy?" Anakin asked incredulous.

The jedi in question sighed, "a pet name she gave me a long time ago."

"And it still fits you windy!" Windu's voice rang from the woman's mask. "So who all is going on the mission?" The mask turned twords to Windu.

"Myself, Padawan Skywalker, and yourself, S."

"S?" Laia asked.

"My code name. Not even windy knows my real name. I don't like mixing my personal life with business." She reclined on her chair like she was a queen, and she could have been for all they knew.

"Ok, so when are we going to do this?" Luke turned to Vader.

"You should do it in the next few days."

Windu nodded at Vader's words. "The day after tomorrow. That's when we will do this. Jedi Knight Skywalker, don't go tell Sidius about this."

"Kriff no! I won't!" Anakin looked down as he continued speaking. "I was once close to him. But I can't anymore. Vader and I have had many discussions about what had lead him, or I guess me, to the dark side." The room was very quiet. "I just can't help, but notice the small things he does that set of alarm bells. I can't trust him, I can't stand to be near him."

Vader looked on his younger counter part with under standing. "I understand how you feel, young Skywalker. When I understood how Sidius was truly was, I hated him. Of course he encouraged that, he loved the fact that he was the source of my pain and hate. He loved to see me suffer." The rooms temperature seemed to drop with his mood. The new comer seemed to regard Vader with with interest. In the end it was Luke who said something.

"I don't know exactly what you've been through, but I do know you need to talk about it. You should talk to Shelly, she could help." He turned to the new comer, "his girlfriend," he explained, " he's very smitten with her too." She seemed too be trying to think who would like a sith Lord, then nodded, not saying anything.

"Well then to re-cap" Obi-Wan said. "Windu, Luke, and S is going to kill the Chancellor. I'm baby sitting, Han and Laia will probably be helping me with baby sitting. Yoda will be doing what ever Yoda does. Pin the assassination on Dooku, spill the dirt on the Chancellor, not executing Dooku, then let the senete decide on a new Chancellor."

Everyone nodded. "Seems to be it, that is."Yoda said.

S jumped up, "good I have to go I have to be somewhere. I'll meet up with you two here the day after tomorrow. At noon?" The tone was a question, but before anyone could answer she was out the doors.

"She never did like formal, or any kind of even semi formal afar." Windu noted to no one in particular. "The meeting it over. Padawan Skywalker meet here at the chosen day at noon." he repeated.

Everyone stood and they filed out one by one.

Luke, Vader, Laia, and Han went back to the apartment. Where Luke started making supper. Over dinner they said very little. Luke broke the silence that had settled over them.

"That S, do you think she'll be of any help father?" Luke questioned the older man.

Vader grimmest at the thought of the assassin. "I never really cared for assassins, but of course they do have their uses. To answer your question, yes, I think S will be of use."

"What is force blind?" Han asked. He had been seriously confused during most of the meeting.

Luke was the one who answered. "Force blind is when someone has zero midichlorians. Which is how much you can use the force. So if someone if force blind, they can't use the force at all. But they are also invisible in the force. Us force users can't sense them at all, we would only know if their there if we can see them."

"Oh," was all Han could say. They all eat in silence. They all went to bed Luke went to his bed, Han and Laia went to Vader's bed, and Vader to the couch. They all stayed awake, unable to to get what was to come out of their heads.

...(part 2)...

S walked to the jedi temple. She had told her boyfriend that she would be late to 'family fun day' and not to wait up. She wasn't sure if she had made the right choice to help Windu, but she had made the choice there was no  way to take it back.

She walked through the halls of the Jedi temple to the council room. when she walked in Windu and Luke was already there. They had held off on making any concret plans, so the others wouldn't know too much when they were questioned. in the middle of the normaly empty room was a large table with the plans of the bilding.

"Now that we are all here let us get to buisness."  Windu started his over veiw of the plan that he made. S listened intently, paying attenchen to every thing he said. she still felt her mind wonder, but not to much that she didn't know what to do. In the end it was a relitivly simple plan, which was good. There wasn't a lot to go wrong, but it could still go wrong. 

They all walked to the speeder with a sence of sober finalliaty. They knew one wrong move could place the hole jedi order in the hot seat with the puplic. one wrong move and it would only make things worsefor the jedi. Not only if they were found out would the name of the jedi be dragged through the mud, but it could also cause a second jedi homicide.  

When they got to the speeder Luke got behind the wheel, Windu got in to the front passanger side of the speeder. S slid into the back. The ride to the building long and silent. It was full of tenchen that was could have been cut with a light saber.

When they got to the building all three got out. Luke and Windu went in side to asend up to Palpatian. S fallowed after them into the building, but soon when into the womens bathroom. Luke and Windu went to the elavater and went to the floor that held Palpatine.

