Dragon Quest XI: Echoes Of An...

By SerafinaLockheart17

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Estella, a young girl from the country, is thrown into adventure on the day of er coming age. Told she is the... More

A Kingdom Attacked
Dragon Quest XI Characters
Chapter 1 - Thrown into Adventure
Chapter 2 - Darkspawn?!
Chapter 3 - Back in Heliodor.
Chapter 4 - Trouble in the Manglgrove.
Chapter 5 - Secrets and Lies
Chapter 6 - The Kingsbarrow and the Door of Departure
Chapter 7 - A Whole New Adventure
Chapter 8 - The Cryptic Crypt
Chapter 9 - Gallopolis
Chapter 10- Another Problem
Chapter 11 - A lesson Learned, A New Companion
Chapter 12 - Gondolia
Chapter 13: Rescuing Erik
Chapter 15 Back Where it all Began/ Stories
Chapter 15: Puerto Valor
Chapter 16: A Mermaid's Tail
Alternate Scene in Phnom Nonh
Chapter 17: Phnom Nonh
Chapter 18: An Icy Predicament
Chapter 19 - The Keepers of Arboria
Chapter 20 - A Spark Of Hope in These Benighted Times
Chapter 21 - What Have I Done?
Chapter 22 - Changes
Chapter 23 - Infiltration On Heliodor Castle
Chapter 24: Strangest Sights
Chapter 25 - Bridges Repaired
Chapter 26 - Mount Pang Lai
Chapter 27: A Bridge Completely Broken
Chapter 28: Stormy Seas
Chapter 29: The Restless Knight
Chapter 30 - Erdwin's Lantern and...Calasmos?
Chapter 31 - A Possessed Princess
Chapter 32 - Erik's Golden Past
Chapter 33 - This Is All My Fault
Chapter 34 - The Seeds of the Past
Chapter 35 - Forging the New Sword of Light
Chapter 36 - The End of the Lord of Shadows
Chapter 37 - Checking Up on Everyone
Chapter 38 - Goodbye...
Chapter 39 - Another Chance
Chapter 40 - So I Was Right...
Chapter 41 - Erdwin's Lantern...?
Chapter 42 - The Watchers of Erdrea

Chapter 14 - The Masked Martial Arts Tournament

402 6 15
By SerafinaLockheart17

"Aah, Octagonia," Sylvando clasps his hands together, "home to muscular brutes beating the bajesus out of each other! I've always wanted to visit!"

It turns out we didn't find out much in Zwaardsrust. The only thing we found was a small inn and some rumours that the merchant headed out towards...well, here.

Right in front of us a round building, with a knight holding his sword out in front of him.... why does he look familiar...?

"Oh, great," Erik groans beside me, "they're fans of Hendrik huh? I hate this place already..."

"You're not alone there..." I agree as a girl in a bunny suit comes sashaying up to us.

"Hey there, hun," she greets, "y'all here to take part in the tournament? You sure oughta – the Masked Martial Arts meet is where all the biggest fighters make their names!" She hands me a flier before going off again.

"What's it say?" Erik starts to read over my shoulder, "'show the world what you've got in the greatest fighting contest in Erdrea. Awesome prizes available.'"

"A tournament, eh?" Veronica asks, "I thought she was going to invite you to some boring old dance or something. I wonder what the masks are for..."

"What's that at the bottom?" Serena asks, "'All bouts to be...held in the rooftop arena.' I suppose that must be the top of that big building over there..."

As soon as we walk into the reception area, Veronica gasps and points to the counter, where underneath a glass vase, as a brown stick with a shining aura around it.

"Look, it's the Rainbough! It's got to be!" She looks up at me, "the merchant who bought it from the Sultan of Gallopolis must have sold it to the tournament organisers!"

It just looks like a branch, I think blandly. If I'm honest, I thought it would a bit bigger, or at least have a few leaves – not just two!

"Does this mean we're going to have to enter the tournament?" Serena asks.

Veronica waits a moment, before putting her hands on her hips and smirking up at moi, "nope! It means we're going to have to win it!"

"Laaadies and gentlemen! Aaaare you rrrrready? It's everyone's favourite season of the year! Fighting season!" The announcer declares

I can't believe I'm doing this. I strolled right up to the counter and signed myself down for the Masked Martial Arts Tournament. I got given a ask which I purple at one side and goes to a black and white chequered pattern at the other end. I also got given a number: Eleven.

"Let's throw open the big book of brawling legends and get ready to write to in some new names. The Masked Martial Arts start here!" He gestures to a box next to him, "Now, before our fighters get down and dirty, it's time to find out who'll be paired with who. Let's hope everyone gets the partner they deserve1 I'm going to draw balls from this box right here and call numbers1 Each pair of numbers forms a team. Fighters1 We'll be counting on your to make the most of whoever you're matched with! Remember – teamwork makes the dreamwork!" He plunges his hand into the box, "alrighty, let's get started!" He brings out a green ball, "aaand the first number is...Eleven! Fighter Number Eleven, step right up!"

