Love story Jake Webber

By soggy_peen

913 36 1

Skylar grew up with Sam, Colby and Jake ever since the one vine Sam, Colby and Sky made when they met Jake th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 35

5 0 0
By soggy_peen

My head hurts Sky whined

Well yeah you just cracked your forehead open Colby said walking in with a cold water bottle and her pain killers she rolled her eyes taking the pills and water from him

This is gonna be so boring she whined

Yup Sam said

Here you go mommy Maggie said walking in with a tub of ice cream and a spoon she smiled

Thank you she said taking it from her she smiled


It's been two day Colby I gained my blood back and I'm not dizzy anymore Sky said

Sky you need to rest Jay said

Oi, fuck off she said to him she looked back at Colby "I promise I won't do anything stupid" he shook his head she sighed then gave him her puppy eyes he made a face

Fine he said she smiled clapping her hand on her thigh happy she grabbed her crutches going to her closet to get dressed

Can you tie my shoe Sky asked Brennen he sat his drink down squatting down and tying her shoe "Thank Bren Bren" she patted his head standing up

You ready Elton yelled comin out of the kitchen with Brandon she nodded grabbing the crutches from Brennen going to them

Be careful Sam gritted through her teeth

Yes mom she joked rolling her eyes cracking a smile

Elton don't let her do anything stupid Colby said

Yes mom Elton said copying Sky's voice she flipped him off he laughed as they walked out


Hey guys welcome back to TFIL and yes Sky is back he said looking back at her then laughing as she still had the weird mask on messing with the jousting pole or that's what Elton calls it

Let's go Sky one of them said she held back her laugh turning to them with the pole

I just want everyone to have a great time I want no violence I don't want no rushing no speeding if someone gets hurt we need to check on them we need to make sure they're not bleeding they're not injured there's no broken bones. You know what I'm sayin? And like if anyone cusses they're banned from the city um... let's just have fun and like if you guys wanna have fun say like Yeah she said in a sassy girly tone

YEAH everyone yelled

LET'S FUCKING DO IT she yelled in a slight deep voice everyone cheered

Ladies and gentlemen get ready for the HRSDCNJHDU Sky yelled with the mask still on and holding a shield in her left hand the one with the cast on and the pole in her right they all began yelling in a cheerful way some jumped down from the unit thing and fought

HEY HEY QUIT IT THE FUCK OUT WHAT DID I SAY? .... I SAID WE'RE GONNA PLAY IT SAFE! Franko hit his sword thing on her pole "DON'T ACT LIKE FUCKING ANIMALS OUT HERE! I'M TRYING TO RUN A FUCKING SHOW YOU THINK I'M GONNA SELL TICKET TO PEOPLE TO SEE BULLSHIT" one of the other guys hit there mask thing on hers "That actually kinda hurt though" she said with a little laugh "Boys can everyone please line up. Get in your spots GET in your spots. What are you doing? Get in your spot." she sassed she cleared her throat "Thank you everybody these fine guardians have been breaded by our finest sir Charles Bixby the fourth" she yelled everyone cheered they began fighting making sure not to run into her as she stood on the hay stacks

CORBIN WINS she yelled everyone cheered

I've never thrown one of these before Elton said before throwing the spear at one of the guys hitting him in the no no square he fell to the ground holding his junk

Do it again I missed it Sky said the mask off she fixed her hair pushing it away from her face the guys all laughed as she smiled she put the mask back on

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TODAY I HAVE A VERY NICE BATTLE FOR YOU she yelled in a weird voice "Follow me follow me" she said in her regular voice to the camera man walking "WE HAVE FOUR PROFESSIONAL JOUSTERS SPONCORED BY BANG LINK IN BOI" she yelled the guys started laughing "WE HAVE SIR HARRY COCK" everyone cheered "OUR BRAND NEWEST STEVEN THE THIRD. SIR.. CODY.. MARCUS.. JASON.. MARTHA.. SKILLET" Kyler broke into a fit of laughter as she was talking about him everyone cheered again

SHUT THE FUCK UP she yelled they got quiet "AND WE HAVE blake" she said it was quiet before everyone began booing as he laughed they hit him with there shield "Oh god" she chuckled

As you can see next to him we have the three whores I MEAN HORSES she yelled everyone laughed :It's so hot in here" Sky said then took the mask off she pushed her hair back away from her bandage on her forehead

I wanna see blood Sky said sitting

Oh my god Corey said as he rolled up his sleeves

ON MY COUNT uh uno she said looking around in the mask again "Dos " she did the na na "Tres" she yelled waving her bad arm down she hissed holding it

You okay Corey asked her she nodded

I was just a little rough I'm good she said

You sure he asked she nodded

Hey gentlemen if you uh want to go on a night out get it cause I'm a night but if you want to have a night out make sure to subscribe to my only fans she said Corey laughed at her "Fuck you" she pointed at him

Take my job she said to Corey as she grabbed the helmet putting it on ignoring Brandon and Elton yelling at her she held onto "Blake" with her bad arm and hug her bad leg off standing a bit

You ready he asked she nodded he drove up and they hit each other at the same time but she didn't let go they went again she hit with a lot more force he almost let go but didn't she took her helmet off laughing she shook hands walking away

HEY Elton yelled at her she rolled her eyes walking to him

Yep she asked

Sam and Colby are going to be ON my ass if you get hurt again he said

Send it she said smiling he cracked a smile as she walked away he shook his head

Please comment down below "Sam and Colby please DO NOT kill Elton and Brandon for Sky's stupid mistakes" thank you he said before laughing Sky rolled her eyes


Come on guys get up we gotta work Elton said interrupting Zeus and Sky's cuddle session he shook her awake

Elton I'm going to sick Zeus on you if you ever try waking me up this early again Sky said she eyes still closed cuddling him

Get up he laughed shaking her she swatted him as she tried turning away "I'm gonna sit on you" he sang she got up faster then Corey could say "Bro I got chills"

Keep ya fat ass off of me she said he laughed she picked Zeus's fat ass up holding him as she walked out in basketball shorts and her black Nike sports bra

Hi puppy Brandon said petting him she chuckled at his voice

HEY HEY Sky yelled at Kyler and Brandon as they fake argued they looked at her "Cut it out act like men" she tried not to laugh Kyler walked to Brandon

Just like kiss me already Brandon said as they hugged he let out a laugh along with Sky

DO IT Sky yelled at Kyler

No no your gonna slip tongue in Brandon said as he backed away from him he held him down kissing him she laughed clapping her hands

Aw Corey it's okay Sky said hugging Corey as Elton said he clogged it he fake cried hugging her she rolled her eyes trying not to laugh

I'm gonna jump Sky sang

No don't y- Brandon was cut off my her falling backwards doing a backflip and landed on her back

SKY Elton yelled she laughed crawling to the end some off Corey and Chaz helped her off she thanked them and was greeted by Zeus

You should not be out here come on bubs she said walking to the RV she opened the door and he went in "I love you stinker" she kissed his nose closing the door walking back to the crowd

I do it with you Corey she said he looked at her squinting his eyes

Mm okay he said she chuckled

Oh we're doing a handstand contest Sky asked the guy nodded she grinned

Sky no Elton said she flipped him off

3 2 1 go he said she used her good foot to kick up and and did a one hand handstand he let himself fall once she seen he fell she pushed up and landed on her bad foot

Oh ow she said bouncing she bro hugged him still bouncing

What can't you do Corbin asked her she shrugged

What the fack are we doin kid Corey asked as they got in the thing

I can't Corey said Sky sighed

Didn't want to do this she said getting on the other side

Sam Elton said she shushed him as Corey went beside her

Ready she asked him

Can we get a chant Elton yelled everyone began cheering Corey on

3 2 1 Sky yelled pushing off doing a triple backflip he fell along with her doing nothing they landed on there backs they got up going to the edge

Nice Sky said high fiving him he laughed as they got down Brandon helped her and Corbin handed her her crutches

Ginger I'll go with you if you want Sky yelled up to her

I don't know you kinda broke your ankle and arm and yet cracked your forehead open I'm sure your down to do anything she yelled back making her laugh

Of course mama ain't raise no bitch she yelled back Ginger laughed Elton brought the thing down letting her on he brought it back up "Ready Sky asked on the edge she shook her head Sky grabbed her hand "Come on fans want Skinger" the two laughed "On three alright" she nodded "3 2 1" they jumped down at the same time

That was scary she said making her laugh

Me and Elty Sky said high fiving him they played ping pong with Kyler and one of the other guys

Back up Elton said to Sky so it would be easier for them they missed a couple times and got to hit them with the ping pong ball

Fuck Sky said turning around Elton did the same Kyler whispered and then there was a little pinch feeling in Sky's back she looked back "Is that all you got Ky?"

I tried my hardest he laughed she laughed along

I just think it's funny how your literally the only girl with there shirt off one of the guys pointed to her she chuckled

Well when I get sweaty my shirt sticks to me and I hate that she said as they played

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