PRINCESS - in search of lovab...

By hiddenpearl21

79.1K 7.8K 9K

She is too stubborn too achieve anything but failed miserably to achieve love in her life. Her family and the... More

Author note
1. +2 college party
2. Possessiveness + Angry
3. Crush or Love
4. Make yourself optionless
5. Dreadful past in childhood
6. Punishment
7. File a case against you
8. They already apart once
9. Anamika
10. Nisha
11. My naughty doll
12. Glimpse of her
13. Am I unlucky girl
14. Diseased father
15. Exams
16. Grand pa
17. Her happiness
18. Interaction
let me know
19. Is girl is a toy..??
20. Angry siya
21. Tablet and injection
22. Wild cat vs Pet dog
24. My slapping queen
25. Friends
26. Secret friends
27. Scary past
28. My snappy girl
29. Sweet chicken uncle
something to say..
30. Who is HE..??
31. A new me
32. Lie or love.
33. I wish
34. Fresher's party 1
35. Fresher's party 2
36. My cherry girl
37. Got selected
38. Periods
39. Who..??
40. Cuddler
41. Are you the one
42. Manipulate
43. Thoughts and opinion
44. Puzzled one
45. My stubborn beauty
46. He is dead
47. How long
48. Flimy Funda
49. In the vast of fear
50. Sports Fest
51. Play time
52. Mom love
53. Adorable family
54. Escaping from his eyes
55. Caging eachother
56. Fear and Insecurities
57. What now..
58. I love my hubby
59. Birthday
60. Message
61. Voice of night
62. Her uncontrolled anger
63. Consoling her
64. Her little world
65. Rumours in college
Clear view about characters
66. 199251
67. Success party
68. My favourite dessert
69. Best day
70. Messed life
71. Back to Back
72. Staying with us
73. Got slapped
need help
74. Puzzle and wish
75. Traditional day
76. Catch me
77. Home or house
78. Prank
79. Failure
80. Defeat
81. Topper
82. Fear
83. Absence of U
84. In every breath of mine
85. Her anger his sorry
86. A ghost
87. What happened
88. Haunts me to END
89. finding solace
90. Dead soul
91. Trust
92. I'm bound to you forever
93. Sharing and bonding
94. Teaching a perfect lesson
95. How can I say
Important note
96. We are of five not four
97. Knowing her family
98. Is it start or end..
99. Her birthday
100. A bit more closure
101. Wished for a day long
102. Stuck
103. Scared to miss him
104. Dead
105. Who is culprit..??
106. Doubting
107. Guardians
108. Responsibilities
author note
109. sound cruel
110. True colors
111. Catch me
112. Only I know
113. Imaginary beauty world
114. Date
115. Pocket heart
116. SAV
117. Unknown message
118. Believed you
119. Painful memories
120. Opinion changes
121. Pencil sketch
122. Can you turn the page
123. Angry naveen
124. Court
125. Dressed in blood
Author note
126. Mail
127. Naming myself as failure
128. Is everything fine.
129. Accused
130. Diginity at stake
131. Provoking
132. Because of you
133. Manipulating
134. A thief
135. Every journey opens
136. Blessed in the storm
137. Proposal
138. Fly like an EAGLE
139. Because I don't trust you
140. To know who is behind
141. Forever together
142. Everything seems blurred
143. Just like a snake
144. Bond of blood
145. Desire of soul
146. Lost
147. Your Princess My queen
New story

23. Her scoldings

664 66 146
By hiddenpearl21


It hurts to know that she don't have any feelings but her actions, behaviour, the way her body respond when I'm near her says that she too have some feelings on me which she is not aware off or not ready to accept it. I don't know what she thinks of me.

But when she tried to say she didn't do anything it's hurts somewhere even I know the fact.Seeing her tears it hurts me to the core. I feel like someone is stabbing my heart mercilessly. I wipped her tears and she went to wash her face.

But she looked too cute and innocent with those tears and red nose, quivering lips. I want to hug her and kiss her console her.

But alass I need to control. I know if I cross my limits then I need to face her wrath. I still remember the day when I saw her first time that is when I hear her melodious voice.

