𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐑 , harry potter

By mvltiverse

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in which estrella consuelas finds herself holding harry potter's heart in her hands and realises what it's li... More



382 26 50
By mvltiverse

𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝟎𝟎𝟐 ;
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏


It was the evening before her first day at Hogwarts and Estrella laid in her bed, tossing and turning but couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep. She could still feel the electric buzz that rushed through her when she held the boy's hand, and his smile when they looked into each other's eyes was still fresh in her mind. "Eugh," She whined. "Why can't I stop thinking about him."

She looked out her window, the long dusty train tracks and cramped council buildings gave her a view of utter depression. "How do No-Maj's do it?" She wondered out loud, sitting up and walking over to the window. Her hand rested against the cool glass as her eyes went in and out of focus as she thought.

Tomorrow was the start of a new life for her, and she wasn't entirely sure she was ready for it.

 A soft knock came from the door and the girl turned to see her father's head poking through. He beckoned her over and as she walked towards him she could see that he was dressed in his normal daytime attire.

"Papa? Why are you dressed?" She pulled the door open wider to see her mother stood behind him as well.

Her father said nothing but brought his wand and tapped the top of Estrella's head, making her flinch away. It took only a few moments for her pajamas to change into a small black patterned dress, a pair of low black Doc Martens, and proceeded to hand her a long black blazer coat. "Where are we going Papa?"

"While we were out shopping there was something I wanted to buy, but I didn't get the chance due to your little shw." He started, taking his cane from the wall it was rested on, and started to walk ahead. Estrella waited for her mother to catch up and laced their fingers together while rolling her eyes at her father's snide comment. "...So we are going to a shop called Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley."

"But I thought you said that was where all the dodgy people stayed."

 "Who said we weren't dodgy?" He chuckled softly. Although it was meant to be a joke, Estrella could sense the underlying truth from his statement. Her father wasn't normal at all, so I guess you could say that he would fit right in.

The streets of Diagon Alley were cold and eerie, each dark corner spiking a little worry in Estrella and sending a cold shiver down her spine. "Nearly there," Her father hummed as they made a right turn into an alleyway and walked down some cobbles steps. At last, they had reached the dusty shop her father had mentioned before. Estrella peered inside the dirty window and could barely make out a man, dozing off at the front desk. Lovely, another lunatic.

As the trio entered the shop, Estrella decided it was best to hang back with her mother and let her father do the talking. She listened intently and caught the murmurs of their conversation but not fully. It was often that she caught the man at the desk looking straight at her with a full smile, making her cringe at the colour of his teeth. Soon enough her father beckoned her forward and the girl slowly shuffled forward, her head bowed and fingers laced together.

"Raise your left wrist amor," Emanuel spoke with a low whisper that seemed to echo around her. Estrella shakily lifted her left wrist and put it out in front of her, watching intently as the man brought out what looked like a jewellery box. He slowly slid the lid off of the thin box to reveal a gold bracelet with the name 'Consuelas' hanging from it. He picked it up and placed the cool metal on her wrist, closing the clasp, and mumbled an enchantment that made it smaller to fit her wrist.

"Beautiful isn't it? It was your great-grandmothers and now it's yours. " He smiled at her but Estrella made no effort to return the gesture. She looked up at her father who was smiling down at her proudly, "Wear this with pride so everyone knows who we are." He gripped her shoulder.

The young witch knew that this wasn't a moment she would ever forget. The night before her first day at a new school. Her first taste of freedom but her freedom came with a price. A price which so happens to be the burden of her family name itself, carried along with her.

A name that held so much history.

A name that unbeknownst to her, was carried by many young witches that shared the same lives of fear and hope that they would escape.

A name that she would one day wear with pride, but her pride. Not her father's.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Kings Cross station was overrun with No-Maj's, all rushing for their trains. Out of the sea of muggles, there was a few oddly dressed people, calmly walking with their children pushing the trolleys towards their platforms.

Oddly dressed people, Estrella immediately identified as witches and wizards with a horrible fashion sense. She pulled on her fathers' sleeve and pointed towards the family of red-heads with one raven haired boy, who stuck out like a sore thumb and started to push her cart towards them. "They know there was to the platform." And without a glance back the girl pushed her trolley forward and followed them to Platforms 9 and 10.

"Just through here Percy," The mother of the group gestured to what seemed to be her eldest son. The boy nodded and broke into a run, heading straight towards the wall. Estrella's eyes bugged out of her head and her mouth dropped open, "He's going to crash." She whispered to herself but was immediately proven wrong. He didn't collide with the wall at all. He calmly passed through as if the wall didn't even exist.

