Smoke and mirrors (Finished)

By BordCrazyAndStupid

2.8K 92 49

BlackHat never questioned what was under his scientist's bag as long as it didn't hinder his ability to inven... More

Were the trouble starts
Flug's pov
Getting there and back
To locate a prince
why he's needed.
A lost friend
part 8 final chapter.

where am i now?

306 10 5
By BordCrazyAndStupid

Hi everyone! In this chapter, it was written with the help of- wolves_warrior124art and their character in the story.
Hope you all enjoy it!

As Blackhat watched the hooded thief drive of with his scientist he was, slowly but getting faster, walking after them. The wound on his chest and back wasn't healing as fast as it should have and it slowed him down. He was focusing his magic on healing himself to stop the pain. He was following a road that the thief took that seemed to lead to a kingdom surrounded by a wall that was about ten feet high.

After thirty minutes Blackhat was able to run without his diaphragm killing him. There were only three small cuts that were visibly healed shut. As Blackhat made his way to the village he could hear talking. He couldn't care less about the inferior being who saw him. He'll kill them all. Destroy the whole planet if anything got in his way. He will rip this thief to ribbons!

When Blackhat entered the village he saw the thief on the motorcycle and that was the only thing he focused on. No one else mattered. Nothing but his scientist in the thief's hands. Blackhat's eye was black and his claws were longe and deadly as ever. Blackhat Chased after the thief and ignored everything else around him. The stares he got from the locals. The familiar aura he felt but barely registered. The direction the thief leads him to.

Blackhat ran through the village and pushed through so many things that he didn't acknowledge until finally, he was aware enough to know that he was in a large room, like a throne room, and the hooded thief was standing in the middle of it without his scientist.

Blackhat didn't speak but growled low and deep. He charged at the thief, with his claws aiming for their throat, at a high speed. The thief dodged and growled back. Blackhat turned to look back at them. The thief pulled back their hood and Blackhat paused to study the thief.

The thief was a demon. One Blackhat hadn't encountered before. He only recognized the familiar aura, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to tell. The other had black horns that curled behind the head. They had hair that moved like...water? It was see-through but what drew Blackhat's attention the most was their eyes. Unlike any demon he's encountered, their eyes were a bright sea blue and they glowed in irritation.

In one split second, the thief summoned a trident in their hands and vanished in waves. Blackhat was unable to react in time when he felt the space behind him shift and he was stabbed in the shoulder and brought down. Blackhat fell to the floor and was pinned by the trident. This demon was faster than him. Blackhat formed tentacles from his back and tried to knock the other off. The other demon dodged every tentacle while keeping him pinned.

Blackhat's anger burned so hotly it could melt glaciers. He felt the pain in his shoulder blades. Pain! He was the strongest demon to ever have existed. He was immune to any form of wounds from demons and mortals. How could this thief be strong enough to hurt him?! This demon had powerful magic. But he wouldn't let this inferior demon beat him.

With a deep growl, Blackhat grew in size. The other demon tried to step on Blackhats back to keep him down but it didn't work. Blackhat stood up in the throne room and roared so loud it broke all the glass within ten miles. The other demon was still on Blackhat's back, their trident broke when Blackhat's puncture wounds spread too far apart and were hanging on to Blackhats coat collar. Blackhat could feel the scum on his back and formed mouths on his back that bite and screeched at the other.

The demon got nicked by the teeth but managed to avoid the mouths by pulling himself up and was now standing on Blackhat's shoulder. Blackhat reached back on his shoulder but the demon dodged his hands. Blackhat formed saws and blades on his body trying to get the inferior bug of him.

While Blackhat thrashed, scratched, and roared his anger out he didn't think rationally. He didn't think maybe the demon was playing him or maybe they wanted him to get mad. Nothing crossed his mind except to get the irritating inferior demon off him.

