shadow of a doubt | d.m

By callmeav21

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i don't want to live, not without her. - post battle of Hogwarts More



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By callmeav21

Devyn was hypnotized by Draco's cold touch. One she ever so carefully got used to for the past month. From all the experiences he gave her, the accidental shower kiss, the closet touch. Every stupid shock he gave her, she loved.

Even locked in a dungeon that could easily go by the surname; hell.

Yet minutes, then hours passed the students trapped in cages. No signs of any antagonist. No more memories to be played.

Simply moments of boredom.

"Do you guys wanna play a game or something-" Theo blurted out.

Blaise shook up, "Your timings a little off mate."

"A fucking game.." Pansy questioned with her eyes shut. Her head tilted back.

Theo testified, "Well we can't just sit in silence.."

"We've been doing that this whole time-" Draco annexed. He was done with everyone's bullshit.

"I'm not gonna take your attitude personally right now Malfoy-" Theo edged back.

All stillness.

"Anyways- I wanna talk about something." Theo sat up from his slouch position.

Pansy scoffed loudly. Wasn't even afraid to hide it.

"You pick the topic.." She gave in.

He smiled."Thank you Pansy Parkinson for being helpful-

"Don't mention it." She held her hand up for him to stop.

Devny was gently sleeping. Her head nuzzled deep on Draco's shoulder. After many attempts of pushing her head back off him, he eventually let it happen. Deep down- he knew she needed sleep. So whether his head was to be used as a makeshift pillow, that was his own freewill decision.

Draco was silently listening to every conversation.

"Oi- Lukas, you wanna add to the conversation?" Theo wiggled his eyebrows.

This sudden mystery of a boy named Lukas Brunt, slowly pointed his eye focus to Theo and Pansy. They simply stared back to him.

"Y-yeah uh sure why not.." His accent was sharp.


"Pans-" Theo spoke.

"Theodore-" She snapped back.

"What's your favorite color?"

Pansy laughed- "Nevermind. We're not talking." Her jokes faded.

Theo's jaw dropped opened, he mimicked her "Nevermind we're not talking blah blah blah" he even did it in her pitched voice. This was Followed by a middle finger from Pansy, and then his eyes shifted to Lukas.

"What's your favorite color?" He repeated his question, just to a different person.

Lukas stammered for a second, "Uh dark blue."

Pansy shifted to face Lukas- "I mean no harm-"..."But why are you here."

Lukas cleared his throat. His hand gently combed through his hazelnut brown hair. "Well- Uh I went to Hogwarts for a while, until I forced to leave due to some unknown reason, but my father. yeah.." Lukas looked to Draco. " You may know him."

"His name was regulus black."

Everyone went silent, there words taken by shock. Lukas was an heir of the Black family, and yet no one knew of him.

"But you're last name-

-I changed it." Lukas cut Blaise off, who was now very interested in this founded conversation.

"Why in hell would you do that." Draco now collaborated.

"Play nice Malfoy-" Pansy signaled.

"I just didn't want my name to be known..But here I am- so I guess there was no fucking point."

The students were mute once more.

Lukas looked around, detailing every person in the room. His focused gaze was jumping from each person at a rapid pace. But what Draco seemed to notice is that Lukas took a longer minute to capture Devyn.

"She's fine." Draco looked back to Lukas.

"Are you sure?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm asking- are you sure she's fine."

"Yes i'm fucking sure" Draco was getting quite flustered. His knuckles began to clench.

"You're gonna wake her up." Lukas spoke in a vile tone, as if knew Devyn better.

Draco's jaw tightened.

"I'd shut up if I were you." Pansy denoted back to Lukas, her hands now trifling small braids in her chocolate hair.

Someone in their cage moved; Ron was getting uncomfortable.

Everyone ignored his presence, only because it was specifically from him, and frankly no one was on good terms with him.

As all the students simmered their bickers down, and the peaks of sun shined in through the bars of the window, the day declared to begin. A new day of Dawn.

