Aces of St. Gloriana's(Discon...

Da RiversUnkowN

1.6K 36 25

This follows the story Y/N L/N, an American student that after Sensha-do was opened to both male and female s... Altro

Shattered Ties.
A New Frontier
Green As Grass
Surprised by Turbojets
Establishing Formalities

A "Friendly" Exhibition match.

232 5 3
Da RiversUnkowN

Two months until Nationals

It's a Saturday and I'm in my first match since transferring to St. Gloriana's. A few days ago we painted our planes for the occasion. I painted my Meteor in a way that somewhat matched the Mustang I used to fly, better than that ugly factory grey and yellow trim.

Anyway our match is against Pravda, bad news for the tanks, good news for us. The most common aircraft I've seen pravda fly is the IL-2 Sturmovik, lots of them. Deadly attackers that can hold their own in a dogfight. There are a good few La-5s too, easily capable of downing a BF-109 or FW-190. But we have a few tricks up our sleeves, we've received a new shipment of federation-approved "heavy" ordinance to assist with an air interdiction.

Darjeeling and I were talking about the strategy for the battle.

Darjeeling: "So that's the plan?"

Y/N: "Sure it is. My teams are already informed. But what matters most is timing, expose yourselves too early and they will not hesitate to fire on you. The key word to begin the assualt is: starlight."

The plan is that when Pravda's tanks are in formation, I'll signal Darjeeling to approach their formation alone while half  the main force attacks their west flank. During Darjeeling' distraction Itchiko and I are going to strafe their rear guard with rockets while Vampires will dive bomb the KV-2 and IS-2. Then the attacking force will retreat and regroup. While Pravda's force regroups Katyusha might become overconfident and charge head on. That will be where she messes up. As the remnants of Pravda's force pushes forward, the second half of our main force will attack their rear. Rosehip is leading that force so it will definitely be fast. The signal for that assualt is: goalkeeper.

The key to this plan is that its unpredictable, according to the normal strategy of St. Gloriana's.

I just realized that the only person that isn't a transfer in the formation is Itchiko, anyway the formation is as follows:

     Griffin Team {Flying Meteors}
Y/N: lead plane[Scone]
Itchiko: Y/N's wingman[Yolk]
     Pegasus Team {Flying Vampires}
Will Fraizer[Gravy]
Andrei Luna[Salt]
Claes Luna[Pepper]

Author: Try to remember these nicknames.

     -3 minutes until match start-

Y/N(on radio): "All teams proceed with final takeoff procedures."

Itchiko and Pegasus team: "Check."

The Bofors canon firing signals the match start.

Y/N(on radio): "Pegasus team, takeoff."

Gravy: "Roger Scone. Salt, Pepper, takeoff."

Salt and Pepper: "Roger that."

Y/N: "Yolk, you and I are Pegasus's rear guard until starlight is called."

Yolk: "Copy Scone."

   -5 minutes later-

Gravy: "Scone, I see four IL-2's escorted by four LA-5's permission to attack."

Pegasus is 4 miles from the main force at grid A9 and the main force is at C7, Darjeeling is at C2. Griffin is two-and-a-half miles give or take at point C4 searching for Pravda's formation.

Y/N: "Scone copies, try to pull them toward B4 to C1 so we can engage. Yolk, redirect to point C1 then A9 so we can regroup with Pegasus.

Yolk: "Yes sir."

    -15 minutes later, Darjeeling POV-

Darjeeling: "I'm not so sure about Y/N's plan. Assam, is there anything on the horizon?"

Assam: "No there's noth-"

Y/N(on radio): "All units, Starlight! I repeat, Starlight! Point is B2!"

As soon as Starlight is called everyone converge towards point B2.

     -Y/N POV-

All hell is breaking loose, just as planned.

Y/N: "Yolk let's go, begin the run. All tanks pull back!"

Multiple affirmations come on the radio.

Itchiko and I dive on Pravda's formation, not a single weapon was wasted on that run, somehow almost 7 of their tanks were at least immobilized. Pegasus follows suit with their attack. If Pravda wasn't in shambles already they are now.

Y/N: "All units fall back to point D5, I repeat D5!"

D5, the center of the arena. On top of a massive hill that can be seen for miles away.

Itchiko and I are circling Pravda's position like vultures, waiting to call for Goalkeeper. 5 tanks are left for Pravda. They can clearly see Darjeeling's group, safeguarded by the Vampires. Katyusha knows something's up.
I give her credit, she is smarter than she looks. We've taken away all her crutches she has to think for away out of this.

And with an "URA!" to be heard for miles...

They charge...

Y/N: "Okay let's end this. All units Goalkeeper, I repeat, Goalkeeper. Point is B3, they're going up the hill as planned."

Soon you can hear the roar of Crusaders, Rosehip is fast. She probably couldn't wait for the order.

It was over in a flash, Pravda could barely respond before the final tank's white flag popped out.

This was a glorious day for St. Gloriana's. A win over an opponent that had numerical superiority. No doubt this will be talked about for awhile.

After the match, Darjeeling invited for tea in town. That let's us "discuss" our recent victory.

     -3:00 P.M.-

Darjeeling and I along with Itchiko and Orange Pekoe were discussing our victory over tea.

Still getting used to drinking hot tea...

Y/N: "That was amusing."

Darjeeling: "The strategy worked perfectly."

Itchiko: "Brutal efficiency."

     -5:00 P.M.-

Back on the school ship I found a cat near my apartment. It started following me, I guess it was hungry. I let the little fellow inside my living room and it lays down on the couch, at least it isn't scratching anything...

I scavenge through the pantry looking for something for it to eat.

Y/N(In English): "Perfect, a can of tuna."

I'll usually speak English when I'm at home or around anyone that understands it. Maybe I can teach the cat to listen to English.

There's a knocking at my door, I go to answer and its Itchiko.

Y/N: "Hey Itchiko, is something you need?"

Itchiko: "Well there's a problem at my apartment."

Y/N: "What kind of problem."

Itchiko: "Well it's not just my apartment, it's the whole block. There's pests and the like."

Y/N: "And you need a place to stay."

Itchiko: "Yes... I can find someplace else if you don't have any room."

Y/N: "No need for that, what kind of commander would I be if I didn't take care of my subordinates, and I have a fold-out couch."

Itchiko: "Deal."

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