New Era (yashahime/Inuyasha x...

By Soryaskies

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This will be a story that's tied up with my Fairy Tail story so I would suggest you read that first if you ha... More

Character Introduction: Rayna Dragneel Fullbuster
Character Introduction: Nana Drangeel Fullbuster
The Five Princess
The Dream Butterfly

Inuyasha: Since Then

162 3 1
By Soryaskies

Normal P.O.V

The sound of our footsteps running through the forest in the rain splashed around as Rayna, Nana,  Setsuna, and Moroha were on our way to retrieve Towa who was captured. 


In a temple is a young girl with short white hair with a red stripe tied up. Then two more people show up in the same room. 

"Do I address the princess half-demon?" The one that looked like the leader questioned the young girl in front of him. 

"I am Deputy Shogun of Kanto. my name is Ogigayatsu Hiiragi Danjo." The leader introduces himself. 

"The name Towa Higarashi." The girl replied. She tilts her head to the side. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm no princess half-demon." She took off the kimono that was wrapped around her. 

"She claims this a mistake in identity, Skyu." The man turns to the other older man that was next to him. 

"My lord, by your leave, please allow me." The man turns his attention to Towa. "My young princess this is the manuscript you had on your person is it not?" He showed Towa a book on the future of Tokyo. 

Towa glares to the other side gasping in her mind. 'Those idiots! Why'd they have to bring that back with them.'  

"Are the strange things written in here to be believed? You hail from a place called Rewia. Why don't you tell us about this land?" He asked her wanting to know about Tokyo. 

'I have to keep quiet, or else I'll change history.' Towa thought 

"Well, princess? Say something!" The lord demanded. 

"Here's some friendly advice. You should let me go right now if you know what's good for you, or else you're really not gonna like it when my friends get here." Towa warned them. 

The man who had the book laughs. "Such nonsense. I have something I would like for you to see." He claps his hands and tells some servants to place the item in front of them. 

Towa gasped knowing exactly what it was. "Is that a bicycle seat?" She asked staring at the rusty old bike seat that was laid out before her. 

"Ah, so you recognize this object?" The Lord asked her seeing her reaction to it. 

"So it would seem. She at least knows something about it. " The other man told his lord. 

Towa glares at the men. "What's a thing like that doing here?" She questioned. 

"You see, this was discovered one day when a local clam fisher was raking the river. It was presented to us soon afterward. " he laughs again. "There used to be rumors in the Musashi Province. You see, the story goes that a priestess arrived through the Bone Eaters Well from a faraway land called Tokyo."

"Tokyo?" Towa jumped back in shock.  'Well, priestess?

"The item before you is the saddle she used to ride her mysterious iron wagon from place to place. She and a half-demon by the name of Inuyasha were known to traverse the land-slaying demons of all sorts. Listen well, for what I'm about to share with you is a tale that I heard over a decade ago." 


Shana's P.O.V

It's been nearly six months since Natsu, Gray, and I lived here in the Feudal Era. It's not permanent but we wanted a little break after the whole battle with Zeref.  It's also been six months since Kagome decided to stay with us as well. It was three years ago since we defeated Naraku and everything became peaceful. 

Of course, Natsu, Gray, and I do go back to Fairy Tail and visit everyone once in a while. It was actually Ray my daughter who wanted to live here. She had an attachment to Inuyasha. 

Sango and I were doing laundry while her cute little twins and my twins were playing with each other along with our two Kilalas. I was folding some clothes while Sango washed them. 

"Hey, Shana, Sango." We turned around to see Kagome holding a basket of herbs. 

"Oh, hi there, Kagome." Sango greeted her. 

"Hey." I also greeted her. 

"It's Kagome!" The four girls shouted in happiness. Ray and Nana were also very attached to Kagome as well. Mostly Nana was attached to everyone. Rayna on the other hand was more careful on who she could trust. 

"Hey, lookie, lookie, lookie!" They showed her some plants they found while they were digging. 

"What have we here?" Kagome asked bending down to the girls. 

"We dug these up." Kin'u held out her hands out. 

"Yeah. We found lots and lots of 'em." Gyuokuto said. 

"Are there any important?" Nana asked her. 

Kagome nods her head. "Hmm. These are kudzu roots. If we dry these out they'll make really good medicine." 

