
By amorawrites18

85.6K 3.4K 1.4K

If you had a second chance at life, what would you do differently? - Second Book in the Shea Butter Baby Seri... More

Face Claims
Back to Reality
Straight Forward
Wishful Thinking
Take It And Run
A Leap of Faith
Down Bad
Pretty & Afraid
The Night Is Still Young
A Fresh Start
Worth The Weight
Stone Cold
Mind Games
Don't Throw It Away
Quality Time
Physical Touch
You're the Reason
In Your Corner
BelieveοΏΌ Me
Just Cause You Waited
Meet Me Halfway
Home For Now
Don't Be Scared
The Inevitable
The Big Q
Tunnel Vision
Her Apprentance
Pray You Catch Me
Wide Awake

Family Values

1K 52 21
By amorawrites18

20 Comments and I'll post the next chapter, enjoy.

The ride to Bria'a father's house was awkward. Bria sat in the passenger seat as Adonis anxiously tapped on the steering wheel trying to calm himself down from his temper. Bria placed her hand on his thigh, lightly caressing it to calm him down. He turned to look at her, while still paying attention to the road.

"Baby what happened back there?" Bria spoke about the elephant in the room.

Adonis nervously chuckled.

"I'm sorry you just witnessed my temper." Adonis apologized on his behalf.

"I've never seen you like that, well outside from when you fight." Bria recalled. 

"Well, where do you think that rage comes from?" Adonis looked at her through his peripheral vision.

"You know I would never hurt you right?" Adonis reassured her. "I would never lay a hand on you."

"I know that Adonis but you seemed to be ready to hit that woman. If I hadn't gotten there in time she would've had a black eye and your ass would've been in jail. I know what she did was wrong, but you have got to learn how to control your temper. What if one day you just snap?" Bria looked down into her lap.

Adonis sighed, scratching the side of his cheek.

"Have I ever made you to believe that I would hit you? I'm not your ex Bria. I love you and you've got to remember that before you self sabotage this relationship.  I have never made you to believe that I would ever be violent and angry towards you , yet you bring it up like you're second guessing me.  If you're second guessing me then do you even trust me?" He asked her, frustrated that they're still talking about this.

Bria sighed turning to face him.

"Adonis, I trust you." Bria says, but instead of believing his fiancé Adonis scoffed irritated about the whole thing.

"What? Oh so now you're mad at me now? You know what Adonis, we'll talk about this later. I want you to go into my dad's house with a clear mind and open heart because we're going to tell him we're engaged and he doesn't particularly like you so fix your attitude, we've got bigger things to worry about." Bria reassured her as they pulled up to her father's, parking on the side of the road.

When Adonis parked, he watched Bria eye the unknown car parked in her dad's driveway.  He stepped outside, walking to the passenger side to open Bria's door, helping her out of the seat once she gathered her purse and phone.  He took ahold of her hand before walking to the front door.

Bria's long time neighbor Tía Esperanza the older Dominican lady who used to baby sit her called after her after recognizing her. 

"¡Aye Dios mío, Bria tú novio es muy guapo!"  Esperanza cat called her boyfriend.

"Gracias Tía, tu nombré es Adonis."

"Ah, Adonis nice to meet you.  You know you still live in Philly you can visit an old lady every now and then!" She said in her thick accent.

"I know auntie I've just been busy, I'll visit you soon I promise. I miss your world famous empanadas,"

"That's because no one makes them like me." She chuckled.

"Hasta luego Bria, tu padre es expecting you."

"Adiós Tía." Bria waved.

When Bria approached her fathers door, Adonis rang the doorbell. 

"What did your aunt say about me?" Adonis whispered in her ear.

"She said you were ugly." Bria chuckled, teasing him.

Adonis kissed his teeth knowing she was lying but didn't say anything because David reached the door before he could say anything. 

"Ah there's my baby girl!" David said, embracing her in a warm hug.  While the two were in an embrace David gave his future son in law a menacing look before quickly changing his attitude and let the couple inside.

"Hey daddy!" Bria smiled widely.

"Mr Stevens it's good to see you." Adonis greeted David as he walked further into the house.

"And I, well..." David said before he was interrupted by Bria.