A fresh start to try and plan any chance of escaping.

Genuinely, they had no fucking clue who these people were, or even why the students were needed. This was not the doing of The Ministry of Magic, so what was it.

The first to break out after silence, in conversation was Pansy.

"Frost-" She whispered.

"She's sleeping." Draco immediately answered.

"Yes pansy-" Devyn whispered back, still keeping her head propped to Draco's shoulder.

"Or not." Draco said out loud.

"Why did your dad know about the House Of Shield..."

"Smooth Pans" Blaise jeered.

Devyn sighed, "No clue."

The room fell quiet.

"Your dad was friends with mine.." Lukas conveyed.

"Oh-" Dev ached.

"I actually- Well- you and me actually- used to be best friends.. as children"

"What." She now took her head off Draco's side. Making eye contact with Lukas.

"I-I don't know you-" She added on.

Lukas looked to her with genuine intentions, "He used uh- Obliviate.."

"Who did."

"Your father"

"Why would he do that" She felt hurt by her own father using a charm against her.

"I was a danger to you and your family, having the last name Black doesn't really come with good things." His voice dimmed down with the last part of his statement.

Devyn took her time to ask her next question, leaving space to think.

"Do you have any memories of us-" She hesitated.

She really could use anytype of good news at the moment.

"Lots." He chuckled.

Draco scoffed, maybe with pure envy, but he quickly covered his disgust with a hard cough.

"I'll tell you them when we get out.." Lukas smiled, his fingers playing with the chains that locked his hands.

Devyn nodded her head. With a grin that she hasn't produced in the time that she spent held in cages.

"IF- we get out." Draco put in.

"We will-" Pansy contributed.

"And how would we do that" Draco glared to Pans.

"Pretty sure there's no way." Theo remarked, holding his hands to show the heavy string of chains.

"Where there's will- there's a way, boys." Pansy smiled to them.

Theo Blaise and Draco all held in tight laughs.

"When'd you get smart?" Draco chimed.

"Shut up Malfoy-" She rolled her eyes.

The boys were all laughing at the girl's sudden shred of wisdom, but little did they know, what she said was true. They possessed determination like no other, they just needed to apply it to the right place.

As the chuckles died. Several angs took their place. All heard from the upper level.

Draco and Devyn locked eye contact. He made the motion of silence, putting his finger to his lips.

Loud yells and cheers were erupting from the top. As if they were stomping, maybe even partying.

"What the absolute fuck-" Blaise looked above him.

"-Shh" Pansy struck.



Blaise backed down.

And with his action, the room above them got even louder. Echoes of their foreign language became clearer.

Like normal- panic drove them all to stay completely quiet. But with intense energy- heavy footsteps were pounding down the concrete steps.

All students anticipated what form of torture they were to experience next.

Devyn hid her face in Draco's chest. He held with fragility. At this point, they thought they would die in this hell hole, so they made the most of it.

But unusually, the headlights that shined bright in their eyes, weren't flipped on. The machines they used to scan their minds, weren't buzzing.

As if something was off.

"We don't have much time-" A familiar voice beamed.

His hands were shaking; holding a small silver key in one, and a portkey in the other.

"Creed.." Devyn mumbled.

"You're leaving-" He spoke with what she swore was a light smile.

In the moment, his mouth trembled the words of "Alohomora." With the use of his spell, the cages swung open. Creed's fingertips dragged a small key from his pant pocket. His feet carried him eagerly to Devyn's chain first. Managing to click open her lock.

Then Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Lukas, Ron and finally Harry with Ginny.

They were freed from boundaries.

But all things were too good to be true..when were they not.

From what felt like a bad feeling, the skylights from above shined dark red.

Producing a shadow among their faces, painting blood crimson color all of over.

The only noise, other than their ragged breath, was a loud stomp. The drop a cane, in fact a gold cane.

"Always knew you were a traitor Creed-" Lanet crept from the stairs. The other heavily armed guards behind.

"You always were a smart one Lanet" he fired back.