"How dare he is that he willing to say love to me. Fine let him come I will say in my way" girl said showing her palm as ready to slap.

"Don't mess baby girl. If you don't like then say no that's it. He asking me my help. If you do something like this then see what I will do" another girl said with sadness as if he is such great person

"You and your friendship with boys I don't know why you make boy as a friend " girl said irritatingly

"You don't know the benefits of it. Once you understand you will not talk like this" the another girl said

"Yeah as if I will become a billionaire if I make a boy as my friends" girl said sarcastically

"Uffoo when you will understand me" the another girl said

"Fine now say what are the advantages and I will think how to respond to the person who will dare to.."girl said gritting her teeth

"See now only I'm saying and you getting angry" the another girl said cutting her in middle

" Fine don't start again say..I will listen" the same girl said

"First you don't have any competition in looking dressing etc etc

And no one will be there to feel jealous of us as some of our friend getting attention from boys

And no one will dare to hurt us as boys are behind us as they are friends

And no one will talk behind us I mean like gossips

And no one.." the another girl said with so much interest as it is favourite topic

'I never knew the advantages of having a boy as friend' I thought

"Please yaar stop this no one and all. First if you are bold no one will dare to gossip at our back and if they do then leave it and think they are not enough to talk infront of us.

If your perfect then no need to worry about getting attention

Jealous wherever you are. People only think about others rather than themselves so leave this topic vinu" the same girl said little irritatingly

"So the another girl name is vinu. But interesting is this girl who is she" I thought

"Siyaaa" vinu hissed

'So her name is siya' I marked myself that is how I came to know her name

"What..?? You are my friend not him. So be my side no other option." Siya said demandingly

"Uff..other than that what can I do..

Though I saying you to be quiet but I guess no one have that guts to propose you siya because they know your reaction even though they dared that means they are ready to face a handful on their cheek.

But right now for some days I will stop talking with them otherwise they will start again" vinu said siya rolled her eyes

"Good girl" siya said while pinching her cheeks

"Ouch chubby girl" vinu said while pinching her cheeks and both laughed.

But I boiled with some unknown feelings when that girl pinched siya cheeks.

"Poor your husband need to suffer alot to make you understand some things" vinu mumbled after siya left to class but I heard.

An unknown smile formed on my lips like I achieve something great that no one can achieve it or find it.

My phone vibrated with notification that is when I realised that she went to washroom but didn't come back. So I went near to search her.

I'm waiting for her from past ten minutes but she didn't show up.

Argg what happen? Why I'm feeling something is wrong or something is going to happen which I don't like.

Why she is not coming out. What taking her so long to wash her face.

I'm pacing back and forth here but she didn't show up. Being its new block no one is there to send inside and check whether she is ok or not.

My every nerve is getting tense and sweat is forming on my forehead as unknown fear devloped in my heart. I can't go atleast near the washroom as if anyone see then it will create a problem.

That's the rule that no one should go near ladies washroom when no one is around I mean no one should go inside but when no one is around should not go even near to their washroom as of security reasons.

That's when I remember that neha is here in this block as she want to submit some forms and I immediately called her.

"Neha where are you" I asked as soon as she picked her phone.

"Here in New administration block" neha replied

"Come fast to first floor washroom which is beside the notification board room"I said in hurry

"Ok but what happen" neha asked

"Nothing just come soon" I said cut the call not waiting for her reply

She came in no time and I asked to go and check siya whether she is alright or not.

Neha nodded her head and went but came back and said" sid washroom main door is locked from inside" which shook me to the core.

"What" I asked in shock

But why she locked I thought

"Did you knock the door" I asked

"No" neha said and went without even listening to me.

She knocked I can see her. After five minutes door opened and neha started crying that makes me panic.

I hurriedly went towards them if anyone ask I can say that they both are here so I took hasty steps and reached them.

Before I reach there siya closed the door and said something to neha and gave me faint smile.

I even asked her what happen but she said nothing and we three moved to canteen but neha face lost the charm indicating me that something happened and siya she completely avoided my eye contact.

