the adventures of ironsky

By author-spear

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The story you are about to read is about a war-torn planet on the border. Each country has a duty to protect... More

a long road to ruin
death runs in the family
the weep of the fallen
Roy's nightfright

The Dream

7 0 0
By author-spear

"What a beautiful bed of roses" whispered a voice.

A man waking up with a jolt. The Erie ring in his ear from what he thought he heard.

As he looked from side to side noticing something strange this wasn't his bedroom. It was a large grass field filled with flowers as far as the eye could see.

The small breeze blowing through his short brown hair revealing his features. The roundish face and stubby nose. The deep eyes of golden honey. Little whisker beard. Grabbing some glasses from the ground next to him he put them on the round glass expanding his eyes enlarging them. He stood up realizing he was in his pajamas, still the light orange fabric making him stand out in the field.

A small forming on the man's face as he began walking around. No matter how far he walked towards the setting sun the scenery seemed to never change.

A sudden shiver went up his spine. A quick glance from side to side looking for anything out of the ordinary.

His eyes locking on a blackened figure standing on a small mound several yards away.

The man was trying to yell or get the attention of the other person he saw. Nothing escaped his lips, not a sound.

He flailed his arms about trying to stick out more than he already had.

The figure turning and walking away.

The man ran ahead trying to catch up. He reached the mound only moments after the figure left but there was no one around once more.

A dark gloomy feeling fell over the man as he turned around to return to his path to the setting sun he was stunned. Jumping a little as the figure was only several inches away. The figure wearing a maroon three piece suits the tie having intricate patterns.

His face and hands not made of skin but made of space. Galaxies and quasars forming his eyes and mouth. Stars and gastric monsters forming the depths and curves of his face.

The galaxy man holding out his hand intending for a welcoming handshake. " welcome once more my dear friend" the quasars opening like explosions to form a white smil.

The man, unafraid and determined to know what was happening , reached out and grabbed the galaxy man's hand, shaking it.

" my name is roy" his voice deep and stirn.

" yes yes i remember you quite well, you may not know me but you know this land or as i call it home."

" no i've never seen this field before."

With a snap of the galaxy man's fingers the scenery changed from flowers in giant fields to castles with towering walls and rows of armored knights welcoming the both of them in.

" I remember this castle quite well, it was the imaginary castle I dreamt of as a child," Roy smiled as he walked the red carpet looking at the guards with their shining diamond armor.

" yes you might remember me as well if i put on my disguise as i did play with you in your dreams" the galaxy man snapping once more his form changing to a knight in leather armor sparkling brighter then any gold or diamond. " your general of your grand military"

" yes i remember the general-" a frown came over as he saw the general turn to the galaxy man once more "- but how is it you seem another person? especially since all this happened so many years ago"

" I am a god servant, the god servant for the god of the sun. I came to this world to nurture a new champion."

Roy turned away looking out the window. " champion for what?"

" a champion to find my cube"

" i remember a cube from my dreams, but it was just a dream just like this"

" believe it as you may but you must find the cube. A great evil is coming and without that cube no one would be able to stop it" the galaxy man kneeling before roy " go out and get the cube then call my name the name given by you then I'll collect the cube and complete both of our destinies."

" how can i even start this? I have no clue whether this is true or not." Roy turned around in frustration, his arms opening up trying to grasp the concept.

" you will find soon enough just wake up and you'll believe every word i spoke to you this evening"

When the words left his lips roy was once again jolted awake. The alarm woke him up at 7:30am. His bedroom still as he left it. He swung himself out of bed, his feet making the cold floor boards creak as he applied his body's weight onto it. The small one room apartment he slept in filled with his glowing bottles and potions ready to sell and use. He tapped his end table, grabbing his glasses and sliding it on. He got up fully walking to the kitchen grabbing a small red liquid bottle. He pulled the cork off and began to drink it. The liquid once gone was placed under a small contraption where small drops of red liquid started to fill it up again.

He went to the small window and opened the shades. The bright light blinded him. He fluttered his eyes, awakening himself. He rubbed his eyes getting the gunk out.

A small ding sound came from the table. He walked over, sitting on the ground he pressed a small button. A flash of blue came over the room and a small screen appeared. Words formed showing messages. One was labelled " urgent open immediately"

As roys brow furrowed reading the title he decided to open it. He tapped the email.

The screen morphs into a small person's head. A female began talking.

Her monotone voice and robotic sentence structure make the room stale. " hello the residence of iron sky, please take heed of the recent development on our southern border" the projection showing a map of the landscape of red dot showing the town you were in and how close it was to the invasion force. The dot only a days ride away from the invasion. " adventurers are commanded to head to their nearest fort to report for battle" the map enlarged showing little red arrows showing the fort was only a couple miles away.

" any civilians must leave and head to a safe shelter or head to the capital. Adventures will guide you once we have a substantial amount." the women glitching and shaking her head and map disappearing and an old cryptic man appeared in her place.