Feeling millions of pairs of eyes on me, I step up to the middle as the announcer delves his hand back into the box again, "alight, now time to see who'll see who'll be fighting beside you! Let's see, who...will...it..be?"

He brings out a purple ball, "...Eight! It's fighter number Eight! Number Eight, make your way to the stage!"

A girl in a green collar-neck with a black tank top underneath, with the same coloured shorts and a green skirt connected to a belt with emerald green, knee high boots. She has a pretty, purple butterfly mask and dark brown hair, tied back into a ponytail, secured with a red bobble. On her hands, she has back fingerless gloves and green wrist protectors.

Wow, someone likes green, I think as she comes towards me, hand outstretched.

"Charmed, I'm sure," she says in a soft voice.

I smile but before I go to shake her head, someone stops us.

"Hold on a wee second there!"

We both turn to see a little large man lumber up the steps, wearing a cream tunic and a red vest top, with black sash around his waist and a pair of orange trousers and black shoes. On his bald head, he has red fez and his face is completely covered with a blue and white patterned mask.

He strolls right up to the announcer, "I'm not putting this young lassie's fate in the hands of a ballyhoo like you and yer box of balls!"

"B-But sir," the announcer stutters, "I-it's the rules..."

The old man whispers to the referee and he nods, before saying, "allow me check that with the official adjudicator."

He runs off and comes back a few minutes later, panting and puffing. He nods to the man and the girl and they head back down to join the rest of the fighters while I stand all by myself again and the announcer spreads his arms, addressing the crowd.

"My mistake, folks! Seems this gentlemen here has a, uh... a special arrangement - number Eleven gets another pic of the partner pot!"

"Oi! What's the big idea!"

"Play fair will ya?"

"Come on, now folks," the referee pleads, "be reasonable. The, er...official adjudicator has just spoken! Now, why don't we see who Number Eleven will be fighting beside?" He puts his hand in the box again and pulls out an orange ball, "it's number Seven! Fighter number Seven, please come on down!"

"Looks like I'm up," a voice says from the crowd.

A man with purple trousers, black gloves and an orange sleeveless jacket steps up onto the stage.  Brown hair frames his kind face and a red bandana sits on top. Despite his kind looking expression, he is very muscular – he kinda scares me to be completely honest.

"Gah! Vince got picked already!?" A fighter complains.

"Well, how about that!" The referee announces, "Number Eleven's new partner is last year's champion – Octagonia's favourite son...Vince Vanquish!"

Vince turns to me, "hey, man. Good to meet you. Let's break some heads!"

The draw continues and eventually all the fighters are paired off.

"That's it folks!" The announcer continues, "out teams have been decided! Now all that remains is to wait for the action to begin! Let's wish the best of luck to all our fighters!"

The gate behind us opens and we all leave. Vince leaves before I get a chance to speak to him.

Charming, I think, as I see Serena in the hallway.

"Hey, Serena!"

"Hello, Estella! I heard you were paired off with last year's champion! Lucky old you!" She smiles, "not that you even need a partner. I was just saying to Veronica that they should change the rules so you can compete on your own! Wasn't I veronica?"

"Um...Veronica isn't there..." I say uncertainly.

"Veronica?" Serena looks around for the little girl, "where has she gone? She was here a moment ago."

A sudden arouse of voices catch our attention.

"What's all that commotion outside?" Serena questions before realising, "oh...oh dear..."

We both rush outside to see the little girl herself pointing to one of the fighters.

Can't we take her anywhere without her getting into a fight!? I think as she fires an insult.

"Why don't you learn to watch where you're going!?"

"Me look where I'm goin'? You were the one walkin' around wiv yer nose in the air, you snooty little midget!" The fighter argues back.

Veronica fold her arms and lifts her chin higher, "What!? That's ridiculous! You walked into me, you big lump! Didn't your mother ever teach you to say sorry!?"

"Cor, you really don't know when to shut up, do ya?" he replies, "this is all I need after me bleedin' stinkin' luck in that bleedin' stinkin' draw!"

"Don't take it out on the kid, Underdigger," A familiar voice says, "we all have out bad days."

The Underdigger turns in the direction of the voice, "oo' said that? Come 'ere an' I'll-," he suddenly gulps, "Ch-Chap!"

I turn to see Vince standing at the back of the crowd, "I get it – you didn't get the draw you wanted – but you gotta roll with the punches man. I mean, you're a tough guy – what does it matter who you're partnered with, right?"

"W-Well, since you put it like that, champ..." the Underdigger chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head as he turns back to Veronica, "err...sorry, squirt. Heh...I'll err...Kev? Is that you mate? Kev!" The Underdigger runs off as Serena and I rush to Veronica.

"Veronica! Are you alright?" Serena questions.

"Hey there, partner," Vince turns to me, before Veronica can reply, "you know this little lady?"

