Living Corpse (Black Clover F...


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A girl named Demi was born with a non-beating heart. She is emotionless and could not feel any pain, physical... Еще

Chapter 1 (Demi)
Chapter 2 (I'm Sorry)
Chapter 3 (Asta and Yuno)
Chapter 4 (Magic Knights Exam)
Chapter 6 (Other Recruit)

Chapter 5 (Black Bulls)

810 29 10

This chapter is dedicated to tired_voltia, thank you for reading and voting my story! It is very much appreciated! <3<3<3


Demi's face was blank the whole time, and because of that the captains were curious on what's going on her mind. They were hoping that the girl would pick them. Well except for one, Captain Vangeance wasn't raising his hand making all the captains curious.

Before the exam, Demi had decided that she would grow stronger with either Asta or Yuno. But now that she can't be with Yuno, she decided to go where Asta was. "I choose to be in the Black Bulls." The other captains were disappointed because they couldn't get Demi. While Yami was a little shocked as to why did she chose his squad. 'Maybe it' s because of that little twerp' he thought as he eyed Asta. "No. 166, Black Bulls." The announcer said.

After a very long time, the exam was finally over. Asta, Yuno and Demi were together, they were savoring their time together before they will be separated. Demi will be going with Asta while Yuno will be going alone to Golden Dawn. The young girl didn't really want for the three of them to separate. "Yuno! You're a Golden, we are Bulls! This is where our true battle begins!" Asta was excited, as he said that.

"Yeah, let's see who'll-" Yuno was cut off by Asta's grumbling stomach. He hurriedly ran to the restroom. He was saying about Nature's loud call. Demi and Yuno were left there standing. "Demi, good luck with being a black bull. And please be careful, I heard they're a bunch of misfits." Yuno was worried for Demi, how he wish she will be going with her. Demi hugged Yuno and he was startled.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm with Asta. What you should be worrying about is yourself. You'll be going alone, I'm sorry if I couldn't be with you." Yuno hugged her back, he was cherishing this moment with her. "Don't worry, I won't be alone. I know I'll meet new friends." Yuno let go of her

Yuno and Demi talked a little more but not until Demi asked something that made Yuno flustered. "Yuno, what's a date?" Yuno didn't know what to answer so instead he asked. "W-What do you m-mean?" Both of them where walking towards the bathroom where Asta was, because they were wondering what was taking him so long.

"The man I fought earlier, his name was Pierre. He said that if he won, he'll ask me out on a date. I didn't know what a date was so I didn't answered him." Yuno was now furious because of what the innocent girl said. 'That jerk just asked Demi on a date...! How dare he? Good thing Demi doesn't know what a date was. She's still not ready for that, especially with that guy. I want to be the first one to take her out on a date.' Yuno thought to himself. Just imagining him and Demi on a date made his cheeks blush.

When they arrived, they saw the man who fought Asta in the battle. They knew he wasn't gonna do anything good. Demi quickly made a black butterfly and Yuno made hawk they both aimed it at the poisonous lizard Sekke had made. The lizard turned black and froze when the butterfly made contact with it, while the hawk grabbed the lizards broke it. Sekke was shocked when he saw the two, he said some fake alibi and immediately left. Yuno bid goodbye to Demi because they already need to go. The young girl gave him a last hug and waved goodbye.

Asta was finished with his business when he saw Demi was waiting for him outside. "Oh, Demi! How long have you been there? Sorry for keeping you waiting. Let's go?" Asta said. The girl nodded and they started walking to where their captain was.

"You two got some nerve, making me wait. And you little twerp! How long does it take you to take a dump?" Yami said with a cigarette on his mouth. Asta tried to reason with him but end up his head being squished by Yami's hand. Demi sighed because of this and tried to help Asta. "Excuse me Sir, please let Asta go, if you don't, his head will explode." Yami eyed Demi and and ignored her plead. He turned to Finral and ordered him to make a portal. "Let's go Finral."

Finral obeyed Yami, he took out his grimoire and made a portal. "Since you can't magically fly, You're going to have to learn some transport magic, too.... Oh, wait. You don't have any magical powers! Hahahaha!" Yami was teasing Asta for being magicless, and Asta was trying to free from his grasp. But before he could, Yami had thrown him into the portal.

