i think i'm in love with you...

By jjnreidsdaughter

97.2K 1.8K 3.6K

"let's fall in love for the night, nobody will know." i smiled, fixing my gaze on spencer who stood next to m... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five

chapter eight

3.8K 80 210
By jjnreidsdaughter

Concrete Floor

Grace's POV:

My heart pounded. Hands shaking. Feet trembling.

Inside my chest, covered with my vest, I felt like my heart was preparing to break out of it.

"One foot in front of the other." I softly whispered to myself as I walked down to the basement.

The entire house was being cleared by the team. I managed to slip away and find the basement door. It was dark, only a single window allowed light in.

As I made my way slowly down the stairs, they nearly collapsed from beneath me. I was halfway down when the unsub came into my line of sight. There he stood, 45 year old Brax Dean, holding 24 year old Eloise Jacob hostage.

Brax Dean was what I liked to call, absolutely bonkers. He suffered from hallucinations, leaving his brain to think that he was helping his victims even though he was hurting them.

"Is that what you like?" Dean yelled, slapping her across the face as she whimpered.

"FBI, back off." I spoke up, drawing my gun to Dean's chest. A cloud must've passed over the sun, dimming the room which made it difficult for me to see.

"Ha. What are you here to do Ms. FBI?" he looked me up and down, dropping the rope that was held in his left hand, but gripping his gun even tighter.

"Dean, just put down the gun and we can get you the help you need." I bargained with him, as Eloise managed to break free, crawling into a corner.

"But I don't want help," he smirked walking closer to me. "I want you."

"All you have to do is put the gun down." I forced a slight smile.

"No!" he shouted, realizing he wouldn't make it out of here free. "You are lying!"

Dropping his weapon, Dean charged toward me. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion.

I fired my gun, the bullets missing him and ricocheting off the cinder block walls that lined the basement. He managed to knock me flat on my back, my head hitting the concrete floor extremely hard.

Everything went black. I could faintly hear, but couldn't see a thing. Dean laughed, as if I just made a joke, but I laid there on the floor, nearly lifeless. My gun sat to my right, but I had no power to grab it.

I had met my end.


Spencer's POV:

"Clear!" I yelled, swinging open a door that led to a small bedroom on the main level of the house.

Hotch followed closely behind me as we walked through the house, trying to find this damn unsub. I had little clue where Grace was, but assumed she was with Morgan, clearing the house also.

"Where the hell is this man?" Hotch huffed as we stood in the living room, Morgan walking down the staircase, alone.

"Nothing up there." Derek reported back before I realized he was alone.

"Wait a second, where's Grace?" My mind went into panic mode.

Two shots went off as I finished my sentence. The sound came from below. I ran to the basement door, Hotch following behind me, drawing his gun.

It was extremely dark, as if it was night already. I made my way down the narrow, rotting stairs, pulling my gun from its holster.

"Are you okay?" Hotch pulled me up by my arm as I fell through the rotted step, my leg dangling in the air. I nodded, catching my breath, trying not to focus on the blood which ran down my shin now.

There she laid. Her head in a small pool of blood, looking pretty dead. Dead as a- well I'm not too sure.

"Ah, finally the big boys have arrived." the unsub laughed as my gun was pointed not even at his chest but at his head.

"Dean, put the gun down." Hotch sternly instructed him.

"Why should I? What? Do you want to end up like her?" he pointed to Grace who he stood over, laughing like he was drunk off a case of beer.

"Get off her." I commanded, getting down to business.

"Once again, why should I?" he snapped back.

"I wouldn't mess with her." Hotch butted in.

Grace magically gained the strength to move, pulling her leg up and nailing the unsub where the sun, well, doesn't shine. Of course he groaned in pain as Grace stood up and knocked him flat to his back before grabbing her gun.

"Never mess with a woman." Grace drew her gun onto Dean as her heeled boot kept him pressed flat to the ground.

