Atelophobia (SPN)

By faitherswinchester

13.6K 538 78

"Atelophobia: the fear of not being good enough." You and you boyfriend get into a huge fight, and it doesn't... More

Supernatural: Atelophobia (SPN)
Part 1: Home Sweet Home
Part 2: Can't Be Loved
Part 3: The Start of Something Magical
Part 4: Boyfriends and Exes and Vampires, Oh My!
Part 6: Monster
Part 7: The Change
Part 8: The Thing You Hate The Most
Part 9: It Has To Be Done
Part 10: The End...Or Is It?

Part 5: Taken

745 37 6
By faitherswinchester


You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You must be dreaming. You must have fallen asleep in the car and you need to wake up. ASAP. You move your left hand to position yourself better, and a piece of glass slices it. You yelp and bring it up to your chest, feeling the warm ooze of blood trickle down your arm. Nope, not dreaming. A heartbeat of pain radiated from the cut, but hey, you've had worse.

You stare at Josh in disbelief. His nostrils flared at the smell of your blood. You bring your hand close to your chest and try to apply pressure to it. You wanted to run, but knew that vampires were fast. Exceptionally fast. Especially newborn vampires. They were reckless. Not like vamps weren't reckless, it's just the ones recently turned were learning. Learning as in 'how to resist the smell of blood', and at the look of Josh, he was clearly still learning.

You quickly remember your blade and your eyes look down to the floorboard, spotting it. Your right hands flies to it and quickly grabs it. Josh looks at you and laughs.

"You really think that will save you?"

Your body trembles at his voice. The voice you had hoped you'd never have to hear again. You put on a smile and shrug.

"You never know."

He stops laughing and stares at you. Just then you grip onto the keys that were beside you and fling yourself into the drivers seat. You push the keys into the ignition and try to start the car. Josh let out a piercing scream and reached into the broken back window and grabs your abdomen, pulling you back.

You kick and thrash around, never letting go of the knife. You scream and scream, throwing your fists in whatever direction you could. His grip tightened as he drags you out of the back window. Pieces of glass slightly graze your back.

He flings you onto the ground and gets in your face. Déjà vu. He laughs and grabs your face, making you stop screaming.

"Isn't it funny how we always end up here?"

He smiles and shows his sharp teeth slide down from his gums and cover his human ones.

Just then you take the knife in your right hand and swing it up, slashing his cheek. He grabs his face and leans back, yelling. You slide from under him and run. You run as fast as you can down that dirt road. You don't even care that every muscle in your body was screaming with pain, you ran.

You run until you finally see the warehouse. It was a giant old rundown grey cement building. It had two huge wooden doors in the front that were closed. One giant window was to the left of it, showing the inside. And on the inside you could see movement. Arms were swinging in every direction when you finally see him. Dean!

"Dean!" you scream out, out of breath.

You continue running, the door just in front of you.

"Dean! De-"

Just then you were suddenly jerked back, having the wind knocked out of you. A hand was forcefully put over your mouth, and the last thing you saw was Dean looking out the window, searching. You reached your arms out for him, when suddenly everything went black.

(Hi guys! I know this chapter's kind of short, and I'm sorry about that! The next chapter will be much longer! I promise! There will be more of a background story for (y/n) and Josh. Love you guys bunches! )

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