
By Wintery

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When Jace loses his best friend, the words left unspoken haunt him just as much as she does, as he tries to m... More



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By Wintery

With a bounce in her step, Anneliese Cruz walked leisurely out of her bedroom. Draped in warm clothing, she smiled at the window that revealed a white layer of snow over the normally grey city on the outskirts of St. Louis. They were used to rain, but the snow was a beautiful occasion and Anne couldn't resist the temptation of taking a stroll in the newly arrived winter wonderland awaiting her.

Her apartment was as small and as empty as usual. It was decked in Christmas decorations that accented her light green wallpaper. She has enlisted the help of her long time friend, Destinee to decorate the small apartment. Unsurprisingly, after the lengthy trip to purchase a small Christmas tree, it only took an hour to get all the decor up. The decor made the area a more festive abode. There were green and red knick knacks in many of the nooks and crannies her large bookcase had provided.

At first, Anneliese was too lazy and refused Destinee's constant requests to adorn the small area. Destinee practically lived in the apartment too and in Destinee's eyes, the abode was a humble second home that she almost always hated to leave. Destinee had begged to decorate Anne to decorate the house and Anne had finally warmed up to the idea. Through teamwork and a bit of sweat, the home was soon a display that could rival the house of Santa Claus himself. Almost.

With their funding, it wasn't as dreamlike as they thought but in their eyes, it was certainly a beauty.

Anneliese took a second to marvel the newly added furnishings then continued on to making her breakfast. She opened her fridge and surveyed the contents. There was a not much but a couple of eggs. She sighed knowing this would mean a trip to the grocery very soon. She knew this would put a damper on her funding for the month from her parents. Her parents were pretty wealthy and weren't afraid to show it. They showered their only child with gifts of all sorts before Anneliese had finally chosen to live on her own. Her announcement had stunned her parents who were absolutely stricken with a deep misery for her departure. They had objected furiously but eventually they had given in but they still paid her a monthly allowance.

Deep in thought, she cracked an egg and started cooking her eggs and threw in some bacon she had discovered in a compartment deep in her fridge's shelves. She silently thanked God and herself for her poor organization skills that caused her to never find what she needed.

Anneliese never saw the point of the allowance. They had already paid for her tuition and her down payment on her apartment. Until moments like these where she realized with her medical studies, she probably would've been dead to the world if she had to take up a job too. She promised herself to use some of the allowance to buy her parents a great gift.

She frowned as she realized that buying their gifts with their own money was pathetic. She couldn't do that. It wasn't right. She furrowed her brows in deep thought as she thought of what her parents would like. What exactly do you give people who can buy anything they really want?

This definitely was going to be a toughie.

She finished up with the eggs and pulled a plate out from a shelf. She smiled at her design she had created from the food. A cute smiley face. It was childish of her for her age but she still loved playing with and designing her food. She always did, especially when she was lost in thought. Whenever she was lost in thought, her hands were always moving, and if there was nothing between them, she'd wring them out with each other. It was a habit she'd gotten from her mother who was a surgeon and loved to perform surgeries. Her mother had hated when her hands were idle and often was fiddling with something.

She was lost in thought as she pushed around the eggs and bacon to make different faces. She thought of everything going on this week. Specifically today, nothing really was happening. She had a seminar later after lunch. She groaned; nothing like her professor to get her to fall asleep.

She sighed at the thought of being alone at Christmas. Everyone she knew was going on their respective separate ways for the holidays. Christmas was a month away still but she felt lonely already. Her parents called for a vacation in Bali and invited her but she refused gently. She liked visiting countries and trying out things that were foreign to her but her parents hadn't had vacation on their own or even a honeymoon. They planned to exchange presents and rendezvous a week after they came back, a couple days after Christmas. It wouldn't be the same but she hadn't seen them after a couple of weeks so it still would be as lively as ever.

Destinee had decided to go with her parents to Australia. Destinee apologized profusely for breaking her promises and cutting off her plans with Anneliese. Anne was fine with it and assured Destinee countless times that she would be alright.

However, solidarity wasn't of Anne's nature. She was quiet but she didn't like being alone. The silence from the lack of chirpy happy voices was rare and she hated it with a fiery passion. She loved the beauty of conversation. How the sounds could mix to make a perfect interaction. The words that were fluidly uttered out made her love how a language could bring people together.

