What Would I Do Without You?

By lqvebugg

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Set 4 years after the war. Katara and Aang are deeply in love, and they couldn't be happier. But when Azula e... More

After The War
A Storm Is Forming
Back in the Sky
Fire Nation Here We Are
Stay With Me
Aang Alone
You Did This To Me
A Piece Of My Heart
Some Kind Of Miracle
Drowning In You
The North Pole
My Hope
I Will Follow You Into The Dark
My Heart Is In A Box
A Change Is Gonna Come
Wake Up, Get Up
The Awakening
Moment of Truth
Baby's First Outing
Let The Truth Sting
All I Need Is You
Your Heart Is An Ocean
My Healer

Come Back To Me

671 16 7
By lqvebugg

"Katara, please come out. You've been in there for weeks and you've hardly eaten anything." Sokka said as he knocked on her bedroom door.

"I'm not hungry." Katara replied with her head on a pillow.

Sokka opened the door halfway and peeked in to see all the lights were out and the curtains were shut.

Katara was just in the middle of a dark room hugging a pillow. He went up to her and saw her puffy red eyes. It killed him seeing his sister like this.

He couldn't even begin to imagine what she was going through. He once lost someone he cared deeply about, but it was no where near the same level as Aang and Katara.

He sat in bed next to her and put his arms around her to hold her close.

Katara continued to sob. "I miss him, Sokka," she said softly with tears filling her words. "I know, I miss him too. It's weird to know that he's just gone," he replied.

"How can you say that? He's not 'gone'! He's just-" Katara tried to find the words to describe his situation but all of them hurt to say a loud. "He's lost.."

Hearing Katara say those words made him feel bad for her. He doesn't know if it's because he's always so realistic that he doesn't believe in hoping that Aang might still be alive, or if that he doesn't want his sister to hang on that possibility. "Come with me, you need to eat something."

Uncle Iroh poured some jasmine tea into a cup and handed it to Zuko. Zuko looked down and sipped his tea quietly. He didn't like or wanted to talk to anyone. He was just there.

Katara and Sokka entered the dining hall and sat down at the table. "Good morning, Katara. It's good to see you got out of your bedroom." Iroh said with a soft smile.

"Morning Iroh," she said quietly. Sokka handed her a plate of dim sums, to which she smelled and immediately threw up on Sokka's lap.

"KATARA!" Sokka complained as he grabbed napkins to clean himself. Toph began to laugh.

"Oh my gosh Sokka, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. The food just repelled me."

Sokka looked at her with an annoyed look but then changed it when he realized it probably has to do with how sad she's been lately. It's like her body is refusing to keep going.

"I'll just go," Katara said as she left the dining hall and headed to the turtle duck pond outside. She brought some bread but instead of eating it she fed it to the ducks.

"If you throw up everything you eat and feed the rest to turtleducks, you're going to get sick." A voice behind Katara said. She turned around to find it belonged Iroh.

"I don't really care if I get sick. I don't really care about much lately," she responded with a dry voice.

Iroh handed her some tea and sat beside her. Katara was hesitant but she then began to drink the tea.

"You know, I understand what you're going through. I too lost a great love once," Katara turned to look at him with suprise.

"My late wife, Ming, mother to my late son Lu Ten. I loved her dearly, but she fell ill and died shortly after Lu Ten was born. I've never really moved on after her. But I hold on tight to her memory everyday." He explained.

"Iroh.. Do you think that Aang is dead?" Katara asked with tears flowing down her face.

"I'm not sure my dear." Katara looked down after hearing that. "But I will tell you this, every avatar has an animal guide. They're spiritually connected. And when the avatar dies, so does their animal guide. And from what I've heard, Aang's flying bison is still alive."

Katara then looked up and remembered Aang telling her a similar story having to do with Roku and his dragon.

"I didn't think about that," Katara said softly. This now giving her some hope in the middle of this storm.


Katara walked around this dark forest, and saw many shadows rush past her. She began to run frightened from what she saw. And suddenly, it all went dark.

She then heard a familiar voice. "Katara," she turned around to find Aang. She gasped and ran to him. "Why didn't you fight for me, Katara." Aang's voice said.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so so sorry, Aang! Please come back to me," she pleaded. "I will always love you, Katara." Aang's voice began to fade.

She was then left alone in all that darkness. And the pain became too much.

Katara gasped as she awoke from her dream. Her breath became heavy. She sat up and found that Aang wasn't next to her.

Whenever she would have a nightmare, Aang would always comfort her. He would hold her tight and tell her that everything was going to be okay. And it always made Katara feel safe.

But now, he wasn't there anymore. He would no longer be there for her. And this made Katara feel worse. She had to get through the nightmare that were the days without him there.

And she would have to fall asleep and relive the same nightmare. Over and over and over again.
All she wanted was to feel some feeling of comfort for once.


Katara got up in the middle of the night after her dream and headed towards the kitchen to drink some tea. She had been so nauseous lately and tea seemed to be the only thing that helped.

She grabbed the tea kettle and began to pour some tea, when she heard a sound. She placed the cup down and turned only to find Zuko.

"Oh it's just you," she sighed. "Yeah I couldn't really sleep," Zuko replies with a dry voice. He walked over to her and grabbed to tea kettle to pour himself some tea.

"Did you have a nightmare?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, I kind of have them all the time now."

"Me too. I just wake up screaming, and it hits me again. I just wish that he was here, you know? That he would keep me company. And tell me his daily 'I love you''s." she said with a soft voice.

Zuko looked down and humphed with an annoyed look.

"What?" she asked to his face expression. "Nothing, just that you make it seem as if we're on the same boat here." He replied with an annoyed tone.

"Excuse me? You did not just say that! The man that I love has been missing for 3 months now! I don't know if he's dead or alive or where he is. I keep throwing up everything I eat! And I just miss him all the time that I cant sleep, and I can't breathe! So don't you give me some crap about us 'not being on the same boat here'!" she yelled with pain in her voice.

"You really want to go there? Fine! My wife is dead. Ok? She's actually dead. Not missing, dead! And along with her so is my child. They were all I had! My uncle had to come all the way from Ba Sing Se to keep me company because he sees how lonely I am! You have no idea how much I was looking forward to being a father! I had the worst father in the history of fathers, my mother was forced to abandon me to save my life and when I found her she was already dead, and my sister is a lunatic who KILLED my wife and baby! I wanted to give my kid a better life and family than I ever had, but I didn't even get a chance! Mai was the only person other than my mother that could get a laugh out of me! The only person that could make me feel better! I was planning on spending the rest of my life with her. And now, she's just gone! You and I are not in the same situation here! You didn't have a baby with Aang, hell you two weren't even engaged or anything!" He yelled back at her everything that he had been holding in for the past months.

These words hit Katara's heart like an arrow hits it's target. She remembered the last things he had said to Aang. How much she hurt him. And how he was planning on proposing but didn't even get a chance.

Tears then began to flow down her face and she ran out of the kitchen back to her bedroom. She cried in bed for hours missing Aang until she fell asleep.

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