His voice raspy " hello roy i know you have a special mission, report to the fort and give the password ' deaths white roses' you'll be lead to your true goal"

" what do you mean? My true goal?" roy scratching his head

The message ending the screen disappearing. The room lights up from the sun piercing through the window.

Roy stood up and stepped over the piles of used bottles and destroyed machines. To get to the window.

He looked out the streets filled with people and carts heading north. A few dawning heavy armor and weapons heading east.

" ugh i guess it is time to head out just needa find my '' roy walking around picking up a couple of potions putting them aside a couple going in a briefcase. Under the pile of clothes was the small metal pole fitting perfecting in his hand. He grinned and tapped it into his pocket. The briefcase he organized putting the potions carefully and in proper order. A small machine and some matches he packed into a backpack.

" ok this is everything, right?" Roy thought as he scanned the room he snapped his fingers.

" almost forgot" he went to the desk and grabbed a small cloth. " can't clean my glasses without this" he tucked the cloth under his belt. He flipped on a long white coat with pockets in the front of the coat. His war boots muddy strapping on. His pants with pockets up and down the sides.

His simple black T-shirt with a couple of stains on all the articles of clothes.

He stepped up to the door opening to a small shock. His neighbors are bolting through the hall.

" Good morning to you as well, " Roy said sarcastically as he stepped out, seeing every door open. As he walked looking through each room. He noticed all the rooms were still filled with items. Mainly clothes and basic stuff. Not a single person left in their rooms.

He reached the stairs he sighed beginning the climb down.

" why did i say yes to living on the sixth floor anyways?" Roy sighs more when he checked the sign to realize he only went down one floor.

He looked down the center to see even the running neighbors were out of sight.

" You know the manager is probably gone as well" he grinned as he gripped the railing and swung himself over. Falling down. His landing loud with a burst of air making everything move and swing.

Another loud bang came from the door. He turned around to see a small old lady with wrinkly skin making her look like leather. Her boney finger pointed at roy. " what have i told you about jumping down, its a giant fucking bother"

" i'm sorry mrs. suzanne ''Roy froze thinking then bursting out " wait why are you still here?"

" if your talking about the message i don't care let the invaders come i'm too old to be running away"

" at least come to the fort for some protection"

Suzanne pulling out a twin barrel weapon. The ball at the base above the trigger filled with electricity. " if you ever do that jumping thing i'll do to you like i'll do to anyone who dares touch my apartment"

Roy lifting his hands in the air he slowly backed up " alright mrs. suzanne i'll never do it again i'm heading out i'll see you when this is all over"

Suzanne smiled and waved slowly " be safe dear i can't lose tenants who'll pay the rent?"

Roy chuckled as he got up and began walking away. When he opened the door to exit the building he saw no one. The dust trails from the caravan in the distance. Even the warriors were completely out of sight.

Roy began walking heading to the fort. The dirt and soft sand make it hard to walk. The sun blazing down onto him.

" Why does it have to be so ho---------ot" Roy moaned as he rested under a tree.

" at least there was shade" he reached into his bag rummaging around. He pulled out a small bottle of water. Drinking slowly. A small sigh as he put it back. " only a few miles left"

He stood up and began walking once more.

Midday a couple of birds chirping in the trees. Roy sees a rynbate running across the road. He stopped in his tracks.

He pulled out his metal rob and punched it to the ground. Placing a hand over it and his ear on top of that. He stilled his breathing allowing him to hear vibrations. Large stomps coming in quickly. He readied himself the pole in one hand his legs apart as he stared down the previous hill he just walked.

A girl running up and coming into view. A bow on her back twice her size, its mechanical parts twisting and turning. Her black robes are oversized. The rosey cheeks visible from where he stood. With high cheekbones and slender features. With eyes of blue as if the ocean were trapped.

She saw Roy but kept running forward towards him.

As she approached Roy pointed the rod at her. " Halt name yourself or taste my steel" anger filled his voice.

The girl freezing in her tracks. Her hand grabbing the bow pulling it off. The string shoots from the top and attaches itself at the bottom. She slammed it to the ground with a couple of little arms attaching itself to the ground. She pulled an arrow appropriate for the bow but not for herself, from her quiver. She aligned and pulled back all the way to her cheek. " don't threaten me ever i will attack first-" she grinned staring at roys weapon "- do you think you could win in a distance contest with that rod"

" Just identify yourself and you won't have to find out," Roy kicked his stance.

" names filamer. I'm a archer with the holy hunting"

Roy smirked as he lowered his weapon, tucking it back. " famous hunting family from bridgeport one employed as a mercenary group to the highest bidder."

Filamer slapping her chest with a big gasp " how dare you we are not mercenaries"

" oh so why are you here?"

" to prove myself strong for. My family.. To .... Use me in wars... that we were paid to. Fight in" her slowed sentence as it dawned on her that roy was correct. " hey so what's your name?"
Roy turning around facing the empty road that lies before him " my name is roy now come on we are far behind everyone else"

Filamer did not even second thought it swung her bow back on her shoulders and she ran catching up.

She quickly caught up walking slightly behind roy.