The young girl looked at Yami, 'why did he have to do that? Asta can walk, he didn' t have to throw him.' Yami noticed her stare and raised his eyebrow. "What? You want me to throw you too?" The little girl just sighed and started walking towards the portal. She saw Asta's face on the ground and helped him up. "Ow, thank you Demi... Woah!" Asta's face was amazed, Demi turned her back and looked at what Asta was looking at.

It was a large run-down house with a peculiar style of architecture. Demi was also amazed, "So this is the Black Bull's..." She said to herself. Asta was very enthusiastic to be an official Magic Knight. "Starting today, I'm also going to be....." He was suddenly in front of the entrance. "All right!" He immediately opened the door and introduced himself. "I'm Asta from Hage Village! I'll be joining the Black Bulls tod-" Before he could finish, Asta was hit by a big fireball and flew through the air.

"Welcome to the absolute worst Magic Knights squad, the Black Bulls." Yami stated proudly with a smirk. The persistent little boy was not going to give up yet, once again he was running towards the entrance surrounded by fire. A fireball was heading towards him as his eyes widened. Black butterflies surrounded and covered him, protecting him from the attack. When the butterflies disappeared, Demi was standing in front of him.

"Asta, please be careful, I don't want you always getting hurt." The ash blonde boy's cheeks were tinted pink. "Y-You don't have to worry about me Demi! I can protect myself! I should be the one protecting you though." He said the last sentence in a whisper. Demi was facing her back towards Asta, anticipating for another attack, but none came. However, what they heard next was something unexpected. "Now I'm pissed! You'd better be prepared!" There was a someone shouting angrily inside. Asta and Demi walked into the hideout and took a closer look at what's happening.

They were two boys, one was aiming fireballs with his bat, while the other one was in the air dodging them effortlessly. "Die!" a man with violet sunglasses yelled. "Whee!" The other however, looked like he was enjoying dodging the attacks. Asta and Demi didn't notice there were actually other people inside until they talked.

"What's all the ruckus? Ugh, I drank too much. My head hurts." A woman with strawberry pink haired was on the couch, and she was barely naked.

There was also another litlle girl who was eating a lot of food. Another was a man with a mirror and a picture in his hand. "You're as adorable as an angel again today, my little sister Marie.... Keep it down, you morons!"

The last one was a big man who was exhaling steam as he breath. All of them were very different from one another, and yet they were in the same squad. How did they all get along? Demi wondered. "I see they're at it again." Finral said, catching the purple haired girl's attention.

"What do you mean again? Does this happen often?" Finral was flustered when the girl was talking to her. He never felt nervous whenever he was talking with a girl. Only Demi had this effect on him. "A-Ah! Demi w-was it? W-well, I guess you could say so."

Yami was tired from the chaos, he smashed the wall with his left hand. "All of you... Stop breaking everything!" The whole wall was completely ruined because of what Yami did. Finally the members noticed Yami's arrival and approached their captain.


"Thanks for all your hard work, Mister Yami!"

"Captain, this is really good. I'll give you half, I'm giving you half!"

"Do you have a moment, captain?"

"Welcome back, Captain! Come on. Have a seat and drink with me."

All of them were speaking simultaneously making it confusing. "Hahahaha, I see, I see. So you guys love me that much, eh?... But you need to shut up." All of the members were suddenly kneeling/seating on the ground. "Sorry." they spoke all together.

"I brought new mem-"/"Asta" Yami was cut off by Demi, she was approaching the big guy who breathe steam. She helped Asta from being crushed by the big man's body. "Why are you fooling around over there?" Yami thought the young boy was just playing around. "I-I wasn't." Asta was beside Yami and Demi again.

"This little girl and this little twerp are our other new members." Yami in troduced the two. "Other?" Asta questioned their captain, which Yami ignored. "What was your names again?" He asked as he couldn't remember their names.

Asta was the first one to talk. "Right! I'm Asta from Hage Village! It's nice to meet all of you!" He was yelling as he introduced himself that made the other members cover their ears. "My name is Demi, and I'm also from Hage Village. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." The members were eyeing Demi expecting to see any expression, but her face remained blank. Making all the members wonder if what she said was true.