Lanet laughed back. His steps getting closer and closer to Creed, whose arms were out. Almost shielding the students that stood behind him .

"They're leaving-" Creed declared. Holding his wand tight in front of him.

"Ahh Expelliarmus" Lanet lightly waved his wand to send Creed's fly back backwards and hit the otherside of the room. Leaving them defenseless.

"Tsk Tsk." He shook his finger mimicking the no motion.

Lanet was now pacing back and forth, rambling on how Creed let the facility down. How he was always the disappointment of the family. That he was second best his entire life.

But as the conversation became heated, Creed was more attention paid to handing back something. An object.

His hand quivered behind his back to Devyn.

A small, black yoyo was grasped.

Dev took it rapidly.

"Infact- my dear brother, the only one leaving.. is you." Lanet pointed his finger straight. His legs were inching closer to Creed.

"You will be missed though, don't get me wrong.." His vile laughed echoed the concrete walls.

"How about a hug? hmm? One final embrace of love?" Lanet opened his arms.

Creed looked back to the students. All eyes were wide, observing what was happening to their savior.

Dev opened her mouth- she lip synced the statement. "Don't." To him.

But even through no words, Creed still managed to signal that it was okay.

And with a reluctant pace, Creed walked to hug his brother for the span of a moment.

Everything was going fine. She still clutched the toy, yet the magic took them to nowhere. Unlike every Portkey, this one was different.

With a crooked smile lacing Lanet's face, his hands began to streak against Creed's neck. Using all his strength and might to strangle his own brother.

"Wait..-" Pansy yelled, attempting to move forward, but Theo's arm was stopping her figure.

Oh god was Creed battling this though. His own hands were hitting at Lanet's. His face slowly turning a different shade of normal. The bright veins that traced his face were beginning to pop from his forehead.

"P-pu-pull...i-it" He coughed though the hold.

Devyn was absentmindedly struggling to hear him. The person who saved her was now slowly dying for them. For the sake of their lives.

"P-PU-LL TH-E STR-ING" His breath was ragged.

The kids could do nothing but watch.

As if reality of danger snapped back to her mind, Devyn with seizing hands, found the long fabricated chain.

Her fingertips yanked the string with every last cell of energy she had left to give.

And with just a simple flash- their world was different.

The environment was changed.

Their bodies landed in a large lake. The rushing water correlated with loud chirping birds. The students finally appreciated the blessing of seeing mother nature, and her creations.

The first thing - someone was dragging Dev's body from the water. She could hear them, but couldn't speak, she even struggled to get a shallow breath out.

Their voices were muffled. Immediately she recognized a few. One was coughing profusely, spitting out water.

Another voice was directly talking to Devyn. Saying words like "Breath cmon'- Wake up' Get up' - Cmon".

She felt hard pushes on her chest, the action was going at a furious pace. Shoving her lungs faster and faster. And without conscience warning, a pair of lips were blowing air into hers.

It took no time to know who's lips.

Draco was relying on mouth to mouth to save Devyn- who clearly hazed unconscious, drowned out by water.

One more pump to her chest and she finally gave a breath.

A sharp noise from her body emitted. The others finally gave a thankful sigh. More than relieved actually. Everyone was drenched in water, covered in pale sand.

Heaving with coughs of lake water. Draco hit the back of her chest to help her cough the rest of the liquid out.

"Thank Merlin-" Lukas loudly said. His weak body falling back in the sand.

The bright sun gave light to them. The warmth embracing their Vitamin D deprived skin.

"Told ya we'd get out-" Pansy punched Theo's shoulder hard.

"At what cost though.." Blaise sighed, his eyes looking straight ahead to the lake. "

A moment of death provoked silence passed.

"He saved us."

Draco looked Devyn straight into her tired eyes- as if he was touching her beating soul,

"That he did."

a/n - i have been busy eek but- NO this story is not done yet omg, i saw some comments that were like "is it over"- haha it's not but thank you for reading and ily.

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