The emptiness of her home had encompassed her and she basically inhaled her food with a speed that could compete with a cheetah. She gathered her things and iPod then quickly put on her outerwear. She muttered a couple curse words as she squeezed herself in her old winter jacket. She had grown alot and it took much effort to get inside her coat. She made a note to herself in her head to drop by one of the stores and buy a nice winter jacket. She grunted as she pulled up her snow boots. She then tried on her old winter hat but had difficulty. Dang it, she thought; she was going to have to buy a new hat this year. She glanced at her snow pants. She made a face as she questioned whether she should wear them. Looking out the window, she laughed at her need to question it. She probably wasn't going to be able to resist the temptations of the snow and she didn't want to have to walk with wet pants. She slipped off her boots and then pulled up the black snow pants then slid on the boots once again.

She loved winter but the amount of layers needed to prevent frostbite. If it was up to Anne, she would wear shorts everywhere. She adored winter though. The snow was always so beautiful and could make anything look just as gorgeous. Winter was also the season of her birthday and countless holidays for people of all religions. It was amazing to think that so many people had a month with a holiday in them in common. It was quite a stunning realization.

Anneliese always tended to have such views on life that people always argued and called her weird for.

But then again, those who find beauty in the world are the happiest of them all.

And Anneliese was one of those lucky people.

She smiled as she found her worn mittens that Jace had given her as a present. She thought of calling Jace for a change to maybe invite him over to catch up. It had been awhile since they both had talked yet if she held the phone, she could dial the number reflexively. Actually, recalling all their conversations, they hadn't talked in a couple of months.

At this realization, she gasped. How the heck had they both not even remembered to call?!

She almost jumped to the phone but then she realized why she hadn't called. She scowled instinctively and ignored her mindset that wanted to call him so badly. She was already decked in all her gear and figured there would be time later. She shrugged off the nagging feeling that she should call at the very moment and opened the door after grabbing her belongings. She hadn't brought anything other than her iPod, keys and wallet. She figured she might as well take the oppurtinity when it knocked and shrugged off the magnetic force her phone immediately gave out.

Anne unlocked the door and stepped out, still hesitant about going. The nagging feeling soon wore off when she took a look around. The clouds that normally covered the skies during winter were less aparent and she could see the pretty blue through the clouds. The sun wasn't too bright to the point that it made the snow blind her but still cast a lovely glow that made the white tier glitter and sparkle.

Anne wasn't a fan of glitter and wasn't a girly girl. However, the glittery coating made her stop in her tracks. It was beautiful. She could almost hear her teenage cousin commenting about it reminding her of Edward. Anne cringed and rolled her eyes; she wasn't a fan of the billion dollar franchise that made teenagers swoon. She was part of the other half of the population who despised the vampire series. She didn't judge though. If she was younger she would probably gone along with the trend and 'fangirl'.

Snapping back to reality after someone called her name, she turned to the owner of the deep voice. Her neighbour waved a hand as he walked by.

"Anne!" he called happily. Leo smiled as he walked out of his home. He was attending the same university and they often spent time together. Leo was in a happy relationship with a lovely girl named Summer. She was pretty and very nice. The three were always joking and laughing together. Summer was studying back in their old city though and only visited every now and then. Their goodbyes were slightly solemn but they were usually lively with plans for future visits.

"Oh, hey!" she called back cheerfully. It had been awhile since she'd seen him and she'd missed the pleasure of finding him outside her door just to greet her goodmorning.

He smiled, "Been awhile!"

"Yeah! Want to watch a movie tomorrow? I hear Skyfall's amazing!" Anne eagerly asked. She had missed the movie nights too. Despite what the reader may be thinking, their friendship was strictly what it was, a friendship. She didn't have too many friends as Anne didn't see the point in the distraction but she was still nice to everyone which made everyone consider her a friend.

"Sounds good! I'll call you later! I've have get to work!" he called back already speed-walking down the street. Leo was always late for some reason. Anne was never even sure when his job actually started since he'd always be leaving at inconsistent times.

"Bye," she whispered after his retreating figure chuckling. She shook her head, considering he was always 'almost late', it really was a miracle that he managed to keep his job. But when he was asked why he needed the money, he always replied something along the lines of, "We're not all rich," or "Well, how do you think I still live in this neighbourhood?". Sometimes, she considered loaning him money. Especially when she noticed the length of time he worked in the week. She knew though that his pride was too stubborn and he wouldn't let her give a cent.

Anne still kept ten dollars or so away each week just for his sake. She had more than she needed every month anyway. By this time, she already had saved a couple hundred dollars and was planning to give it for Christmas, when he couldn't refuse.

She turned back towards her closed door and shoved the key in. The door was tricky and often Anne would worry about whether someone watched her in the morning and heard her usual string of profanities. It was as though luck was on her side and the door was easily locked. Anne sighed happily out of relief. She usually took a minute or two to get it going. She wasn't exactly coordinated with her hands but she was great at soccer especially defence back in seconday school, since she often tripped her rival. The coaches normally noted her inability to keep up with her team and often pitied her. This was expressed through them turning away when they saw her tripping someone accidentally.

She turned and began her stroll through towards the park. Her footfalls were muffled through the white tier which made everything so magical. Anne put her earbuds in and played a very fitting song, Walking In A Winter Wonderland. Humming happily, she walked with a hop in her step and gazed bewildered at her surroundings. She jumped up and danced as Michael Buble's crooning paused for a short yet strong instrumental solo. When his singing resumed, she started to sing too. She danced down the street for a couple of feet then paused at a newsstand. She grabbed a newspaper and tossed a five dollar bill to the man then rolled up the newspaper to make a microphone. She did a cartwheel happily away from the newsstand still singing but slightly strained. The man chuckled at her playful performance. Her childish ways had attracted the attention of the attendant of a small stand filled with hats.

The young man chuckled as he picked up her white hat which had fallen off as she carried out her cartwheel.

He called after Anne but she still hadn't responded because of the earbuds in her ear.

"Anne? Excuse me?" he raised his voice higher as he got more frustrated. Waving a hand in front of her face she snapped out of it.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" she apologized while taking her earbuds out. She had a habit of getting a little too carried away with her music. Especially when it was Christmas music.

She turned around to meet a classmate of hers.

"Oh hey, Andy! Sorry about that!" she apologized more after realizing it was an acquaintance of hers. Andy was cool and they had worked on a couple of projects together when they were in high school. Anne was a native of the area and knew most of the people around there.

"Hi, Anne. Don't worry about it, it's okay. Honestly, that was the most exciting thing that's actually happened around here. here's your hat," Andy kindly said as he passed the hat into her hands.

"Thank you!" she thanked.

He turned to go back to his stand but she trailed after him after seeing that he owned a quaint little stand with hats. She was needing a new hat anyway and they looked quite cute.

"Ooooh!" she smiled as she looked at some of the hats. They were quite cute and she honestly had some trouble picking. She chose a red hat to match her mahoghany jacket. She was going to have to change the jacket too but the red hat fit so well with the coat.

Taking out her wallet, she was disappointed to find that she didn't have enough. She made a frustrated expression as she found that she only had twenty dollars left and the hat was twenty five.

"Oh shoot," she muttered as she searched in all the pockets of her wallet. She gave a couple frustrated sounds out which gained Andy's attention once again.

"Hey, it's okay, just take the dang hat," he said chuckling.

"Wait, what?" she asked confused. She didn't have enough money!

"We've known each other for years! Consider it a Christmas present!" he smiled at Anne.

"I can't take this," she protested halfheartedly; she really liked the hat.

"Hey, remember a couple years ago when we were working on that project? And you gave me that cheesecake for doing a big part of it while you were away sick?" he asked as he tried to make her remember.

"Oh yeah?" she answered questioningly as she recalled that terrible week. She was very ill and could barely make it out of bed without getting lightheaded. They still didn't understand what caused it but Anne felt terrible physically. She also felt terrible emotionally as she unwillingly left Andy alone with the project's due date only a couple days away.

"Well, honestly, I didn't actually finish it on time. Sir just gave me a couple of days extra 'cause you were away but it also took a couple of marks off," he sheepishly admitted. Anne glared at the redheaded twenty year old. She needed a good mark desperately that time of year with her bad mark in that subject and when they had gotten a measely C+ on the project, she didn't blame him but instead thanked him for trying his best. She still didn't blame him for that but she was a little mad at the lying.

"Still, I can't take the hat. I didn't get you anything!" she argued.

He glanced at the newspaper and a mischievious expression flickered upon his face.

"Hey, are you done singing with the newspaper?" he asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess?" she answered.

"Well, the 'grump' you just bought the newspaper from hates me and never lets me buy a newspaper from him. So, it'd be a very wonderful Christmas gift!" he debated.

"I don't know. It was five bucks and you know, this is a fine newspaper," she joked.

"You realize he only charges two right?" he asked.

"Um, well, he was very kind so I gave him a tip," she lied.

"Oh, okay then. So do we have a deal?" he asked not believing the lie. He held his hand out waiting for the newspaper.

