Burning Bright - A Legend of...

By nene91310

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"How are you so excited? You're insane!" "I know!" Many call her crazy and wreckless. She takes that as a com... More

Prologue - "Oh no."
Chapter 1 - "She's What?"
Chapter 2 - "Yay!"
Chapter 3 - The South Pole
Chapter 4 - Dark Spirits
Chapter 5 - Spirit Portal
Chapter 6 - Rumble in the South
Chapter 7 - "I Should Have Paid Him!"
Chapter 8 - It Was a Setup!
Chapter 9 - Lock Your Window
Chapter 10 - Spiraling
Chapter 11 - Sting Operation
Chapter 12 - "Criminals Can Climb"
Chapter 13 - Shame!
Chapter 14 - Harmonic Convergence
Chapter 15 - A New Age
Chapter 16 - Temple of the Sun
Chapter 17 - Mother of the Dragons
Chapter 18 - He Can Airbend!
Chapter 19 - Potato Sack!
Chapter 20 - Razzle-dazzle
Chapter 21 - Ba Sing Se
Chapter 22 - Prison Break!
Chapter 23 - Sun Bending
Chapter 24 - Zaofu
Chapter 25 - "Doesn't Even Look Like Her!"
Chapter 27: Uh.....
Chapter 28: Water, Air, Lava, Explosions?
Chapter 29: Misty Palm Oasis
Chapter 30: Si Wong Desert
Chapter 31: I'll Protect Them
Chapter 32 - Temple Escape
Chapter 33: End of the Red Lotus
Chapter 34: No One In The World Like You
Chapter 35: As The Years Go By - Part 1
Chapter 36: As The Years Go By - Part 2
Chapter 37: Prince Wu
Chapter 38: The Coronation
Chapter 39: A Bit Stressed
Take Her Down!!
Chapter 41: They Got Wu!
Chapter 42: It's a Clip Show - A Clip Chapter?
Chapter 43: Next Step Forward

Chapter 26 - "Yeah! Go For It, Bro!"

2.4K 89 23
By nene91310

When morning came the metal domes covering Zaofu bloomed, bringing warmth and sunlight to the city.

Breakfast was served promptly as everyone gathered in the dining hall, almost everyone that is. A few stray seats were left unoccupied.

"Hey, has anyone seen Chief Beifong?" Mako asked

"I think she's still sulking in her room," Korra said

"I know she has a problem with me, but she had no right to yell at Opal last night," Suyin said

Mako looked around the table again noting a lack of golden hair.

"Has anyone seen Chai?" He asked

"I stopped by her room to tell her about breakfast, but she wasn't in there," Asami said

At that moment Wei and Wing ran into the room heading to the basket of fruit on the table. A few seconds later Chai came in too.

"Morning guys!" Chai greeted

"Chai, where have you been?" Korra asked

"I was with Wei and Wing," Chai stated

Mako, who had started to take a drink out of his cup choked, coughing up some water.

"What were you three doing?" Asami asked

"They were teaching me their power disc game," Chai said

"But you can't earthbend," Korra said with an amused smile.

"Yeah I know I can't really score and just dodge, but it's still fun to learn," Chai said

Suyin chuckled. "You really are your mother's daughter. She wanted to learn anything and everything."

Chai smiled brightly at the comment.

Suyin looked to her sons, "All set for your power disc game, guys?"

"Yeah, all set to kick Wei's butt," Wing said

"I wanna power disc your face." Wei looked at Korra. "You should come play with us."

"Um. I don't think I'd be much competition, since I can't metalbend," Korra said

Suyin raised a brow. "Really. Lin never offered to train you?"

"Nope. And I guessed I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to airbend, then there was the pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting Equalists. It was a busy few months," Korra said

"Well, it's probably for the best. I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher. As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all the elements. I'd be happy to show you the basics," Suyin said

"Really? That would be great!" Korra said

"You should try it, too," Opal said to Bolin.

"Uh, nah. I'm more of an earth guy. The dirt, rocks, y'know, maybe some light gravel. That's kinda where my heart is," Bolin said

"Okay, Earth Guy. Well, let me know if you change your mind," Suyin said

Suddenly Suyin's necklace started to float moving forward, being pulled by an unseen force. All of the cutlery on the table started to shake then shot out.