"Both of you? From Hage? Seriously? Talk about out in the sticks." The boy with violet sunglasses was asked with disbelief. "Hey, introduced them to the other members." Yami ordered Finral which he obeyed. "Oh, right. Well, you've already met him, but... This is Gordon Agrippa. He's pretty gloomy, and you never know what he's thinking, but he's a good guy." Finral turned towards the man who looked like a panda with his make-up. "Nice to meet you." He said in a very small whisper however Demi heard it and nodded at him. "You too." She greeted back. Asta was confused why she suddenly talked.

"And over here, is Vanessa Enoteca. She'll get in your face when she's drunk but she's a good person." He was now facing the woman who had pink hair and was barely naked. "I won't get in anyone's face." She defended herself. "Hage... isn't that a small village out in the boonies?" Vanessa asked the new members. "Yes!" Asta answered energetically.

Vanessa neared her face towards the young boy. Their face face were so close. "Huh... To come from out in the boonies and join the Magic Knights... You must've worked really hard, little boy. How about I reward you with a special treat?" Asta was hysterical. Inside his head he was saying things. 'I wish I could accept that! But I already have a goddess named Demi in my heart! And she's right beside me! I should resist, resist, resist!'

Demi noticed Asta's uncomfort and struggle, she decided to help him. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but your making Asta uncomfortable. Please step a bit backward." Vanessa shifted her attention towards Demi and then back to Asta, she started to step back. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. I hope you're little girlfriend will forgive me."

Asta's face was red and steam was coming out of his ears. "G-G-G-G-Girlfriend?! N-No, it's not like that! Demi isn't my g-g-girlfriend! Were just f-friends!" Asta hands was swaying in the air. He was blushing while denying Vanessa accusation. He's thoughts were going haywire. 'Why am I like this? Yes, I want to marry her, and yet I'm flustering over such a shallow thing. How was I so brave when I was proposing to her and yet I can't handle others calling Demi my girlfriend. What's wrong with me?!'

The purple haired girl was clueless about what they were talking about so she just ignored it. After Vanessa puked rainbows in front of Asta, the introduction continued. The next one was named Luck Voltia, he had blonde hair and he was the one who was dodging the attacks earlier. "He loves to fight and si obsessed with battle, but he's a good guy." Finral described him.

"Nice to meet ya! Do you like to fight? I love to fight! Wanna fight? Wanna fight?" Luck was softly punching Asta's palm. "I want to." Demi answered, she wanted to fight him to get stronger. He's a magic knight after all, then that means he's strong. Luck was jumping with enthusiasm because of what Demi said. "Really?! Let's fight now! Come on!" Asta was incredulously looking at the two. "Wait, what?!" he said.

Meanwhile, Finral was sweating because of the two's enthusiasm. "N-Not now, I dont think so. Maybe later?" Finral said. The blonde haired boy was disappointed because of this. "But I want to fight now." But then Asta and Demi's attention were caught by someone holding a picture of a little girl. The man neared the picture towards Asta and Demi's face.

"Hey, look. This is my little sister Marie. She's an angel. Listen well, If you lay a finger on Marie, I'll kill you." He warned the two, but it was more directed to Asta than Demi. The little girl nodded while ash blonde boy yelled in disbelief.

"This is Gauche Adlai. He's a bit too obsessed with his little sister, but he's a good guy." The next one was the little petite girl who was eating a cupcake. "This is Charmy Pappitson. She eats way too much, but she's a good person."

"Nice to meet you!" She said with her mouth full. It was the big man who was breathing steam's turn. "This is Grey. I don't really get him, but he's a good guy."

"And then we have Magna Swing. He's a delinquent, but he's a good guy." It was the man voilet sunglasses and he had a mean look on his face. 'He's scary!' Asta thought. 'What wrong with his face?' Demi innocently thought while tilting her head. "And I'm Finral Roulacase. I'm super popular. And last but not the least, the captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro!" Finral introduced the captain. 'He's not calling him a good guy?!' Asta thought.

"They are other members, but they're either on some mission, taking a break, or slacking off. Try to get along with them all." This time Captain Yami was the one to talk. "Right! I'll super get along with them all!" Asta's response meanwhile Demi just nodded. "Once again, it's nice to meet all of you!" The new energetic member yelled. Some of the members complained about Asta's loud voice.