"Walking in a winter wonderland," she sung one last time before slipping the twenty dollar bill in the newspaper without him noticing then gave it to him.

He chuckled.

"Thank you!" he said happily.

"No, thank you, and have a merry Christmas, Andy!" she called back as she started walking away after slipping on the hat over her brown locks.

She smirked when she didn't hear any argument; he didn't notice. She popped in her earbuds and continued on happily.

Andy smiled after Anne. He'd always had a small crush on the adorable brunette. He'd moved on though but she always found a way to make him smile. He opened up the newspaper to read the weekly news. No one really read newspapers anymore with the internet television. The local newspapers were being threatened and Andy found this particularly saddening. Most of the community felt saddened as some of the newspapers were a couple decades old. However, they didn't bother reading them anymore. Andy loved the texture of the newspapers within his fingers and whenever he could scrounge up some change he usually bought a newspaper.

Today, he had forgotten so the exchange between the two actually was beneficial to him in a way. As he opened up the second page he was surprised to find that a green slip of paper had fallen to the ground. Reaching down, he picked it up. He chuckled when he found that it was the bill that was in Anne's wallet. That girl, so stubborn, he thought. He found it admirable though. Anne had that ability to make an imprint on someone's life and light up their day. Andy was soon smiling for the rest of the day. Anne was already a couple blocks down after his realization so he honestly had no choice but to just accept it.

Humming lightly to Fun.'s song, Carry On, she was nearing the picturesque esplanade. The park was across the street from her parent's estate and her fondest childhood memories took place in the area. The park had many additions and was honestly one of her favourite places to go to, even as a college student. Her move to her new apartment had lengthened the journey needed to go to the park but she still visited it regularly. In winter, it was a lovely winter paradise with many hills that were definition of perfection when it came to tobaganning and also had an ice rink that was used by most of the community during the holidays. In the autumn, it was heaven for any kid who loved jumping in the leaves. The people who kept the park clean often piled up the leaves in insanely big hills. In spring, it was a perfect place for bird watchers and the full trees made excellent shady areas for hanging out with friends. In the summer, despite it being hot, it was a hangout spot for most of the area. There were so many possibilities of activities to do. Picnics, kites, bird feeding, playing on the equipment; there were so many more.

She loved the park and had experienced most of the activities with Jace, her best friend and previous neighbour. They were two peas in a pod and everyone was silently planning their future wedding by the time they were five, a mere five minutes after they met. Even then after fifteen years of complete denial about their mutual feelings, everyone still believed they were soulmates. Everyone knew about their seperation for the past couple of months but Destinee still teased her mercilessly. Destinee hadn't even met Jace! Yet, with all the stories that had included the childhood friend, Destinee had felt as though he was a friend of hers already.

Destinee had begged Anne to call Jace so they could finally meet. Anne always said no for she wouldn't give in. Jace had the habit of dropping people after a little while. Anne, being one of his friends for the longest time, had experienced this multiple times on multiple occasions. The past year was just another one of his not forewarned breaks that only felt unrequitedly necessary on his part. Anne was finally through with the one always waiting, always the second choice but never the first plan. She was tired of being last and it wasn't fair. She'd been with him for too long for leaving unexpectedly without warning to be acceptable. Anne had even called a couple times in the first month but he never answered! She was done. If he really wanted to be in her life, then she shouldn't have to be the one fighting to keep him in it.

She had chosen the worst time though to give up on him as their last meeting had certainly been an eventful one.

She shook the thoughts of the last meeting they had to the back of her mind. She could care less about that cruel jerk that she had called a friend for years. It was time that for once, he recieved the consequences. No one ever tried to ignore Jace. Jace was the most popular boy everywhere he went. It was ironic. He was the golden boy of their elementary, middle, and high school. No one ever forgot Jace. It was expected that people would run after him. During their prior school years, people would fight to stay friends with him. Anne was once part of them. She tried her hardest to keep up with him. Things went well but he still forgot her once his popularity had spiked. It was only during the summer months, when he was without anyone else to hang out with, where he knocked on her door daily just to hang out at the park.

Despite what Anne wanted to think, those were the most fun times she'd had. And she missed him more and more as she saw the park in the distance. She longed for things to go back to the summer when they really had no cares. But then college came in a rush, bringing in all new worries and more work. Jace also attended the same college making it more odd that they hadn't crossed paths. Then again, there was a part of them who without realizing made them avoid each other. This was understandable considering their last encounter. Sighing loudly as all the memories clashed, she crossed the street into the beautiful park.