And that's exactly what the other demon wanted. They summoned four tridents in their hands and teleported in the air in front of Blackhat and threw one at his chest above his collar bones. Then teleported to the ground behind the giant and threw one in the back of Blackhat's left knee. Teleporting again when they saw Blackhat's claws reach behind to hold his knee and appeared in front of him and thew one in Blackhat's clawed hand that was about to pull out the first trident and threw it hard enough that it went through Blackhat's hand and punctured his chest; firmly pinning the hand. And finally, the demon teleported to Blackhat's still injured shoulder and stabbed the final trident into his shoulder, and pulled away from Blackhats head.

With his wounded leg, pinned hand, pained chest, and pull on his shoulder Blackhat fell to the floor with a loud crash that shook the earth.

With the growing pain and his energy depleted Blackhat didn't rise again. Blackhat's body began to shrink to conserve energy. The tridents broke off as the wounds shrank too but they were deep. Blackhat retracted his tentacle, saws, blades, and mouths. Blackhat lay on the floor surrounded by shattered pieces of tridents and green blood. Blackhat panted and wheezed. The other demon walked closer to him and kneeled to look at him. Blackhat growled at them. But the other just laughed as he panted as well.

Blackhat felt himself being picked up by his arms and grunted in pain. He looked to his sides and realized he was being held up by guards. Looking back at the other demon he saw them smile.

"Take him to the dungeon." They said.

Blackhat growled and fought in the guard's hold. The guards took out a bat and hit him in the back of the head then everything went black.


Flug woke up slowly. His eyes were still closed but he could feel he was surrounded by soft things and was extremely comfortable. He didn't remember his bed feeling so soft. He felt safe and relaxed. He hadn't felt like that in a long time. He inhaled slowly and enjoyed the fresh air.....Fresh air?

Flug opened his eyes and was blinded by sunlight that flowed through the windows in the room. Flug sat up and the more Flug's eyes adjusted the more he realized this wasn't his room.

This room had a high ceiling and was covered wall to wall in light blue wallpaper with drawings of planes that flew through white clouds. The room was huge compared to his room. Flug looked around himself to the bed he was in. More like a nest than just a bed. He was surrounded by baby blue, fluffy pillows, and blankets that cradled him. The bed frame was made of wood and had high poles at the head of the bed. The bed itself was a half-circle.

This was nowhere even close to familiar to Flug. He sat there and looked around and lifted his hand to hold his paper bag and... it wasn't there. Flug panicked! He didn't have his mask and was in a strange place. He tried to remember what happened before he fell asleep. He remembered working in the lab. He felt tired. He forgot to give Blackhat the reports. He brought them to Blackhat's office and...

She was there.

Madame Mist was there. They had found him and he had to leave. He had to leave his family behind. Flug remembered the pain he felt when he realized he had to leave them. He remembered the Manchin shaking and he hid in the storage room in the basement. He lost the World Fazer and felt tired.

Did Mist catch him? Is that where he was? In his home dimension? It was brighter than what he remembered it being. Flug crawled over the hill of pillows and swung his legs off the bed. He looked at the floor and saw the soft, blue, fluffy carpet. He stood barefoot and enjoyed the soft texture. Flug walked up to the closest window.

Flug looked out and the first thing he saw was a beautiful blue sea. He was high enough to see for miles. The sun was a brilliant gold and the reflection on the waves was gorgeous. Looking higher he could see huge, floating rocks in the sky. They had plants growing on the top of them; turquoise-colored grass and the treetops had dark blue leaves; forest on floating islands. Flug looked further down and saw a large village surrounded by a wall. The village had what looked like gold rooftops and the buildings themselves were the color of the sky. He could see people and what looked like giant sea horses in many different colors. They balanced on their tails and where their fins would be on a normal seahorse they had huge beautiful wings. They wandered around the village and interacted with the villagers.

