I Need You Too

By I-like-the-cold

494 30 94

"I need you, so you can't leave." "But I have to help everyone. I love you guys." "If you do it you'll get ki... More

The class 1A Party
How do i tell him?
Todoroki/Kirishima's confession!๏ฟผ
What just happened?!
I don't know

~โ€ขThe partyโ€ข~

61 3 21
By I-like-the-cold

Hola✨😝😃so I'll just get on with the convo bc I'm dying and I just need to make it before I forget!!♥️😝 Oh and I cannot spell so call me out so I can fix it<33


•Sero POV•

"No, it's not that..." as he said that I opened my door in the hall and he stepped in.

I had just finished putting my room together and in my opinion it looked really good. I had my white desk next to the window with gray black curtains. My closest was on the other side of the window and already set up, and my bed was across from the bathroom and next to the door with gray pillows and a black blanket.

I sat on my bed and signaled Kirishima to sit with me. "So what's up with you man? I feel like we haven't talked in forever."

"Oh well... everything has been kinda odd lately. Bakugou asked me out then everything after that just through me off." Kiri looked down probably in thought about something. "Well you know you can talk to me it's not like I'm going anywhere." I said trying to make him a little more calm. I don't like seeing him like this. it makes me think about how I am around Kami. It hurts just thinking about it. I hate being upset about something that you should get over.

"Well enough on me, how have you been. I know seeing him with Shin all day must really hurt... what do you plain on doing." Shit I forgot that me and Kiri talked about this before.

"I-i can't do anything really... we all see it. Kami loves that guy and I know for a fact that Shinso would do anything for him."

Kiri looked up at me..."But you would do anything for him too and I know that for a fact! I feel so bad for you and I wish there was something we could do but obviously that wouldn't be a good idea...."

"Thanks Ei, it actually really helps that you know and can help me out with this. By the way I know you don't want to tell me what's up yet but, can you tell anyone or-"

I was cut off by Eijiro's phone ringing. He picked it up to see who it was and the caller ID said it was his Mother.

"I- I h-have t-to go take this...." I nodded and he stood up and walked out of my room. He seemed kind of off about actually getting the call.

When the door shut, I looked at the time and we had go in about 7 minutes. I didn't even realize we were talking for that long.It didn't feel like it. Denks didn't even come tell us. Wow I see how it is. I got up and walked to his room to go wait for Kiri. I was bored anyway and Kami and I can just hang out for a minute.

I didn't feel like knocking and didn't think I had to, but I thought wrong...

When I walked in Shinso was here and they where seconds away from a kiss... and it look like they where doing something else before I opened the door.... Shin didn't have a shirt on and Denki had his hand on the zipper to his pants.

"DENKI FUCKING KAMINARI WE LITERALLY HAVE A PARTY TO GO TO IN 3 MINUTES AND YOU TWO WHERE ABOUT TO BANG!?!?" But I have to admit Denks looks really fucking hot right now. I glared at tHeM and walked out, shutting the door before a huge blush overtook my whole face.

I walked back to my room to chill my burning face, and see if Kiri is off the phone so we could go to the together. I didn't really want to walk with Shin and Kami anymore because of what I just saw. Them being together is going to be the death of me. I don't know if its the fact that I'm in love with Denki or that I wish it was me that he loved.

I turned the corner down my hallway expecting to see Kiri on the phone or something... but he was gone. I looked around for a minute to see if he had just moved but he was not anywhere around. Maybe he went to the party without me. 

Nahh that's not something he would do... I got out my phone to call him but he didn't answer. The call went straight to voicemail. Thats not like him. I think ill just go the the party and see if anyone else knows what's up with this.

~Time skip to the party~


Sero was trying to calm me down after telling me that Kiri disappeared out of the blue. HE SAID THAT HE WAS ON THE PHONE AND JUST DISAPPEARED!!!!!