"Wow! Really?" The girls asked amazed. 

"That reminds me. Here you can have this." Kagome holds her hand out to reveal a root. 

"What is that thing?" The girls asked

"Isn't that a Kikyo root?" Ray tilts her head. I gasped lightly being so shocked at how much she knew at such a young age. 

"A Kikyo root?" The girls sang. Sango glances over at them as well. 

"Y-yeah it's a Kikyo root!" Nana chimed in last pretending she knew what it was from the start. Nana, on the other hand, was a bit slower than Rayna at times. But that doesn't mean she wasn't smart at all. She just processes things slower. 

Kagome nods again. "Yes, it is. Every good you two. Kikyo is very benevolent it helps people with coughs and even breaks a fever fast." Kagome explains. Sango and I smile. 

"That's all?"Kin'u whines. 

"I thought it was a snack." Gyuokuto also whines. 

Ray had a huge smile on her face as if she didn't mind that she was given a root. "We want snacks! We want snacks!" They shouted. 

Kagome gets up. "Snack time, huh?" she chuckles. 

"Mommy! Look what Kagome gave me." Ray shouts running up to me. 

"I got one too!" Nana holds her up. 

I bent down to their height. "Oh, be sure to take good care of it. And use it when the time is right." I told them they both nodded.

"I'm still impressed by Rayna's knowledge at such a young age. Nana could still use some catching up to do." Alastor commented. 

I chuckled. "Well, they both do take after their fathers." 

"Alright, you two, stop giving Kagome a hard time," Sango warned her kids. 

'K!' The girls sang. I giggled.

I'll never lie when I say, those girls are too cute. 


As it was reaching sundown we headed back to the village. "The seven autumn flowers?" I asked Kagome as she was telling this poem she heard about. 

"Yup. It's from the Manyoshu, by some poet named Yamanoue, but that's all I could remember." Kagome explained. 

"Interesting I never heard of this Yamanoue," Alastor spoke. Then Hisui started crying on Sango's back. 

"Ah, there, there, now. No need to cry Hisui." Sango calmed him down. 

"Ah, there, there Hisui." The girls sang again. 

"Oh, did I wake you?" Kagome asked him. 

"I know I said this before, but Kin'u, Gyuokuto, and Hisui, all have very unique names. And even Rayna." Kagome commented liking the names Sango and I picked out for our kids. 

Sango laughs. "They were Miroku's idea," Sango said. 

"He sure is an original thinker." Kagome teased. "How did you come up with Ray's and Nana's names Shana?" Kagome asked. 

I smiled looking down at Ray. "It was actually Gray, who came up with both of them." I passed for a nervous giggle. "He thought that Rayna looked more like him so he combined our name and made Rayna. Nana's was a little tricky but Gray still somehow ended up combining mine and Natsu's together."  

"The fact that it came from your names is beautiful and so much meaningful." Kagome smiled. 

"I honestly didn't expect Gray to be that clever." Sango joked. 

I chuckled. "Neither did I."  Also because I couldn't come up with anything so I left that part to Gray after trying to keep it a secret. 

"Speaking of, Inuyasha, Miroku, and, Natsu and, Gray aren't back yet, are they?" Kagome asked about the guys. 

"No, from what I hear, the demon they're dealing with is giving them trouble," Sango told her. That's right Inuyasha and the others were asked to slay a demon that's been acting up. They said they'd handle it while we women take care of the kids. I would've gone and helped but Sango needed help here. 

"Huh?" Kagome asked. 

"A landslide collapsed a tomb nearby there was a demon sealed inside. It ended up getting out." I said what Gray had told me. 

---- ❄️💧🔥🐶

 Normal P.O.V

By sundown, Inuyasha, Miroku, and, Natsu, and, Gray were with some of the villages about the demon that's been causing trouble. 

"Is this it?" Inuyasha questioned the two skeletons without heads on the ground as the bird chipped around them. 

"There are only bones left." Gray pointed out shocked. There wasn't any piece of the skins left only the remains. 

Natsu sniffs the air. "Doesn't seem like it's been that long for them to quickly turn into bones." He said thinking it was weird. 

"So many of our people have been attacked since the tomb collapsed." One of the villagers explained.  