"Daddy, be nice." She encouraged.

David sighed and welcomed Adonis into his home. 

"Thank you for watching our babygirl while I was at work.  Adonis will wire you the money into your bank account so you can keep babysitting Yara." Bria spoke up for Adonis.

Adonis' eyebrows furrowed, sitting down on the couch in the living room across from her father who sat in his recliner.

"Anytime, especially since that last payment was looking real nice.  So you'll be in surgery in a couple weeks how you feel babygirl?"

"I'm alright I guess just a little anxious and nervous and I'll be without breasts for a while until I have my reconstructive surgery once I've healed."

  "I'm worried about you baby girl but I know you'll pull through." David started.

"Dad I know, but thankfully we caught it early so I can plan for it and take preventative measures so that it doesn't worsen.  I want to be here for as long as possible to watch my baby grow and you know maybe give Yara a brother or a sister or two." Bria hinted, looking up at Adonis.

David gave Adonis a devilish look, crossing his leg over his knee as he leaned back.

"So you trust him enough to have more babies with this man? After the way he treated you?" David questioned her.

"Adonis isn't going to leave me." Bria smiled proudly.  "That's also why we wanted to talk to you." Bria said, placing her hand on Adonis' lap.  She then looks up at him reassuringly and then back at her father.

"I trust him with my life." Bria declares. 

"I proposed to Bria a couple of days ago and she said yes." Adonis says revealing the Diamond ring that was hidden in his hand as he held onto hers.

David looked down at the rock and back at his daughter who was smiling from ear to ear.

"We're getting married." Bria shrieked excitedly, waving her fingers in the air, showing off her engagement ring.

"He proposed to me Sunday evening and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced and hell I haven't even gotten married yet! I love him dad and I know he's made some mistakes in the past but this is the man that I love, I just hope that we can eventually move on and you'll love him as much as I do."

"You're engaged and I knew nothing about it?" David asked , feeling heated that Adonis kept this whole thing from him.

"Well you don't like me," Donnie shrugged.  "I figured it was best if I went ahead and did it anyway, I knew you would've said no.  You would've said no and I would've did it anyway... I love your daughter and you're just going to have to respect that.  You don't have to like me, but you will respect me as your son-in-law."

"Dad please, I want you two to get along." Bria pleaded.

David prolonged his response , shaking his head and scratched his head before opening his mouth to speak. 

"I still don't like you, but you're apart of this family now so," David shrugged and grit his teeth.  "Welcome to the family."

Bria smiled getting up to embrace her father in a warm hug, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"You've just made me the happiest girl in the world, now what's for dinner?" Bria smiled widely.

"Only your favorite, Mac and Cheese with collard greens and Fried Chicken." David smiled from cheek to cheek.

"Oh my gosh babe you aren't living until you've tried my dads world famous Mac and Cheese." She said almost salivating at the mouth, following her father further into the kitchen.

"World famous?" Adonis asked following the two into the kitchen watching as her father helped her plate her food while she watched her hands.

David chuckled at his daughter.

"Hell yea," Bria responded for him.

"This is sooo delicious." She says starting to make Adonis a plate until she was interrupted by Yara's crying.

She then hands her plate to him and walks over to her play pen where she was sleeping and picked her up to try to console her. She sniffed in the air and wrinkled her nose at the smell of her baby's diaper.

"Yara needs to be changed. I'm going to head to the back to change her." Bria says, grabbing her diaper bag to change her, leaving the two men alone in the kitchen while Adonis loaded up his plate.

"I appreciate you for giving me your blessing." Adonis says, walking over to the kitchen table to eat.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for her. She really loves you besides everything that's happened and regardless of how I feel, she's a grown woman I think she would go along with the wedding with or without my approval." David says, sitting in front of Adonis to begin eating.

Adonis nods as his eyebrows furrow, taking in that her father still didn't like him.

"I respect you though for being with my babygirl. You take care of her, and you've given her all the things that I couldn't when she was growing up. She's my only child, the only thing I have left to remind me of her mother."

"What happened to her mother? She never talks about her." Adonis asks, picking up a piece of chicken with his bare hands to bite into.