"Yeah, I do," I smile, "thanks."

"I guess all's well that end well, huh?" Vince replies, "glad I could help out. Alright," he points behind him, "I gotta bounce – I got kids to feed and then I'm hittin' the sack. We ain't gonna win tomorrow if we don't rest up1 You take it easy to you hear? I'll come and get you bright and early."

He heads off.

Back in the inn, I notice two people missing. I turn to Serena.

"Have you seen Erik? Or Sylvando for that matter?"

Serena shakes her head, "I haven't. I wonder where they've gone..."

I try the two on either side of mine. One is a sleeping Sylvando, curled up on the top of the bed. I slowly close the door, trying not to wake him up.

The next door turns out to be a woman on holiday watching the tournament. After much apoligizing I leave and head back to my room.

As I close the door and turn on the lamp, I yelp in fright as I see Erik perched on the bed.

"What's wrong!?" He asks, leaping to his feet.

I flatten a hand against my chest and lean against the door, trying to regain my normal heartbeat, "you scared me!"

Erik sighs in relief and puts a fist on his hip, raising an eyebrow at me, "don't do that. I thought something was wrong."

"What do you mean you thought something was wrong?" I question, "I've been trying to find you! You disappeared after the matching ceremony thing and I couldn't find you. Where have you been!?"

I don't mean to sound so demanding, but honestly, he could have given me a heads up or something about sharing a room with me. Honestly, he's so sneaky and quiet, it's sometimes scary.

Erik comes over to me and rests his hands on my shoulders, "I'm sorry I scared you. I came here after the matching thing, thinking you were already here."

I bury my head into his chest as he wraps his arms around me, "I'm sorry I got mad. You just scared me, sitting there when I flicked the light on."

"Where did you go anyway?" He asks, resting his head on mine, "took your time."

I sigh, "Veronica had to have another argument again, with one of the fighters. She is now dubbed the 'snooty little midget.'"

Erik sighs, "man, you can't take that kid anywhere. She argues with literally everyone. Hotto, multiple times, Gondolia that once with the kid who stole her wand and now here. Something tells me this is going to be an ongoing thing..."

"Probably," I bite my lip, "listen, I really am sorry for yelling at you. I don't want us to fight."

Erik scoffs slightly, "it was hardly a fight, Estella."

"I know, but I still didn't like it."

Erik slips his finger under my chin and smirks, "I'm sure I can remedy that."

The last thing I remember from that night is falling asleep in Erik's arms.

"Ride and shine, partner. Time to hit the arena!"

I groan and flatten the pillow over my head. I peek out the side of my eyes and see Erik still sleeping next to me.

Lucky him, I think, as I feel both the pillow and the sheet suddenly abandon me.

I open one eye, "what time is it!?" I demand.

"I told you I was getting up early, man," Vince says.

I sit up and look out the window. It's still dark outside!

As I turn back to Vince, I feel him throw something over my legs.

"I brought you something more suitable to wear," Vince explains as I gaze down at the clothing.

"What's wrong with my normal clothes?" I ask, confused.

"Nothin' but maybe you should change just for the tournament. You're small, right?"

I glare at him and he gives me a grin, holding his hands up. He backs out and I crawl out of bed and gently place the covers back over a still-sleeping Erik; that guy can sleep through literally anything.

I wander to the dressing screen and change out of my original clothing. The clothes Vince gave me consist of a red crop top, with sleeves that come down to my elbows and a pair of blue shorts. Along with some black, fingerless gloves. Didn't give me any boots. I keep my black boots and scrutinize myself in the mirror.

I really don't like this, I think, pulling my hair out of its plait and change it into a high ponytail. My fringe still annoys me as it frames the side of my face.

I fold my clothes and leave them on my pillow and smile as I gently kiss Erik's head.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepy-head," I say.

He opens his eyes, smiling when he sees me, "morning."

"I gotta go," I say, "just thought I'd let you know."

He moves onto his back, "what are you wearing?" He scrutinizes my outfit.

"Something Vince gave me," I look down at myself and make a face, "I don't like it."

Erik grasps my wrists and pulls me over him, "you look beautiful no matter what you wear."

I smile and before i can reply, he pulls me down, sealing his mouth over mine.

"Ladies aaand gentlemen!" The referee calls, "it's time for our first bout! And boy is it a big one! Vince and his mysterious new partner take on the Underdigger and the Abominable Showman! Teams! Enter the arena!"

Vince and I do, walking up the steps and meeting up with the other two fighters. I see the Underdigger accompanied by who must be the Abominable Showman. He has shaggy grey hair, big eyes and his tongue hanging halfway out his mouth.

Disgusting, I think, trying not to make a face.

"Heh, we meet again, Underdigger," Vince says, "gotta stop bumping into each other like this."