(A/N-All the parents came here before them so they could go out. Most of them didn't want to bother the group of teens well they where catching up. So that's why they are not here lol)

Deku and and freezer burn where trying to explain that he 'kinda just walked out after a conversation' that apparently they can't TELL ME?! The hell you mean you can't me?!?!?! IM going to kill them all if that don't fucking tell me where MY boyfriend is.

"Kachan calm down we all want to fine him-"

"SHUT the HELL up DEKU! I dont want to here it." I yelled. He actually just stoped talking and looked at Todoroki. Icyhot was about to speak before Shinso burst in the house.



"I CANT FUCKING FIND HIM! I LOOKED AWAY FOR TWO SECONDS AND HE WAS GONE..." I yelled at the class. I can't even comprehend how this happed to me.... Why was the wold so cruel to me.

~About a few minutes ago~

Kami and I had just left his dorm after Sero walked in on us. He said that he wanted to get some mochi before I dropped him off at the party. Im still trying to get transfer to the class and I think my Aizawa, my dad, has been trying to get Nezo to agree with him about it.

"Hey babe do you want to just stay at the party? I'm sure that you'll have fun! Please!!!!"

"You don't have to beg me Denks of course if you really want me too, but to be honest I don't really want to talk to anyone." He laughed at that. "Thats fine you can just hang out with me and Sero the whole time"

 "Im going to go bye the food you stay here. Love you<3" I kissed him on the cheek and I walked up to the line for the mochi. There was only one other person and they seem to be leaving. There was something off about them though, but I just brushed it off and order the snack.

When I looked back at where we where standing seconds before......Kaminari was gone.

he was fucking gone...

~Back to the present~

I explained what had just happened to everyone, and then they told me that Kirishima was also missing. The only thing we know is the Kiri was on the phone right before the incident, with his mom, and the people by the the mochi shop seemed to be suspicious, like any of the people could have been suspects.

"Sho are your okay?" Midoriya asked Todo.

"..." he didn't answer and just walked away from everyone. MIdoriya fallowed him outside and they closed the door.

"So are we going to go back to the shop to look around or go to Kirishima's house?" Mina asked looking determined. I know I don't normally freak out like this but I felt on the verge of tears. What if I never get to see him again. All I got to say to him was I'll be right back and and I didn't even get to kiss him. I didn't even get to hear his voice before I walked away. Just then I got up and went to the bathroom. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I don't want to look week in front of them all.

I sat on the floor by the door and was thinking about all the things we have done together. Like before we where even dating.

I remember going over to his dorm and playing games with him and Sero. He kind of made me play so I had an excuse to be friends with his best friend. I actually had some fun doing that even though I just wanted to be with Kami then. He would take me out to do cute things and we always looked like we where dating already but that's not how it was for us.

I remember when I asked him out and how he reacted.


"Shin are you going to tell me what you're thinking about, or do I have to go get Monoma to use ur quirk agents you!?"

"I'm in love with you."

"You're what?"



Then I kissed him.

He was surprised at first but kissed back.

When are lips parted, "Will you be my boyfriend Denks?"

"Is that really a question! Of course I will! I love you too!"

It was the best moment of my life.

~end of flashback~

I was crying now and I didn't know if I would every stop... If we don't find him, I don't know what I'll do.

I need him.


"Izuku this is my fault... I scared him into leaving and now he... Izu I don't know what to do-"

"Sho, we are going to find him. You know that right. Everything is okay, so stop worrying." Then he gave me a hug. "Thank you Izuku but-"

"SHOTO snap out of it!! lets go I have a plan!" Izuku yelled at me then grabbed my hand bringing us back into Kat's house.

"Guys I have a plan."

"And what is it?" Uraraka asked. She was looking at me with googly eyes and I was getting uncomfortable. She has really been getting on my nerves lately.

 "We are going to split up and go to both places. Kachan, Shoto, Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Satou, Shouji, and I go to Kirishima's house and talk with his mom.
Then I'm thinking that Sero, Shinso, Mina, Hagakure, Jirou, Ojiro, and Uraraka go to where you last saw Kaminari."

"What are we doing then?" Iida asked Izuku.