"Her mother, died during childbirth. She was already at risk of dying giving birth to her because she had breast cancer and it had rapidly progressed since she didn't want to go through chemo. It would've killed her baby or given her birth defects...the doctor caught it when it was in stage four so it was too late to do anything except chemotherapy. She had already made peace with not living a long life so she did everything in her power to protect her baby." David expressed, picking at his food as he filled his fork with Mac and Cheese.

"She died and Bria lived, I named her Bria after her mother's name, Brianna. That's why I feel I'm always so over protective of her you know? Thankfully you two caught the cancer diagnosis early so now you can take the precautions needed for her survival." David says, shoving food into his mouth.

Adonis nods, loading his fork with collard greens and Mac and Cheese.

"Wow, Bria's been through a lot." Adonis said, feeling empathetic towards her dad.

David nods. "Yeah."

Bria then walks in with a clean Yara, who was now up and resting her head on her mother's chest.

"H-hey, guess who decided to join the party." Bria smiled, bouncing Yara in her arms and sat where her plate was waiting for her, in between her father and her fiancé.

Adonis wiped his mouth, extending his arms to take his baby girl but she started to get fussy when he tried to take her.

"Hey babygirl. Oh you don't want daddy to hold you, I am hurt." Adonis shakes his head watching as Bria started to eat her food, looking at her infant who was eyeing her eat.

"Baby love, I just fed you now let mommy eat." Bria chuckled, picking up a piece of chicken to eat.

Yara looks up at her mom watching her eat, as drool dropped into her bib. She babbled in her baby voice, and turned back around hitting her thighs excitedly as she reached for her plate again.

Instinctively Bria pushed up her plate not wanting to have a repeat of what happened in Tennessee.

Adonis smiled at the two, watching as Bria ate in peace for the first time in a long time.

David got up from where he was sitting and gathered his and Adonis' empty plates. "I'm gonna start stacking the plates in the dishwasher."

"So, I was thinking that you two could stay the night it's pretty late and I know that Rocky's gym isn't that far away from here. I figured it would be better if you two spent the night you can take off early in the morning." David suggested to the two parents.

"Are you sure? We weren't really looking to spend the night." Bria said.

"Babygirl, it's fine plus it gets kinda lonely now anyway without you guys. I insist." David offered.

Bria looked at Adonis and Adonis nods.

"It's okay we can spend the night." Adonis spoke up for the two of them.

"Guess we're staying the night." Bria confirmed for the both of them.

After dinner the three of them watched a couple of movies after Yara fell asleep. Bria's eyes started getting droopy after a long day. Her favorite couch that she used to fall asleep on as a little kid, still applied to her as an adult. Adonis draped his arm around her, letting her lay on top of him. Her father got up, placing a blanket over the two and headed into his bedroom for the night. 

Adonis' eyes fixated on the TV as Bria's light snores filled the room.  He shifted slowly trying not to wake her but he did anyway. 

"Baby." She mumbled rubbing her eyes, her engagement ring twinkling in the dimly lit room. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I was trying to get you a bonnet or something to cover your hair," Adonis said, watching Bria get up.

Bria smiled at his thoughtfulness of wanting to protect her hair.

"That's sweet of you, thanks.  There's one in my room and you left a durag here the last time you slept over."  Bria informed him, sitting up to look at him.

Adonis nods, looking into her eyes.

He then leans in closer, now just inches apart from her lips.  He takes lead pressing his lips against her soft plump lips.  Itching to get more, he deepens the kiss. Bria places her hand on the side of his face, brushing his cheek back with her thumb as they kissed passionately.  Donnie smirks, pulling her on top of him as his hands slithered underneath her shirt, unclipping her bra. 

"Babe," Bria pulled away, peering into his eyes.

"What?" Donnie asked, gently massaging her breasts.  "I know you want me to make you feel good." He says lifting up her shirt, exposing her breasts in front of his face.

She nods, biting her bottom lip as he placed butterfly kisses along her breasts and chest. 

"In the middle of my fathers living room though?" Bria asked as he kissed along the nape of her neck.

"He sleep, we'll be fine." He smirked, pecking her lips, pulling the blanket over them before going down on her.

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