"Aww, gimmie a break, will ya?" The Underdigger complains, "up against the champ in the first round? I must 'ave the worst bleedin' stinkin' luck in the 'ole bleedin' stinkin' world!" In a quieter voice – not too quiet for me to hear – he say to his partner, "right you, 'ere's the plan: we wallop the kid first, and then we move onto Vine. That way we might actually stand a chance o' getting' out of 'ere alive..."

"Shure thing!" The Showman replies, "we're gonna win thish thing eashy, and then al the girlsh are gonna be shwooning over me, you'll shee!"

Good luck with that, buddy... I think, trying my best not to look disgusted.

"Aright teams," the announcer holds his hand out, "I want a nice clean bought. On my word...." To the audience, he says "here it comes folks...aaaaaaand...Fight!"

Several moments later, panting and sweating, Vince and I share a high five as the Underdigger and the Abominable Showman slump to the ground.

"That's it!" The referee announces, "Vince has done it again!"

Vince and I head down to the entrance of the arena, me still grinning from our win.

"Nice job, partner!" he says to me, "you're tougher than you look."

"Thanks! So are you," I immediately cringe. That sounded so much better in my head.

"What did you say your name was again?"

"I didn't," I hold out my hand, "I'm Estella."

He shakes my hand, "nice to meet you, Estella," he steps back, admiring me, "that outfit suits you, you know."

I glance at myself in the reflection of the trophy case. I guess it does look okay...

Cheering and whistling catches our attention. Someone else must be taking the stage.

"Huh, sounds like the next fight's started already..." Vince says, reading my mind.

Vince and I make our way to the fighter's part where we can still see the fights. It seems to be two vs two again, with the girl in green and the old guy who wanted to be paired with her. The other two seems to be a guy with claws and...someone who looks very familiar...

It's Erik. He still in his normal clothes, but he has a blue patterned mask on, with some golden lies

The girls kicks at him multiple times as the fighter blocks with his knife. He stumbles back slightly and nods to his partner and they both try to take her down. Erik makes a swipe at her, but she dodges and kicks at his partner, sending him flying through the air. Erik watches in awe and goes back to trying to take her down.

The girl makes a powerful kick at him, sending him stumbling back. He mutters something and turns to the old dude who's just standing and watching the scene unfold before him.

The girl disappears and lands lightly behind him as he looks around for him. She taps his shoulder.

"You do make it ever so easy," she says quietly, but not too quiet for us to hear.

Erik swipes at her but she dodges and flips backwards, kicking Erik in the face. He lands backwards, landing painfully on the floor – I wince.

"Heavens be praised!" Someone says next to us, "how are we supposed to compete with that!?"

"Admit it, Vince," another says as the referee calls the bout off, "even you're impressed."

"Yeah. She ain't bad..." Vince replies.

She managed to beat Erik, one of the strongest people in our group! She's amazing, not just that bad!

  The preliminary bouts draw to a close and Vince and I make it through to the next round!

"Alright folks!" the referee calls as Vince and I and a couple of other teams make it to the stage, "These are the teams who'll be fighting it out for your pleasure in the final bouts! Will Vince and his new sidekick prove in-Vince-ible and take the title again? Or will Rab and Jade continue their incredible run, and pip the champ at his post? It's still to play for! Come back tomorrow when the action continues! You won't wanna miss it!"

Vince and I head out to the main reception area when he turns to me, with a big grin on his face.

"I lucked out getting' you as my partner," we share a high five, "we're in for a chance, you and me."

"Glad to hear it!" I smile.

Vince chuckles, "anyway, I'd better go – the kids'll be waiting for me back at the orphanage."

As he hurries off, I hear a very familiar voice, "What was that!?" I rush outside to see Serena looking between Erik and Veronica, who appears to be roasting him, "she wiped the floor with you!" Veronica continues, "you should be ashamed of yourself, going out in the first round!"

"Look," Erik fires back, "I did the best I could, okay, but she's...she's not normal!"

Serena shakes her head as I stand beside her. Before I can open my mouth, Veronica scoffs, putting her hands on her hips.

"Pah! Are you sure you weren't just love-struck? You looked a bit weak at the knees to me. And what with her flashing her legs about like that, well..."

Serena looks to the side and gasps, "Veronica! It's them...!"

Uh-oh, I think; I seriously hope they didn't hear her.

"Excuse me, lassie," the old dude says, as Veronica just stands there. "would ye mind standing aside?"

"O-oh! Yes!" Veronica stutters, "of course! S-sorry!"

She does and the old man looks to his friend, "shall we?"

The girl nods and walks forward, slowing down when she reaches me.

"I'd keep a close eye on your partner if I were you," she tells me in a soft voice. I turn to her, but she walks off again, her long hair flowing behind her.

"What?" I question, but she's too far away to hear me.

"Keep an eye on Vince?" Blondie repeats, "what could she mean by that?"

"You don't think it could have anything to do with the missing people we heard about, do you?" Serena suggests, "didn't someone say they were all competitors in the tournament?"

