The Chronicles of Soraya Then...

By ChristinaSilva9

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With her father's memory failing and her mother gone, Soraya Thenayu enrolls in distant Darkwood Academy and... More

Book Cover, Back, and Azakuin Alphabet
Fan Art by Friends!
Name Pronunciations
Chapter 1: The Thenayu Family
Chapter 2: Arcanology
Chapter 3: Tishva's Failing Memory
Chapter 4: Tishva's Secret Library
Chapter 5: Lesson in Air Magic
Chapter 6: Rivinsdeep
Chapter 7: All Saint's Church
Chapter 8: Delphi's Diner
Chapter 10: The Azakuin Station
Chapter 11: The Rivingale Express
Chapter 12: A Grave Situation
Chapter 13: The Never Tree Islands
Chapter 14: Matumi
Chapter 15: Darkwood Academy
Chapter 16: The Calling
Chapter 17: The Duet
Chapter 18: The Demon
Chapter 19: Searching for Answers
Chapter 20: Darkwood Radio
Chapter 21: Rhys' Translations
Chapter 22: The Symbol
Chapter 23: A Thousand Steps Beach
Chapter 24: Hymn of Healing
Chapter 25: Mülock
Chapter 26: News from Abroad
Chapter 27: Missing Family
Chapter 28: Mother Knows Best
Chapter 29: New Friend, New Foes
Chapter 30: New Spells
Chapter 31: Jonathan Marlot
Chapter 32: Good Shepherds' Church
Chapter 33: Zinvi
Chapter 34: Unlocking Secrets
Chapter 35: Errands in Matumi
Chapter 36: Dealing with Demons
Chapter 37: A Deal with the Devil
Chapter 38: Another Ally
Chapter 39: The School Assembly
Chapter 40: Tea with Marlot
Chapter 41: Beach Brawl
Chapter 42: Turning of the Tides
Chapter 43: The Interrogation
Chapter 44: Matumi Beach Concert
Chapter 45: The Rescue
Chapter 46: Death of Innocence
Chapter 47: School's Out Forever
Concept Art, Thanks, Q&A

Chapter 9: Missing Memories

451 53 264
By ChristinaSilva9

"Brother, before you do anything, I have some questions for you," Yosef began, then put down his silverware and folded his hands together, as if he were about to pray. "I want you to know it's safe to answer them here."

Tishva smirked. "Are you acting like this because you became both a physician and a priest?"
His friend's lips curved into a half smile. "Yes, that's exactly why. And I need to look out for you, my friend."

    He bowed his head, closing his eyes for a moment before gazing back up into Mr. Thenayu's grayish blue eyes. "Do you remember when we went to school together at Darkwood Academy?"

    "Of course. Those were some of the best years of my life."

    Yosef's blue eyes sparkled. "I feel the same way," his expression hardened as he lead with another question. "Do you remember those expeditions we were sent on to search for magic during the first two years after we graduated?"

    Tishva stroked his beard. "Yes, I remember them. We were young, reckless, and eager to use magic. I believe the government had sent scouts to observe us in class and had hired us the moment after we graduated."

    "Good, good," the doctor reached for his utensils and sliced the halves of his sandwich into smaller pieces. "Do you remember when you disappeared for thirty years after the government separated us and placed us into different job positions?" he paused, watching his friend carefully.

    Tishva stared hard at the table. To Soraya, it looked as if he were hoping the answer would be written somewhere in the white and blue checkered cloth.

    "No, I don't recall any of that," Mr. Thenayu faltered.

    "You don't remember what you were doing for those thirty years?" Dr. Athan skewered the lightly toasted bread of his sandwich with his fork and let it slowly sink in. 

    "Was I really gone for that long?"

    "Yes, brother. I couldn't find any trace of you. It was as if you had never existed,"  Yosef stared at his friend with unblinking icy blue eyes. "And after all that time, you suddenly reappeared in Rivinsdeep with Adonia, who you say was pregnant with Soraya despite her having red eyes... How did you meet her?"

    Tishva looked even more confused. "I really don't remember. It's as if I've always known her. I have a strong desire to protect her and my daughter, but I don't remember how we met. I just know that after we moved to the most remote town that existed at that time, and my daughter was born."

"I only had a short window of time to talk to you again before you disappeared back into your work," Dr. Athan's sharp blue eyes narrowed. "Strangely enough, you gave me the same answer then of not remembering those thirty years of being gone. I thought you had been joking, and I figured you'd tell me someday, but now, I think you're being serious."

Mr. Thenayu sighed. "I remember that Adonia, Soraya and I had been living altogether up until our daughter turned one. I had been given a year off from work, so I helped out around the town to earn food and supplies."

"Shortly after our daughter's first birthday was when the government required me to travel and work undercover once more. Adonia left with our daughter to live with colleagues until my contract was up..." 

    He frowned, then glanced over at Soraya, who was quietly listening. "Then you and your mother were gone up until Adonia became pregnant with your younger brother..."

    "Tishva, how could that be Soraya's younger brother if you didn't see your wife again until she-" Dr. Athan paused, looked down at Soraya, and hesitated. "She left shortly after Soraya turned one, and she came back pregnant when Soraya was almost six," he rephrased. "That couldn't have been your son unless you're talking about a half brother."

    Mr. Thenayu shook his head. "It was Soraya's younger brother," he stated adamantly while reaching out to hold his daughter's hand, his grayish eyes coming back into focus. "I am so sorry that my memories keep getting jumbled around and I keep forgetting what's actually going on."

    Soraya threw her arms around her father. "It's okay, Papa." As she hugged him, Soraya couldn't help but wonder what her father had been doing for those thirty years that he didn't remember. It didn't make any sense that he would have forgotten such a huge part of his life.    

    Someone must have done something to make him forget. But who did that, and how?

    "Hey, Soraya," Kalisha's soft voice came from the head of the table.

The girl pulled away from embracing her father and looked up to find the waitress holding a small pink bowl of vanilla ice cream with strawberries covering the sides. There were two small wooden spoons sticking out from the top; one was for her, and the other for Tishva.

    "We figured that you and your father could share," she said while placing it onto the table between them.

    "Thanks Kalisha," Soraya sniffed. "That's so nice of you."

Tishva nodded and blinked back tears.

"No problem, enjoy," the waitress bowed and walked away to check on the other customers.

"Where's Yosef?" Soraya asked when she noticed he was no longer sitting across from them. She swiveled her head and spotted him whispering into Kalisha's ear. Both he and the waitress gazed at her and Tishva with empathy in their eyes.

    "I think the doctor is a lovely person," Soraya stated. "You should trust him, he really wants to help you."

    "I know he does," Mr. Thenayu agreed. "I guess I've just been so used to dealing with my own problems by myself for so long that I've forgotten how to let others in," he ruffled Soraya's strawberry blond hair. "I'll confide in him more about my problems while you're at school, I promise."

    "Thank you, Papa," Soraya tucked into her sandwich, her appetite finally kicking in. Yabo sat on the table next to her, sniffing at her plate. The girl took off the top bun, which had pieces of melted cheese and steak stuck onto it, and handed it to her pet.

"Mow!" Yabo cooed gratefully, taking the bread into his paws and munching on it. Soraya finished the rest of her sandwich before diving into the desert. As delicious as the strawberries tasted with the vanilla ice cream, she made sure to only eat half of the bowl's contents so her father could enjoy the rest of it.

    "You alright, brother?" Dr. Athan slid back into his seat and held out his black gloved hand to Tishva.

"Much better now. Thank you," Tishva placed his hand into his friend's and they held onto each other. "You're the best. I don't think I deserve you."

    Yosef shook his head. "Nah, I haven't done enough. I'm not leaving you alone this time. No more disappearing for thirty years for you."

    Tishva chuckled. "Okay, I won't do it again."

    The two men continued their playful banter and soon had each other roaring in laughter. Soraya found herself giggling, the knots that had formed in her stomach from worry had loosened, and she had her father's friend to thank for that.

    That man is magical. He really cares about us.

    "Oh!" Tishva exclaimed, causing Yosef, Soraya and Yabo to jump in their seats. "Soraya needs her credit card!"

    He pulled out his golden pocket watch and glanced at the time, his teeth biting his lower lip. "We were supposed to go back and grab your card around twelve thirty," he said, sliding out of the booth so Soraya could leave. "Can you run to the bank and grab it?"

    "Yes, Papa!" Soraya saluted. "Come on, Yabo," she placed her hand on the table next to him. Her pandacoon stuffed the remaining piece of bread into his mouth before clambering up her sleeved arm and sliding inside his guardian's hoodie. Soraya hurried to the entrance of the diner, where she flung open the front doors and ran out onto the cold street outside.

