
By _ToniaFrancis

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Scott McCall and his pack have been fighting for ten years with little victories. He built a world for the su... More



38 1 2
By _ToniaFrancis

Few Days ago, McCall Estate, Beacon Hills.

"Isaac and I considered possibilities of this day years ago when I first reached out. We looked into some stuff. It may not be true, but this is beacon hills, so we might as well try." Kira said.

She and Malia walked in on Isaac, weeping alone in front of Scott's study. Malia wondered what they talked about. She knew the men were practically brother but Malia never saw Isaac as the emotional type.

Kira was more concerned with Isaac. She had interacted more with him these last years and she knew what he was capable of. Scott was an Alpha. He trained himself to control his emotions. Isaac, on the other hand, did not have the luxury.

"You didn't have to tell them, you know." Isaac scoffed.

He followed them into the study, eager to hear what she would say. Little did he know she would expose their little secret.

"Which means I was right to do so. I will not let you put your life in danger without considering the consequences." Kira replied.

"Consequences that all the skin walkers taught you." Isaac fought back.

"And they were right."

"That's enough from both of you. Kira go in and tell us what you have in mind." Scott warned.

In their years of working together, there was one time Isaac reached out to Kira. She said nothing about it because he asked her to. Kira studied about her kind when she wasn't with the skin walkers. They taught her many things about nature and her kind, and Isaac took advantage of that.

"Any of you ever heard of the wolf gods?" Kira asked, placing a file in front of Scott.

"I have," Malia answered quickly.

She walked to a random shelf in the study and began searching for a book while Scott looked through the file. Isaac sank into his seat, reeking of anxiety. Malia came back with a huge, slightly dusty book, her eyes wide with wonder. She explained as she opened it, searching for the right page.

"Norse mythology referenced the wolf animal as sacred. I read a lot about it in Uni." She started. "From what I know, some gods would take the form of a wolf when they wondered the earth. Then there is my favorite Leto the wolf."

Malia stopped at a page showing a draw of two giant wolves as big as the clouds of the sky. They stood atop a cliff as high as the skies and next to the moonlight. It was simply beautiful.

"Reading and conducting research on all these myths made me conclude that werewolves and nearly all supernatural creatures existing today originated from the gods. Now, what do any of these have to do with you and Isaac." Malia asked.

"The skin walkers told me of a werewolf, an omega who became bored with man kind and sort a place with the gods. He offered sacrifices but still the gods found it insulting that a mere wolf servant would want to be in the same place with them." Kira explained.

"It was unusual, but they taught me that with enough spirituality, any supernatural can be equal to the gods, but the gods would not allow it because of their pride. The skin walkers themselves are considered deities."

"So that's what is different about you. I knew something was off." Malia admitted.

"Yes, my mother noticed as well, which is why she built a dōjō for me to meditate when I am home. The fox inside me is a deity. I should have grown into her, but them the dread doctors woke her up too early, which is why she was angry all the time. After that, I spent years trying to understand her and I'm still learning. I wanted to know more, but I forgot about it until I met Isaac again who asked me to find out from the skin walkers as payment for his service to me."

"I needed to know," Isaac defended himself.

"Well, I will answer your questions here, Isaac. The werewolf's sacrifices did not go unnoticed, however he never became a god but was rewarded a deity to a mountain after he pleased the gods by the way he lived."

"I don't understand." Scott said .

This story did not help their situation at all. They needed a plan, not more tales.

"Scott, you were granted the gift of a true alpha because the wolf gods saw you worthy. You pleased them by the way you lived and if you continue, they can make you god among them. Isaac is just like the man in the story. He's bored with mankind and seeking something higher but to defeat evil."

"Isaac wants to be deity!" Malia jumped up.

There was silence in the study. All that could be heard was thumping hearts beating loudly with blood of fear and fury.

"Isaac, is this true?" Scott asked.

The hurt in his eyes could not be hidden. His friend was keeping all this inside of him and he never knew.

"Scott, I won't apologize for this. You've heard the tales only a gif can kill a god and only a deity can kill a deity. This is the best way to defeat it."

"Are you serious?!" Scott flared up. "Isaac you could die!"

"I know!"

"Then why?" Scott asked softly.

"Because I'm tired." Isaac answered.

Hot tears raced their way through his cheek. Isaac looked through the accusing faces. He knew that would never understand why he had to make this sacrifice to save everyone. What was he living for anyway? Nothing!

"You're not gonna stop me. I'm doing this with or without you." Isaac said and walked away.

                           * * *

Look out point, Beacon Hills.

The storm still went on and they had to leave their car behind and hunt in the rain. It was hard tracing a scent in this rain, but Isaac had Hayden and Theo. Her Jaguar side had a better smell and hearing than all of them.

