Amelia Haylor

By lara1388

400 29 0

A little girl named Amelia becomes an orphan after her aunt dies. A few years later she gets adopted by the S... More

A Tragic Childhood
Mrs Stowner
A New Home
Back to London
Alfred Crewe
My Childhood Memories
Crystal Palace
Meeting Mr Crewe
Home Again
While on the way
The Dinner Party
The Plan
In France
The Revealed Truth
My Happy Ending

The Werec Manor

11 0 0
By lara1388

The Werec Manor

          Two and a half hours later, we finally reached Angers. Then we grabbed seven cabs to take us to where the Werec family lived. The Werec family lived in a big manor, which had a big garden. The Werec manor was coloured a dark grey; it looked creepy to me.

          *"Sir, how shall we search the manor?"* an officer asked the chief. *"Hmm we will need to split up for this"* the chief answered. So we divided into groups to search the manor and garden for clues. I was with Chip and Ray and three policemen, searching Mr Werec's lounge. Jimmy was with Erwan, the chief and four more policemen, checking out the garden grounds. Alfred was with Annella and Joan and the rest of the police, checking out Mary and Harry's rooms.

          It wasn't exactly easy searching for clues; Mr Werec had made sure that his secrets were well hidden. I was looking at the book shelves; just in case any clue was behind any books. Suddenly when I just moved three books, from one of the book shelves, the book shelf moved. *"Look at that," I gasped "a hidden passage. Get the chief at once".* A policeman rushed off to fetch him.

          In the secret passage I saw some glass bottles, filled with some sort of liquids, papers and small cases. I picked up one of the papers, to see what it was. The paper I picked up had some sort of waxed pattern on it and it had Chip's, Ray's and their father's names on it. *"Hey this looks like a will to me"* I said. Chip and Ray had a look on it. *"This is a will"* said Chip. *"This is our father's will," said Ray "he always sealed letters and papers with wax like this"*. *"So you were right," I said to them "the paper that Bert Werec had was a fake."* *"Yes and not only that," said Chip "it says that our father's last wish was leaving his candy shop to my brother and me, not to Bert Werec".*  

          Just then the chief appeared. I explained about our discovery and about the will that Jacques Gaston left behind. I also told him about the glass bottles full of liquids. *"I think I know what's in the liquid," the chief said "pass me one of them and grab that vase of flowers by the window"*. I passed those things to him at once. The chief poured the liquid into the vase and suddenly the flowers died very quickly. *"I thought so," he said "you're brother found these similar bottles in the garden. He also found some lilies, oleander and hyacinths growing there".* *"So that means they are growing flowers to make poisons?"* I asked. *"Yes"* the chief replied. We all stared at each other in surprise.

          We all gathered into the main hall to discuss what we had found. Alfred, Annella and Joan found a small box of jewellery in Mary Werec's room, filled with rings, necklaces and brooches. *"I recognize this ring," said Annella, picking up an emerald ring, "my brother Elroy gave this to Mary on their wedding day"*. Joan held a pearl necklace; *"This was a present to Mary from my brother Russell"* she said. Suddenly Erwan picked up a heart shaped locket. *"This was my sister's locket" he said "she told me that her attacker took it from her, after he raped her. So it was Harry Werec who raped her"*. *"So this is all clear," said the chief "the Werec family are indeed guilty of what has happened. And we finally have the proof and evidence we need to bring them down"*.

          With all the clues and information we gathered, we came to an agreement. Bert Werec was a swindler and had been cheating people out of their shops and businesses. Harry Werec was a philanderer and rapist. He also turned out to be a thief, by stealing jewels and other precious items from his female victims, so that he could sell them later or just give them to his sister. And Mary Werec was a black widow. Annella and Joan said that their brothers had been given a lot of money on their marriages. So Mary had been poisoning them to get their money. *"All the things that the Werec family had done," suggested the chief "was just to steal other people's property and lives for money".* Alfred stood up. *"If they think they are going to get away with this, they are wrong," he said in anger "Amelia, Jimmy we need to get back to England at once!"* Jimmy and I agreed with that. *"I am coming with you"* said Annella. *"All of us are"* said Erwan. *"Yeah we wish to see the Werec family caught with our own eyes"* said Chip. We saw nothing wrong with that. The chief turned to his men. *"I will go with them," he said "men I need some of you to come with me to England and the rest of you to get ready for when we return with the Werec family."*

          Before heading back to England, Erwan, Annella and Joan went back to their families and told them what had happened and what they were going to do. Erwan's mother told Erwan to be careful and Erwan told his mother to take care of Alianor while he was gone. Both Annella's and Joans' parents told them to be careful and tell them what has happened as soon as they got back. The chief had nine policemen with him; "For good measure" he said and had asked the police, who ran the prisons, to keep a prison cell ready for the Werec family. Jimmy, Alfred and I were all ready and waiting at Calais when they all arrived. *"All right everyone, it's time to go"* said the chief. We boarded a ship and left for England at once.


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