"You, Mineta, Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Kouda, go get Aizawa, we don't need a lot of pros right now because we don't know the complete situation. Is that cool with everyone?"

They all looked at each other then back at Izu and nodded.

"OKAY, THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE WE STILL DOING HERE!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Katsuki yelled and everyone got up and left. Or at least I think everyone...


We where are all about to go look for the two missing boys when I remembered that Shinso had gone into the bathroom a while ago.

"Hey, you guys can go ahead. I have to go get Shin really quick..." Most of them nodded and I walked to the bathroom. 

When I got to the door I was very concerned for Shin. I know this is probably killing him a lot too. Not knowing where the person you love is really hard. I, especially want to know where Denki is too, and I don't want to have to cry about loosing him more than I already have.

I know he was crying, I can hear him. He had hiccups and was making small wimpers as he sobbed. "Hey Shin can I come in?"

"...no..." he said and I sighed and walked in anyway. "I said n-no but okay...." He said his voice cracking a little.

"I know but I also know we need to talk, so I would rather do it face to face."

"Why do we need to talk? All I want is to find him. I don't know how to not be around him... I have been so use to the idiot that he is all I think about now. Every day of every hour of every minute...." He continues to cry and I sit next to him on the floor.

"I need kaminari, I don't know what my life would be like without him... well actually I might be on the sreets selling drugs and a high school drop out to be honest."

"Yeah, I do remember him helping you out with your addiction and all, but if I never met him I would have probably....k-killed my by now.... you know he actually talked to me one day when I was on the way to jump off one of the one of the billings down the road."

"How can you say that so easily?!?!"

"I have no idea..." Well that was actually surprising to know... "We where all about to go back to the place you last saw him but I remembered you came in here... do you still want to come?"

"Yeah I guess... but I have to ask you something Sero,..."

"And what is that?" I asked. he looked me dead in the eyes and asked me...

"You would do anything for him right? Like you would save him from anything, even if someone else needed you, would you go to him instead? Even though you could get killed..."

"I would give up my own life for Kaminari's safety and happiness, and I mean if it come's down to something like that..... Not like it will but I would do anything for him."

"Good to know... I would too... come on." He finished and got up from the spot he had been sitting in. I got up as well and we started to go on our way to the mochi shop he last saw my best friend.


We finally got to Kirishima's house and knocked on the door. When we did get an answer I was just about done and I had opened the door by breaking off the door nob. I needed to know where he was and that was it. if I didn't soon then a lot of people are going to get hurt.

"Wow okay Deku I see how its is!!" Tsu said kind of surprised that I had just done that. "I would have burned the door down...." Kachan grumbled from behind her.

When we all has got into the small apartment the smell of beer and alcohol was strong. There was some music softly playing in one of the rooms and everything seemed to be trashed.

"Is anyone even here?" Momo asked... just then we hear the music stop and someone getting up off a bed. The last door in the hallway opens, and we all stood there waiting for someone to come out.

"WHO IN THE HELL ARE ALL OF YOU AND WHHYY AREE YOUUU~" The women yelled but her words slured off at the end... a man came out of the room as well and he looked to be way younger then the women. I assume that the girl is Kirishima's mother because of her black hare and sharp teeth.

"Are you Eijiro Kirishima's mother?" Shoto asked trying to get the women to answer.

"YeSss I aM and WhAt is thAt tO y00u" she said, almost falling and they guy behind her, that's almost naked may I remind you, helped her back to her feet. "Why did Kirishima not tell us about how shitty his life is?" Satou whispered so only the group of us could hear. "I wonder that too" Tsu answered.

"We won't to know where Eijiro is." Shoto said confidently. To be honest I don't think I can speak to these so called parents because I might just punch them to another planet for how Kiri seems to be teated.

"OhhHhh My s0n... I told him tO go JuMp oF ThaT cliff He wouLD climEb wHen He wAs a KiD-"

"YOU DID WHAT!!" I yelled and was over there in seconds holding the collar of her shirt. "Midorya chill for a second..." Shouji spoke up. "DO YOU MEAN THE ONE THAT SERO AND KAMINARI WENT ON WITH HIM?!" Kachan yelled.