"And every time, the heads are the only things that get taken." Another villager told them. 

Inuyasha's ears wiggled as they gasped. "You guys." Inuyasha glances over at them as they begin to sense something. 

"I feel it," Gray replied. 

Natsu smashed his fists together. 

"Yeah, it's pursuing from close by," Miroku mentions as he takes out his sutras. As he throws them they get burned by a barrier. 

The four get into their stance ready to fight the demon that appeared before them. When it showed up. A demon that looked like it was made with roots was carrying human heads inside of him. 

"Aaahhh! It has a human head in its mouth!" Happy cried out in fear. 

"Those are their heads." One of the villagers shouted. 

"No way." The other stepped back. 

Inuyasha took out his Tessaiga. "Tessaiga!" Inuyasha as he sliced the demon with his fang. 

Both the villagers gasped in amazed. "Yeah!" One of them cheered. 

"Ha! That's what you get." He scuffs holding his sword on his shoulder. Though the other three males notice one of the smaller roots escaped. 

"Good monk. We can't thank you enough." The villagers bowed to them. 

"Excuse you! I'm the one that got rid of it!" Inuyasha argued. Gray and Natsu deadpanned. 

"It seems to have run away for now. " Gray said equating at the place where the root escaped. 

"That coward!" Natsu spats crossing his arms. 

"So it would seem." Miroku agreed. " Inuyasha, our work isn't quite finished yet."The monk glances over at the half-demon. 

"Hmm?" Inuyasha asked confused. 

"We need to see the collapsed tomb. Could you lead us to it?" Miroku told the villagers. 

"What for?" Natsu questioned the monk. 

--- ❄️💧🔥🐶

The two villagers took the gang to where the tomb was supposed to be. "Well, this is it." 

"It's in pretty rough shape," Miroku said looking at the collapsed tomb of the demon. 

"No kiddin'," Gray said. 

Natsu then notices something within the rubble. "What's that?" He points to what he was looking at. 

Miroku notices it too and goes over to pick up a rusty old arrow. "This is..." He begins to say feeling the energy come from the arrow belonging to someone he knew. 

"Huh?" Inuyasha gasped knowing who it was. 'That's Kikyo's arrow.' 

"Inuyasha... would you know anything about this?" Miroku questioned him. 

Inuyasha sighs. "No. Why should I?" He replies glancing away. 

"If you say so." Gray mutters deadpanning at him again. 

"He knows it's hers, right?" Natsu said knowing full well it belonged to Kikyo. 

"I think we should do is head back and ask Lady Kaede about it," Miroku suggested still examining the arrow. 


Up in the night sky, Sango's younger brother Kohaku gasps when he notices something strange. "Klala!" He warns the twin tail cat that belongs to his older sister. 

When they reached the ground, Kohaku saw the bones of human remains. "This is horrible. What could have caused all of this carnage?"

"It was Root Head." 

Koakug glances over his shoulder to see someone unexpected. "Lord Sesshomaru." 

"Ah, yes, I see. The demon energy from earlier must have come from Root Head." Jaken explained. 

"Master Jaken." Kohku was shocked that the green henchmen were here too. "Please tell me, what exactly is this Root Head?" 

"A useless demon no better than vermin, except..." Sesshomaru began to explain. 

"Except what?" Kohaku questioned the Dog Demon. 

"Except it's--- " Jaken was about to finish when Sesshomaru began to walk away. 

"A nuisance." 

"My lord wait! Do you mean me?" Jaken nervously asked.


"There's no doubt. This is my elder sister Kikyo's Arrow of Sealing."Kaede points out that it definitely belongs to Kikyo. 

"It did belong to Kikyo, then," Inuyasha said knowing he was right. 

"Totally new it." Natsu whispered to Gray. 

"That much was obvious," Gray whispered back. 

They both shut up when Inuyasha sent them a glare. 

"This happened shortly before my sister met you. There was one demon called Root Head terrorizing the village, and she managed to seal it away in a tomb." Kaede started to explain the story. 

"Why did she steal it in a tomb?" Miroku asked her. 

"Yeah, couldn't she just have killed it with her scared arrow?" Gray also asked crossing his arms. 

"It would've made things more easier." Natsu agreed folding his arms over his chest. 

