The Ones Among Us (Red x Pink...

By Yennie-Fer

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****This story I originally collabed with Banunu-Chan to write, but she dropped out. So half of the chapters... More

Yellow and Black
Orange, Brown, Purple and Cyan
To Protect
(Deleting Later) We need your help!

An Ending

1.3K 36 69
By Yennie-Fer

"Wait!" Purple protested. "I really think that we should give him another chance. He could change just like Red did!"

"It wouldn't matter. I would die either way I go." White admitted. "I rather die this way."

Red's face was hard to read. "This is what happens when you kill people without a good reason. You should have known that they're good."

"Well, you killed two people that you should have known wasn't the impostor." White grunted. "Aside from that point, I don't think you know the truth. That our race destroyed their planet. We're at fault."

"What....?" Pink gasped.

Red was shocked to hear that too. (It does make sense though...with everything that I know about wonder the punishment for failure was so severe. It wasn't a misunderstanding. They were trying to take over everything they could.)

"Speechless?" White questioned.

All the kills Red had done in the previous time setting. They were all innocent. Well, Lime's still a jerk anyways.

"Wh-why did your race... destroy our planet...?" Pink stuttered.

"Yes. To be superior. Some even like the taste of your flesh. Like me." White removed his helmet with a sad, toothy grin. "Or to even use you as slaves. Our planet does this to dominate the universe. 'It is an honor to defend our planet', huh, Red?"

Red glared at White. "It doesn't matter now. You lost. The rest of us will find a place."

"They will hunt for you, you know. Your punishment... do you wonder what it could be?" White asked. "Do you want to know what mine is?" He didn't let Red answer. "My homeland will be bombed if I let crewmates live. If I die or kill everyone, there wouldn't be any need for that."

"Good thing you're going to die then," Red stated coldly. "You won't have to worry about facing their punishment."

"You'll die too." White replied. "Your girl won't be able to handle that."

"Wh-what...?" Pink stuttered.

White looked at Purple subtly. He sighed. "They implanted a device in your wrist. It would spread a deadly poison that would kill you in minutes."

Purple caught on to what he was saying. (He's going to...?)


Yellow saw Red take a knife out of his suit and hold it over his wrist. "Wait!" She called out. "That could kill you!"

"I have to risk it," Red said. "At least then there's a chance, even if it's a small one."

He was visibly struggling to do it. His hands were shaking. His eyes were full of fear. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Pink isn't alone."

"How do you know that?" Black glanced at White. "You better not be lying. Why are you telling us this?"

"I'm the one who was ordered to implant it." White admitted. "If this ship has its tasks completed, it would set off. I'm going to be ejected anyway."

"N-no!" Pink sobbed. "Red...! I don't want you hurt.. Ah... There must be some other way!" But there wasn't. She was terrified for him to do it. Cutting the wrist so deeply is lethal. This was too cruel. "I just love you...I..."

"It's ok, Pink." Red forced a small smile as he lowered the knife down more until it was pressing against his skin. "I can do this."

(I need to get the first aid!) Yellow shot a look towards Black hoping that he would understand, and then ran off.

The timer went off for votes. White's legs got gripped into the ejection process.

So much was happening at once. Black looked at White, as he saw he wasn't fighting it off. (He really is accepting his defeat... To save his homeland.)

Black rushed to go get some NSAIDs. He's a little slow due to his injury a little bit still.

Pink's eyes were getting blurred as she looked around desperately. Something caught her eye from a distance. Medical supplies that Yellow used on Black prior. "Over there!"

Red inhaled sharply as blood dripped onto the floor. The cut was already deep, but it wasn't deep enough. He needed to cut it more. His eyes started to fill with tears but he kept going. Pink covered her face as she was hyperventilating. It was too much for her to bare.

Yellow and Black reached Red with the supplies. (Hopefully it's not too deep. I don't know how much more he can take before the bleeding is too much.)

She looked closer at his wrist and spotted the device. "Ok, stop!" She quickly put a clean pair of gloves on and grabbed the device. She pulled it out of his wrist.

Purple kept her eyes on White as a realization hit her. (I shouldn't keep living either. If I would be for the best of everyone.)

She reached towards White as she closed her eyes. (I won't cry even though my fate is tragic. I deserve this.)

"Purple, no!" White tried to push her away, but she wouldn't budge. "You need to live." His voice was angry and emotional.

Pink's hands shook as she applied the bandage wrap around Red's wrist. She kept sobbing in hopes to stop the bleeding. It was really bad with the blood gushing out.

"I need to sit down." Red warned her before he sat so she didn't mess up the bandages. She sat down with him to continue. Red's eyes were starting to close as he was losing consciousness. (I have to stay alive! Pink still needs me!)

"N-no.. Red!" Pink cried. She grabbed the dissolvable NSAIDs. She dropped it. She struggled to get one out of the bottle due to her anxiety. She managed to get a couple pills out while dropping others onto the ground. "Please, take this." She offered near his mouth with her tears dripping unto the ground.

Red did his best to take the pill. He was barely able to. His breathing was heavy due to the pain. "Pink..." He took her hand weakly. "Sorry..."

"D-don't apologize! Just live, please!" She wept as she put her forehead against his hand.

"I'll try." He had a small smile on his face as more tears fell. (I don't want to die. I don't want to leave her. But maybe...I deserve death just like White does. I'm not innocent. What I've done isn't something that can be forgiven. It's not something I can atone for.)

Her hands placed on the sides of his face. Her thumbs wiped away his tears. "H-hey. Don't become a c-crybaby like me. I said I would protect you." She cried harder as she was hoping and praying that all she's done was enough. "I-if you die, I don't know what I would do. I'd die for you too!"

"I'll be fine," he tried to reassure it. "It just...hurts a little..."

The loud sound of the ejection was taking place. As Pink was sobbing, she and everyone's attention looked towards Purple and White.

"Purple! No...." Pink's eyes widened. Regret was taking place in her mind. Purple was her friend. They didn't get a chance to know each other more. If only she did. She noticed how Purple was looking at White.

(Oh....) Just like how Pink would die for Red, Purple would do it for White.

But it looked like he was upset and yelling at her for it. "You're so stubborn! You can't die with me! Live! You have a chance!!"

"I can...but I shouldn't." Purple held onto him. "It's better this way."

"You could live." His hands gripped onto her back. They were shaking. "I decided to be ejected to give you that chance.. Haha..." He was bitterly laughing as if there was anguish in his voice. "I love you too much, you foolish girl."

"You should know by now that I'll never do the smart thing," she stated. "I believe what I'm doing is right though."

To be this close to him would usually cause some sort of fear. Even though she was scared, she wasn't scared of him. "I hope the stars are beautiful tonight," she whispered.

With an aggressive force, White and Purple were thrown into space. It ripped her helmet off in the process. White knew that crewmates can't last long without oxygen as he drew his lips towards hers. His arms were wrapped tightly around her.

"They're not as beautiful as you." He managed to say as he kissed her to comfort her. Death was near. He wanted her to feel loved near the very end.

Purple managed to ignore the bright twinkling lights around them and just focus on White. (It's just us here. Finally, a moment alone together. This time it doesn't have to end as long as we're alive.)

The ship was getting more distant from them. As they spiral into space, they both felt a bittersweet feeling.

Black and Yellow left Pink and Red alone. Red has passed out when Purple and White were launched into space. Their tasks had to be completed as the ship can be at risk now. Pink's tears were falling onto Red's face. She caressed his cheek as it laid upon her lap.

"Red... Wake up.... Please...." She cried as she feared for the worst. So much loss had happened on this journey. Losing Red would be the worst for her. (If he dies, should I die too? To be able to meet again?)

Some kind of fate had decided for Pink and Red to be alive again. Space could conflict with time. That could be it. What if this was their only chance? There's no way she could imagine a life without him. Aside from Purple, he was the only person who accepted her fully for who she is.

Red's face twitched a bit. A blurry image of Pink appeared in his mind. (She's the reason...why I did anything this time around. So I will keep trying to live for her. I'm not done yet.)

His eyes started to open slowly. His eyes felt unaccustomed to the light due to him being unconscious. He closed them again and took in a shuddering breath. (It's ok. Just breathe.)

Her eyes glossed over. The anxiety settled down a little bit. (His eyes opened for a bit! He's...ok?)

Her fingers went through his hair in a loving manner. "It will be ok... Everything will be ok...." She comforted him as she was also saying it to herself too. "Stay calm. You'll be fine..."

"I believe you..." He forced out the words. His throat felt dry. The feeling of her touching his hair helped him to relax. He still wasn't used to being comforted. He wasn't used to that loving touch.

She wiped away her tears that fell on him. "Do you need anything? I could grab you a water here." She didn't stop playing with his hair a little bit.

He nodded. "Water." It was a simple reply due to the fact that he was still in some pain.

"Ok, um...I'll have to move to get it." She felt worried having his head on the ground. "Will you be ok for a moment?"

He wasn't really sure what the answer to that was, but he nodded anyway. (I don't really want her to move, but I am pretty thirsty.)

Pink gently moved his head off her lap. She ran as fast as she could. Clumsily, she kept bumping into things on the way there. There was water bottles stored in a container. Taking one out, she made her way back to Red. She had her one hand lift his head and offered him water. "Here. Sorry I for the wait."

(You hardly even took a minute.) He smiled. He took a drink of the water.

She didn't stop helping him drink the water. She waited until he was done drinking the whole thing. It took some time, but the water was gone. "How are you feeling? Um..." Her eyes started to water up again. She can't help but feel emotional still.

"Hey, don't cry again," he said. "I'm fine. You did a good job of helping me."

"I was worried. I can't help it." She sniffled. "I care about you so much..."

He laughed quietly. "Well...we did it. For now at least, we're all safe."

"How is your wrist?" She asked.

"It still hurts quite a bit." He decided not to try to move it around. He didn't want to possibly cause more bleeding. "It isn't bleeding as much though. That's what's important."

Pink looked towards one of the windows. "White... Even though he did awful things... Killed others... Hurt me... But... He.. still told you the truth." She looked down towards Red. "You're alive."

She can tell Red still hated White. Especially by the mention of his name.

"He may have told the truth, but the past is still there." Red looked away. "I can't forgive him so easily. He killed you... Hurt you."

She put on a sympathetic smile. The two of them went through a lot together. 

"I understand." She replied.

There was a hint of pink on her cheeks. Red lying on her lap like this gave her a warmth feeling. That anxious emotion went away as she knows Red is ok now. Since he's fine, it was making her feel this way.

Red chuckled. "Getting flustered now? I hope it's not too much. I'm comfortable right now. Your lap's like a pillow."

"I-I'm not!" Pink denied as her blush worsened. She noticed Red's grin towards her. It made it worse.

Red used his good hand to poke her cheek. "Don't worry. It's cute."

She giggled as she put her hand on top of his. For a moment, she paused.

"Red. What should we do now?" She asked.

This ship was heading towards Red's planet. They both know this ship won't travel forever.

"I don't know..." He admitted. "We will have to find somewhere to live somehow I suppose."

"Will you miss your planet?" She questioned.

"I don't know," he replied. "I'm still a little confused about all of this. The way they treated wasn't right, but it doesn't feel wrong. Maybe it's because I was just used to it. It's hard to see the others there as bad people when I grew up around them."

"Can..." She hesitated and then continued, " tell me about that? About yourself? I want to know everything about you since we're a couple."

He nodded. "The training I went through was rough. I trained almost all hours of the day without rest. Usually, it was physically unless they did a special course on manipulation and deception. It started when I was little, because I was seen as promising to them."

"When you were little...?" She repeated. She couldn't fathom the fact he was trained from a young age. The fact that this has been going on for years.

How many planets have they destroyed? Conquered? That is troubling to think about. Why seek so much power? How corrupted...

"What about your family?" She wondered.

"I didn't see them much," he admitted. "I usually only went home at night after training or if I was sick. I don't really remember what they were like."

(So.... He never spent time with them. That's just too sad.) She frowned. "You must have been so lonely."

Even though Pink had a lot of people who hated her, she did have a loving family to keep her going. She doesn't know if they're alive or not.... With the planet being destroyed and impostors... they may just be....

She shook her head. She can tell there was loneliness in Red's eyes when he talked about his past.

"Red... I'll be your family." She blurted.

"Forever?" He asked. "I...would be happy with that."

"Yes! I'll always be by your side."

To be a family...that would mean...

She started to blush after realizing what she said.

"You're adorable when you're blushing." He laughed. "Thank you for staying with me through all of this."

"You were always near me when I needed you." She twiddled her fingers. "I must thank you for always protecting me. And for your mercy."

Red started to rub her hand with one of his. (It was the most basic thing I could have done after my actions in the past. Seeing your beautiful face, I could never bring you harm. I just knew. To think I was going to bring you harm.) he thought.

Pink tilted her head as she noticed he was quiet. "What are you thinking about?" She smiled as she softly squeezed his good hand.

"I'm just thinking about the past," he stated. He seemed somewhat sad. "I guess it is just that though. The past. It's time to move on."

Pink shyly leaned forward towards him. "Yes. I will always be willing to listen to your troubles. You can depend on me now."

He nodded. "I know. Thank you. I will always cherish you."

Pink and Red shared some sweet moments together. Both relieved for the other's safety, yet filled with sadness for everyone else's demise.

Red didn't care for Lime nor White.

With Red getting the rest he needed, Pink and him went to finish her last tasks. The ship was maintained.

The couples held onto each other as they awaited their final destination.


A safe haven was found.

A planet that was off the charts as it was hidden in a black hole.

It was a tough ride into the vortex. It was like yesterday that Pink remembered.

Four years ago, they had a life or death situation. The skies aren't what Pink is used to compared to her planet. It's always a shade of lavender, which reminds her of her old friend, Purple. There are three moons.

When Pink arrived to this planet, she had a bit of a breakdown from all the loss. Just that it hit her all at once.

The natives of the planet are friendly. They have some sort of power that conceals them from other planets. They decided to keep Pink, Red, Black and Yellow safe. They were all thankful.

Black and Yellow are married after a year residing on the planet. They already have a baby on the way.

With Pink's hand holding Red's, she was taken into this beautiful field-like area. Almost looked like something from a fantasy book.

"How long must my eyes be close-" Pink stopped as she felt something slip onto her ring finger.

"You can open them now." As Pink's eyes opened Red had a warm smile. "You said we should spend forever together, but we should make it official."

Pink looked at the ring on her finger. Then at him. Then back at her hand. She kept doing that to process what was happening. "You mean....?"

He nodded. "Yes." He touched her cheek. "Pink, let's get married."

"Yes!!!" She felt so giddy as her arms outstretched towards him. Making him lose his balance, she glomped him into the ground as she rubbed her cheek against him. "I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonn-"

She was already crying.

Red laughed and started to rub her head. His eyes were starting to tear up as well. "Look at me. Even I'm crying now."

She giggled. "I can't tell if that's your tears or my tears on my cheek."

"Probably a mix of both," he joked.

A gentle breeze blew as Pink backed up and stared at him. Her smile shined the brightest on this day.

Against the sky overhead she looked so free compared to before. They both were free. He could only smile as he gazed at her face.

(I'm ready to spend my life with you. I'm excited for our life together.) Those are the things he would have said if he wasn't at a loss for words.


A/N 2021 UPDATE: Feel free to follow us to be updated on new stories on our profile for release. 

Follow: yennie-fer 



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