"...come on guys where leaving.. Kat do you know where it is?" Shoto has never called Kachan by a name and I thing I saw a small blush on Kachan's face before he nodded. "Im coming back here and taking to you about this when we find Ei..." I said to his mother....

What kind of parent, besides ENDEVER, would be such a fucking idiot.

Im so done with this.

~Small time skip brought to you by me raging over my own story~

On the way to the spot Kiri, Denki, and Sero played as kids I was so deep in thought I didn't realize that I had grabbed Shoto's hand. Momo was on the phone with the other group and telling them what was going on.

"Izuku are you okay?" Sho asked.

"Yeah I guess, why what's- ohmygodimso sorry I-i didn't even notice..." I was blushing and covered my red face with may hands. "Its okay Izu, I don't mind it... I was just asking if you where okay." Then he took my hand of my face... and said something that only I could hear... "I know this is a bad time to be flirting, but Izuku I really want to kiss every-"

"What are you to talking about?" Kachan said coming closer to us. My face turned red and I covered it up again. "Izuku stop covering your face. I like seeing what my words do to you~"

I wanted to go die in a hole after that... "Oh I see, Mr. Todoroki is making his move on Izuku.... DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BE FLUTITING SHOTO?"

"Oh~ Katsuki Bakugou just called me by my first name. What an honor... I thank you for just now taking my request."


I actually don't know what's up with me right now. Kat looked at me angrily but I smirked to see what his reaction would be. He turned his face and looked away, but I assumed he was blushing.

This was more fun than I initially thought it would be. Then second we get Kiri back I want to see... Bakugou stopped my thoughts with a yell from across the lot we where at.

"HEY MINA, SERO, SHIN!!!" I looked over to where he was yelling and it was indeed the rest of our class and Shinso of course.

"Why are you guys here?" Izuku asked them. "I was trying to tell you all when I was on the phone bu no0o0 you had to be in your own conversations, so too occupied to fine out what we are doing." Momo said, kinda mad. "They are here because, one they found their own leads and two the guy at the shop apparently had info that they where going to bring Kaminari here. You guys really need to pay attention when we are doing something impotent!"

"So the guy there, he was payed to stay quiet, but I just used my quirk, he was getting annoying and I don't have time for that." Shinso was very irritable and looked like he was prepared to kill if need be. Well we better fined the both of them unharmed so I can melt the living souls out of them for taking Kiri...

"Wow Shin I see how it is! Don't go snapping out on one of us though." Sero said patting his back to chill him out. "Hey are we going to go up there or not?!?! You all are making this mission so slow!!" Mina yelled. "HOLD on Mina, I think Hagakure should go up there and see if she can find anything. Just in case we have to be prepared." I said.

"I'm okay with that." She responded. "IM NOT!! what if she gets caught I don't have time for that... Tooru, if your not careful I will murder you!" Ojiro said staring her down. He was apparently holding her hand, but I'm still sure, most of us can't find her half the time. Ojiro and Hagakure have beed together for the three years of UA so I'm not surprised Ojiro is worried.

"I'll be find Oji don't worry about me. They literally cannot see me at all in any way..." she said and kinda laughed at his upset look. They where cute together. "Okay I will be back in a few minutes."


"You're so clingy you know that" she smiled I think and I think kissed him then she was gone. "You are kinda clingy Oij~" Sero said mocking him. "Shut up Sero... you would be to if you had someone" Ojiro said rolling his eyes. "Hey no fair!!! I would not!" He said trying to defend himself. "Yes you would!" Mina yelled. He would probably be around his Boyfriend more than he's is around Kaminari.

A few seconds later we heard Hagakure scream.

"..shit..." Oijro whispered.


Shit this ✨👀 Oop-
I- yep that just happened 😃✨ well comment or whatever 🙈.... I'll answer😭😂 bye...

Who do you think made Hagakure scream✨ like shiiit how they find her, tf?!💀🤔😀

(3737 words)


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