But thank to my chotteyy she just in seconds she guessed and find out that siya got hurt.

I checked her hand it has nail marks and skin became dark in colour seeing that my palm clenched into fist.

I immediately took her with me to Malika mam room not caring about the eyes looking at us curiously.

I know now some rumour will spread like a black smoke around the sky.

There I got to know how she scared of tablets not even in dreams I thought like this. She is hell scared of tablets.

She even shouted at me and scolded me. She cried alot that she throw up because of crying and hiccups and lost her concious.

Suddenly I feel like someone throwed cold water on me. I called her worriedly buy she didn't respond that is when mam said "she is tried let her relax nothing happen to her" I felt fine but my heart is beating so fast that I hugged her tight and kiss her on temple.

She slept peacefully in my arms leaving me in hell of worry.

Mam and me talked for awhile that is when I realised no one is there as vivek and chotteyy came in.

After sometime she got concious and thanked mam and went with anu but she didn't even look at me. It hurts but the way she is I can guess she is thinking about how she reacted and didn't look at me. I smiled and left with others.

All we were in canteen and having lunch. Suddenly I got a call from Rahul. I immediately left the place to attend the call.

"Hey man. What's up??" Rahul said cheerfully

"Did you find anything about sindhura??" Sid asked knowingly as Rahul will not call without anything serious

"You won't change na. Fine let's come to the point.

What you suspect is true. She is related to him and I guess they both are in love.

Most important thing is we need to know more about Sameera di and why they are behind her and messing with your family.

One more thing, it's really became difficult to know find some clues about Sameera di and them.

In that I came to know that they are behind one girl as she helped Sameera and talked freely with her when she started living separately.

We may get some information about Sameera di from her and most important is her life is at risk to be practical" Rahul said seriously

"Who is she? " Sid asked

"Don't know man, we are trying to find her. But got to know her name is siya" Rahul said

" What" sid stammered

"What happen sid" Rahul asked

"Is it siya Mehra" sid asked praying to God it should not be her

"Yes, I send her pic. Check it" Rahul said

Sid murmuring and prayed to God with hope"It might be someone it might be someone"

But seeing the pic I felt someone is dipping me into the water that I'm trying hard to get out of the grip to breath.

I can't imagine my life without her. I don't even want to think my life without her.

Will they hurt her. I can't see her tears and I can't live in peace if I am the reason for that or my family not peace I can't live.

I don't know when she occupied my soul like this that some mere thought making me difficult to grasp some air.

An unknown fear of losing someone had developed in me. I can't even see my family struggle. But he making my Sameera sis mess. I need to talk with bhai first later I will decide what to do.

I didn't even realised when vivek came and talk with Rahul and cut the call. He sat beside me patting my back.

I guess Rahul said everything to him because he also looked tense and stress.

Rahul my friend and like a brother. We are childhood friends but he is two years elder to us. After vivek, Rahul is so close that I share almost everything. He is in police training and his dad is also a police as he didn't have option he choose but he loves his work.

"We are there?? Nothing will happen to them and Rahul said he will come next week so that we discuss and do before that we need to talk with our brothers" Vivek said

"Hmm" I nodded

First I need to check her later I need to talk with bhai.

"Come lets go and check them what these two girls are doing" I said and walked to canteen with vivek

I went in but the main girls are missing and neha look normal and talking with Tanvi. Where Tarun and Nitish are talking something.

"Where is aanaya and siya" I asked

"They went to class" neha and Tanvi replied

"Ohh..ok" I said

" Shall we go to movie" both girls asked.

"That's good idea. Even it been long we went out" tarun said

I'm not in a mood to go before I say something vivek said

"Fine let's go but before that will take anu and siya with us" vivek said and squeezed my hands assuring me that everything will be okay.

We all went to their class but they don't have class now and these signals also not there to call them as we moving towards for signal I heard anu voice and stopped but what siya said shook me to the core.

"I slapped sindhura very hard" siya said as if nothing happened more

"What" I shouted but girls

"Wow pumpkin you're awesome" saying anu hugged her tight and kissed on cheek

"You are brave" neha said

"Well done"Tanvi said

Both hugged her with enthusiasm as sindhura got handful.

