HIS PERSONAL MAID book 1 (co...

By Fetygrace

13.6K 1.2K 221

Under editing "Dawson meet your new maid Carla, and Carla meet my lovely kid brother Dawson ." Krystal drop... More

Chapter 1: THE Collition
Chapter 3: recrution of a maid'
Chapter 4: wandering in his mansion
Chapter 5: living alone with him
Chapter 6: his first (2)service to him (coffee)
Chapter 7: "just one call"
Chapter 8: Mr nice guy attitude
Chapter 9: Another punishment
Chapter 10: he grew wild again
Chapter 11: A pleasant morning
Chapter 12: trapped
Episode 13. Evidence
Chapter 14: Attempted rape
Chapter 15: the promise
Chapter 16: Evidence.
Chapter 17: "I don't want to hurt you"
Chapter 18: "I can make you happy"
Chapter 19: venturing into danger
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: unravelling kim's murderer.
Chapter 22: don't ever leave me.
Chapter 23: "something special about you"
Chapter 24: A visit to the KIMS mansion.
Chapter 25: the engagement topic
Chapter 26: A fight for the company.
Chapter 27: first night together.
Chapter 28: "I won't ever leave you dawson"
Chapter 29: breaking the scandals.
Chapter 30: caring thug
Chapter 31: KISSES.
Chapter 32: A visit to her home.
Chapter 33: devicing another plan
Chapter 34: The outting
Chapter 35: wrong decision
Chapter 36: Painful breakup
Chapter 37: finding it hard to let go
Chapter 38: To save her
Chapter 40: its all over
Chapter 41"dawson is dead"
Chapter 42: (the End)
Thank you note
Dedicated to one special someone.

Chapter 39: dawson is stabbed.

146 23 2
By Fetygrace

Carla's pov:

I opened my eyes to find myself wriggling on the floor, my body hurt pretty badly from all the cuts in my body.
My both hands were tied to my back, my legs was tied up.

I yelled out for help but found myself humming as my veins popped out.

"Don't kill yourself baby girl" someone said and I know it was jeong gyu.

he came through the door and walked closer to me, he stoop low and removed the bind from my mouth.

""So how have you been?" He asked with a dry smile, enraging me the more.

"If there's one thing that's I'm wishing right now, that's to get rid of this your disgusting face." I spat on him, he groaned as he got extremely angry, he gave me a pouch on my lips bursting my lips, I groaned in pains.

"Ouch does it hurt?? Don't worry you won't ever get to see my disgusting face again baby Cause After exacting my plans on Dawson I'm gonna kill Him and everything related to him and that include you.." he said Audibly with a smirk.

"Why did you hate your brother so much?" I sobbed.
He sighed and look away.

"Brother you say? Does he even consider me his brother?" He asked angrily.

"Well, I'll spare you for calling that bastard my brother.." he whispered into my ears and kissed my ear lope, that aggregated my system.

He stood up and move aside from me as he brought out his started with a phone call.

"What the fuck is still taking you time I haven't seen any of the alerts." He thundered over the phone.

"How much more time do you need, I'm becoming more impatient." He yelled.

"Look here Dawson if you delay any longer I'm gonna present to you the corpse of your family.."

My tears increased the moment he said that.

"Please Dawson Help me, please.." I found myself crying out loud even tho he already ended the call.

Jeong gyu's pov

As soon as I drop the call, I finally got a call from Joon hee whom I've been trying to reach ever since.

"Hello jeong ." She whispered, panicking.

"Yeah? Where are you?"

"Jeong gyu leave that mansion right now, take Carla away from that mansion as soon as possible.." she said and I chuckled.


"There's no time just do as I say it's for our own benefit do it right now.." she Said with an Air of Authority and hung the call.

I kept the phone and immediately started loosening up Carla

"We have to leave this place.." I said after loosening her as I took her hand.

"Am not going anywhere with you bastard" she yanks at me, I use my gun to hit her on the head making her bleed in two places.

"Don't prove stubborn " I say as I carry her up my shoulders as she starts screaming.

Dawson's OV,

I was almost close to the mansion when jeong gyu called and as I soon as the call ended, I was already at the mansion.

As soon as I drop the call a call came in my phone and it was Krystal. I decided to pick up.

"Hello Dawson where are you I'm here at the mansion I already called your company but you aren't at the office." She said.

"Is there something important you want to say." I asked hastily.

"Huh? Well it's about you and Carla..."

"Sorry I'm running outta time for that, right now I'm in the michina's mansion ." I growled as I was about hanging up.

"Wait what are you doing there?"

"Just help me price a casket Krystal cause Kim jeong is about to die.." I groaned and hung the call immediately.

Without parking my car, I got out as I raced into the old building,

all the doors was lock except one and I know that must be jeong's hide out, I held my gun as I raced upstairs.

I saw jeong carrying Carla up on his shoulders.

"Let her go" I yell at him pointing my gun at him from behind, he turned and it was clearly obvious how shock he was to the bone.

Carla was crying profusely, looking all pale as she was bleeding which pieced my heart.

The fuck!

Jeong dare hurt my woman? He's so gonna pay for it.

"How dare you trick me Dawson?" He asked in a deep husky voice as he drop Carla down.

"Who trick who? Who were the greedy one? Who was the deceitful betrayer, wasn't it's you? I gave you my trust be you ruined it.." I groaned as I went over to him, I gripped his shirt.

I hit his stomach twice with my gun, he groaned and coughing out blood.
I'm not gonna kill him just yet.

"Lemme go Dawson before I do something crazy.." he tried fighting back but was only able to kicked my Gun off my hands.

it bounced off but what do I care, I kept on hitting him with the strength I've got in the world, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, my hands divorced jeong gyu immediately as I fell in my pool of blood.

I had been stabbed.

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