It looked like it had transformed overnight from the snow. Everything glittered wonderfully. It really was stunning. The once bare trees had gained a coating of snow on its branches. They beared the load diligently as they were intended to. Anne always found trees amazing. Their ability to adapt every year always made her question why it took her forever to change. Trees bared their leaves every year at the same time. Yet, she couldn't manage to forget and let go of Jace. So many things reminded her of the boy and she couldn't seem to shake him off.

Her iPod changed from Jesse McCartney to a Taylor Swift song that made her almost laugh at the irony.

I Almost Do blared through her earbuds. Hearing Taylor Swift's lyrics from a girl who was missing her guy and wanted to call her guy so many times made Anne chuckle. Life was so ironic and Taylor had to stop being a mindreader. At least her iPod should stop reading her thoughts. She chuckled at her speeding train of thought.

She always had trouble staying on topic. She was never one for keeping a conversation going and it took a certain person who could take her randomness. Anne was sweet though and everyone usually loved to humor her hyperness and lack of seriousness. She was always a weird one but she had her moments of seriousness that made her the perfect friend for many people she met.

Anne still didn't consider many people her friend since they only really contacted her when they needed someone or wanted something but Anne always considered friendship to be for better and for worse. Almost marriage. The funny thing was that Jace was there for better and for worse. Yet, when he got bored he left. She sighed as her mind recalled so many memories of Jace.

Jace was there when she graduated.

Jace was there when she got into the same college.

Jace was there when her grandmother had passed away.

Jace was there when her first crush had admitted to just playing with her feelings and dragging her along.

He was there and when she called he would almost always come to help. The almost in that thought was only added in when she had called in their friendship hiatus and he never even answered. He never answered. And because of this, he had missed so much.

He had missed when she had passed her semester.

He had missed when she first moved.

He had missed when she had to fight her parents to stay in her apartment when there was a shooting nearby.

He had missed everything in the past year and Anne was pissed off. It wasn't normal for someone to play with emotions like this and most definitely unfair. It just made Anne question how the hell he had managed to have so many friends and how they even managed to maintain their friendship. It blew her mind. She grounded her teeth. He was just increasingly infuriating her.

She had made her way to her destination; a rotting bench. It had been there for her when she needed it, unlike Jace. She wiped the snow off the bench as she learned fromr prior experiences that cold butts aren't happy butts and sat down on the bench. It creaked slightly under her weight. It was getting old and rotting. Any day now it could break and have to be replaced. A couple years ago, it was pristine but the company who made the bench obviously hadn't taken into account the amount of precipitation the bench would have to take and now it was just weakening and weakening. Anne had a connection to the bench and the idea of it being replaced was heartbreaking. She had sat here all the time back then and still did. It was her thinking bench, her crying bench and her celebratory bench. It used to be Jace's too but she didn't know the last time the bench had last seen him.

She sighed, there went her mind, always back to Jace. Jace, Jace, Jace. She groaned. It had been a year, and by now if he really wanted to stay in contact with her, he should've and would've initiated it by now. She needed to forget him. It was about time. She knew though that it was hopeless. Jace was a huge part of Anne's life and it'd be a long process that probably would never end.

She looked out onto the area below her. The bench was at the top of a big hill that overlooked most of the park. Everything was transformed into a winter wonderland and as most of the town looked after the snowfall, it was stunning. No one was really around as it was a school day. With the lack of people to visit, the snow was almost fully untouched. An immature part of her screamed for her to just roll around in the snow a bit.

She looked down to find her snow pants. She smiled after she realized she wore them. She shoved her iPod and earbuds into her pocket and zipped it up. 'Woot for being prepared!' she thought as she rolled down the hill. Her parents always told her never to do that because as they told her repeatedly,"Your neck will break, you'll die and we'll cry!"

She laughed as she felt the cold of the snow around her. After a minute or two, she found herself at the bottom of the hill still laughing hard. She loved the rush. The adrenaline was fun for her. While others got dizzy at the sight of heights, she loved to see them. She used to give her parents a headache with her daredevil like mindset. Standing up still sort of disoriented, she glanced at the time. She sighed when she realized she had to get going if she wanted to eat lunch at her favourite restaurant a couple blocks away. She hesitantly stood up; she didn't really want to leave. She knew though that if she wanted to keep on schedule, she had to get going.