Everyone made it out of the school and got home safely. The kids refused to go home and decided to find their friends from other packs. Scott trained them well and although they won't say she knew being in Scott's pack must have exposed them to a lot of danger, but nothing like this. Hayden knew they would be fine as long as Stacy was there.

Liam went back to Scott's side to help with the wendigo. Hayden wished he was here fighting with her. If she died here, the high school would be their last meeting.

They had no way to communicate since the cell towers were dead. No one knew what was happening to the other and every pack and family were trying their best to stay together. The aura they followed led them into the woods, where they wandered for hours in the storm.

The winds were stronger and that encouraged Hayden to follow them till they arrived at look out point.

Isaac paused at the view. He should have put it on his list to come up here and see this place, but he couldn't. This was a place she loved, too. The entire city was visible from look out point. Even with the storm, you could see the part that had fires from explosion or lighting strike and the areas suffering blackouts because of the storm.

The winds blew at their faces but from behind them with such fury that made them turn. The Nogitsune was here Hayden was successful in tracking it.

"I knew it, powerful of not, a fox is still an animal." Hayden growled and transformed.

"It was foolish of you all to come here." Jax said, revealing himself in his human form. "Where is Scott McCall?"

"Did you really want him to fight you?"

"Yes, how else would I become the Alpha?"

Theo growled in response and dropped the wooden box made of mountain ash that was once its cage in front of him.

"You will go back to your cage."

The Nogitsune's eyes glowed bright blue and his face shifted slowly to that of a wolf. He oared and smiled at them.

"I'd like to see you try," he challenged.

Isaac, Liam and Hayden attacked the Nogitsune. It was three against one, but they had to remember that it had the memories of all its host. This scene was too familiar for Isaac. Ten years ago Derek and the twins challenged the Nogitsune with his hopes of defeating it. They fought his soldiers and ended up losing Aiden. One thing was sure, someone was going to die tonight, but they would die fighting.

Isaac grabbed Jax by the shirt pounding on his head while he had Hayden had in his hands. He let her go and turned to Isaac. Theo used the chance to attack from behind them. The Nogitsune pulled Theo and broke his arm and his leg in less than two seconds, sending him to the nearest tree.

Jax dragged Isaac by the throat by the throat and raised him up. From there, Isaac could see Hayden struggle to get up. She had claw marks across her chest.

"Stiles body was too weak to contain me, but now I have a stronger host. Did you really think you, a bunch of weak betas, can defeat me. I have existed for hundreds of years."

"And yet," Isaac coughed. "You end up in the body of a wolf."

It was hard to breathe at this point, but they were losing and would die any second now. He prayed for a miracle about anything that would stop him from using his trump card now.

"Stop!" Kira's voice came from their side.

Scott was running towards them by her side. Isaac was struggling to get Jax's attention when he saw his gaze shift to Scott in excitement. Jax threw out Isaac down and dragged him on the wet floor of the wood to meet with scot halfway.

Hayden found strength to stand up when she saw Scott running toward them. She expected Liam would be here, but she couldn't see him; she would asked questions later. Theo's bones were taking longer to heal. He still wasn't a bitten wolf. Hayden pulled him away from the battle to inspect his wounds. Scott was here now.

The rumors were that this host was a shapeshifter, but Scott had never seen it in its wolf form. He had never experienced the true form of its power.

"Isaac, we told you to wait," Scott growled while he transformed.

Isaac was too weak to say anything and Jax would not let go of his neck.

"The storm is an illusion." Kira whispered into the wind.

She knew the wolves would hear her. When she battled Tina, she heard nothing of the storm, only of her battle, but when it was over, she could hear the storm again. At first she assumed it was her imagination but while she met up with Scott at the foot of the hill, he confirmed he could not hear the storm but he could feel it.

Hayden tried to ignore what she just heard. She read from Stiles' file that this demon created illusions, but she never imagined it would be this real.

"What's happening?" Theo coughed blood all over his shirt.

He was more hurt than she thought. Theo may not survive this battle. Hayden fought her tears and forced a smile onto her face. Theo may have been a jerk to her when she was younger, but he was the reason she was alive today; he brought her back to life.

"Scott is here, Kira too."

"Go," Theo coughed again.

"Theo, I can't leave you."

Hayden couldn't stop the tears anymore but thanks to the rain, he did not see them.

"You should go find Liam. I know you feel it too, that something is wrong. It's ok to run," Theo told her.

Hayden shook her head. They had gone through so much to get her here, she can't run away again. Scott trusted her. She wanted to be by Liam's side right now, even if he was dying, but Theo was here. She couldn't leave him. He was family too.

"I'm not running anymore Theo, and i'm sorry for not staying."

A little further down the hill, the Nogitsune abandoned Isaac and moved closer to Scot and Kira. Kira had her sword out and ready for battle. It wasn't one that it could break like her mother's old sword: the skin walkers had made sure of it.