Hotch pulled up Brax, getting him in cuffs as JJ and Emily rushed down to tend to the victim, Eloise Jacob.

"Nice take down g." I complimented Grace, making her laugh slightly.

"I like your cut g." she joked back, slapping the back of my head.

"Hey! That hurt!" I groaned, making her laugh more.

Grace was still fighting to catch her breath as I walked her up the rotting steps, as we were met by the rest of the team.

Dean was already in custody, cuffed and in the back of a cruiser. Eloise was saved and alive, being tended to by the medical personnel on sight. A breath of relief came over me knowing I saved her life today.

"I'm not going to the hospital Hotch! I'm fine!" I overheard Grace argue with Hotch.

"You don't have a choice. I can clearly tell you are dizzy and well, your head was bleeding." he shot back.

"Aaron," Oh she was serious. "I'm always dizzy and big deal my head was bleeding. It's fine."

"Spencer!" Hotch called me over.

"Yessir?" I stuttered in fear.

"I need you to take Grace to the hospital please." he informed me.

"Ugh! No! Spencer is not taking me anywhere!" Grace snapped, storming away.

Hotch motioned to Grace as she stormed away, a silent task to go get her like a dog who had ran away from home. I turned my back to him, rolling my eyes as I walked to the SUV that she had managed to lock herself in.

"Please let me in." I pleaded with her, as her arms crossed around her chest.

I stood there for a solid five minutes, trying to reason with her to unlock the door until she finally did. I crawled into the drivers seat beside her, now begging for the keys that she luckily handed over.

"Spencer Walter Reid I swear if you drive to the hospital, I will kill you." she huffed, rubbing her left temple.

"Grace, you need to see a doctor, you aren't well at the moment."

"You're a doctor. I'm seeing you." Smart one.

"A medical doctor. Plus, I have to go to the hospital to get my damn leg stitched up." The pain became much more present once I said that.

"I'm calling Garcia." Grace pulled out her phone, dialing away.


Grace's POV:

"My lovely lover girl how can I help you today?"

"Please give me a way to not let Spencer take me to the hospital." I still tried to catch my breath as my head pounded.

"Just let him take you, and then take the car and leave him." she laughed.

"I can't drive because I can't even see straight." I rolled my eyes.

"Well then buttercup, go to the hospital and let lover boy take care of you. Like a husband would his wife- that's so cute!"

"Garcia! He has a girlfriend!" I lowered my voice, hoping Spence wouldn't hear.

"What?! Ugh! Well, I don't condone cheating but from the dry text messages between them, it doesn't look lasting."

"I'll keep you posted babygirl, hit you later."

"Hit Reid first!" she added before I hung up the phone.

I surrendered, letting Spencer drive me to the hospital even though I hated every possible minute of it.

I didn't understand why I was acting like this towards Spencer, he was my best friend. Was I really letting some stupid girl get between us?


"The doctor will be with you two soon." A nurse poked her head into the hospital room where Spencer and I sat, the white lights hurting my head even more.

I laid back, resting my head on the paper thin pillow that was on the bed. Spencer was next to me, his foot propped up on the edge of the bed. Continuing, my head pounded and ached as everything was still spinning.

Spencer reached for my hand, holding it tight but I pushed him away. I couldn't even look him in the eye with the fear of overstepping. It was so weird now that I knew he had a girlfriend. It was like I didn't know the 'unofficial rules'.

"Grace, what is up with you? You can't act like this forever just because I have a girlfriend now." he spoke up, making it clear that he was sick of my crap.

"I just don't want to do anything too far. Like you said, you have a girlfriend now and I respect that." I lied.

"Ms. Miller, we will now be taking you back for an MRI and Dr. Reid, a nurse will be in shortly to close up and dress your wound." the doctor interrupted our arguing before it got uglier.

I was wheeled into a dark room, via wheelchair, where this machine scanned my brain I had to hold very still, but the buzzing in my ears grew louder. Finally, after an hour, I was finished, but taken to a dark hospital room now.

While I sat there alone, the doctor walked in, and went over my test results.

"It looks like the bleeding was a cut on your scalp, which is nothing major, it will heal itself yet be tender for a few days. You do have a concussion, so I have provided a packet containing information on concussions and a recovery plan. If you have any questions or get worse, please call." the doctor rambled on as I nodded my head.

I was met back with Spencer, all stitched up, and released to go. Luckily, he was still able to drive, so he took me back to my apartment since he refused to let me take an Uber.

On the drive back, I nearly fell asleep, but every time I dozed off, Spencer slapped my leg since I wasn't cleared to sleep in a moving car yet.

At last, we made it back to my apartment as I was helped up the stairs by Spence, who unlocked the door, walking me back to my bedroom and helping me get ready for bed.

"Okay, you should be good to sleep now. Are you okay?" Spencer pulled a blanket over my shoulder, covering my body completely.

"I'm fine dad." I rolled my eyes.

"That's daddy to you!" he laughed, his finger tapping my nose, which I managed to bite in the process.

"Hey! You suck!" Spencer screeched, his voice cracking.

"Oh grow up." I scoffed.

"Well, I better get going. Heather texted and wants to grab dinner." he sat down next to me, as I made room for him.

"Tell me, and don't take this in the wrong way, but why in the world are you even dating someone?"

"She wanted a relationship, and then bam, now we're dating I guess." he shrugged.

"Spence, that isn't really how relationships work." I informed him.

"How do they then?"

"I don't know. I think that we all have our person, someone who is out there for us. We may find them soon, or many years down the road. Who knows? Maybe you already met your person, maybe I have too." I trailed off, wanting to go on about how it is possible he is my person.

"Yeah." Spencer muttered, standing up from the bed. "Call if you need anything."

"Thanks Spence." I forced a smile as he closed the door behind him.


Spencer's POV:

"Spencer!" Heather's face lit up as I walked into the sushi restaurant we met at for dinner. I pulled her in for a hug as she squeezed the life out of me.

We sat and enjoyed a few sushi rolls over a glass of sake, definitely not my favorite, but for sure Heather's.

I managed to make it through the long and painful dinner, and somehow ended up at Heather's place afterwards. We stumbled through the front door, he lips locked on mine but making their way down my neck.

"What's the matter with you?" Heather pulled back, sitting on her bed as I stood before her. "You aren't even kissing me." She wasn't wrong, but I didn't speak up.

"Who are you thinking of?" Dammit, she caught me.

"Nobody." I lied, clearly.

"What's her name?" she continued on.

"Heather." I lied again, trying to keep her from killing me.

"In that case-" she crawled on top of me, kissing me even more, until my phone rang.

*Incoming Call- Best Friend*

"Yes Grace?" I answered.

"Sorry to interrupt your date, but I just passed out again I think and need you to come over. Emmy isn't answering and I don't want to wake Garcia."

"I'll be over in a few, just stay in bed." I hung up the phone.

"Grace? Really? You know I can't stand her, why don't you just ditch her!" Heather groaned.

"Heather, listen here. You don't get to dictate if I'm friends with Grace, like it or not. I've got to go, see you later." I grabbed my coat.

"Really? No kiss?" she huffed as I walked back over, pecking her lips.

I made it over to Grace's, and back up the stairs leading to her apartment. Seeing her in such pain made me want to cry, on top of having to deal with Heather.

"Hey, hey just keep your eyes open." I pulled her head onto my lap, after crawling into bed next to her.

"I'm sorry Spence," Tears fell from her face as she laughed at the same time.

I gazed into her eyes, pushing the loose strands of hair behind her ear making her smile. It was so weird, when I was with Grace, I felt so comfortable and safe, versus with Heather which was the complete opposite.

Did I even love Heather? My mind went back to what Grace was saying earlier, and no matter how many drugs were in her system, she was right.


a/n: guess who finally found motivation to write?! not me lol but this chapter is super long im sorry!!

love always, kam

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