"Your height and the volume of your voice are all out of proportion. Hey you, blank face! How the hell can you deal with this twerp's mouth?" Demi turned her head towards Yami, 'did he mean her?' When she saw that Yami was looking at her, she was confirmed. "I just got used to it." She answered.

"Anyway, put them to work, but don't kill them." Yami said nonchalantly. "Did you hear that? Mister Yami said to put you two to work. I'll gladly put both of you to work." Magna was looking at the two new members with a mean look. "You want one of these Black Bulls robes? In that case, You're going to have to convince me, Mister Yami's number 1 man and a real man's man, Magna Swing! Time for both of your initiation into the Black Bulls."

Magna was eager to see what they were capable of, seeing as he didn't feel any mana coming from the boy, while the girl's face was void of any emotion, making him suspicious of her. "Me! Me! I want to be the one to initiate the girl!" Luck wanted to fight Demi, this may be their chance to fight each other because they couldn't fight earlier.

Magna was hesitant about Luck's proposal. "A-Are you sure about that? O-Okay! You shrimp boy will be initiated by me, while Luck will be the one to handle the girl. You got that?!" The two immediately answered yes.

After putting an enchantment to protect the Black Bulls hideout, everyone was outside. It was Magna and Asta's turn first. "Let's start this thing! First, show me just how much guts and stamina you have! Five thousands sit-ups!" It was just a piece of cake for Asta because he have been doing this since he was young.

After many physical test. It was finally the last one. "You can use magic or whatever else you want... to either block or dodge my attack magic! If you're able to do that, you'll officially be one of us Black Bulls. You'll get your precious robe." Magna said the intruction of the final test. Both of them got into their places. "Asta..." Demi muttered as she watched Magna used a strong spell and hit it with his bat towards Asta.

The young boy was able to repel Magna's attack using his big black sword and send it back at him. The Black Bulls were amazed because of what Asta did.

"He hit it! He hit it!" Luck cheered. "Wow!" Vanessa was astonished. Meanwhile, Charmy was clapping. "It's been a while since we didn't have to save a new recruits hide." Finral said. Yami however, was contemplating about what Asta did. 'He wasn' t able to cut it, but he was able to hit it. That sword can cut through magic as well as repel it. How interesting.' he thought to himself.

Magna was walking towards Asta, his eyes shadowed. Asta thought he was angry because of what he did. But when he saw his face, he was confused. "You're not half bad! Hahaha..... Not only were you able to block my magic, you actually sent it right back at me! I like you Shrimpsta!" Magna was hitting the Asta's back. "I-It's Asta!" He complained because of what Magna called him.

"Sorry I made fun of you and your friend for being from the boonies. I'm actually from out in the country myself. I'm from Rayaka Village, just above Hage." He proudly said. He and Asta continued to chat with each other. Asta was greeted by the other members, congratulating him. Next it was Demi's turn for initiation. "Demi! I know you can do it! You're strong! You'll definitely pass. So let's be Black Bulls together!"

Demi thanked Asta and hugged him. The boy blushed a little. "Demi? Your name was Demi right? Come on, let's fight now!" Luck was energetic because he gets to fight Demi. He took her arm and dragged her enthusiastically. "There will be no physical tests. All we have is to fight each other. If you win against me, you pass. Now, let's fight!"

"Lightning Creation Magic: Holy Lightning Boots" Blue lightning started to form into a boots covering Luck's feet. As soon as it was formed he immediately ran towards Demi. He was fast, however Demi was fast too. She opened her grimoire and used a spell. "Death Magic: Grim Reaper's Scythe." Her scythe appeared on her right hand. It was taller than her and it looked heavy.

The Black Bull members were astonished to see this. Even the captain was interested 'Death Magic, huh?' At the exam earlier, Demi's grimoire caught Yami's attention, as well as the other captain. Yami was wondering how the hell was her grimoire like that. It was pitch black, you couldn't even see the clover sign. That's why he got curious. But now he's just thinking maybe it's because of her Death Magic. Which was unusual.