"Missing people?" Erik fold his arms, "tats the first I've heard of it. Doesn't sound good though," he turns to me, "maybe you should go check on Vince. Don't want your partner disappearing before the big day."

I nod, "I'll catch you guys tomorrow."

Serena and Veronica head off towards the inn, but Erik calls me back.

"Estella, wait."

I turn, "what's wrong?"

Erik sighs, "just be careful, won't you? I don't want anything happening to you, either."

I smile, "I'll be fine. I promise. I'll make sure Vince is okay, and come right back to you," I reach up and lightly graze my fingers over a slight bruise on his head, "maybe you should get some rest. You look really tired."

He nods and lightly kisses me, "okay. Come back to me, won't you?"

"I will."

I find Vince standing outside the orphanage. As I approach him, he raises his head slightly ad suddenly whips around, fist raised. I yelp and duck, falling to the floor.

"Oh!" Vince recovers, "it's you! Man, I thought you were some punk creepin' up on me!" He sighs, "sorry. It's just...I keep hearing about fighters goin' missin' kinda puts a guy on edge, y'know? Didn't mean to scare you, partner," he holds out his hand for me.

"A-apology accepted," I reply, still a little shaken.

"Seein' as you're here, why don't you come inside?"

I smile and nod, following him. As soon as he steps through the door, he kids bombard him.

"Hey, look!" the boy calls excitedly, "Uncle Vince is back!"

Vince crouches down, "you kids were good while I was gone, right?"

They nod and a girl looks to me, "is this a friend of yours, Uncle Vince?"

"Yup, a very important one, so you play quietly while she's here, okay?"

The kids nod and run off down the corridor. Vince and I sit down on some benches, him with his arms crossed and me with my hands folded on my lap.

"I was born and raised in this orphanage, man," Vince explains, "that's actually why I fight – I wanted to raise some money, give a little somethin' back, y'know? Trouble is, fightin's all I'm good at. If I stop winnin' these kids stop eatin'"

I open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off, "heh, won't be a problem this year though. You an' me, we're goin' all the way! Good to have you along for the ride, partner!"

Vince talks on and on for hours while I struggle to get a word in edgeways!

Soon, the moon is high in the sky and my eyes are starting to droop. I need to get back to Erik just so he doesn't think I've gone missing.

"Man, look at the time!" Vince looks up to the stars, "sorry once I start yappin' I kinda find it hard to stop. Wait," he looks back to me, "was there somethin' you wanted to talk about? I mean, I'm guessin' that's why you came to-,"

   A small crash echoes around the orphanage, silencing up both. We both freeze, listening for the noise again.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Vince asks suspiciously after a small while, "it came from my room..."

Another, louder crash comes again and we both leap to our feet, "there it is again!" Vince speeds off, me following right behind him, "there's somebody up there!"

We hurry up a set of stairs and down a few corridors when Vince throws open the door to his room. Bottles litter the floor, along with some of the holders. The window is open and the curtains blow in the slight breeze.

"Man! Some punks tossed my room!" Vince angrily states, "what kinda low down dirty thief burglarizes an orphanage anyhow!? And what were they lookin' f-!" He stops and clears his throat, "j-just you creeps wait!"  He turns to me, looking tired and annoyed, "uhh, listen, we gotta fight to think about. It's late – you should stay here tonight. You down with that?"

I shake my head, "oh no, it's fine. I've got a roomed at the inn."

"Come on, man, no need to be polite or nothin'," Vince insists.

If I'm completely honest, I'm exhausted, just like Vince. Just the thought of walking back to the inn makes me want to sit back down.

But Erik's waiting for me...

I sigh. I'll explain everything tomorrow morning. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already sleeping.

I nod, "okay. I'll stay."

"Alright!" Vince exclaims, "go get some shut eye. I'll wake you when it's time to hit the arena."

"Up and at 'em partner! It's fightin' time!"

Still feeling slightly tired, I push myself up from the pillow and see Vince next to me.

"That's the spirit! We got fightin' to get to!" Vince leaves and me being the smart person I am, I flop back onto the bed.

After being dragged out of bed and given some breakfast, I follow Vince to the arena. In the reception area, I stop him.

"Can I do something real quick?"

Vince nods, "don't be too long though. We got a fight to win!"

I scour the reception for my friends and see Veronica and Serena.

"Hey, have you seen Erik?" I ask them.

Serena nods, "he's busy looking for you. I think he's waiting outside. Are you alright?"

"He's worried because you didn't come back to the inn last night!" Veronica scolds me, "go find him and tell him you're fine!"

I nod and rush outside, smacking into a body.

"Sorry!" I blurt, feeling them wrap their arms around me.

"Estella!"  Erik squeezes me against him, "where have you been?" He pulls away and studies my face, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I came to find you," I explain where I was last night, slightly scared of his reaction.