"It's a good thing you came Scott," Rhys' voice came from Jax. "I was about to kill you betas." It mocked.

The Nogitsune kept moving closer, one step at a time, as it talked, but Scott stayed where he was. Isaac, on the other hand, was crawling behind Jax.

"The game has been fun to play but now i must get my price for winning." Jax's voice returned.

Thunder clapped, but they knew it was an illusion now. Isaac sank his claws into Jax's leg, stopping him from going towards Scott.

"Where do you think you're going?" Isaac asked slowly as he struggled to stand up. "Your battle is with me."

"It was you," Jax realized.

He came to Beacon Hill with the mission of destroying Scott McCall and his pack and take over beacon Hills, but now that he saw this wolf in a new light, he realized that the man at his prison was the reason he came.

"Isaac," Rhys' voice snarled. "You kept me in that cage!" it roared.

"Yes, I did and I learned of ways i can kill you if you get out." Isaac said with more confidence.

He walked past Jax and stood beside Scott and Kira.

"You were never playing against Scott from the beginning. You were playing against me." Isaac revealed. "You went after the school knowing Scott would care for his wolves, and the hospital because of his mother. You went after the police station because of Stiles, but none of that mattered to me. You wasted your efforts."

Jax transforms back to his human form surprise on his face but also amusement. Finally, there was some who could contend with him. He was going to take pleasure in killing him.

"I have always wondered, would you have known all this early if you had another host, let us say a weak human?"

"What are you talking about?" Jax asked.

"You are weak Jax Norman. Your body is weak. The Nogitsune is a fox, and all the myths have it that foxes and wolves never get along. Jax Norman made you weak."

Isaac was gambling with their lives, but Scott could see that it was working. A fox in a wolf's body had to account for something it would be weak and submit to an alpha.

"It seems you already knew this, which you want to kill Scott McCall. You'll have to stand in line."

Isaac growled and attacked again, this time with Scott fighting with him.

Kira stayed by the side until she spotted the mountain ash cage and ran to get the box. They just had to get the nogitsune to abandon Jax's body and catch it before it have posses anyone else. This time she would take the spirit with her tot he skin walker. They would hate her but would know how to take care of it. This was the only way Kira knew she could stop Isaac.

Going back down, she saw that the battle was getting bloody. Weak or not, Jax was a formidable fighter, and she was hungry for Scott's blood. Isaac was mostly protecting Scott and taking the blows that would kill him if Kira did nothing. The nogitsune sank its claws into Isaac's shocking Scott.

"Isaac, no!" Scott yelled and tried to run to him.

Jax pulled out his hand, leaving Isaac to fall on the fall. Scott could barely focus after that. That blow was meant for him. It would have taken his power.

Kira ran to Isaac, dropping her sword on the floor, and kneeled beside him. He was in so much pain she could tell, but she was a kitsune and thus could not take away his pain. Isaac pulled Kira's leather armor. He looked like he wanted to fight more, but he was too weak. His face was covered in blood and claw marks. She knew they would heal, but it did not look like he was. His cough of dark blood helped her confirm it. Isaac was dying.

"Why are you doing this?" Kira cried.

"Please, you have to help me." Isaac whispered.

Kira knew what he was asking her to do, but she was not willing to. Isaac raised his shirt to reveal paint marks on his stomach. The wolf in her story had offered sacrifices to the gods to gain their favor, but Isaac was giving himself up as the sacrifice and he need her power to take his life. That was the only way he would get what he wanted. Kia couldn't do it, Isaac was family. She would never kill him.

"You're going to die Isaac, don't ask me to do this." Kira cried.

"I'm going to die anyway, you know this and Scott knows it too."

"Scott needs you"

"I know, but it better it's me. This world still has use of Scott McCall. I have nothing to live for. It hurts so much Kira, please make it stop," He coughed.

"It won't work! A deity must have something to protect Isaac," Kira warned. "what are you protecting?"

Isaac said nothing. He had little strength left, and his eyes could barely stay open. Kira knew he was fading, and she knew she would save him for eternity if she helped him become a deity. But she knew more than she was telling him. If she failed, she would never forgive herself.

"I have something to protect," Isaac whispered. "my friends, this town and you."

Kira cried, burying her head in his stomach. It was too soon for her to lose another friend. Why did it seem like this town was always taking thing away from her? Her family, her life and her friends. Kira roared, releasing her fox. Her kitsune recognized Isaac and protected him with her flames. the nogtisune and Scott were drawn to the sudden heat. She knew she had little time left.

Scott caught Kira's gaze. He knew what she was about to do, but he also knew that this was the only way. Isaac was right. If they were going to destroy it forever, they had to kill it. Scott nodded and jumped on Jax Norman, stopping him from getting to Kira. He growled in anger and his eyes glowed a darker shade of red.