The people look like humans but they had flowy hair. It reminded Flug of the water experiment done in space. It connected to their heads but with every movement, it would shift and have a delayed movement. The "hair" reminded Flug of someone he hadn't seen in ages.

Flug gasped at the realization as excitement filled him. At that moment he heard the door open and he turned to see his best friend.

"FELIX!!" Flug shouted as he threw himself at the water demon.

Felix was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans. His horns were a pretty black that pointed back. His eyes were the beautiful blue as he remembered. Felix was startled at the impact of the hug but hugged back. Both boys hugged for a good, soul-satisfying moment. Flug missed his childhood friend. He could remember the day they met like it was yesterday.

Flug had just left his homeworld. He was alone. For the first time in his young life he was alone and the only ones who cared for him he had to leave behind. In his world women Vapora were the dominant rulers of his world. Only five male Vapora were born every few years. Female Vapora were stronger than the males in strength, power, and mental abilities. Thus males weren't needed as much. Because so few males were born they were called princes and were the most valuable individuals in their species.

It sounds like it would be awesome right? He was royalty and was of higher value than the queen. But it wasn't what it seemed. Male Vapora never lived past adolescents. Once the males were born they would be studied and watched their whole lives. They would be given tests and tasks to see where the five's strengths were. By the time they reached their adolescent stage one of them would be selected to repopulate the population. The remaining four would be "put down" in a sense peacefully.

The process to repopulate was simple. The chosen prince would be kept in isolation and fed a special plant called Prince Fruit that would make their soulfire, some would call it a soul, burn hotter till the male died. The smoke created from this process would be collected by the females and they would add their own portions of their smoke and there it would form into a new soulfire. The soulfire would grow a face and burn white flames if it was female and black if it was male. The offspring vapor was separated by gender. Females were given to mother vaporas and were raised to be whatever they wanted to be. The males repeated the cycle.

Flug was weak as a vapor physically, but he was more advanced mentally than any other vapor his age. Even for the females. When Flug found out about the repopulation process he was scared. He didn't want to die. He wanted to live a long life and grow old. He voiced his concerns to the older vapora but they didn't listen to him. Instead, they sped up the choosing day and chose Flug. His brothers were taken to another room to be terminated and they were so oblivious that they expected to come back from the "test" and play a new game they had made up.

Flug cried for three days in grief of his lost brothers. The vapora didn't do anything to comfort him and kept giving him tests. He decided he couldn't live in a world like this. So convinced the vapoa to let him build a "toy" to comfort him. He spent three months of trial and error to finally create the World Fazer. On the day the repopulate process started he escaped through a portal.

And now he was alone, hungry, and cold. He wondered the strange world for what felt like days but was really like ten hours. He found a lake and sat on the shore watching the waves and the life beneath the waves. He saw many strange creatures but his eyes caught sight of another pair of eyes watching him. The top of a head peeked out of the water only revealing two horns, grey skin, and light blue eyes. He sat and stared at the eyes four feet away from him until the owner of those eyes jumped up at him.

"Hi, there!!" They said with excitement and cheer.

Flug yelped and flinched away. He closed his eyes in anticipation of pain. But nothing happened. He slowly looked back at the strange being who was now really close to him. Flug didn't say anything but stared at the other in wonderment. The strange being didn't have legs but a strange tale with a big fin at the end. There were other small fins on the tail. They had arms as Flug did but it had water for hair. They both took a moment to look at each other.

"You're funny looking!" The strange being said suddenly.

"No, I'm not. You are." Flug said.

"Yes, you are. I've never seen something like you before. What's your name?" They asked getting comfortable by sitting down.

"Name? Uh...Flug." he said hesitantly.

"Hmm... cool name! My name is Felix!"

The two boys became quick friends and became almost inseparable.

Flug was pulled out of memory lane when Felix pulled back from the hug.
"It's so great to see you again," Felix said with a warm smile.

"I missed you too!" Flug smiled back.

They had so much to catch up on.

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