He squeezes me against him again, "I'll admit, I kinda fell asleep waiting for you, but I wish you could have let me know somehow"

"I didn't have any way of letting you know," I reply, burying my face into his tunic, "trust me, if I knew anyway to let you know, I would have done. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," he replies, "trust me, you don't need to be. I just got a little worried that's all. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smile and hug him tighter, "you ain't getting rid of me, Mister."

I finally find myself standing next to Vince in the arena, facing...no one...


"Alright now, ladies and gentlemen," the referee starts, his voice really starting to annoy me, "we're into the semi-finals! And here come our first challengers! Give them a big hands now – iiiiit's...The In-Vince-ibles!"

Vince and I make our way to the middle, everyone cheering and clapping for us. I wave at my friends, who are waving at me. Serena and Veronica wave back at me, smiling as Erik gives me a sneaky wink and raises a hand.

I grin from ear to ear but notice someone missing.

...where is Sylvando...?

"They'll be taking on a pair of dashing dark horses who've surprised is for their flair for ferocity! It's Golden Boy and Sterling Sylva!"

Sterling Sylva...?

No one shows up. However, from about we hear someone call, "yoo-hoo! Look out below!"

Two figures leap from the columns at the top of the arena and land gracefully on the floor on front of us.

"So, we meet at last, foul villain!" The one who I am guessing Sterling Sylva points at me, "I had hoped you would survive long enough to suffer at my hands! Now, time to lie back and let the Great Sylv- I mean the Magnificent Sterling Sylva – show you which one is the better once and for all!"

Vince looks at me uncertainly, "uhh... so you guys know each other?"

"HA!" Sterling Sylva scoffs before I can reply, "know each other!? None can know the true identity of Sterling Sylva and live. Nor that od his faithful sidekick Golden Boy! The Bullion Boys' real names will go with them to their graves!"

"Heh," Vince chuckles, "these guys sure know how to put on a show."

That's 'Sterling Sylva' for you.

Sterling Sylva points at us, "know this, fends! We will not be holding back! Our onslaught will be merciless and swift!"

Vince chuckles, "likewise..." he reaches behind him and pulls out one of the bottle lying on his bedroom floor I saw last night. He pulls the stopper out of the bottle and gulps its contents down in one gulp.

"Just my little pre-fight ritual," Vince tells me when he sees me looking, "alright, let's do this!"

"Looks like our fighters are ready to rumble, folks!" The referee announces, "alright, on my word.... FIGHT

The fight between Bullion Boys and Vince and I was tense, but Vince and I manage to come out on top.

The referee swipes his hand down, "I'm calling this one! The Bullion Boys have been beaten!"

Sterling Sylva pants, "curses...! The Great Sylv – Ahem! – Sterling Sylva...defeated...?" he struggles to his feet and points at us, "but I feel no shame in losing to one such as you! It was a battle of epic and legendary proportions! And I thank you for it!" In a higher – Im guessing his normal – voice, he says, "good luck in the finals, darling!"

He prances of with Golden Boy leaving me and Vince staring after him.

"Heh," my partner starts, "there he goes..."


In the reception area, while Vince goes to freshen up, I meet up with Sylvando.

He hugs me, "Darling, you were wonderful out there!"

I giggle, "so were you!"

He quips a confused expression, "me? Darling, did you bump your head?"

"Sylv, it wasn't that hard to figure out. I mean Sterling Sylva? Honey, you need to work on your names!"

Sylvando laughs, "fine! You found me out! Good fight thought huh?"

"Good fight!"

"Laaadies and gentlemen! It's time for the showdown you've all been waiting for: the grand final of the Martial Arts tournament! That's right, just two teams remain – the In-Vince-ibles if you please!"

We enter the arena, people and cheering and calling out our names. At the side, I see Serena, Veronica, Erik and Sylvando. They all see me and wave, cheering and clapping for me. I smile and give them a wave while Vince waves to his audience.

"They're hot favourites folks, but will our hometown hero be able to retain his crown? Or will surprise newcomers Rab and Jade snatch the glory from our reigning champ? Will the Princess and the Pudding please take the stage?"

The martial artist and the pudding dude do and I suddenly feel like this is going to be a very tough. I tighten my grip on the hilt of my sword. The girl seemingly scrutinizes me, and I suddenly feel...small. This girl has a few inches on me, and the dude must be used as a distraction. I'll have to watch Vince's back as well as my own.

Will we be able to do this? I doubt myself, this girl moves like literal lightening and she is very very athletic.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm myself. We can do this. I've made it this far; I can make it all the end with Vince.

"Yes, it's the girl who moves like lightening and the old man who doesn't move at all! Will they be making history here today? It's time to find out!"

Vince shifts next to me, "somethin' 'bout these two gives me the willies...but we got this. Time for a little good luck boost..." he pulls out another bottle and pulls the stopper, downing it's contents again.

"Did ye see that?" the old man asks to the girl.

"I did..." she replies in a soft voice.

"Oh, yeahhh!"  Vince yells, making me jump, " let's do this! Let's win this thing!"