Inuyasha deadpanned at the two mages. "Would you mind putting some clothes on?" He yelled at the ice mage.  

"When did that happen?" Gray freaked out as Miroku's sweat dropped. 

"It's a mystery. At the time, my sister had been dealing with so many demons of all sorts. I think she was growing tired of killing them.  That was also the time when she helped the bandit Onigumo, who eventually became Naraku. As for Root Head... It was after my sister's Shikon Jewel, much the same as you once were yourself, Inuyasha. " Kaede said as Miroku and Gray looked over at the half-demon. 

"Ah!" The other three males muttered turning to the half-demon. 

"Who cares? I'm not the one we're talking about." Inuyasha said not wanting to talk about his past. 

-- ❄️💧🔥🐶

Shanas' P.O.V

Nightfall approached us as we stayed in Sango's hut. The three little girls giggled as they were playing with the young fox demon Shippo. The poor little guy has been attacked. 

"Shippo! Shippo!" They sang.

"Come on, Kin-Gyo! Get off of me, would you?" Shippo yelled struggling underneath them. "You too Ray! You're heavier than you look." Shippo begged them. 

Ray huffed. "I'm not that heavy!" Ray shook him violently. 

"I'm glad I'm not him." Happy said being hugged by Nana. 

"Don't worry, you're safe with me Happy!" Nana held him closer.

"I wonder what they're talking about. They went straight over to Lady Kaede's. But why?" Sango asked rocking Hisui. She was right. Once we got back they came back as well but only to leave us again. 

"It's obvious, isn't it? They're talking about stuff they don't overhear." Shippo told us. 

"Yeah, and they told me I had to stay here at Lady Sango's house with you." Rin also said to join us soon after. 

"Oh, they did, did they?"Kagome asked knowing something was up. 

I got up hearing the wood clatter around us. "Maybe they're back." Rin smiles looking at the door. 

"No, it's not them," I warned them taking out my sword. "What do you mean?" Sango asked worriedly as a root-looking like a demon crashed in. 

"Kikyo! The Shikon Jewel!" The demon yelled. I glared at it. "give it to me." It tries to go after Kagome. 

"What is that thing?" Shippo asked standing in front of the girls protectively along with Happy. 

"Kagome watch out!" She moves out of the way as I slice the demon's roots off. 

"Shippo, Happy, take care of Kin-Gyo, Hisui, Rayna, and Nana," Sango told them as we stepped outside to take care of the demon. 

"Sure." Shippo and Happy said nervously.

"Sango!" Miroku shouts as Inuyasha and Gray also come running. 

"Shana!" Natsu and Gray shout. 

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouts. 

Inuyasha growls as he sees the demon trying to escape again. He takes out his Tessaiga "You won't get away this time! Hyah! Damn it!" He sliced the sword into the ground. 

"It made it this far, huh?" Gray asked

"Yes," Sango said. 

"Kagome, are you okay?" Inuyasha worriedly asked. 

"Yeah." She nods. 

"The twins okay?" Natsu asked me. 

I hummed. "They're inside with the others." 

Natsu and Gray smile in relief. 

"That demon. When it got here, it called me Kikyo." Kagome looks down. 

"What?" Inuyasha asked. 

"Inuyasha! Come clean! What are you hiding?" Kagome gets in his face. I sigh. 

"Now, let's be reasonable! I wasn't trying to ---Hmm?"  Inuyasha stopped stuttering once he noticed something strange about Kagome. 

"Shippo, you bastard!" Inuyasha hit the fake Kagome only to be revealed as Nana. 

"Ow!" Nana held her head in pain.  

Inuyasha blinked his eyes. "What the hell Nana?" He scolded the young girl. Natsu, Gray, and I sweat dropped.

 "Ha! My transformation jutsu is getting better now, is it? How was that, Uncle?" She smirks at her uncle. 

"Still needs work!" Inuyasha deadpans at her. 

"That's enough, we need to worry about the demon," Alastor said stopping their bickering. 

"Alastor is right. Lady Kagome is being targeted it's best if you tell her everything." Miroku suggested to Inuyasha. 

"Tell me what?" She asked Miroku as Inuyasha and Ray were growling at each other. 

"That demon was demanding for us to give up the Shikon Jewel," Sango explained. 