Everyone ducked under the table for cover. Chai, who was standing in front of the table screamed, falling back. The loud clatter of the metal cutlery sounded as it hit something.

"It worked! Zhu Li, mark it down."

Everyone peeks out from behind the table to see Varrick wearing a suit made of metal, a large magnet in the center of the chest plate.

"Magnet suit test successful. Power down," Varrick said

Zhu Li pulled a long cable powering down the suit causing everything that had stuck to it to drop to the floor.

"On to phase two: Zhu Li cleans up this mess," Varrick said before walking off.

"Chai are you okay?" Mako asked concerned, leaning over the table.

The girl had dropped back into a full backbend bridge, she was still in that position, her eyes wide with a far off look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good....I just saw my life flash before my eyes." Chai pursed her lips in thought. "I regret nothing."

"Yes right there. The way the dragon sits on your head shows the internal struggle that plagues your soul." Huan said

"Really?" Chai said

Chai was once again modeling for Huan, standing in a pose rather familiar to her. She was in the first stance of the dancing dragon, and Dawn sat atop her head coiled up like a snake.

"Don't move a single inch," Huan said

Chai smiled. "You got it!"

Also, a part of the little art session was Mako. Watching from across the way, eyes narrowed, arms crossed as his fingers digging into his arms.

"What are you doing?"

Mako jumped turning around. Asami was standing behind Mako, a hand on her hip, a bow raised.

"Nothing. I'm doing nothing," Mako quickly said before walking away.

Suyin had been teaching Korra to metalbend, and she picked it up rather quickly.

"Congratulations. You're the first metal bending Avatar."

Bolin meekly walked up to the two. "So, umm, I've been thinking, and I'd like to try to learn metalbending. I mean, I'm sure you have a waiting list or something of a couple of years so."

Suyin walked up putting a hand on Bolin's shoulder. "Let's get started."

Suddenly the ground beneath the four starts to crack and everyone turns to see an angrily panting Lin.

"I think Lin is mad about something," Bolin whispered to Korra.

"Su, it's time we talk," Lin said

"After thirty years, you're finally ready to talk?" Suyin said

"When we were in Mom's office that day, you could've taken responsibility for what you did. But instead, you stayed quiet and let Mom throw her whole career away," Lin said

"Mom didn't throw her career away. She retired the next year. She was a hero," Suyin said

"You think she wanted to retire? She was so guilt-ridden about what she did to protect you that she didn't feel worthy of her badge," Lin said

"Look, I admit that I was not a perfect kid and I've made some mistakes in the past but-"

Lin guffawed. "You made some mistakes?"

"Lin, Mom and I already talked about this years ago and worked things out. If you had gotten together with us like we'd asked, you would know that I'm a different person now. I've been a different person for a long time," Suyin said

"You think that just because you live in a big, fancy house, and have a chef who cooks you fancy food, that you're a different person? Maybe you could fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. I see right through you," Lin said

"You know what, Lin? You're the one who hasn't changed. You're still a bitter loner who only cares about herself. No wonder Tenzin ended things with you years ago," Suyin said

That was the final straw. Lin glares hard and bends a rock at Suyin. The younger sister deflected it before taking a fighting stance.

"Okay, I guess this is how it's going to be," Suyin said

Suyin bends the earth into Lin's back knocking her forward then shoots a meteorite rock into her stomach sending her back. Lin hits a small pillar before standing back up running at her sister. She creates a staircase of earth sending it at Suyin, but she blocks it with one of the metal panels on the ground. Suyin bends the plate at Lin, but she evades it with a backflip.

Lin stomps her foot sending up several pieces of rock shooting them at her sister. Suyin weaves around dodging the projectiles.

"Should I stop them?" Korra questioned

"You don't have any siblings, fighting is all part of the healing process," Bolin said

The fight carried on, all the commotion causing everyone to gather and watch.

"Go, Mom!" Wei cheered

Lin picked up one of Huan's sculptures, sending it to Suyin, but she deflects it around her person, sending it careening into the wall.

"My sculpture!" Huan shouted

He ran over examining the now dented piece.