    Small white flecks of snow were falling gracefully from the dull, gray sky. A few pieces fell onto Soraya's face, giving her small icy kisses before melting and sliding down to the ground below. The girl and her pandacoon carefully made their way to the front of the town towards Dragulji Bank.

    "We'll be there shortly," Soraya said to her shivering pet.

    Upon arriving at the entrance, she thrust open the heavy door on the right and heard the jingling of the silver bell inside.

    "Hello again, Ms. Thenayu," the banker called from the other end of the room."Your credit card is ready."
Soraya kicked off the snow from her black boots before walking over to Winston.

"Here you are, miss," he said jovially while handing the card to her. Soraya gazed at the designs and inscriptions in Azakuin on the front and slid her slender fingers over the smooth, glossy surface.

"This looks really nice," she breathed. "Thank you."

    "You're welcome," Winston beamed. "Just be mindful of how much Lari you have in your account. You'll receive updates in the mail while at school once a month. I wish you safe travels."

    Soraya bowed and headed back to the snowy streets outside with her brand new credit card safely stowed within her dress pocket.

    "Yabo, just think, this time tomorrow we'll see the Valtic Ocean for the first time," she mused to her pet, who was shivering again within the hood of her jacket. With each passing second, the wind picked up, blowing the snow diagonally. Although her Water Magic kept her from being cold, it didn't help her poor pandacoon, who was shaking uncontrollably.

     Soraya picked up the pace, trudging through the ever growing mounds of soft snow. Seconds later, she shook off the snow from her boots and entered the restaurant. Her father and the doctor were both laughing together in the corner.

"Papa, it's snowing outside. We need to leave soon so we're not late."

    The two men stifled their chuckling and turned their attention towards Soraya.

    "You're right, we should go now," Mr. Thenayu reached for his credit card, but Dr. Athan pulled his out first.

"This is my treat, let me pay," he insisted, beckoning Kalisha to come over from the other end of the restaurant.

    Tishva heaved a large sigh. "Alright, I don't have time to fight you on this. Next time we get together for lunch, I'll pay."

    "Deal," Yosef turned his head, watching the waitress waltz towards them. Kalisha noticed and blushed at the man's gaze. "I'm paying for all our meals toady," he stated in a loud voice while handing his card to her. "Thank you for your wonderful service."

"You're welcome," she turned an even darker shade when her thin fingers brushed the doctor's upon taking the card.

Mr. Thenayu got up and stretched his limbs. "Thanks again for everything," he said, shuffling out of his seat to give Yosef a big hug. "If you have time tomorrow to talk, let me know."

"I'll check my schedule and make time for you," Dr. Athan replied, patting Mr. Thenayu's back. Tishva picked up the girl's suitcase while Soraya scooped up her backpack, carefully putting it on without squishing Yabo.

    "How are you both going to travel to the train station from here?" Dr. Athan asked curiously.

    Mr. Thenayu shrugged his broad shoulders. "We'll probably just walk there."

"Walk? In this weather?" the doctor pointed out the restaurant window, where they could see large clusters of snow falling from the sky. "You wouldn't make it on foot in time."

    Soraya grimaced. "I don't think Yabo would do well if we stay outside for too long. Couldn't we take a horse drawn carriage? That would be much faster."
   "Yes, and I do own horses and a carriage," added Yosef thoughtfully. "I could drive you both there for free if you'd like."

Tishva shook his head. "You've done enough for us, I couldn't possibly ask you to go out of your way to drive us to the train station."

    "Brother," Dr. Athan stared straight into Tishva's grayish blue eyes. "Please, let me do this for you both. I want to help."

    Soraya glanced between her father and their friend and noticed how the doctor's expression was full of sadness and concern.

    "Papa, please let him take us there," she interjected. "We don't want to miss the train, and he offered to take us."

    Tishva's shoulders drooped in defeat. "Alright Yosef, lead the way," he placed his fingertips together and bowed lowly to his friend. "Thanks for your generosity. I won't forget your kindness."

    The doctor bowed back. "It's an honor to help my best friend and his family."

    "I hope you enjoyed the food," Kalisha called to them as they passed by the front desk.

    "It was perfect, as were you," Yosef replied, his blue eyes sparkling as he nodded to Kalisha before opening the white oaken door so the Thenayus could exit.

    The waitress's face flushed and she floundered for a response before settling on bowing back. "Take care!" she blurted before the door swung shut.

    Soraya followed closely behind Yosef and Tishva, watching the surrounding buildings turn into silhouettes before disappearing into the thick gray fog.

*2,242 Words

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