They strolled along the road in silence. Each attempting to speak but stopping themselves before any noise could come out. The forest loosening up fewer and fewer trees were surrounding them. Soon empty buildings were all that were around and a subtle noise filling the air.

It was singing a very strong chorus of a hundred men marching their voices ringing out. " God rest your soul for it is the land that must survive. Those that survive do not live. God rest you merry men." repeating those lines as if there were nothing more than a thought.

As the singing grew louder and louder. Roy and Filamer notice the sound coming towards them. The earth shaking slightly from the oncoming men.

a filamer jumped into a nearby bush and Roy climbed onto a nearby tree.

A small glimmer of sunlight pierced Roy in the eyes. Filamer could see the tips of spears. As the chanting and the rumbling came closer they could see the hoard. All men, bulky, they're all wearing fur over their shoulders allowing their abs to show. Metal covering their forearms, wrists, and legs. The guy in the lead carrying a longsword as tall as he was. Behind him every soldier probably a hundred or so men carried all sorts of weapons from shining spears to rusted pitchforks and scythes.

As they chanted their song bellowing their voices to allow for a deep and loud sound a single small child ran following behind them. The men stopped one by one and turned to the small child. The leader walked and pushed his way to the back. He looked down to see the child holding a kitchen knife.

In his deep roaring voice " young one run home this is no place for children to die"

The boy gripping the knife " no i need to prove myself worthy of the singing monks"

The man kneeling down getting himself eye level " young man you can try to join when you are a bit older you must practice on both your weapon skills and your singing skills"

" i have this blade i can fight and check this out" the boy standing straight up puffing out his chest he began singing in a very high key his voice cracking " god rest your soul for it is the land that must survive" he turned red " that is all i remember"

The man giving a big bursting laugh " this here boy is why we can't allow you to enter" the man reaching to his own back pulling out a small black dagger. " take this as a solemn oath that you'll practice everyday" he leaned in close to the boy whispering " the verse is written on both sides of this blade"

The boy glowed as he took the knife, his smile forming from ear to ear. He bowed to the man smiling so brightly.

The man stood up and left walking to the front of the hoard. He slammed his left foot to the ground. His voice bellowing a low note holding it out. The men row by row followed his lead. The song began again and they marched forward.

Filamer watching from her bush as the army marched on by.

Soon they were past the two. They both looked up and down the road seeing the monks' backs. The boy running back up the road. Assumably to his home.

Roy swinging down from his tree he picked his suitcase up turning to filamer.

" come on we wasted enough time"

Filamer scrambling to get back on her feet. " Why did we hide from those men?"

" because they are an elite force of warriors they need to get to the frontlines to deal a powerful blow to the enemies."

" That still doesn't explain why we hid" filamer walking forward.

Roy walking slightly ahead " the boy was already a distraction plus they believe in stopping to convert every person they can while they march"

Filamer stopping " wait you noticed the kid? AND THE MONKS?"

Roy walking still " yes you should have noticed the boy at least miss archer"

Filamer getting flustered as she stomped angrily forward " well you know just ugh shut up"

Roy walked forward grinning a cocky smirk. He knew he was right.

An hour or so passed and they could see the fort and small surrounding city.

The sun setting makes the colors of the sky change and the clouds darkening to a purple hue.

" may the bards sleep soundly" filamer grasping her hands together as she walked.

Roy looked back at her " what does that even mean?"

Filamer grasping her hands letting them hang at her sides. " it's our religion we believe that every artist that days get to paint the sky on their last day"

" your family believes in such strange things. Everyone knows bards can only play instruments. Artists can do everything that is artistic" roy stepping up to the front of the village.

Filamer stepping forward being side to side with roy.

Both staring down the littered streets. A few people running from house to house picking up valuables.

Filamer grinding her teeth " looters" the single word echoing through the winds.

The breeze began to pick up. They began walking, stepping over any trash or dropped loot. The people that were stealing from the houses avoided one another like they weren't even there.

Soon the sirens of the police rang out. Loud explosions erupted from one of the side streets. Roy gripping filamers wrist tugged her down an alleyway running in the opposite direction. Both sprinting when they exited the alleyway they emerged to see a marketplace. The cloth and wooden stalls lining the streets. Stores 5 times the size of the stalls placed behind in several places making a circle.

" The market district seems to be intact still" Roy kneeling down. His heavy breathing slowly down.

The explosions coming closer from random places. Roy looked behind to see the smoke levitating up. Filamer letting her arm wrap around grabbing her bow.

" I guess we have no choice but to help the guards this one time" Roy standing up tightening his belt and gloves.

The explosions reach in close to them they could hear the yelling. A large explosion came from one of the buildings in front of them. As the walls came crashing down dust lifted up covering the area in a dust screen. Filamer squinting to try saying anything thru the dust. Roy balling his hand into a fist.

" do you hear that?"

Filamer looking down at roy as he stayed kneeling " i don't hear anything"

" There were guards with sirens and shouting. Now all silent."

Filamer looking back at the dust to see a black shadow.