The door chimed and opened. Palpatine looked up to them, "Hello there, what can I do for you, master Windu, and... what is your name young man?

"Luke, Luke Skywalker." Palpatine looked at him with surprise.

"Are you related to Anakin?"

"Don't call him by his first name! Your not worth being with in six feet of him, you would probably get him sick!"

"Why are you being so hostile my boy?"

"I'll tell you, but if you say anything I will kill you." windu just stood there, with a hand lightly resting on his saber. Luke's hand in contrest was holding his saber, it was just not activated. "I'm from the future. I think you meat my sister and my brother in-law." A look of realisation came across Palpatine's face. He seemed to want to say something, but seemed to want to hear more. Was hungry for the infomation that was held by Luke, just like they had hoped. 

Luke continued to talk after a moment to let what he had said sink in. "I'm from 23 years in the futer. Ther is an empire that you are the head of. You hurt my father, separated me and my sister when we grew up!" 'come on, Luke' he thought. "You ran the universe into chaos. I won't let you out of this room with your freedom!" 'man that was dramatic. can he tell? I hope not. come on hurry, think!' 

"And over everything else I know what you are. Lord sidius!" Palpatine now had a smirk, one that could make a child wet his pants.

"you cought me. Now what will you do too me?" Palpatine reclined in his chair, not caring if he had two very dangerous jedi in front of him ready to kill him. 

"We will talk, and if you are cowapative then we will take you to the government so you can answer for your crimes. but if you don't work with us then we will have to take matters into our own hands." Windu finally spoke. Luke barked out into laughter.

"that's another thing, I lost a hand becouse of you!"

"padawan!" Windu warned. Luke seemed to fume with anger. Palpatine watched this interaction, with calculating eyes. 'just a little longer'. 

Luke checked his watch and saw one more minte to go. 'well, I need him to have his eyes on me.' Luke took a deep breath, seemingly to calm down his temper. "You know my father, you've known him sence he was nine." Palpatine laughed a loud, cakling laughter. In the middle of the laughter, S flipped out of the grate behind Palpatine. Stabbing him in the back.  

The laughter was cut short. S took Palpatines communicator and spoke into it. "I'll be working all day in my offce. Do not intruped me untill same time tomorrow." she said in the voice of Palpatine. she put down the communicator, and she nodded to the jedi. "I'll see you boys in the speeder." She pulled herself up into the vents, and started her decent.

After a moment, the two jedi went to the elavater, and went down. No one stopped them, no one seemed to noticed that someone of great power both in force and palitcs had died. They got to the speeder. they had been there bearly thirdy minets. 

The boys waited for their fellow conpeitor. Soon the back door opened. In came the woman, with her hood down. Windu looked back at her, "so that's what you look like, what happened to your mask?

"It was only really good for one more job. so I got rid of it." 

"Skywalker, lets get going." With Luke giving S one last look he started the speeder. He drove Windu to the temple where Windu got out, and wished them a good aftrnoon. S climed into the shot gun seat. 

"I'm gonna get some fast food. what do you think dad would want?"

"probaly some tacos.(I'm so hungry for tacos!)"

"okay, and while we're on the way you can tell me about yourself. Did you know about dad when you meet him?" He looked over at S, aka Shelly.

"No!" shelly practily sreamed. "I didn't know!"

"then will you tell me?" Luke sounded genuinely curious. 

Shelly looked into her lap. "I was born on the outer rim. I was an orphan, living on the street. I was found by a assassin that was force sensitive. He found use for me. Trained me. and in the end he was my first kill. I traviled around, taking jobs, and having fun. Then I met Bail. Bail offred me a job. a way out of that life so I took it." she sighed, a long melancholy kind of sound. 

"I actually met your father on my second week of work."

They got to Luke's favorite taco place, and went through the line, and drived to the apartment. they sat in a comfy silence, one that was usully between old friend. 

Luke parked, and looked to Shelly. "you should tell dad."

"do you think he will be okay with it? who I was?" she said obviously stressed about what her boyfriend would say.

"you just killed the guy that had made his life a living hell. He will definitely will be okay with it."

They walked into the appartment together. Shelly had a nice time with the Skywalkers, they eat, played games, and joked. Laia went to bed first saying "this kid takes a lot out of me!", with Han helping her to bed. Then Luke left, giveing Shelly a look.

"I need to tell you somthing, Ani."

Author's Note:

OMC! that was so hard for me to write! I was trying to write somthing that will tie everything up into a good big messy ugly bow. I'm really happy with it. Well I was going to retell the meeting between Vader and Shelly from Shelly's prospective. IDK, maybe that can be its own mini chapter. please tell me in the comments, does that sound cool? or is it over done and stupid? or stupid but I should do it anyway.

but thank to everyone that has stuck this long with this weird story.


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