"Yeah, but the jewel's already been destroyed." Shippo points out. 

"Since it had been sealed away by Lady Kikyo's arrow long ago, it didn't know that the Shikon Jewel no longer exists," Miroku told Kagome.

 Ah, so that's what they were keeping from her well mostly for Kagome's sake. 

"That isn't just an ordinary demon is it?" I question the guys. 

"That demon is called Root Head. It burrows underground and absorbs nutrients from humans." Miroku explains more. 

"Then I'm not the only one at risk. At this rate, the local villagers will be targeted too." Kagome stated. 

"She's right." Alastor agreed. 

"Six villages near the sacred Tree, they're all in danger. We have to get rid of this thing." Miroku pointed out. 

"Let' go Inuyasha!" Kagome said to him. 

Inuyasha jumped back surprised. "Oh, Yeah," Inuyasha said. 

"Ray, you stay here and protect the little ones okay," I said to her. 

She puffed her cheeks. "Aw, but I wanna help you and Daddy." She whined. 

I smiled down at her. "Not yet kiddo. Next time." I ruffled her hair. 

"We promise." Gray also assured her. 

"You better!" She crossed her arms as she watched us run off. Kilala stayed behind to keep her safe. 

"What about me?" Nana asked raising her hand up. 

"You just listen to whatever your sister tells you okay," Natsu told her. 

Nana pouts. "No fair! How come she's always in charge?" 

"Because I'm older and smarter than you." Rayna retorts. 

Nana growls. 


Not long Root Head appeared from underground. "Ah, so there you are, ugly," Inuyasha smirked at him. "It's pretty big Kagome." He warned her. 

"I see that. Leave it to me." Kagome said getting ready to fire her arrow. She hit it and Inuyasha used his Wind Scar. 

Some villagers came out as more of the roots from Root Head appeared.

"Fire Dragon..."

 "Water Dragon..."

"Roar!" Natsu and I combined our breath attack to destroy it. 

Miroku took care of the other demon that was next to the one I took down. "Ice Make Lance!" Gray cast his magic towards the root that was aiming for another group of villagers. 

Miroku gasped as another one appeared to be him. Before the root attacked him it was killed by another weapon. "Brother a familiar voice shouted for him. 

"Kohaku." Miroku was shocked he showed up. 

"Where's my sister?" Kohaku asked as he rode on Sango's Kilala.

"Right now, she's guarding the children," Miroku replied. 

"Are all of them back at the village?" Kohaku asked. 

"Yeah, I would be there, too if not for this!" Miroku told him. 

"Got it. I'll go help her out while you get the rest of these people here to safety." Kohaku said taking off. 

"All right." Miroku agreed as he turned to look at his right hand where his Wind Tunnel used to be. "It's moments like this that make me realize how powerless I am. without the win tunnel." He mutters quietly to himself as he focuses on the demons. 

--- ❄️💧🔥🐶

Normal P.O.V

Kohaku jumped off Sango's Kilala as he made it back to her hut. "Sister, are you all right?" He asked opening the door. 

"Kohaku!" The girls were shocked to see him. 

"Oh, good." He sighs in relief to know they're not harmed. 

Nana snickers next to her sister. "Happy, Sis's boyfriend is here to rescue her." The younger twin teases. 

"Romeo to the rescue." Happy also teases. 

Rayna's face heats up. "Shut up, Nana!" She hushes her younger sister as her eyes go back to the Demon Slayer boy.

"Yes, it left us alone for some reason," Sango said. 

"Uh..." Shippo mutters confusingly as he sees two familiar faces he never thought would show up. 

"Is there something you need, Shippo? Jaken asked him. 

"If you're just gonna stand there, why don't you help us?" Shippo questioned them. 

"You utter buffon! Why in the world would Lord Sesshomaru care what happens to a human village?" Jaken shouted at him. 

Rin gasped as she came out of the hut with the others. "Hi Lord Sesshomaru!" She shouts happily for him. He was on the roof. 

"Hi, uncle!" The twin girls shouted for the dog demon. 

'Oh. He kept us safe. It's probably because of Rin, Rayana, and Nana.' Sango thought to herself as she was also shocked that he was there.  

"Kohaku, you watch over Hisui." Sango handed her baby to her brother. 