The shadow was large but as the figure emerged he seemed to deflate. The small fry man waving his blackened robe oversized he flicked up the sleeves and tucked the robe into his boots.

" your sibling" Roy jesterured at filamers oversized everything.

She looked down at Roy with a pout.

The man stepped forward and froze, seeing the two waiting for him. His voice childish and giddy " oh i thought the guards were the strongest here but i can see you power is at least three times stronger" the small man flinging his arms up pointing his palms at the two. " blessed blossoms"

From his palms came small blossom leaves. Each leaf spiraling forward.

Roy leapt up landing on a stall. Filamer looking bewildered.

" Why are you running? It's just some leafs"

Roy picked up an acorn that was laying among the twigs and leafs on top of the stall. He chucked it and as it hit the blossoms it exploded. The air pushing filamer back a bit.

As filamer regained her footing she noticed some blossoms inches away from her. She pushed against the ground letting herself fly backwards. She kept pushing till her back ran into a wall.

The blossoms are several feet away and coming in fast. The man in the robes grinning watching the girl panic. A crack of a tree branch averted his attention. Seeing Roy running at him at full speed. He swung his arms, the blossoms swinging with him. The side sweep of explosions hitting roy directly. Roy is being flung and crashing into a building.

The man turned back to the filamer , rebuilding more blossoms. They approached her.

She quickly grabbed her bow. Jumping and barrel rolling behind a stall.

" can't hide from the reapers child" a bright and horrific white smile pierce like the moon glowing on a blank sky. " don't need to run i'll show you where god is like i showed your friend"

Filamer grunting. She stood up grabbing one of the arrows from her quiver. The arrow is mechanical like the bow and as long as her arm from fingertip to shoulder.

She slid the arrow on pulling the string back. She closed one eye, the one remaining open turning purple. " archers scope" she whispered under her breath. " deadeye accuracy" the arrow turning orange. " holy piercer" the arrow tip puffing out a bright white smoke as the point opened making four small points. She breathed in steadying herself. " arrow free" she opened her fingers allowing for the arrow to fly. As it whizzed through the air the sharp whistle sliced the man's ears.

He screamed in agony and pain. Small explosions covering his face. " yes yes must focus" he muttered as the blossoms stopped touching the floor. " earth's heavenly touch." He lifted his hand, tiles and rocks from the floor raised up. The makeshift wall slows the arrow down. Its tip slightly rubbed against his nose. He took one step back to feel a hand on his back. He began to turn but was stopped.

" Freeze or you die where you stand," Roy said covered in dirt and pebbles.

" you'll be the one that dies" a blossom exploding in between them. Pushing both apart. That moon grin still shines bright. Another arrow flying but sliding past the cape. The man sliding and dancing around the blossoms adding to his explosive dance. The sliding made it impossible for either of them to land any hits.

Each strike gliding off his cape. Not a scratch left on him when the barrage of arrows and fist strikes subsided.

The man's petals fall and land on the ground. No explosions.

" fuck hes laying mines down" roy jumping ontop of the stall he was on earlier. He opened the briefcase he left behind. " ok ok let's use this one"

He pulled out a shining blue potion.

" now oceans tides" he threw the bottle at the man. He stepped to the right dodging it. As the glass shattered, water poured out like the sea in an angry storm. The water circled around the man. All the surrounding petals are getting sucked in.

" Filamer grabbed onto something" Roy grabbed his briefcase pushing himself off grabbing the stall.

Filamer nodded, grabbing an arrow and striking it into the ground. The winds circling the water rising. A tornado formed. As the petals entered they exploded against one another. Several clusters hitting the man.

After a couple of minutes of this bombarding winds the water started to slow.

The winds dying down. The water is getting smaller and smaller. It returned to its original state, the glowing blue liquid. The glow stopped.

The man laying face down on the floor.. Roy stood up sighing.

Filamer pulling the arrow out of the ground putting it back in her quiver. " is, is he really down?"

Roy nodded picking up some of the arrows that laid beside him. Filamer walked over collecting more that surrounded the conscious man. The man grippied filamers ankle. " Death Sentence" a black aura surrounded the both.

Roy began to run but the man on the floor held his hand out telling Roy to stop. " not another step or we both die."

Roy grinding his teeth as he stayed put. Filamer staring at roy. Disbelief falling over both of their faces.

The man laughed as he stood up. His hand sliding up filamers leg. He squeezed the thigh and grinned. " maybe i need to take this somewhere private away from your boyfriend"

Filamer grunting " he isnt my boyfriend you disgusting bastard"

" don't swear at the man that holds your life in his hands" he spun her around pulling her close his hand on her breast groping her. Her body pressed to his. " come on aren't you going to save her. Maybe you're too scared to save her?"

Roy stayed still. The man laughed. A flash of light appeared from the side. In a flash the man was on the floor once more with a giant mace cracking his skull open. A pool of blood pouring out. Filamer and roy darting their eyes to where the mace came. There stood a rather large man. His figure like a bear was certainly as hairy as one. His eyes tired and his walk as if he was drunk stammering over. His simple tunic and pants as if he were a peasant. His face is clean shaving and chubby. His hair is short and buzz cut. He held a small circular shield. No shoes yet as he walked it sounded like a fully plated armor soldier was marching to them.