Kira began a chant and so di he wolf. Hayden could hear it. She took Theo's pain and helped him walk after they saw the bright light. The storm stopped and Kira's flames floated in tiny particles through the sky. Hayden looked closely at what was happening and saw Isaac on the floor covered in Kira's flames. The tiny particles were coming from Isaac.

"What is she doing, Kira stop!!" Hayden screamed.

She tried to rush in but Theo stopped her and drew her attention to the sky. The tiny particle was drawing a pattern of Isaac's face. The storm disappeared to reveal the full moon sky as Kira buried her sword engulfed in her flame into Isaac's stomach. She was till repeating her chant.

After a few seconds, the lights in the sky disappeared and so was Isaac's body. Scott looked up from holding Jax Norman down. He may have the power of the nogtisune but Jax Norman was no alpha. Scot was an alpha and a king. Mere demons could not defeat him. The demon inside Jax, however, was still one to contend with.

"Are you going to give this body and fight me?" Scott taunted.

Jax struggled, but he had little strength left. Scott was an Alpha, thus his wound was not healing, even with the power of the nogitsune. He pulled away from Scott and attacked his own body in disappointment, scratching and wailing in agony.

"You cannot defeat me!!!" Jax roared.

Scott transformed back into his human form, panting heavily.

"I knew it was impossible, and that is why I made you renounce your host. You defeated yourself." Scott replied.

Jax was confused and stopped attacking himself. The Nogtisune came out as a firefly too weak to fly high. A wolf howl came from the cliff's end of lookout point, Scott raised his head hoping to see Malia maybe she helped them but the furs he saw wasn't Malia's and wolf was too huge to be a coyote from Beacon Hill he had seen nothing like it. Kira ran with the cage and caught the fire file while the wolf rushed at full speed toward them.

The wolf reached them and drawled them. Scott could see it better now. He did not know if the wolf was a friend or an enemy. It had golden furs with a streak of black, but there was something about its eyes that drew Scott in.


The Wolf's eyes glowed bright yellow and turned to Kira. Kira understood the wolf. It wanted the nogitsune caught in the cage. She kneeled before him and released the firefly; the wolf stepped on it with his paws and it faded into ashes. It was just that simply.

Scott watched the wolf with his jaws dropped. The moon light gave him vision and power. The wolf bowed its head and ran towards the cliff, after which it disappeared.

"What was that?" Hayden asked.

She sat Theo to lean on a nearby rock and ran to meet Scott and Kira. Her clothes and her hair were dry, proving that it was indeed an illusion.

"Isaac Lacey is now the deity of Beacon Hills. He is a protector of beacon Hills and he will come when he needed for eternity." Kira said.

She turned to Scott and forced a smile. They had won the battle, but she had to kill her family to win.

"That, Scott, is what you will have to teach your children and their children." Kira broke down in tears.

Scott hugged her, comforting in what little way he could. He once loved her, but that was not enough.

"Isaac sacrificed himself to save us all. I will teach them that too. The supernatural will forever know you name Isaac, I promise." Scott replied.

"Scott," Hayden cried.

Scott pulled away from Kira, hearing the urgency in her voice. He ran to her, where she watched Theo.

"He's not healing. I've tried taking his pain, but he's not healing." Hayden cried.

"That because he's not like us." Scott answered.

"It's ok," Theo coughed.

Hayden shook her head. Her tears were very visible now. She once hated Theo, but she didn't want him to die.

"Isaac left, didn't he?" Theo joked.

"Theo, I think it's time."

"I don't deserve it Scott,"

"You do Theo, you deserve way more than I can give you."

Scott transformed into his wolf nature and took Theo's hand. He gave him the bite before it was too late. He hoped it would save him and he would come back to them.

Chris and two men rushed up the hill to see gift Theo the bite. Chris read the situation. There was no demon and no Isaac. His hands fell, and he dropped his crossbow. Chris punched the nearest tree in agony, screaming his lungs out. He had known for a while now what Isaac waned but he said nothing. The pain he felt was identical to what he buried when Alison died. This time, he couldn't hide it. He mourned for both his children that the world had taken away from him.

Kira disappeared after that. She would not be seen in Beacon Hills for another five years. It was just another day in Beacon hills, but it was one hell of a tale.

A new dawn

                            - # # # -

Oh my God!!!!!!!!! I finished it! I actually finished it! I'm sorry I'm just really happy right now. This is the end of my fan fiction Nogitsune. For those of you waiting till it was over to read it I have marked the story as completed so you can enjoy it now.

Thank you guys for sticking with me on this journey. This book is not my first in Wattpad but is the first I have completed on this app. I look forward to reading your reviews and your comment. God bless you.

Much love,
Tonia ❤️

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