She stomped in the snow out of the park, intentionally leaving imprints in the snow. She reached down and drew her name in the fresh snow. She laughed as she imagined a mother seeng that and thinking how cute the 'little girl' was to roll down the hill write her name in the snow. Her ensemble was slightly heavier as the snow attached itself to any furry parts of it. She loved the feeling though, oddly enough. It was so familiar and reminded her of so many moments in the snow with Jace.

"Gah," she groaned out loud.

She made her way back onto the street she had walked on earlier and made her way to the crosswalk. Still giddy from the adrenaline, she pressed the button happily. After looking both ways, she crossed the street still smiling. Her footfall still crunched in the snow as the snowmobiles still hadn't reached that area. She heard the sound of a car engine and turned to the direction of the car. The car was speeding towards her at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour, a careless eighty over the speed limit.

The car came speeding towards Anne with the gap between them shortening and shortening. Anne froze. She froze. Her feet were almost in a sense, glued to the ground.

People freezing in life threatening situations has always been a questionable predicament for scientists. Mankind's natural animalistic thinking is to fight or flee. Yet, freezing has always baffled and bewildered scientists. No one ever understands why we freeze; why we don't run. No one really has ever been able to answer it, even if they survive. It's just one of those things that will probably never have an answer. It will never be understood.

She bitterly recalled the lesson her teacher had given her as she tried desperately to snap herself out of it and move.

Her eyes blinked twice as she awaited the collision. This was it, her mind chanted.

This was it. This was it. This was it.

But then time seemed to freeze. The car stopped. She couldn't move though but her eyes widened and watered as her life began to flash before her very eyes.

The memories she'd never been able to remember before began to flash through her mind.

The first time she walked,

The first time she talked,

The first time she went to school.

Moments that changed her life began to flash through her mind.

The first time she met Jace,

The first time she had a crush,

The time Jace told her not to fall,

The first time she got her heartbroken,

The time Jace caught her,

The first time she lost a friend,

The time that Jace comforted her and told her he'd never leave,

The first time a family member had left the world,

The time that Jace had told her that her grandma was in a better place.

The moments that made her laugh and chuckle began to flash through her mind.

The times Jace and her played hide and seek between the trees of the park.

The first time she skated on ice and fell on her butt and Jace laughed.

The first time Jace had convinced her to do something bad and they managed to get caught.

The first time she had detention and was afraid of the surrounding people as if they were convicts.

The memories she regretted the most began to flash through her mind.

The time she had fought over a boy and it cost her a friend.

The time she said she hated her grandmother for butting in her life right before her grandmother died.

The fact that Anne hadn't said that she loved her mother back when Anne told her parents to go on their own vacation without her.

The fact that she didn't try to call Jace one more time.

Most of all, she regretted the last time she met with Jace.

He kissed her the last time they met.

And he wouldn't call back or answer.

She was too blinded by her anger and gave up.

She regretted it now more than ever.

She whispered one syllable that fit her lips too perfectly, that her lips molded into, that was too familiar for normalcy. It was too painful to think that she never would see him again.


Time resumed from its previous frozen state, quicker than ever. She knew it was too late to run. It was too late. She inhaled one last time and her head turned to the right, the park.

The reminders of the memories made leaving more painful than ever. Not that she had a choice anyway.

Yet, the majestic nature of the park calmed her as the car slammed into her. The pain was horrible, but as speedy as the force had knocked the air out of her, the pain was gone.

The blackness took her quickly but light soon consumed her mercilessly.

And like the pain, Anne Cruz also was gone.


Okay, for all my fans I know I suck at updating already. But don't worry, this is a small project for a competition I entered. This is a short story that'll only be able 2-3 parts....? I think this chapter is long... but eh, Wattpad has a habit of making long looking writing of mine and making it way shorter than the predicted length.

And... well, you'll be seeing a bit more of Leo and Summer in another story. ;) Just saying.

I love you guys. And I just realized how horrible I am to you all... I'm so sorry. :( I honestly don't deserve you all. Thank you for sticking by me. And I love you for it. Just know that. :)

I hope you liked this! It took awhile and is way longer than I predicted. Honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing how long this ended up being.

*tries to space out the author's note without realizing it* Oops.

Heh. But this actually is much longer than most of my prior chapters. I don't think anyone will really bother reading it. Heh. Oh well. You should just know that I suck at editing. I think I say this in every chapter I've ever posted but I suck at editing. Tell me if you find anything! Thank you! Bye!

And if you made it this far, I swear, I love you.

Okay, thank you! Have a nice day or night or whatever! Bye!


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