"Huh? Wait you want me to what?" Kohaku was confused. Sango runs back into the hut and changes into her demon armor. 

"Time to go Kilala." She says getting on her back. 

Ray got excited. " Aunt Sango, I'll go with you." Ray was about to run after her aunt when Kohaku pulled her back by her collar. 

"You're not going anywhere." He softly glares at her. 

Ray pouts glaring at him. "Aw! You suck!" 

"She loves him!" Nana and Happy tease the older twin.


Shana's P.O.V

"Miroku!" Gray called out to him as he was wrapped by Root Head roots. 

"Hiraikotsu!" A familiar giant boomerang sliced the roots and let go of him. 

"Sango," Miroku called out to her. 

"Hey, looks like you're having some trouble." She said catching her weapon. 

"Yeah. The demons multiplying underground." Miroku explained as more and more kept showing up. 

"Ugh! There's no end to this!" I shouted annoyingly. 

"Shana!" I turned around to see that Inuyasha had sliced a root for me. 

"Thanks," I muttered. I'm getting annoyed just destroying these freaking little guys. "Watch yourself would ya?" He yelled before going up. I deadpanned. 

"Hey, Inuyasha, has there ever been a battle here before?" Kagome asked him about the grounds. 

"Yeah. Neighboring provinces had a skirmish here, which means this ugly thing has plenty to feast on." Inuyasha replied seeing all the human heads the demon had gathered. 

"Let's get going!" Inuyasha said jumping in the air and swinging his Tessaiga.    

"Set me down there." Kagome points to the ground. 

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous. That thing is after you remember?!" Inuyasha scolded her. 

"Yeah, I know. All these roots that keep popping up have to be connected to Root Head's main body. We should use me as bait." Kagome suggested coming up with a plan. 

"No! You think I'm gonna let you throw yourself into danger like that?" Inuyasha asked her taking out a few roots while arguing with her. 

"I bet you would trust this plan if it were Kikyo instead of me, right?" Kagome questioned him. Inuyasha stammers at her words. 

"You see I knew it." Kagome deadpanned him. We gasped when we a bright sacred arrow hitting one of the roots.  

"Kikyo's arrow?" Inuyasha was confused. 

"I'm guessing Lady Kaede shot it." Alastor thought it was the only possible way. 

The arrow landed on the ground making us know where Root Head was. "Look there." Kagome pointed to the spot where it came out. "Yeah!" Inuyasha goes after it. 

Kagome gasped. "It's getting away. " She jumps off Inuyasha. 

"Huh? Hey, wait!" Inuyasha tried to stop her. 

When Kagome's feet touched the ground the real Root Head appeared. "Kagome!" She was about to be in its mouth till Inuyasha grabbed her. 

"Are you all right Kagome?" Inuyasha asked. 

"Yeah." She replied. 

"What is that?" Sango questioned the demon below. 

"If I were to guess, it's Root Head's main body," Miroku answered. 

"It's about time he showed up." I scuffed as I was getting tired of killing its roots. 

"Look at the size of that thing." Gray was shocked at how big it was. 

"That's nothing we can't handle," Natsu said not being fazed. 

"Kikyo!" It roared. "I'll eat you whole. Shikon Jewel and all!" 

"Just so you know my name is Kagome!" Kagome shouted as she was getting ready to fire her arrow. 

"And I'll fill you in on something else! The Shikon Jewel doesn't exist anymore, you idiot!" Inuyasha took out Tessaiga as Kagome fired her arrow. 

Inuyasha used his Meido Zangetsuha to banish the body into another dimension and Kagome used her arrow to purify the ground from Root Head's aura. 

With the demon gone, everything was back to being bright and clear. Inuyasha as he lets out a sigh as he growls turning to face KAgome. "The hell were you thinking?" He shouted at her. Here we go again. 

"Huh? Is something bothering you?" Kagome asked about his sudden behavior. 

"You almost got yourself eaten back there, damn it!" He yelled. 

"That's true, but I knew I could rely on you to keep that from happening." Kagome smiled at him. 

"Well, yeah, of course. You can always rely on me. " Inuyasha simply told her. 

"I do. I have faith in you. So it's alright. You didn't have to hide the whole Kikyo from me." Kagome said. 