He stammered over to the dead man grabbing the mace he lifted it. He squeezed the handle. The mace opened showing an emerald glowing as he closed his tired eyes. Snoring as the light engulfed the man.

The blood retreating back to his head the bones flying attaching itself. The man soon looked as good as new.

He began walking away his sidewards step leaning against every little thing he could.

Roy staring. " what's your name healer?"

The man stopping and turning his voice deep and fatherly command even in the simplest phrase. " Burik van rijn. I am a cleric not a healer"

" what's the difference?" filamer jumping in as she walked over to budrik.

" healers don't fight. Clerics are warriors ''Budrik walking again tripping over himself falling to the floor.

" where are you heading?"

" the fort i have a mission"

Roy gave a glance, not a word spoken. Filamer spoke fastest.

" We are heading there too, let's travel together as a thanks for saving both of our lives."

Roy blushing and snapping. " we would've been fine i had it under control"

" Then why did you stand there? I would have been killed if he didn't step in, don't let your pride get in the way you selfish prick"

As the two bickered back and forth, Budrik stepped to a nearby building leaning against it.

" my children stop this fighting, let's head to the fort."

Both silenced looking at budrik. Both smiling and nodding.

" Let's go then," Roy said, picking up his briefcase.

" what about that guy?" filamer pointed to the ground. The man was unconscious.

Budrik smiling lifting his mace, now back in its normal form.

" his magic is in here he's a normal civilian now"

Roy looking directly at the mace " magic drain guessing from you it means you drain their mana pool indefinitely?"

" exactly it's because of my magic and this gem inside the mace. Healing isn't the only thing I can do, ''Budrik smiling as he swung the mace onto his shoulders. He stood up straight and began to march forward. Filamer doing a light jog to catch up. Roy stood in the path he waited for them to walk to him then he walked side by side.

They could hear the sirens of the guards reaching closer stopping at the market square.

The day just beginning they still had much to do.

They marched their way to the fort. The front entrance locked up and two large guns pointed at them. No one was manning them, maybe automations? The thought ran through roys mind.

They walked up to the door and the guns were fixed on them. A small button with a paper reading. " push me"

Roy lifted his hand and reached out to press it but Filamer slapped it.

" What do you think you're doing?"

" following the directions obviously they have some kind of system to get adventurers in."

" you don't press buttons when you have 66 caliber machine guns aimed at your head."

Budrik pushing the button " roy is right on this one sorry filamer"

As the button was pressed a voice came chiming in. the high pitch like nails on a chalkboard.

" hello yes why are you here ?"

" In the winter's eve the tulips bloom, '' Budrik said into the button thinking the microphone was there.

" Commander salts have been waiting for you. And who are the two with you?"

Roy stepping up " deaths white roses"

The voice repeating himself " hello roy commander has been waiting for you as well. I assume the girl is another"

Filamer was about to speak but was quickly hushed.

" yes we met by accident we are all a part of the same team" Roy lied.

The voice pressing a button on his side. " Commander salts your guests, they are currently at the front door."

A loud voice shooting at the voice " LET THEM IN PRIVATE"

Another button pressed this time the solid wall cracked and open. Revealing a small shack on the left where the boy was waving at them. Assumably this was the voice that was asking questions. Directly in front was two rows of adventuring groups divided into five. The holy number. Each group decked with different weapons and armor.

Roy glancing around.

" The highest power level in this entire regimen is five hundred. The average warrior is ten."

Budrik looked over " what are our levels?"

Roy looking up at budrik " your level is fifteen hundred, and filamer your level is five"

" what do you mean I'M WEAKER THAN AVERAGE?!?!"

" no i was just kidding seven hundred is your real number"

" why are you calling it levels?" Budrik continued walking, passing a group of giggling girls that did nothing but stare.

" it's the simplest way to explain the power to anyone. It's just like a game"

" makes sense" Budrik stopped seeing a small tent with a small child she was crying." pardon me for a moment roy" Budrik walking over and kneeling down. He gave a smile. " poor girl did you lose your mother?"

The girl looked up, shaking her head. Her eyes filled with tears. As she held a small bird. Next to her a tortoise poked its head above her thigh. Budrik smiling at each animal. " are these your companions?"

The girl nodded with a small smile.

" Where is your mommy or daddy?" Budrik questioned his gentle voice.

The girl shaking her head.

" don't want to answer? Alright can you tell me your name?"

She timidly spoke her voice squeaking " renee"

" what a lovely name. Where is your party?"

She looked side to side looking at her animals " just us"

Burdik standing up he held out his hand " well sweetie i can't let you be alone here. Come you'll be with our party"

Renee whipping her tears and smiling. Renee grabbing budricks hand. The bird flew onto her shoulder. The tortoise gasped and began to grow. It grew to the size of a large galapagos tortoise. Renee hopped on the tortoise.