  "Alright, laddie!" Rab says, "show us what ye've got.."

The battle goes okay until...I don't even know what happens! Everything seems to occur all at once!

Vince throws a punch at Rab, causing him to stumble back. I rush forward with my sword, seeing an opening.

"Look out!" Jade calls, diving in front of me and kicking my sword, throwing me off course.

She doesn't stop there. She kicks at me several more times, trying to break my blocking stance and drops to the floor, trying to sweep me off my feet. I jump and leap back as she cartwheels. I block with my arms as she lifts her leg to kick me again, but she abruptly stops, recognition and shock crosses her face.

She gasps and stands properly, gazing at my Mark of Light, "th-that mark!"

From the side of my eye, I see Rab dodge Vince's claws, somehow send him faltering backwards. I keep my eyes focused on Jade, but see him look over to us.

"Wh-What in th-!" Rab stutters, also stopping and staring at me, "it can't be...can it?"

Why...? Why is everyone staring at me? Jade stared shocked at me, her eyes trained on my Mark of Light, and now Rab's doing it!

Wait...this could be a trick? Could they being doing this to lower our guard?

Good move...but it ain't working.

"Caught you nappin', old man!" Vince runs forward and boots Rab in the stomach, causing him to stumle back and on his behind, knocking him out.

Okay...so not a decoy...what's with them both, seriously!?

Vince looks over at me, "you too? What's with everyone all of a sudden? Not that I'm complaining..."

He strikes her from behind, causing her to fall to the side; she barely manages to stay on her feet.

"You're up, partner!" Vince ducks, and I leap onto his back, landing a finishing blow to Jade, initiating her collapse to the floor. She looks up at us, but passes out.

The referee stutters a moment, "w-we have a winner! Vince Vanquish has done it again! The In-Vince-ibles take the final! And what a final it was! Stick around for the awaord ceremony, folk!"

I smile. We did it! We won! Vince and I share a high five, and I wave at everyone. Erik, the twins and Sylvando are all waving and cheering; I wave to them and laugh, still slightly confused. What happened to Rab and Jade? They froze when they saw the Mark of Light. What was that about?"

"We did it, man!" Vince gives me a playful punch on the shoulder, "we won! It wasn't easy though, huh? That was the toughest tournament yet! Thanks for seein' it through with me, partner!"

"You're welcome!" I pant, "glad I could help!"

"hey, the grnad prize is somethin' called the Rainbough. Word is, it's worth a buncha dough. How 'bout we sell it and split the-,"

Vince suddenly cringes, clutching his chest. He doubles over in pain and passes out on the spot!

"Vince!" I drop beside him, "Vince! Someone help!" I shout.

The referee comes over me as I try to roll Vince onto his back, "Vince? Vince, what's wrong?"

Back at the inn, I pace the floor, worried about Vince. What in Erdrea happened? Did he have a heart attack? Did he consume something poisonous?

I gasp as the door knocks, not expecting the voice to ring through from the other side.

"It's me, Rab. I need a wee word with ye. Can I come in?"

I open the door and let him inside, "have you heard anything on Vince?"

Rab shakes his head apologetically, and looks around my room, "is it just you in here, lassie? I was hopin' to speak to yer pals too. Could ye ask them to join us?"

A short while later, Serena and I are perched on my bed, while Erik stands beside me, arms folded, Sylvando leans against one of the bed posts and Veronica stands beside him.

"It's Jade," Rab explains, "the lassie I was fighting with in the tournament – she's missing. I've looked all over town for her, but she's nowhere to be found," he sighs worriedly, "I cannae help but worry she's got herself caught up in something. Will you help an auld man look for his wee friend?"

I look around to my friends. Serena and Sylvando look troubled, Veronica is shaking her head and Erik nods to me.

"Yes," I reply without hesitation, "of course we'll help!"

"Yer a star!" Rab smiles, "with yerself and yer pals here to help, I'm sure we'll find her in no time. Right, the last time anyone saw her was over by the orphanage. Let's start there, shall we?"

The kids at the orphanage are terrified when we walk i. One girl is shaking as we walk into the gardens, staring at a large hole in the wall. A bunch of wooden boards and boxes have been moved to the side...

Wait...I vaguely remember seeing those boards and boxes when Vince and I were talking the last time I came here...

Is that where Vince has gone?

I bend down beside the girl, "are you okay? Where's Vince?"

She doesn't say anything and just points to the wall in front of us. I look up at my friends and nod, taking off to the hole.

Inside seems to be set of underground caves...with spider webs hanging from the ceiling.

I hate spiders!

After much searching, we come across an open area. My friends and I peek around the corner to see Vince carrying a girl. He lays her down on the floor and calls out to...something.

"Hey! Brought you a fresh one!"

The sound of legs thumping off the ground echoes throughout the caves, and a large spider – ew! – comes forward, with long spindly legs, and a scar going down his eye. He has a large back, and a large pincers.