"Actually, it looks kinda better now," Huan said

Suyin sent three metal panels at Lin, and she managed to deflect them all before sending several chunks of rock back.

"Hmm...I should've seen this coming," Chai commented

"How long do you think this is gonna go on?" Asami questioned

"Well they are both masters, so I guess until they wear themselves out." Chai looked at Mako. "Hey, have you and Bolin ever fought like this?" She asked

"We've had arguments but never like this...Well there was that one time I shocked him, but not on purpose," Mako said

Suyin was pushed back against a metal wall, and she bent it around herself to block Lin's attacks. She then whipped the wall forward hitting Lin sending her flying.

"You've got it out of your system?" Suyin asked

Lin grit her teeth breathing heavily. "Not quite yet!"

She stood up grabbing the metal stairs of the pavilion behind her. Suyin gets a giant boulder and runs at her sister.

The two women charged at one another about to collide when Opal drops from above. She sends a blast of air at both of them making them stop.

"What are you two doing?! You're sisters! Why would you want to hurt each other?" Opal shouted

Suyin sighed a bit disappointed. Lin let out a few heavy huffs before she collapsed. Korra luckily caught the woman preventing her from hitting the ground as the woman fainted.

Lin had been taken to her room to rest and after some time the others thought it was best to check up on her. Mako, Bolin, Korra, and Chai, all stood outside her room staring at the door.

"Uhh, Who's going to knock?" Korra said

When no one responded Korra pushed Bolin forward.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Not me!" Bolin pulled back waving his hands. "You're the Avatar, why can't you do it?"

Korra looked down holding her arm. "Uh, I can. But I just thought that you-"

Mako stepped forward. "I'll do it." He gave a light knock on the door. "Uhh, Chief, you've been sleeping for sixteen hours. We just wanted to make sure that you're okay."

No answer.

"Alright." Chai cracked her fingers. "Guess we better bust down the doors."

She raised a foot about to kick the doors down but jumped back and into Mako's arms when they swung open revealing Lin, dawned in the traditional clothing of Zaofu.

"I wasn't about to break the doors," Chai quickly said as she held onto Mako.

Lin stretched her arms letting out a big yawn before walking exiting the room.

"Good morning," She greeted uncharacteristically cheery.

Everyone watches her walk on, surprised looks on their faces. Chai, still in Mako's arms, blinked and looked at him, he looked back at her just as surprised as Chai. They turn their attention back forward watching the happy Lin go.

"I'm...scared," Chai said

The day went by and Lin managed to mend a bit of the issues she had with her sister. It was a small step but it was something.

Mako, Bolin, and Chai joined Korra as she radioed over to Tenzin checking in and giving the airbender an update.

"Are you alright? Where are you?" Tenzin asked

"With Beifong's sister in Zaofu. We're totally safe unless we get caught in another fight between Su and Lin," Korra said

"Lin willingly took you to her sister?" Tenzin asked with a hint of disbelief.

"Not exactly. We got a call about an airbender and it turned out to be Su's daughter Opal. She'll be headed your way soon," Korra said

"Really? That's wonderful!" Tenzin said

Bolin slid in taking the radio microphone.

"She is wonderful and pretty, and so smart, and she smells like flowers-"

Bolin stopped when he noticed Korra glaring at him.

"Sorry. Bolin, out."

Korra grabbed the microphone. "How's the training going?"

"Not so well, I'm afraid. No one seems to be interested in the hard work of becoming part of the Air Nation," Tenzin said

"You need to give yourself a break. Let Jinora and the kids help you out, and what about Bumi? He was a naval commander, maybe he has some ideas about how you get people motivated," Korra suggested

"Bumi?! He's my worst student," Tenzin said

Mako and Korra glanced at Chai, and she just shrugged her shoulder as if to say, "Yeah that sounds about right."

She knew her dad, and while the combat part of the airbending culture might have been up his alley the everything else, not so much.

"But he loves to organize people. If you ask him for help, you can trick him into taking more responsibility by making him think the whole thing with his idea," Korra said

Chai slid next to Korra. "She's right Uncle Tenzin. Dads a goofball but a natural leader."