It let out an exhausted sigh and began walking forward with budrik. As the newly found members began walking another peculiar man caught everyone's eye. He was in full leather armor dyed green.

His hair cut nearly bald. His face squared and veins bulging on every visible part of his body. His boots are bright yellow and mechanical wrapping around his feet and braces wrapping around his shins. He looked at every person with a quick glance from his green eyes. He began to yell the voice familiar as it was the voice that was yelling in the background of the entrance. " alright maggots! Listen up! Death beseeches everyone of you fucking assholes! I am the commander salting the leader of this fort! I need the following people to stand the fuck up and come with me." he coughed into his hand he turned his arm and a small screen flashed a list of names not visible to us.

" i need Roy laggermen, Heliny shadowfell, Wil forge, hendrum and loki thorisson, Pasha-" he squinted at the last name " i dont fucking know how to say your last name shes a reptile bitch, ok continuing! Ill also need Renee Bartholdy with her fucking pets, budrik van rijn oh great and this fucking asshat Gordon Kroft. Hope this team enjoys that fucking dick"

From every part of the two lines emerged each one. Roy didn't know any.

Salts looking pissed he began turning red. " Gordon where the fuck are you?!"

Behind salts was a very tired man who was rubbing his eyes and was still wearing pajamas. His hair is short but messy with a bedhead. His iron arms shining in the sun's light. His eyes are lazy and blue. He had swelling and bruises over his face.

He talked with drowsiness " shut it old shit you'll wake the dead if you keep shouting"

" you'll be with the dead if you don't answer me the first time!" salts snapping back.

The tired man must be gordon.

" Shhhhh it's night night time not yellie time" gordon said pulling a blanket from his back. No one noticed it before.

Salts turning to face gordon " you worthless shit you really got into another fucking fight?!"

" yes but that's not the point, we needa see the rest of the team as well" gordon already leaning against a wall with the blanket covering him.

" fall in maggots, if your name wasn't called go into the housing on your left to get your goddamn orders!" salts turning around flagging people to move. The people whose names were called started to push their way through the crowd. Each unique and so powerful.

They filed into a single line horizontal to the commander. Gordon is still sleeping on the wall.

Salts looking to his list then to the crowd. " there is an extra one who the fuck are you!" he pointed at a girl, the skinny and small figure with a cloak over herself, the boots too long to show any skin. But the cloak says wizard. She revealed herself to show a lizard person. Her purplish scales and light pink cheeks smiling. Her yellow sharp-eyed, the split tongue hissing as she spoke. " i am Pasha te ilikami'lita or the lizard bitch as you put it asshole"

Salts looked at her again then brushed it off. " alright it seems i missed calculation! Everyone enter the building behind me now! Gordon led them to their temporary base for a brief!"

Gordon gave a very weak salute his arm flailing about as he stood up and stumbled into the hallway.

As every member looked at one another in pure confusion, they hesitantly followed. Commander salts headed to the side building probably to give the mission to the adventurers.

Roy and Filamer stayed in the rear of the pact. Budrik was still escorting Renee and her pets when they were up next to gordon. The others were scattered about in between the two pairs. The hallway was short and well lit to show the white marble floors that clicked and echoed with everyone's shoes as they walked. A spiral staircase was directly ahead. No one said a word as they descended. There were several breaks at the platforms where a hallway would branch off but they kept going down.

At the bottom floor it was a large blocky room. Bunk Beds with everyones name were lined on one wall. On the other side were two tables, one with graphic projectors and the other a simple table.

Gordon went and sat at the projector table. The chairs would rise from the floor when you were about to sit.

Roy and filamer sitting down next to each other. As they watched everyone sit. The two men in armor one short and fat with red fabric outlining and a large warhammer strapped to his back sat at hendrums spot. The other was tall and lean with blue fabric outlining he had a large steel sword, it's rigged edges and rusted tips made it look older than both the men he sat at the loki set.

Pasha Renee and Budrik sat opposite. At the far end of the table was a woman in a wide brim black hat. Her cape was black on the outside but red on the inside. She wore skimpy leave shorts and tank top, guess it was more like a sports bra. The long leather boots going to her thighs and the little heels looked like black daggers. Her pale skin from top to bottom gave her a glow. With slim cheeks and blood red eyes her small nose and dotted freckles over her nose and cheeks. Her long raven black hair sticking out and hiding something made of wood on her back. She sat at the seat labeled Heliny.

The last man standing was a fidgety man with a rough patchy beard and his orange hair in a multitude of small buns. He held a spiked ball on a long pole. He wore a mechanics jumpsuit with an oil stain covering the patches except the name patch which read " wil". How he twitched and scratched his arm made the room uneasy. He looked back and forth his head turning as if it were snapping. There were no more seats. Filamer was sitting there. Gordon clapped his hands and a computer scanned the room creating another chair from the floor at the other end of the table. He twitched as if being electrocuted as he sat down.