"Ouch girls", siya hissed in pain

"Sorry sorry but you are really princess baby"anu said while pinching siya cheeks while other two nodded their heads with bright big smile.

Girls are too happy and vivek and I are worried about upcoming storm from sindhura

"Are you out of your mind aanaya"vivek shouted coming out from shock

"Definitely they are" tarun said

"Is this the way you behave..

Do you have any idea what you did..

You slapped someone and behaving like as if you did nothing..

Are you in your sense..

She is senior and you behaved like this..

Do have any idea what can she can do for that..

For this you came to college..

Behaving like a kid..

Is this the respect you give to others..

Didn't I say you to leave this mess..

Do you know her capability..

Do you have any idea what can she do now.. "I snapped at her

"I know how to behave with others..

Being elder or senior don't get any respect it's depends on their behaviour..

Most important I didn't do anything intentionally..

It's her who is back of me..

You know everything still you supporting her..

Is this the way you support someone irrespective of their behaviour considering only the age..

You are the one who saw my pain because of her and shouting at me as if I did wrong without knowing what happened there..

I'm not scared of anyone unless until I'm at fault..

If she can do anything that hurt me I'm ready to stand by myself" siya said with tears and hurt.

"Don't behave like a ice" I said in anger and pain hit him hard seeing her tears.

"I'm not a ice to break it, nor U are a fire to melt me.." siya mumbled and went out with tears but I heard as she is near to me.

I closed my eyes to calm myself but damage is already done. I'm worried and snapped at her like that

"I never thought that you both will shout at us not atleast without knowing the reason behind it" anu said breaking my thoughts with hurt and tears welled up in her eyes.

Vivek and I stand there in shock and guilty as dad called me breaking our thoughts.

"What you did with my daughter" dad asked in angry.


"Aarav don't try to say something trust me if I came to know that you hurt my princess then let me say you will grounded still my daughter says" with that dad cut the call without listening to me

And immediately vivek phone ringed and he answered and he put it on speaker seeing me.

"Dare you hurt my daughter you will be not allowed to talk with anyone and you are allowed to stay at home" mamu(vivek father) said angrily

"But dad I didn't do anything..

"Cut the crap Mr.vivek if you don't hurt her then why she called us to pick her up" mamu snapped at vivek cutting vivek in middle

"Dad I'm in college no need to come to college I will ..

"Dare to say anything" mamu cut the call in anger

I closed my eyes to easy my heart and mind but nothing works and went out to check where they are.

They are near gate walking hand in hand. Soon dad and mamu came and went.

We also went to home after assuring siya went safe. Vivek and I entered in and what whole family is here even badi pa is also there.

Aahil bhai looked at me asking me what happen with eyes that means chotteyy didn't say anything.

I realised my breath that I even don't know that I was holding from long time vivek sighed in relief like me.

Because we may handle anyone or anything but not dad mamu and badi pa and their love towards chotteyy and sis.

After assuring myself I went to talk with chotteyy but whom I'm kidding she didn't talked and showed me cold shoulder.

I tried again to talk and say sorry but she left to her room.

At night I determined myself to talk and say sorry to chotteyy because I can't handle this.

Before knocking anu door but I heard siya name.

"No aunty I called to know how she is" anu said

"Siya got high fever dear. You say me the truth did anything happened in college. I asked siya but she is not saying anything. Of anything happens say to me aanaya I will take care of it" someone said I guess it's siya mom

"No aunty nothing happen to her. Ok aunty I will call tomorrow. Mommy is calling me" anu said and cut the call and I entered after knocking the door.

"Chotteyy I'm sorry" I said but anu didn't replied

"Baby girl



I'm sorry I won't hurt you again" I said while kneeling infront of her.

"It's not me bhai. You hurted siya. Atleast you would have asked what happen, but you didn't. Directly you shouted at her.

Do you atleast have any idea what sindhura said to her.

I'm sorry bhai, I won't talk to you. First you say sorry to siya then later I will think whether to talk with you or not" with that anu layed on bed to sleep.