I shiver involuntarily. I hate – hate! – spiders! They are gross and scary. I watch as it observes the girl, who turns out to be Jade's form and laugh, sending another shiver through my body.

"Yessssss.... Oh, yesss..." It says, "she's perfect! Jusssst perfect...a warrior maiden of great sssskil...I ssssmell it on her ssskin.... we mussst drain her of her essssence while she is sssstil fresh...! Quickly! Give her to me!"

Vince nods, "you go it!"

He goes to pick Jade up, but she lifts her head up and whips her leg around, causing Vince to stumble back in surprise.

"I won't be needing you to carry me any further, thanks," she says, glaring up at the monster, "sot this is who's behind it all. Sir Hendrik must have missed one when he cleared the monsters out of town all those years ago..."

Rab runs out from behind the entrance; we all follow him and join him as he turns to Jade, "nicely done, lassie!" He turns to Vince, "I hope you'll forgive me, but we had a wee rummage around in yer room, Vince," Rab says.

I cast my memory back to the time I went to visit Vince to make sure he was okay. While we were talking, we heard several crashes up above us; that was these two?

"The liquid I found," Rab continues, "that's what ye drink before yer fights, isn't it? What yer friends here squeezes from the fighters ye kidnap?"

So Vince kidnapped everyone...And I was partnered with him...I should count my lucky stars that I'm okay, but...why? Why did he kidnap everyone?

Erik seemingly reads my mind and inches closer to me; goodness only knows how he would have reacted if Vince kidnapped me. Erik would not have been a happy bunny.

Vince looks down, letting Rab's words sink in, "th-that was you?"

The monster laughs, "perhapssss not all humans are as ssstupid as our mussssscle-bound friend here...that'sssss right, old man.... Hendrik sssscarred me, but he did not kill me. The extract...it was the only way to regain my ssstrength...ssso I had Vince bring me the...choicest morssssels... And why would he help me do sssuch a thing, you asssk? Because I offered to share the fruitsss of my labour...To give him ssstrength beyond imagining...Who could resist sssuch a...juicy offer, hm...?" He laughs maliciously.

"I couldn't keep on winnin' forever," Vince says, solemnly, "and if I wasn't winnin'...I wasn't bringin' the money we needed for the orphanage," he looks up at me, his eyes full of determination, "sorry, partner, but I can't let those kids down. Which means I can't let you or your friends leave!"

"Vince," I plead, "think about this! You don't need this thing's...juice to make you strong! Train, and you'll become a strong warrior! Vince, please!"

He ignores me and takes a few steps towards me, before he stops abruptly, clutching his chest, "c-c'mon...! Not now...!" He drops to his knees, and this time, I don't run to his aid.

"Will ye look at yerself, laddie?" Rab sighs, "d'ye not see what that stuff's doin' to ye? That foul fluid wasnae meant for human consumption. It's eatin' ye from the inside out! It's a miracle yer still alive!"

"Heh," Vince groans, "...I guess...cheaters never prosper, huh...?" He coughs and passes out.

The fiend laughs, "ssspent at last, old friend...? Ssssuch a shame,,,? The fiend looks at us, "then I sssssupose I'll have to deal with you myself!"

Jade turns to us, "keep that thing busy – I'll see if I can get those people down!"

"And don't come back!" Erik demands next to me, as the spider-demon turns into a purple mist.

Vince kneels on the floor, a few feet away from us, "I, I had no choice...a third-rate fighter like me? I was never gonna make enough to keep the place open..." he looks down to the floor, "so when I heard that voice...driftin' up from down here, right beneath the orphanage...i...I listened.... All I had to do what help him out, and he'd make me the toughest fighter around. Seemed like a pretty sweet deal...So I said 'sure'. I wanted to win the tournament so bad...needed that money so bad.... I let him use me...I knew it was wrong...but that orphanage man...that's where I was raised. Those kids are my family...I had to do it...I...had to...!" Tears start flowing down his cheeks as he leans forward.

Rab sighs, "so ye let yer desire to help the barins get the better of ye. Well, there's certainly been greater evils done for les good. Tell ye what, I'll have a word with the Mayor. Don't worry, lad – we'll make sure the orphanage is looked after. So chin up, eh? Just don't let me catch ye making deals with nasty beasties again, ye hear?"

"Sir, I..." Vince stutters, "I don't know what to say..."

I go over to him, "come on, Vince," I hold out my hand for him, "the kids are petrified back at the orphanage."

He nods and grasps my hand. Without warning, he crushes me in a hug, "thanks, Partner!"

Having successfully solved the case of the missing fighters, my friends and I spend the night at the inn.

I have uploaded today as tomorrow is a big day for me and my family tomorrow. I hope you've enjoyed and sorry this is such a long piece. the MMA is a long chapter.

Open to any ideas and if you wannt be apart of it anywhere, lemme know.

As always, this is for my best friends, JakeR16 and Bleach-Kayla

Sera xxx

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