Everyone turned away from him looking at Gordon who had a blanket over him. He looked up with his droopy eyes. " I'm going to list off everyone and their duty on this team, just before we start the commander noticed an extra i know who it was." he glanced staring daggers at filamer. " you little lady aren't supposed to be here but i won't say anything unless you fall behind" he crossed his arms laying his head on them.

He breathed in then started down the list.

" we have wil as a rogue his job will be infiltration for the team,

Renee is reconnaissance with her ability to tame any living creature,

Hendrum and Loki are the muscles their bodies destroyed and their souls attached to armor allows them to fight without physical restraint," the table looking at the two they lifted the visor to reveal empty shells. Everyone gasped as Gordon continued.

" Budrik I remember you from my youth, you were fatherly then as you are now I can tell. As for your role you are the healer and booster for any ally that needs it,

Pasha tho she may not look it she's a war mage hero power can rival any sorcerer her job is to be magical support, fireballs, necromancy, transmutation and several other magic types but its too much work to list them all,

The creepy girl hiding in the corner is our demon huntress heliny, she can hunt anything paranormal or normal. "

He whispered under her breath " she isn't someone i want to mess with" " ok final stretch the girl who snuck in judging by her aura and the bow in her hand she's a archer she'll be great for long distance fighting but we might not do that. I am Gordon, your guys navigator and strategist. That man in the lab coat and glasses is roy he is our captain leader in this operation"

He started to snore. Everyone waited for him to continue the briefing but he was out cold. Everyone started to talk and get to know a bit about one another.

As the bustling of conversation erupts Wil stood up and strolled over to roy. He looked roy in the eye " can't believe they let some weakling like you be captain, We know i'd be the better choice"

" are you so sure about that?" Roy snickered, keeping his eyes fixated on the walls in front of him.

" Yes I am damn sure anyone would be better a leader then the weakest looking boy here" Wil grabbing his spiked ball he held it out pointing it at roys head. " watch yourself ill be getting your position soon"

" if that's a threat i would love to see you try" the pressure in the room began to grow, a heavy weight keeping the room silent. Their eyes intently watching the two.

A silence fell over the room as both of the men stared each other down.

A loud explosion came from the stairway outside but no one seemed to even care to keep their eyes locked. Their focus is unbroken.

Wil turned and went back to his seat with a huff and a puff.

From the corridor emerged commander salts. The explosion must have been from him jumping from the top and landing at the bottom. He walked over standing next to Gordon. He kneed the chair. Gordon woke up in a shock and in great confusion.

" huh? What is it ?"

" did you finish the briefing?!" salts still yelling as he did outside. Now painful to hear as the room was smaller than outside. His yelling echoed bouncing against each wall.

Gordon looking up " commander salts i explained their roles then i slept so you can explain the plan"

" for a fucking knight you are absoulte trash how can you outrank me?!"

Pasha hissing as she spoke. " hesss a knight?"

" yes he's a knight and has been for ten years now!" salts slapping his hand onto the table " enough of Gordon you'll learn about each other on your mission!"

" What is the mission?" roy butting in.

" if everyone stops asking questions i'll describe the mission at hand!" salts pressing a button and the room grew dark.

The table projected the same map as earlier from the mail. The details are more defined. Salts pointed to a circular city. " we are here! Your mission is to find an ancient relic called a 'galaxy cube' . It's a good artifact! We have reports of someone knowing its location here!" salts finger pointing a couple inches upwards to a mountain. " The village on the peak has a grandmaster tea merchant. He'll tell you where the artifact is! We need this by winter's end to defend against our neighbors and to win a defiant victory over the darkness!"

" Yeah, our annual wars with the other planets have been taking a real toll on our forces this past decade. Actually if it keeps up or gets stronger we estimate we only have 3 years to live before we fall, and since we are by far the strongest nation due to us having to constantly fight ourselves and every invasion force our world will become a death field in 5 years." gordon lifting his head up from his arms " if the darkness gets a foothold into the lights defences from the planet then the war is over we are a key point to many transport planets and one of three gates to the outer worlds" gordon stretching his arms out in front of him as he yawned.

The lights came on again and the projector turned off. Gordon stood up, salts stepping to the side.

" get some sleep everyone. This will be the last leisure we will get for some time. Prepare however you want we leave in twelve hours" gordon walked around the table salts jogging behind him. They walked out going to the corridor.

One by one everyone left the table but Wil as he sat there twitching. Pasha and heliny sitting at the table playing with some of the screens trying to order food.

Budrik led Renee and her pets to the bed at the end.

" Little one go rest so we can be ready for tomorrow," Budrik smiled as she was tucked into bed.

" Mr Budrik, do you know any stories?" renee looking up at budrik with giant puppy dog eyes.

" yes i do '' Budrik began to tell a heroic story of the mightiest warriors, the dragonborn.

Roy and Filamer sat on his bed. " we need to discuss the plan"

" what is there to talk about? We go get the location we grab the cube then we head home"

" it's much more complicated than that"

Loki and hendrum stepped up. Hendrum speaking with a thunderous voice and the accent was heavy and must be from out of the region probably from the eastern highlands. " i couldn't help but overhear you have a plan please allow us to join and listen"

" i have no problems with that." Roy smiled at them. Their bed was next to theirs. Loki and Hendrum stare motionless at roy.

