Nico Di Angelo is off to Hogw...

By JazTheBookWorm

122K 2.2K 1.6K

Nico di Angelo, a guy who people know as 'The Ghost King', is going to a place no ordinary person ever went t... More

Hiya fellow fan girls/boys/humans/ Anything you can possibly be!
How it all got started (EDITED, Again)
The meeting with Dad (EDITED)
The Flirting Games (EDITED)
Hogwarts Train Station Fiasco [EDITED]
Hagrid's back!! [EDITED]
A Sorting that was much awaited [EDITED]
I found out my friend's crush and you wouldn't believe who it is!
My matchmaking skills are fantastic and don't listen to Draco no matter what!
A new book I'm trying to write? [NOT AN UPDATE]
Teaching has its perks!
The Big Showdown with a lil cute war
Okay guys I'm super sorry
C'est la vie de Nico di Angelo and It is the BEsT
Bia and Me are the ultimate power team and now shush
The time I was sure that I was in the Scooby Gang
The one with Draco fainting a bit and where a secret gets out
Oof I'm gonna edit soon
The plan to save our butts and lives
Quick question guys!
A Reunion I will Never Forget
Guys I'm gonna cry so please wait a bit longer
A Hunch I don't want to be true
A Horrifying Realisation and I dislike it very much
Sup Humans and Not-Humans!
Getting ready for an old Flame's return
I'm pretty sure I'm a sucky teacher but eh deal with it
Percy makes his entrance
Honestly, I'd rather go on a date with the Grim than seeing your ugly mug
Hello my lovely readers!
Hello!!!! I have something for you guys😆
Hiya Loves! Ch 2 Is Outttt!

A lil bit of Torture for the soul

1.2K 30 14
By JazTheBookWorm

[I've got a mini-rant below on my fanfic and if you wanna, you can skip it because it just explains a lot of varied topics I wanna cover for this thing and stuff I already covered. It also explains a lil about Nico and how I envisioned his change in personality and stuff.]


"Okay, fellas, let's hold this lovely reunion right after our little torture session! We can't be completely happy if we have some... incomplete business."

Ooo I sounded really mafia-esque! Maybe I should try the Italian mob stereotype cuz my abilities would be really helpful.

I got everyone's gazes back on to that stinky rat Pettigrew. He would start snivelling and crying for mercy if we lift the silencing charm and that would be extremely unpleasant. I was sort of lost in my thoughts on what to do before Will tapped my shoulder.

"Neeks, how about we ask the questions and he just needs to nod yes and no?"

Ah, simplicity is the best indeed... I took Pettigrew, Will, Sirius, Snape and Albus to the Headmaster's office for further interrogation so that I could comfortably use my powers.

I got my aura at medium capacity since looking at his mental state, it would be really easy to break him and make him confess. The air around me darkened considerably and I had Sirius back me up with his powers too. So Will won't have to worry about the overuse of my powers. Sirius wasn't as good as me cuz he has the simplicity of magic at hand. But hey, an extra hand is still a useful thing.

"Peter Pettigrew, traitor and murderer, I will ask questions and you just nod and shake your head as your answer."

" Did you spill the beans on the Potter's location?"

He nodded and Sirius and Remus both obviously were holding back the urge to punch him then because we were still in the middle of interrogating the creep.

" Are you a follower of that no nose weirdo?"

Looking offended, he slowly nods his head as he couldn't exactly speak up for him. I bet he's hoping that weirdo isn't looking secretly at him else he's screwed if they meet again.

" Are you willing to give up the insider details in exchange for a lesser sentence?"

He defiantly shakes his head in rejection and I guess he's okay with eternal torture at this point. he doesn't even realise the pain he's gonna be in lol. Lemme try again if he's sure then the deal is set.

" You sure? I might go a bit easy on you if you say yes, ya know? My abilities as a torture expert ain't half bad..."

He looks at me in fear a little but he still shakes his head, wow, he must really like no-nose! To give up my lovely little offer for little less eternal damnation, I really must give him that hats off thing!

I signalled to Albus to turn off the lights for a sec, and the only thing you could hear in that pitch dark room were his movements in pain cuz I still didn't lift the silencing charm. I like hearing the cries of the wretched and this one was especially wretched, but I need not taint the ears of Will and Remus. But hearing it would still make you shudder because he did move about a good bit.

And I used my want to produce the Lumos charm as a signal to turn the lights back on. And now the others could see Peter Pettigrew completely unharmed but you could see that his eyes were slowly breaking! Wow, I'm great at this torture thing but I must never show Will or the others this, else they'll be too scared to even look at me. Man, I feel like Elsa at the beginning now, ya know, the whole conceal don't feel thing. I know they love me and stuff, but I still don't wanna freak them out from this side of mine.

" Would you like to tell me now? Or do you want this for a second time, hm?"

