Kat (JATP: OC x Reggie)✔️

Por angelinahegele

115K 3.1K 2.4K

Katerina or now known as Kat, finds Heaven to be a little different then she expected. When she meets the g... Más

Wake Up (part one)
I Think I Kinda You Know
Wake Up (part two)
Bright (part one)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Bright (part two)
Bright (part three)
Flying Solo
Count On Me
thank you
I Got the Music (part one)
I Got The Music (part two)
The Other Side of Hollywood (part one)
Ready, Set, Don't Go
The Other Side of Hollywood (part two)
I Can't Breathe
Finally Free (part one)
thank you squared
Finally Free (part two)
Edge of Great
Keep Holding On
happy halloween! (costume/face reveal)
Unsaid Emily
question for you precious fantoms
BONUS #1 (Lucky)
KAT Part 2...
happy thanksgiving!

Stand Tall

1.9K 81 100
Por angelinahegele

Before I get into this chapter, I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you to everyone who read this book and who commented their thoughts and gave me some ideas.

I really had no idea that this book would blow up like this, and I didn't think it would, honestly.

Writing has been something I've done since I was in 7th grade. I am now a senior in high school. I have written so many novels and fanfictions that I was just writing for fun. KAT was also supposed to be one of those ones I wrote for fun, but this book has changed my life.

I'm just overall really grateful for all of you and I can't wait to write more for you guys to enjoy.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. ❤️

Now that i'm done crying...let's get into the last chapter.


When Kat woke up, she felt a little better. She could stand now, and that was enough for her. She looked over at the boys crowded around Julie who sat on the couch.

"Kat! You're awake," Julie smiled. "I'm glad. The boys booked the Orpheum! We're going to get a call any second," she squealed with joy, and Kat grinned.

She was less pale. That was what Reggie gathered from her appearance. He took her into his arms so she didn't have to use all of her strength. Kat gave him a lopsided smile.

"Are you feeling any better, Kat?" Luke asked her, and she nodded.

"A bit. I may have just enough strength to perform," Kat said hopefully, and Luke gave her a side hug.

"Good. We would've sucked without you," Alex chimed in, and Julie nodded her head in agreement.

"Oh, stop hyping me up," Kat said, using another line she picked up from kids in the neighborhood.

"Seriously, Kat. You've been so brave. We need that kind of courage on the stage," Julie said. "Oh, and where's that little girl you're always bringing around?"

"Ellie?" Kat asked. "Hm, I don't know. I haven't seen her...do you think she's okay?" Kat asked Reggie with wide eyes. Reggie nodded at her.

"She's fine. We saw her today with Willie, outside the Orpheum," Reggie explained, and Kat nodded.

"I need to see her again before.." Kat said, and Reggie frowned. "So! The Orpheum!"

"Right! Julie, you should be getting a call riiiight now!" Alex pointed at her phone on the middle of the table. Nothing happened. "Okay," he straightened himself. "Riiiight now!" he said again and the phone began to ring. Julie squealed and after a few moments, the ghosts told her to answer.

"Oh! Hello?" Julie asked.

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood," the woman on the other line spoke and the five band members began jumping around like crazy. "Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?" she asked. Julie held out her hands for them all to stop freaking out so she could answer.

"Yes, it is," Julie said, now moving her phone to her ear. Kat and the boys began jumping around again.

"We're playing the Orpheum, baby! Yeah!" Julie said excitedly. Kat smiled wide.

"I'm swimming!" Alex said, as Luke and Reggie held him up in the air. Kat rolled her eyes, but the smile never once left her face.


Kat stood with the boys around the piano, as Luke went over the set list.

"Julie and I were thinking we'd start with 'Stand Tall,'" Luke said.

"Ooh, good choice," Kat's eyes grew with excitement.

"Perfect," Alex mumbled.

"Sounds good," Reggie muttered.

"Sounds good? Dude, wake up! I wanna hear, 'it sounds awesome!' I know this isn't how we wanted things to turn out, but we gotta be all in tonight. This is our second chance at playing the Orpheum!" Luke yelled.

"I... I get it, I get it, but it's hard. Do we even know what's on the other side when we cross over? Do we all still get to hang together? You...you guys are the only family I have," Reggie said. Kat frowned.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't know what's gonna happen either, but... it's not like we have a choice," Alex said.

A jolt went through each of the boys, but Kat didn't get one. She looked down at her hands that were shaking, as the boys groaned in pain. Her right hand, seemed to be...gone, and then it came back. She gasped, but hid her hand in her pocket. What was that?

"I'm pretty sure we do," Reggie said. "And it rhymes with the Hollywood Ghost Club,"

The doors opening, made the four ghosts turn to look at Julie, who was oblivious to what just happened.

"Are you ready?" she asked, and when no one responded she grew worried. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex explained.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little," Reggie said, and Kat, who was holding his right hand, let go of it, with a disgusted look. He pouted, and grabbed her hand back. She smiled.

"But we're fine," Luke said.

"Actually guys, I'm a little nervous," Julie said. "Luke, uh, can I talk to you for a second?" Julie asked, and Luke went over to her. Kat squealed internally, and turned to Reggie and Alex.

"Why didn't you get a jolt like the rest of us?" Alex asked. Kat shrugged.

"Are you okay?" Reggie asked. "Are you in pain?"

"Y-yeah! No! Actually I don't feel any pain...at all," Kat smiled up at him, and he let out a breath of relief, until he but his lip, with a more worried expression.

"Guys! Band circle," Luke said, making the three ghosts walk toward he and Julie.

"We don't know what brought us here, but..." Luke began. "What we do know is, you're a star Julie. And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above...or..." Luke looked down at the ground, and Julie chuckled. "Now let's go rock this show," Luke said.

"Let's kick some—" Reggie held his hand over Kat's mouth with an innocent smile. Kat pushed it away. "I was gonna say booty," she frowned.

"Right," Alex mumbled.

"Let's give them a night that they'll be talking about 'til the sun comes up okay?" Luke exclaimed, making them all laugh. "Legends on three."

"One!" Alex said.

"Two," Reggie and Kat said together. Kat was sure to put her left hand in.

"Three," Julie finished.

"Legends!" they shouted.

"That's my dad. He's driving me there, so, I'll see you guys soon," Julie smiled, walking away. She turned to look at them once more.

"Have a good show boy band! And pretty girl that I don't know!" Carlos came into the garage clapping his hands. Reggie's mouth hung open in surprise and mock jealousy.

"Who you calling boy band?" Luke asked him, although the boy couldn't see them.

"He just hit on my girl!" Reggie shouted, as Kat blushed at 'my girl.'

"It's okay, babe." Kat assured him.

Carlos sent an 'i'm watching you' look to them, and left when Ray called him.

"How did he find out about us?" Reggie asked.

"Oh, I don't know Reg," Kat said, sarcastically.

"Maybe it was the blinds! Or you know what, the blanket. You know, it could've been any number of things you did in that house." Alex said.

"It doesn't matter, you guys." Luke said. "We're not coming back here anyways.." he mumbled.

Kat frowned. She looked down at her hand again. It was still disappearing and reappearing.

She jumped when she heard the voice she'd despised. "And where is it that you think you're going?" Caleb asked. Next to him was Ellie. She looked scared.

"What are you doing here?" Luke spat.

"Such hostility," Caleb replied. "I'm just here to congratulate you on your big night. