Growing up Pureblooded

By RiddleMaster19

361K 14.5K 741

What would happen if Harry Potter was saved from the Dursley's and instead raised as the pureblooded son of S... More

The Small Voice
The Bruises
A Very Dangerous Game
You have your Mothers Eyes
Welcome to the UK
The Boy Who Vanished
The First Suspect
Daily Lessons
The Investigation
To Mister Black
Memories and Photographs
Preparing For Evil
Authors Note
Do You Want To See My Train?
Christmas Morning
What a Christmas Present
The Black Lord
What is this?!?
Aunt Cassiopeia
Prank and Run
Friend or Foe, Truth and Lies
The Boy No More
Bon Voyage
Dumbledore and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Free Man
The Birthday Surprise
Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Gryffindor
The Curious Twin
Partner in Crime
Jealousy and New Tricks
The Muggle World
Unpleasant Return
To Old Friends
Persephone's Passion
Filthy Half-Blood
The Truth Will Out
The Obituary
The Funeral
An Heir You Don't Know
Back To Normal
A Secret Agent
Dance Lessons
Look Who It Is
The Invisibility Cloak
The Ministry Christmas Ball
Christmas Eve Outing
2 Filled Graves and 1 Empty One
He Did What?!?
New Sorrow
Of Course Dear
An Owl, A Cat, or A Toad
The Mirror, The Cloak, and The Map
Blood Will Out
The Sorting
Quite Disappointing
This Means War!
Youngest Player in A Century
Words and Sherry
Brooms and Tomes
Troll In The Dungeon
Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
The Twins Meet Their Match
Staff Meeting
Don't Mind Your P's and Q's
Disrupted Christmas
Maybe She Needs A Friend
Through The Trap Door
You're A Halfblood
Drastic Conditions
The Slip Up
A True Black
Miracle Transfer
Aries Awakens
Marius's Heir
Aunt Cassie's Little Black Book
Turnabout Is Fair Play
An Enchanted Diary
The Secret Lab
Not an Ordinary Diary
That's My Compartment
10 For the Parakeet
Improving the Unforgivables
He's A Maurader
He's The Perfect Black
Rule Number Three
Expelled From The Family
The Truth
Blood Brothers
Stubborn As The Rest Of The Family
A Horcrux
300 Hundred Points
Mr. & Mrs. Longbottom
Potions and Cooking
A Christmas of Bickering
Muggle Day
Coolest Professor Ever
You're Early
Unite The Family
Nuclear Safe Wards
Can't Sleep
Little Hangleton
Slytherin vs. Pride
The Vision
Must Be Drunk
We Have To Help
Find The Wards
What Just Happened
Slytherin's Lost Heiress
People Should Fit In Boxes
You're Going To Listen
I've Always Wanted Her
I Want Breakfast
Good Enough for the Queen
Let's Try Again
Marriage of Convience
Finally The Day Has Come
The Confrontation
Sharing Food, Conversation, and Parents
Wedding Preperations
A Black Wedding
Meddling Matchmakers
Rams Love Lily's
My Hufflepuffs
The Known Intruder
Guess Who's Back
The Ivory Ibis
Mini-Mort and His Death Eaters
Like We Never Left
The New Defense Master
Cheers Moony
Crazy Cousins
Take the Mark?
Tea at Four
The Rules of Pranking
Meet Luna Lovegood
To Do List
Your Ladyship? Or Maybe Not
Useful Squib
Dad's Brother
Come With Me
Do Your Worst
Enough is Enough
You're Right
If Wishes Were Horses
Fruitcake for Kreacher
Newfound Respect
The Chamber
Tower Of Terrors
Look of...... Pity?
Arvek, not Urvak
Soverign Lord King Ares The Conquer
Down With Tyranny
I Trained Him Better
Brief Respite
We're Not Playing Anymore
My Lips Are Sealed
Nicked It Our First Year
Finding A Healthy Balance
Perhaps A Little Patience

Secure The Family

1K 46 1
By RiddleMaster19

     Sirius ran out of his bedroom, jumped up on the banister and slid down. Once he reached the bottom, he leapt off, landed on his feet and swept into the drawing room. He was whistling a cheerful tune and carried a bunch of freshly-picked daffodils. Clytemnestra and Cassiopeia exchanged an amused glance. Their young great-nephew had seemed unusually cheerful of late. "Where are you off to with those lovely flowers, Sirius?" Clytemnestra asked with a wry smile. "Ought the House of Black to expect the arrival of a new mistress in the near future?" Cassiopeia teased.

     Sirius looked confused for a moment, then laughed. "These? Oh no, there are for Cissy," he explained. "They're her flowers, you know. Narcissuses." Clytemnestra chuckled. "You've been spending a lot of time at Malfoy Manor lately," she said. "I'm pleased that you and Narcissa have been enjoying one another's company." "Well, our sons are best friends, so it's easy enough for us to share war stories," Sirius replied. "Do you give flowers to the mothers of all your son's friends?" Cassiopeia asked innocently.

     Sirius growled. "Considering that the only other one I know is that Weasley woman, I should think not!" He stepped over to the fireplace. "Anyway, I need to be going. Please tell Mopsy I most likely shan't be home until after dinner." "Have a good time," Clytemnestra said, forcing herself to look down at her needlepoint.