Roy coughed into his hand clearing his throat. " this cube was made by the gods. It won't be a cake walk we need to move efficiently, quickly, and on our toes." roy flicking a small projected carriage drawn by Gengji. The carriage was two stories. On the side of the projection was a breakdown of the two stories. The first was a kitchen, laboratory, blacksmith gear, and survival gear. The second story was the bedrooms and restrooms. A small window leads out to a crows nest. Roy poked a red dot onto the nest.

" This is the film's main position. Loki hendrum you two will be stationed here and here" two blue dots were placed one at the front where the Gengji reigns were. The other place at the back where the door to the carriage. " I'll leave which one wants to take each position on you two."

Roy tapping several other multicolor dots into the same three spots. " different shifts throughout the entire day will allow everyone to sleep and we can cut our travel time down"

Hendrum sighing " why must we do an errand rather than finish this war." he pointed to the world map. " if we take this route we can go straight to the enemies capital and finish this war allowing for us to grow larger"

" this war will not be won so easily" Roy tapped the original route. " this mission is heaven sent not from the king"

Loki and hendrum looking at each other. " how do you know it's god's wish rather than a mad king?"

" I had a dream last night. A god of the stars told me I needed to find the same cube." roy twirling his fingers staring blankly as he was in deep thought.

Loki and Hendrum grunting as their armor squeaked. They stood up and nodded.

Hendrum coughs lightly to snap Roy out of his trance. " we need to go polish our armor before our trip. We like your plan and will be happy to follow it" he nudged loki " this man can take the rear if he falls off it'll be easier for him to catch up" he playfully chuckled seeing no one else liked his joke he turned and walked away. Loki followed behind him.

Filamer looking at roy. " What do you mean by a god talking to you? You're not a servant, are you?"

" no, it was a dream with the same cube. The god I thought was my childhood imaginary friend but I guess he's real. It was just a dream ''Roy swung his legs resting them on filamers lap, his head laying down on the pillow. " we need to rest. Will you be fine like this?"

Filamer pushed his legs off as she laid back, throwing her legs on top of him. " if you can sleep like this then yes"

Roy threw a pillow at her. She pushed it to the bed and laid on it. Her legs hanging off the bed.

She laughed a bit at the childish nature of the conversation. She closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep. Roy laid awake staring at the top bunk. His breathing slowed down greatly.

Heliny restringing her crossbow in the corner. Pasha hissing as she walked over. Heliny gave her a glare the closer she got.

Pasha speaking up as to not seem like a threat. " How isss the resssstringing going?"

Heliny glancing up locking eyes on Pasha " it's going fine, what do you want?" her snippy tone piercing thru pashas attempt at kind conversation

" i just wanted to meet our group ssssssee what i'm dealing with on thisss journey"

Heliny plucking the string. " Wrong person to try getting to know lizard." her glare piercing pasha once more.

Pasha stepping back. " no need for hossstilitiesss. You could learn to be nicccceeerr"

Heliny inspecting the spring mechanism " i'm here for a mission not for friends. Same as you so you should get ready"

Pasha sitting next to heliny. " This is my preparation" she grinned pulling out a small wand. " im a magic user so im always prepared"

" i see. You'll be useful" heliny putting the crossbow down at her side. She pulled out a quiver of bolts. " hey pasha you said your name was?"

" yesss. If memory recalls your heliny" pasha waving the wand around playfully. " what were you doing before you got the call?"

" don't act like this war has been going on for years." heliny pulling out bolts one by one laying them in a pyramid pile. " i'm a hunter"

" i do apologize, englisssh is not my firsssst language." pasha tongue hissing lightly.

" Yes that seems accurate, I guess you're a witchdoctor from a jungle tribe?"

Pasha looking down. " no, i wasss apart of a tribe but assss a gatherer. I learned magic after a traveling battle mage took me with her"

" seems almost like a fairy tale. A young girl leaving her village to become nobility" heliny smirked looking at pasha.

" yesss. If only it were a real fairytale. Battle magesss train more battle magesss"

" you are a battle mage?"

" ex battle mage. I left the order yearssss ago" pasha standing up, stretching her arms in the air.

Heliny looking up to pasha " why would you leave? Battle mages live a very adventurous life"

" a life i never enjoyed. I wasss forccced into the life ssso i decccided to leave live my own way"

" a difficult choice i assume. It is something i hope you won't ever regret"

Pasha rising, turning to leave " a life I left immediately to be dragged here. I wonder myssself"

Heliny smiled a soft grin. Pasha left the conversation heading to a bed. The conversation rather short and abrupt. Such a strange stir the conversations from everyone that happens so close or rather in such short bursts.

The conversations from everyone slowly drifted to an end. It seemed like time was slowing down when everyone laid in their beds. Filamer took roys bed. Roy slept on the floor. No one was actually asleep all silently laying, thinking.

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