His eyes, as they slowly broke, watered a bit more before he collapsed while nodding his head. Aw, he fainted... guess we gotta do the rest once he gets up. Will looked at me and gave me a tired smile. Oops, I think he's a bit freaked out from what I did? Gotta make it up to him somehow... what do I do? I'll go ask the best love expert I know, Jerry! I know the boy is still single but he's read enough of romance novels along with his sister to help me out here. Or should I ask Remus? Wait I think he's a bit freaked out too, so gotta leave that to Sirius. 

Albus was someone I will never ever consult on anything related to romance. The number of times I vaguely remember him sobbing over some poor sap who broke his lil heart and went away. He was weird to tell all those things to a kid but he did anyway, that's Albus. I remember him telling me someone tried to flirt with him and he got up and tripped in an attempt to shake their hand and he tore the other's coat a little. Is that what you call a mess or what? The man was an utter mess from the moment I met him and will always be in my head. Gosh, this love and relationship thing is hard.

Ugh, you know what, screw it! I'll just apologize and stay by him the whole time if he wants it!

" Will, I'm sorry if you got freaked out with that... Are you alright?"

Will laughed... why did he laugh? I'm genuinely worried if he scared him here? Babe lemme get inside your head to understand, please!

" Neeks, you are literally the one I chose to date, so I love every inch of you and I literally don't really care if you a psychopath and I would love you even if you were a serial killer at this point. Just give me a little time to adjust and I'll be fine, boy, how cute can you get?"

Oh wow... Will's a bit weird like me then! And his creepy smile looks cute to me now, like wow! I wouldn't really date serial killers and stuff but I just might if it was him. And his statement got Remus and Sirius chuckling, I guess because their love story was like that or something. Snape just looks disgusted at this point like the dude doesn't get any right to react like that. How gross can a person get to covet another's wife even after they are happy and loved by their husband and child? Like ew, man, get a life. Being gay is way better than that.

( A/N: I'm sorry to all those who like Snape, but I really don't get the appeal of a man who covets another's wife to the point of hating on their child with another man. I get it's his first love and stuff but he's a douche to how he treats children! LITERAL CHILDREN! Poor Neville's boggart was him, how terrified must the poor boy have been! And there must've been many more kids like him. I get he got his redemption and stuff by dying and all but please remember abuse is still abuse.)

Time to return to reality so yep! And to go back to the dorms where the others would be waiting for our return. I need to explain the truth to them now, this is going to result in a lot of changes around here. They need to know about demigods and the power we hold and what we've been called for here. This will result in a meeting with all the demigods here because we need all the help we can get and if need be, I'll call in reinforcements from the camp. This would break everyone's covers to only this gang and no one else because they can choose to either remain in their world for the remainder of their life or return to camp. It's a choice we've given them, after all continuously staying in a place for many years is bound to do stuff and make you feel comfortable there instead. Happened to me back at the Lotus Casino!

" Nico? You've gone off into your thoughts again."

Oops, forgot I'm with company.

" Yeah, I'm back. Let's go back to the dorms? I'm gonna tell them everything and everyone's covers are going to break. Now they can relax a lot more and fight and prepare more comfortably!"

" Now? Maybe it's too early?"

" Not at all, it's the ripe time to tell them now that we gotta plan for a war with no-nose and his army. We gotta train them and it's useful for them to know combat and we need more people to teach."

And then I proceeded to tell Will my side plan of helping all my ships get together faster with their training. And no one gets how fighting is so romantic with your crush by you. I remember how Will beat Octavian and that's my favourite memory of him during the war, besides our many moments at the infirmary.

Ah, time to relieve many demigods of their duties. 


Hey, y'all I know I have really late updates and thanks for sticking around for this nonsense but I want you guys to know I have this whole story planned out and I'm having trouble into putting it into words and making it make sense is a lot of work, which is why I'm doing my best to edit and stuff and please do check out my edited stuff because I've added somethings which weren't really there before so that my idea for this fanfic makes sense.

I remember someone saying how Nico seems really out of character in my story and I totally get that and I realized I never really explained how his transformation worked in this story. My timeline for this story is pretty off and is very different. 

There are a lot of time gaps and the many years are merged and lots of things took place at different times as compared to what's canon. The people he meets and the time he has to heal is more than canon. I love the fact Will got together with Nico, cuz who doesn't love the whole light-dark and healer-soldier trope, but I felt it was slightly rushed and Nico got over Percy much too fast so I've gotten him to heal over a lot of things in the right time. He learns that the past need not be forgotten but could be embraced and move on from. I know depression and pain isn't easy to get over and it needs the right time and people for it. Life sucks indeed, but you can learn to use the suckiness for overcoming it with little things like just talking to someone for a little bit or seeing a little flower you always see look brighter that day. I'll be covering this more in my edited work and how some things need to be talked about and not shut inside you forever. Hopefully, it turns out well in my edited stuff.

Thanks for glancing over the silly little rant of my stuff! Till next time then!

And I think you guys realised how much I love Tall and Happy!Nico cuz why not! 

A lil drarry and wolfstar!

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