     Sirius looked at his aunts strangely. "What's come over you two lately?" "Nothing," Cassiopeia retorted. She looked as though she was trying very hard to keep from laughing. "It's just been very lovely weather this year." "Indeed," Clytemnestra agreed. "Perfect weather for...daffodils."

     The two old women could contain themselves no longer and burst into hearty laughter. Sirius was worried that they might have gone mad. "Will you two be all right if I go?" he asked cautiously. "Go, you idiot boy," Cassiopeia snapped, waving him on. Sirius took this as sufficient confirmation that his great-aunt was still herself, and promptly Flooed over to Malfoy Manor before he could be subjected to any more of their curious insinuations.

     Sirius stepped out of the fireplace to find Malfoy Manor in complete chaos. A table lay toppled over on its side, bits of glass were dispersed across the marble floor and a dented bronze Apollo had fallen near the fireplace. Dobby stood snivelling in the midst of the disorder. "What's happened here?" Sirius demanded of the elf. "Where's your Mistress?" "Dobby's old Master Lucius was taking Dobby's Mistress, sir," Dobby sobbed. "Dobby is not hearing where he is taking her." "Lucius?" Sirius frowned. "But how? I thought your Master removed him from the wards." "Dobby is not knowing how his old Master Lucius was coming through the wards," the elf replied. "But he is not triggering any alarms, sir."

     Sirius's eyes narrowed as he looked around the room. "It looks like there was a struggle. Narcissa is a powerful witch, Dobby. How did Lucius overpower her?" "Dobby doesn't know, sir," the elf muttered apologetically. "Where was she when Lucius arrived?" "Dobby can't be sure, sir, but Dobby is thinking that Mistress was sitting on the terrace."

      Sirius darted through the open doors onto the stone terrace. He sighed when he saw Narcissa's wand lying on a table alongside the book she had been reading. He collected it promptly and placed it in his pocket. "Dobby!" he barked, and the elf appeared, ready to do his bidding. "Secure the house against all intruders," Sirius commanded. "No one is to be allowed in without the express authorisation of either myself or your Master." "Dobby understands, sir," the elf replied with a bow. "Dobby will carry out his orders."

     Sirius thanked his lucky stars that Abraxas had ordered the elf to obey him without question. He disconnected the fireplace from the Floo network and Apparated back to Windermere Court. Cassiopeia and Clytemnestra were startled to see him appear. "You're back quickly," Clytemnestra observed. "What's the matter?" "Narcissa's been kidnapped," Sirius replied. His aunts gasped. "But who would dare to raise their wand against a daughter of the House of Black?" Cassiopeia demanded. Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Lucius." "Good Lord," Clytemnestra whispered. "Surely not." "She is his wife," Cassiopeia pointed out. "Are you sure she didn't go willingly?"

     Sirius showed them Narcissa's wand. "If she had gone voluntarily she would hardly have left her wand behind," he said. "Besides, I've seen the house. Tables were turned over and vases shattered. There was clearly a struggle." "But why would he do such a horrible thing?" Clytemnestra asked. "Who knows?" Sirius replied. "The question is how we're going to respond." "This vile assault on our family must not be tolerated," Cassiopeia snapped. Sirius's grey eyes flashed dangerously. "I assure you, Aunt Cassie," he said in a low voice. "Toleration is the very last thing on my mind." "What are you going to do?" Clytemnestra asked.

     Sirius took a deep breath. "If he's gone so far as to kidnap Cissy," he said, "he'll probably go after Draco too. He may also try to strike at Aries or other family members. I'll go to Hogwarts and fetch the boys. We could also use the help of Remus and Abraxas. Aunt Clytemnestra, I want you to go over to number twelve, Grimmauld Place and have them prepare to receive us. Send owls to Granny, Ignatius and the Tonkses. Let them know what's happened and invite them to join us. I want all the family together before we develop our plan of attack." Clytemnestra nodded and headed for the fireplace. "Grimmauld Place makes sense," Cassiopeia said. "It's probably the most heavily warded house in Britain." "I don't care," Sirius replied. "It's not good enough. I want you to go through your books and put the strongest defenses you can think of on that house. I want you to make my father's paranoia look like sweet, childish naïveté in comparison." "Any restrictions on the sort of wards I can use?" she asked. "Don't kill anyone to make them," Sirius said after a moment's thought. "But the protections can be as lethal as you like. Do your worst."

     Cassiopeia smirked nastily and headed up the stairs to her private collection of special spell books. "Mopsy!" Sirius called out, and the faithful house elf appeared with a pop. "Yes, Master?" she asked. "The family is under attack," Sirius said matter-of-factly. "Prepare trunks for me, Miss Cassie and Mistress Black, then take them over to number twelve, Grimmauld Place." "Mopsy is hearing and obeying," the elf said with a bow. "When you've done that, come back here and secure the house against intruders. After Miss Cassie leaves, no one is to come in or out without my express authorization. Do I make myself clear?" Mopsy bowed in response, and Sirius walked over to the fireplace and tossed a handful of Floo powder into the flames. "Professor Lupin's office, Hogwarts," he said in a strong voice, and stepped into the fire.

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