Inuyasha turned around. "Hmm? Inuyasha?" She asked. 

"Does that mean you're upset after all?" He asked her glancing at the ground. 

"No, I'm not upset. However... Sit boy." Kagome chanted. 

"Here we go," Alastor said. Inuyasha yelped as he got slammed to the ground. 

"You could have a little more faith in me too." She scolded him. 

I laughed, as Inuyasha was stammering. "You're honestly too good for him Kagome," I said through my laughter seeing my helpless stepbrother on the ground in pain. 

"Isn't that the truth?" Gray agreed. I jerked away. 

"Would you mind putting some clothes on already?" I yelled at him. 

He stared down eyes popping out. "Not again!" 

"Why haven't you dumped him yet, Shana?" Natasu asked me embarrassed by Gray's habit. 

"I can you the same," I said back.

"You know this makes me feel a bit nostalgic somehow." Miroku smiled at the two. 

"Let's go home. The children are waiting for us." Sango suggested as she smiled at Miroku.  

"That's something that is still strange to hear." Alastor teased. 

All there is to do is spend these beautiful days with Natsu, Gray, and my friends. 


"The Bone Eater's Well resided in the forest of the Tree of Ages It used to be a dumping ground for demons that had been done away with. Any bones that had been thrown down it were known to disappear after some time had passed. That is how it got to be known as the Bone Eater's well. But last I heard of it, the well has been sealed up, so it eats no more bones, nor can anyone pass through it any longer. And yet." Sokyo was explaining to Tower about the well.

Towa let out a small gasp. "And yet, here you are, though you hail from Reiwa Village. I'm sure the tale of how you came to these lands is interesting." He smirked at her. 

"Now half demon princess, let's waste no more time. You must tell us how you came here. I'm sure you must know. Tell us, what will happen to the shogunate? What is the fate of our clan?" The lord questions the girl before him. 

"Excellency..." Towa spoke. "Hmm? What is it?" He asked her. 

"Run away," Towa muttered. "What?" He moves his head forward. 

The doors rattled as there were grunting noises outside. "You'll get hurt if you stay here. Times running out. " Towa warned knowing who was here. The doors bust open with the guards falling knocked out. 

"What's happening?" Sokyo asked as they stood up.

"Stop!" One guard yelled. 

"Shut up!" A female voice shouts back. 

"Man, these guards are soft! Towa, let's get going, already." A girl in a red outfit that looks exactly like Inuyasha and Kagome turned to Towa. "We don't have time to waste in a place like this."

"This place is pathetic." Another girl in blue mutters eyeing the room. She had a strange symbol on her right arm. 

"You really are a handful." Another girl in a demon slayer's outfit mutters as well cutting the ropes off Towa. 

"We can't leave without having a rumble first!" Another girl with pink hair smirks cracking her knuckles preparing to fight. 

"Thanks, Setsuna, and you, too, Moroha, Ray, and Nana." Towa rubbed her wrist thanking the four girls. 

"I demand answers. Who are you?" Sokyo yelled.

"Well, it's a kind of a long story---" Moroha started still she sniffed the air. "Aha! Yup! I knew that something smelled funny around here." Moroha smirks "So it's you Yotsume!" Sokyo groans. 

Moroha took out her sword. "Well, since you're here, I might as well take you out!" Moroha charges at Sokyo. 

"Moroha don't rush in!" Ray tried to stop her but Moroha already made a cut on Sokyo. 

"You're an apparition?" The lord was shocked. 

"Oh, shit!" Moroha mutters. 

"You brat!" Sokyo turns into a demon owl and escapes. 

"Hah! That bird's a sore loser, isn't here?" Moroha smirked as she was getting ready to use her next attack. 

"Moroha wait." Towa stopped her.

"Eh?" She looked at her. 

"That guy seems like he may know something. It's better if we capture him and make him talk." Towa suggested. 

"Ok. Well, we still have to chase him down first!" Moroha points out as the four girls get a head start as Nana starts to wine. 

"Aw, come on! I have this fire in my belly that needs to be let out!" She whines. 

"You'll get your chance, now shut up!" Rayna scolded her sister. 

Towa told the lord she was taking the bike seat and the travel guide back with her as she soon took off to catch up with the other girls. 

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