
By 19noel99

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My parents always told me to put one foot in front of the other. To keep strong.To face darkness. To not be a... More

Chapter One... Savor
Chapter 3... Death
Author's Note
Chapter 4... Mate
Chapter 5
Chapter 6... Questions
Author Note
Chapter 7... Hospital
Chapter 8... Leaving?
Author Note

Chapter Two... Truth

248 13 0
By 19noel99

Thank you everyone for reading my first chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think of chapter 2!!! WARNING: cussing.

The bright light shining thru my window wakes me up from my deep slumber. “Fuck I forgot to close the curtains.” I say to myself. I reach over to my night stand next to my huge plush king size bed. “Fuck!” Why do I always have to knock over my glass of water? I sit up on my mattress so I can see what I’m doing so I don’t knock over something else. I grab my phone and look at the time. “Its 9:38…Great!” I say sarcastically.

An hour later I’m in my living room eating French toast, bacon, and eggs. “Let’s see what to watch?” I say while my mouth is stuffed with food. “Hmm… I’ll watch Dirty Dancing.” I say final settling on something to watch. Today I think I’m going to have a chic flick marathon. Ten minutes in to the movie I finish my breakfast.

I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. I clean off the plate and put it in the dish washer. I start walking back to my comfy spot on the couch when someone knocks on the door. “Fuck I forgot that France was coming over to fuck up everything I’m doing so he can meet the guy that saved me. Why couldn’t France come a different day he’s messing up my chic flick marathon”

I walk over to the door taking my time just so I don’t get harassed. I open the door and there standing in the entry way is the sheriff. He is an older fellow with silver hair that’s turning white. He has a thick mustache that matches the color of his hair, and he’s wearing a tan uniform. “Hello sir what can I do for you on this gorgeous day.” I say to the officer.

“Are you Noel Artic?”

“Yes that’s me. Why are you here? Have I done something wrong?” I ask politely

“Do you know a France Albatraoz Thurman?”

“Yes; what happened is everything okay? Is he hurt? Please, please, PLEASE tell me he’s okay.” I say freaking out right now. Holy Crap he could be dead, and I wouldn’t have anybody anymore to listen to my dramatic moments. My life is over as we speak. I should just kill myself and get it over with. WHY ME!

The cop taps my shoulder gently breaking me out of my daze. “Are you feeling all right miss you look unwell all of a sudden.” He asked

“I’m fine is France okay?”

“Yes his is okay, but he is locked up behind bars. He sent me here so you could bail him out.”

“Yes I can do that. Let me grab the keys to my truck and I will follow you down to the station.” Fuck you France!

I put my black uggs on tucking my grey lounge pants that say Call of Duty Advanced Warfare into the soft boots. I put my green hoodie on and grab my lanyard with my keys on it that says Call of Duty Ghost. I’m such a Call of Duty nerd.

I walk out the door turning around and locking it. I know I live all the way out in the woods with no neighbors, but it’s a habit I can’t break. I walk off my wrap around porch and head over to my dark green 2015 Chevrolet Colorado extended cab.

I get in the driver’s seat and start the engine. I back out of my drive way and follow the sheriff to the cop station. I turn on some music and try to calm down so I don’t kill France myself when I see him. That fuckers going to wish he died after seeing me.

I pull onto the paved road after driving fifteen miles on the dirt road. “Only twenty-five more minutes before I get to the closest town. That fucker better wish that Paix doesn’t come after me.” I say thru gritted teeth, because I’m so pissed off right know.

Finally I get to Honeymoon Park. It’s a nice quaint town that newlyweds like to come too and spend their honeymoon; ergo the name Honeymoon Park. It’s a beautiful town surrounded by the Rocky Mountains in Montana.

I park my truck in the parking lot of the police station. I get out of my truck and follow the sheriff inside. “You need to fill out these papers and I’ll go get your friend.” He said handing me the paperwork I need to fill out. My vision starts blurring in and out and my head feels heavy after I start filling out the paperwork. Everything around me starts turning foggy and objects have different shapes and bright florescent colors. What the fuck.

Everything goes black for a minute and then it’s like someone turned on a light bulb. I’m standing on my feet in bright vivid green glass. I look up from the ground but everything else but the ground is black and white. A figure emerges from the tall fir trees wearing a bright yellow sundress. The figure is a women with long black wavy hair that flows freely in the wind.

In a flash she’s standing right in front of me. I jump back in fright at this sudden gesture. From up close the woman is exquisite looking. She has sharp cheek bones with freckles scattered about. Her eyes are tsavorite green that could get any man to do her bidding, and she’s a couple of inches shorter than me standing probable around 5’8.

“Hello I’m Grace Lyons.” She say with an angelic tone to her voice.

“What the fuck is going on.”  I say thinking I’m crazy right now.

“I beg your pardon. A woman shouldn’t talk like that.” She yells at me.

“Umm… I’m going to leave now goodbye.” I say trying to think of how to get out of here.

“I’m very sorry I forgot that the people of your generation talk that way.” She explains

“Where the fuck am I and what’s going on.” I ask getting to the point.

“I am here to talk to you about what you are, and you were going to see the future but I disrupted that so I may speak with you.”

“Okay I’m listening.” I say bored

“Your powers are getting stronger and there will be more people looking for you to use your powers against you and the world…”

“Hold up; I only have one power and that’s pain, and I prefer to call it icimugic.” I say cutting the woman named Grace off.

“Hmmh…You are the most powerful Immortal left in the world. You control every single icimugic “power” know to Immortals and probable more that are unknown, and the powers were dormant so you could learn each one individually. But for some reason your powers started to flare and now you will be able to use them all now, but you haven’t had the training needed to use them correctly. And your powers are getting stronger and stronger by the second. You need to find your soul mate or you could kill yourself and the world.”

“What the fuck I have all these powers in me and nobody told me until it means I die! I would have liked to know before that.” I yell at her

“You were going to know but Paix kill your parents before they could tell you. I have to leave but I will give you a warning. Be careful were you go and what you do don’t trust many. The easiest powers you will be able to use are seeing in to the future, controlling the element water, and knowing facts about people or things. Oh you are a very dramatic person and I like that.”

Everything goes black and I wake up in the warm police station lying on the floor with people surrounding me. “Noel are you okay?” France asks me with a concerned tone to his voice. There is a bright purple aura surrounding him. “France your fucking gay?” I say automatically wishing I didn’t. Frances face turns bright tomato red. “I’m so sorry France.” I say standing up.

When I stand up a grey aura catches my eye. “France I’m sorry but we have to go now.” I say taking his hand and leading him to the door. The man with the grey aura steps in front of me and blocks my path out. “I’m sorry miss but you aren’t allowed to leave.” Fuck he’s from Paix.

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