"That actually sounds like a good plan. You're turning into a pretty wise Avatar after all," Tenzin said

"Conflict resolution, that's what I do," Korra said

"Oh, speaking of my Dad could I talk to him?" Chai asked

"Sure. I'll go get him," Tenzin said

Over the radio the group could hear Tenzin's footsteps pad away and not too long after Bumi came over the radio.

"Chai! My little sunbeam! How are you?" Bumi asked

Chai smiled. "Great! Guess what Dad my egg hatched. I named him Dawn."

"Haha! That's great!" Bumi said

"How's' Bum-Ju?" Chai asked

"He's great. He misses you too," Bumi said

"Tell him I miss him too. Dad, Zaofu is awesome! The whole city is made of metal and so shiny. I'm having a lot of fun. Suyin's been telling me stories about mom and her sons are so cool," Chai said

Mako stood up straighter, his brows furrowing.

"I learned this new game called Power Disc and I got to be the subject of some art pieces," Chai said

"Sounds like you are having a great time!" Bumi said

Chai nodded her head. "I am!"

She continued to go on about the recent events Mako watching, a dozen thoughts running through his mind.

Bolin had entered his and Mako's room and found his brother pacing back and forth. The firebender was mumbling to himself a hand on his chin.

"Heeey, Mako, you okay there?" Bolin asked

Mako briefly stopped. "I'm fine." He spoke before going back to pacing.

Bolin listened to his brother as he mumbled under his breath. He couldn't hear everything he was saying, but he could make out Chai's name under his breath. He continued to pace but finally stopped when he saw the smirk on Bolin's face.

"What? Why are you smiling like that?" Mako questioned

"You like Chai!" Bolin declared

Mako quickly looked to his brother.

"What? No, I don't." He denied

"Yes, you do! It's all there, the longing looks. The coy smiles. The jealousy," Bolin said

"I'm not jealous and I don't like Chai," Mako asserted

Bolin put his hands up in a defensive manner.

"Alright, you don't like Chai. Okay, I get it. Her and Huan make a better-looking couple anyway," Bolin said

"No way. They do not!" Mako snapped

"Ah-ha!" Bolin shouted and pointed at his brother. "If you didn't like Chai then why would you care."

Mako groaned, throwing his head back. "I barely even thought about Chai as a girl before, I mean I knew she was female, but never saw her as a girl, in the same way, I saw Korra or Asami. I feel like...being around her makes me better. She makes me smile and laugh, we always have fun together. She always looks for the best in things, and she never gives up. She's kind and caring, but at the same time, she fights for what is right. She may be wild, crazy, immature at times, but that's just what makes her, so...her. I don't know when it happened and I don't know how it happened, but one moment Chai's just Chai. Then the next thing I know she's Chai, this girl who I find beautiful inside out. There's just something about her that's special."

"Whoa..." Bolin said, looking at his brother a bit surprised. "You really like Chai, like really really like her. I've never heard you talk about any other girl like this before."

Mako sighed, sitting down, putting his head in his hands.

"I don't know what to do."

"Well you could always just tell her," Bolin suggests

Mako sat up straight. "No way I can't do that."

"Why not?" Bolin questioned

"My relationship track record hasn't been the best," Mako said

"Yeah, it hasn't," Bolin agreed

"And I have no idea how Chai even feels. That girl is hard to read," Mako said

Bolin put a hand on his chin. "That she is."

"Also...I'm scared," Mako sid

"Of what? Chai? She is unpredictable at times," Bolin said

"No. Of us being together. No, not of us being together, that's what I want. I'm scared of our relationship ending up like my other ones. If it did...if things ended with Chai like that..."

Mako sighed, not finishing his words.

Bolin twiddled his thumbs looking around trying to find the right advice to give. After a few moments of silence, he spoke up.

"Listen, bro. I get it, but I don't think you should let the fear of something bad happening stop you from something that could be really good. I think if you feel that way about Chai you should tell her," Bolin said

Mako sighed, his shoulders dropping a bit. "You really think I should tell her?"

"Yeah! Go for it, bro!" Bolin said

Mako gave a small smile patting Bolin's shoulder. "Thanks."

"Hey, that's what brothers are for...Oh, and I'd advise telling her sooner rather than later because it's not Huan you have to worry about it's Wei and Wing," Bolin said

"Wait? What?!"

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