Luck aimed a kick on Demi's head but she used her scythe to block it. She swung her sythe towards Luck's direction but the boy quickly dogded it. They were attacking each other and defending their own selves at the same time. Not until Luck saw an opening and was able to land a kick on Demi's stomache. She was sent a few meters backwards as her back hit a tree.

Everyone who was on standby was watching intently and was worried for the girl's condition. Demi stood up wiping the blood off the corner of her mouth. Her face remained stoic as if she wasn't in pain. Well, she really wasn't aching, seeing she couldn't feel any physical pain. However the black bulls didn't know about this and was confused of Demi's behavior.

This time Demi was the one running towards Luck. A swarm of black butterflies form near Demi and headed towards her opponent. Luck evaded the incoming butterflies, but he was surprised when they started to blow up one by one causing big explosions around him He didn't expected it. He managed to get away from them, however, he wasn't that lucky seeing as he was now covered in wounds.

Luck was still smiling despite of his injuries. Instead of being afraid he was actually getting more excited. He never knew the girl was this strong. He's enjoying this fight with her. He wanted to win against her. Demi also wanted to win, so she could be a black bull and be with Asta. She doesn't want to prolong the fight anymore so she uses her grimoire and used one of her powerful spells. "Death Magic: Black Blizzard" The sky started to turn black and wind was intense. Using Demi's mana, she condensed the air with her Death Magic and created a blizzard.

It was so strong, everyone was terrified. The air was so cold and it felt so gloomy. It felt like they're going to die because of the coldness even though there weren't any snow. Demi slowly started to raise her hands, the wind following her hands movement. It was getting more rapid and uncontrollable. The Black Bulls were wondering how Demi was able to control sich a large amount of mana. Is she really from the boonies?

Demi aimed the blizzard towards a wide-eyed Luck. The blizzard was only a meter away from reaching the boy until it stopped. Yami was gripping Demi's hand, stopping her from attacking. "That's enough, you're not only going to get him killed but everyone will be hurt as well." Yami stated.

Demi only realized what she was doing, she almost killed her future comrade. She was ashamed because of what she did. 'I'm sure they will never accept me, after what I did to their friend. I almost killed him.' Everyone started to approach her, except Magna because he went towards Luck. However Demi kept her head and eyes downwards, expecting them to say something harsh towards her.

"Are you okay little girl? Your stomache is injured, doesn't it hurt?" The pink haired woman was concerned about Demi's condition. Yes her comrade was hurt but he's used to it. What worried the Black Bulls were the new member. Demi was surprised to hear Vanessa's concern. "Demi! Are you alright?! What you did was awesome! But still you have to be careful you know!" Asta appeared in front of Demi and hugged her.

"Ah, We're sorry for our member's doing. Because of him you were hurt." Finral was the one to talk, he was also worried for the girl but he want to say sorry first. Demi was confused when they started asking her if she was okay. "But, I almost killed your comrade. And I almost got all of you hurt." Demi's face was blank but it was obvious that she was confused.

"But you didn't so it was fine! Plus, that's what you actually do in a real battle!" Magna was accompanying Luck as he answered the confused girl's question. "Don't worry about it, this are just small wounds compare to our missions. I was actually excited to see your blizzard! But Captain Yami interfered, what a killjoy." Luck reassured Demi. Captain Yami tsked when he heard what his member said.

Because of this, Demi was relieved. She thought they will hate her, she didn't thought they'd be this nice. "But I was wondering though, earlier... when you were hit by my kick and crashed to a tree. You didn't seemed shaken at all, like you weren't hurt." Luck wondered. The other member nodded at his remarks, they noticed it too.

"You're right, la! Your face were also lacking any emotion. Even earlier when you first came, I didn't notice your face changed. It was always blank, la!" The petite girl who was eating a cupcake said. Once again they agreed to Charmy's statement. Asta looked at his friend's face. It was a personal matter to her, he didn't want to be the one to spoil it.

"I am unable to feel any pain, physical or emotional. I am also unable to feel any emotion, the reason why my face is blank. And also my heart isn't beating, but I'm still alive and breathing. To put it simply.....

I am cursed"


End of chapter 5! I'm really sorry for the very late update, please fogive me! And also, the prelims are finally over! Yehey! But we still need to answer our modules every week though😭. So yeah..... Please look forward for the next chapter! 💜 💜 💜

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