With Luck (On Hold/Abandoned)

By PaytonRayneHenry

221 10 5


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

With Luck

97 2 2
By PaytonRayneHenry

"Kheyenne." He whispered


"I love you, I really do from the moment I first saw you."

"Jackson, I love you too, more than you can ever imagine." I meant it when I said it to.

Then he kissed me, hard with passion but soft and gentle. The kind in the movies that make you feel the characters passion for each other. I want him that way.

I now understand why women and girls have always told me its harder to say no than you realize. When you're in that moment, you have to fight ever hormone and emotion screaming at you.

This has to be one of those moments, curled up in each others arms, in the backseat of his car on the side if a road in the middle of no where. Yes, I am positive it's one if "those" moments. Am I ready to let him have this kind if control over me? Am I ready for this? Can I just give it away like this? All these questions running through my mind. One word answered them all. NO. I wasn't ready, I knew that, but he needed to know I'm not as strong as I thought I was.

I'm going to act the part anyway.

"Stop." I whispered, that simple word took every breathe in me to say. He smiled,"you know I can't do that".

A/n, hey guys please tell me what you think if this! Please! I just put the prologue on here to see if it was something someone sounded interested in reading.

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