"Excuse me, aren't you the girl from Diagon Alley?" A voice pulled her out of her thoughts. Estrella tore her eyes away from the wall and met with the familiar green orbs she had been trying to forget. She slowly nodded her head and took two steps back for good measure. "I didn't catch your name." The boy grinned, completely unaware of her wariness towards him.

The young witch rolled her eyes knowing full well he remembered her. "Estrella, Estrella Consuelas." She replied curtly.

"You have such a pretty accent." A girl with bushy hair stepped forward, with a kind smile. "Are you Spanish?"

"Venezuelan actually, we're on the border of Brazil." She smiled back. The girl nodded her head and stuck out her hand for Estrella to shake. "I'm Hermione Granger, I'm guessing your new. What year are you in?"

"I'm going to be starting my third year at Hogwarts," Estrella shook her hand. Harry's eyes widened as he heard that and stopped himself from grinning wider. Ever since he bumped into her at Diagon Alley he couldn't get her out of his head.

"Well if you ever need anything you can always ask me..." Hermione's eyes trailed to the clock that read 10:52am. "Merlins Beard is that the time? We have to hurry!" Hermione gasped, turning to her trolley and headed straight for the wall. Estrella smiled, gripping her own, and started to jog at a steady pace before two voices called out behind her. She'd momentarily forgotten her parents were behind her.

"Estrella promise me you'll work hard and honour our family name." Her father kneeled in front of her, searching for something in her eyes but found nothing. "I know I'm hard on you but I do it because I love you." The young witch internally rolled her eyes, the same speech she had heard every year coming out of his mouth.

"It may not seem like it but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just wish you the best and I need you to be the greatest you can."

 Well, that's a first.

 He cautiously brought her in for a hug, taking in her scent on last time. Estrella made no move to hug him back but patted his shoulder instead. She then pulled away, turning to her mother and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Have fun and work hard! And remember, stay away from that boy. It's for your good." Estrella nodded and took one last look at her parents before she gripped her trolley and raced towards the wall.

A rush of cool air passed across her face, her eyes tightly scrunched together in case she didn't make it through but ended up tumbling out of the other end. "Woah!" She breathed, taking in all her surroundings.

The platform was just as busy as Kings Cross but was instead filled with parents and children, all waving and kissing each other goodbye. Estrella's heart clenched slightly as she saw a father hug his daughter tight and whisper something in her ear to make her laugh through tears eyes.

"Estrella!" She heard a shout come from somewhere. She twisted and turned her neck to figure where the shout came from and soon locked eyes on Hermione waving her arms around like crazy. Her heart rate calmed slightly as she pushed through the crowds of people and made it towards her. "Here let Fred and George take your bags." Hermione smiled.

"Fred look! It's the Spanish girl!" One twin took a good look at her face as he leaned down to grab her trunk.

"Venezuelan," Estrella corrected them. George looked back up at her and winked to show he was just joking. She blushed, averting her gaze to the floor.

"Chin up, your too pretty to be looking down." That comment made Estrella blush harder  and bite her lip. George chuckled at her innocence.

The train let out a loud horn, smoke clouds starting to continuously puff out of the chimney. "It's leaving, quick jump on!"'George shouted as the train started to slowly leave the station. He held his hand out for Estrella, who struggled slightly to get a tight grip since his palm was so sweaty but managed to grab it and jumped on. "Phew, for a second there I thought you weren't going to jump."

"And miss my first year at a British Magic School?" Estrella retorted. "That doesn't sound too bad." George snorted at her comment, giving her one last wink, and saluted her goodbye before running after his twin brother, leaving her alone. The young witch twisted her head around slightly, looking for an empty compartment but found the first few all full. She sighed loudly and headed off down the train with her trunk in tow.

Estrella searched around for one empty compartment, looking through the windows multiple times and instantly ducking when she saw groups of more than 3 people. "I hate it here." She groaned. Her searching finally came to a stop when she came across a compartment with an lone girl sat staring out of the window. Estrella took a deep breath and opened the door, peeking her head in with a wonky smile. "Do you mind? I have nowhere else to sit."

The girl nodded and gestured to the seat in front of her. Estrella smiled graciously and walked in, struggling with her trunk but finally pushed it on top of the railings next to another. She sat down and stuck her hand out for the girl to shake. "I'm Estrella." She smiled.

The girl raised her eyebrow, "You shake hands?" She snorted. The young witch pulled her hand back in embarrassment, tucking it under her thighs. "You not from around here are you?"

"I moved from Castelobruxo, a magic school like Hogwarts, in Brazil."

"Oh my Merlin your Brazilian?"

"Venezuelan." Estrella sighed, getting sick of having to repeat that over and over. "You still haven't told me your name." She quickly changed the subject of conversation.

"Isabella Beaumont." She smiled. "Slytherin."

Estrella furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What's a Slytherin?"

"One of the four houses at Hogwarts, There's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." A new voice spoke confidently. The two turned their heads to the doorway to see a tanned girl with shiny brown locks smiling at them. "I'm Kiana Medina, Gryffindor. Don't worry, Hermione already mentioned who you are."

"Oh," Estrella nodded her head. "Well, it's lovely to meet the two of you."

"What house do you think you'll be in?" Isabella leaned forward, resting her elbows on her thighs. "I'm thinking either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff."

"What are the qualities of each house? In my old school, we were sorted by doing a series of tests and each outcome added up and put you in one of the houses. I was in Undines house, for the loyal, supportive and ambitious."

"Are you sure you went to an actual school and not a military camp?" Kiana gaped at her, earning a slap from Isabella.

"Over here we just have the Sorting Hat. It's really old and it can go into your brain and then somehow determine what house you should be in. Completely painless."

"Well, I hope I fit in." Estrella shrugged timidly. "I think it would be better being the new kid if I already had friends."

 Kiana gasped and placed a hand on her chest, "And what does that make us? Ghosts?"

"No! I d-didn't mean it like that—I-I just didn't know you thought we were friends." She blushed.

"We wouldn't be making the effort if we weren't Ella." Isabella shrugged. Ella? That was new. "Welcome to our little gang. We're missing one person though but hopefully, she'll turn up sometime soon."

"So are we friends until we get to school—"

"I'm going to stop you right here," Kiana placed her hand over Estrella's mouth. "We're friends until the day we decide we don't want to be. So stop overthinking because we're going nowhere."

"Really." Estrella's eyes darted between the two girls.

 "Do we look like liars to you?" Isabella grabbed her hand. "Well do I look like a liar to you?"

"Issy shut up," Kiana smacked her thigh. "But don't worry Ella, you have us so there's nothing to worry about. And don't listen to the bullshit people feed you about how Slytherins and all the other houses don't mix."

"How do you mean?"

"Most Slytherins are pureblood maniacs and look down on anyone different so we're kinda the opposition of everyone?"

"That's such garbage, you should be able to mix with whoever you want,"

"Right!" Isabella shouted. "And befriending anyone else is like a betrayal."

  "There's nothing wrong with No-Maj's. They are like us but with magic."

  "Say it again, wait what the hell is a No-Maj—" Isabella was cut off when the train shook heavily and doors were creaking open. One by one the lights started to turn off, each carriage being left in total darkness. Kiana stood up, sticking her head out of the doorway, and looked up and down the corridor but found no-one that looked out of place.

  The three girls then felt a wash of coldness over their bodies and started to shiver, hugging their jackets closer to their bodies. Estrella's eyes wondered to the window and squinted when she saw the light frost the was started to form. "It's not that cold outside is it?" Estrella whispers and nodded to the window. Isabella shook her head in response but kept quiet, too afraid to speak. It was silent for a few moments, nothing shocking happening. Estrella was expecting for a few people to drop dead and then for this to be all over with but as the time passed that sadistic thought passed with it.

That was until a girl came running down the corridor, her hair wild and shrieking.

"KIANA GET INSIDE!" The brown-skin girl pushed her back into the carriage, slamming the door shut and pulling the blinds down.

"Inaya! What is it? What the hell happened?" Isabella gently grabbed her hand and pushed sat her down next to her, trying to control her laboured breathing.

"I was in a carriage w-with Neville, Dean and Seamus because I couldn't find you guys. We were all just talking like normal until the train stopped and the lights started turning off. And then it got cold, like abnormally cold. Malfoy and his goons were outside of our carriage, walking up and down like he was trying to a bloody hero but his eyes landed on something and he froze."

"I have no idea what he was looking at but he started mumbling and pointing at something that kept getting closer until he finally snapped out of it and ran. Then I opened the door slightly, and that's when we felt it. We all felt it. Like I would never be happy again. Like I was choking on sadness......I got a closer look," She gulped. "At..at the thing: it was big, dark and dressed in a ripped up cloak. It was—"

"A Dementor." Estrella gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "There's a Dementor on the train."

the way i promised to update

this chapter 2 days ago and i forgot 😑

i'm so sorry guys but on a good note we're getting to hogwarts soon!! i'm going to have to do some planning though, just so i don't end up jumbling things up but that's all for now <33

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to leave a vote !!

all the love, t x

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