I kissed her on her forehead and went out. I didn't slept whole night thinking about siya and her health. What sindhura had said that she reacted like this but damage is already done. Now I'm eagerly waiting for tomorrow to meet her and find the truth and apologize her.

Times moves slowly from seconds to minutes, minutes to hours. After a long, sun showed some mercy on me.

I took shower and rushed to college as anu didn't talk with me and even went with aahil bhai alone. I mean she didn't allow me with her.

I went to mallika mam cabin as I came so early.

We chit-chatting about studies and sports that is when someone knocked and what siya entered with all her glory wearing marron colour top with full sleeves covering her wound and matched with blue jeans. She left her hair. She look so hot. Aahh. What I'm thinking. I closed my eyes and took deep breath to control myself.

She gave chocolate to mam and said thanks and going out that when mam said about me. She gave fake smile said thank you and left.

I said bye and followed her. She went to empty classroom and snapped at me for calling her doll. But she is my doll my love I have a right na.

Doll" I called her again. I love to irritate her because she looks more pretty with her red nose

" What" she snapped

" Where is my chocolate doll" I asked with smile as she gave chocolate to mam but not me saying she will give me later but it's her way to show me that she is angry.

"I won't why should I and dare to call me doll again" she said glaring at me

"But why you exactly look like a baby doll" I said with smile

"It's siya not doll" she snapped again at me.

"Wild cat" I  mumbled. I want to make her anger so she will say me what happen. Hoping it works.

"You. Aaaa how dare you to call me wild cat. Wait you you.." she is thinking what should say.

"You what wild cat" I said her again with smile making her irritate more

"You pet dog" she snapped

"Pet dog" I don't know how to react

"What" I asked

"Yes you are pet dog" she said as if she gave me big name

"Only for you" I said pulled the chocolate which is in her hands she already ate half

" Hey it's mine, give it" she said.

"Don't you know, chocolate should not eat when you got fever" I asked

"It doesn't matter to you" she said and tried to snatch it from me but I pulled her towards me and she wriggling to get out of my hold making me hard with mere touch of her.

Shit what I'm thinking and I cursed my self and left her.

"Don't think I will keep quiet if you try to irritate as you helped me before." She said

"What happened in washroom" I asked moving little closer

"Not your concern" she said and turned her face

"Doll please I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I'm in tense that I shouted at you. Please forgive me and say what happened" I asked

"She that Sindhura



Burnt brinjal

Cracked bitter gourd

Piggy nose

Rotten egg

"Doll" I said and hold her hand

"How much he pays you..

Are you slut? Did you slept with him.." she said with tears

I immediately hugged her. She cried pouring all her pain by making my shirt wet.

"Are you giving me money.

Am I am I.."

"Shh calm down baby. Don't think about her and her words " I hugged her even more tight. I closed my eyes to calm myself.

'You will pay for this sindhura.'i thought

Her body is hot ohh god she has fever. She is shivering.

"Doll look at me" I make her sit on bench

"Did you had medicine I mean any injection you are having fever doll" I said

"You took my chocolate which I brought to eat after taking tablet so I won't throw up" she complained like a baby with cute pout.

"I'm sorry doll. Will buy again now. But will you listen to me" I asked her. She nodded

"Doll please be with patience she is doing it intentionally. Don't react to her. She is not good. She is harmful. Please stay away from her" I said

"That piggy nose only creating and you nasty onion shouting at me" she scolded me making my eyes go wide.

Do I really look like nasty onion.

Her and her scoldings god..

"I'm sorry" I said

But what she said next shook me..

Hello my lovely readers..❤️❤️

Welcome back..

How was the chap..??

What do you think about siya and sid??

Did you people like aanaya and their bond with family and with siya.??

What do you think about siya scoldings??

Have any idea how Sameera and siya knows each other ?? And why they are behind them??

So finally villan came..

How you are feeling when your reading this chap..??

Shower your love with votes and comments.

Please do share my story if you feel it worth to read and follow me

my id :- hidden__puzzle

Stay home stay safe
Meet you soon with next update..
untill then..
Keep smiling..

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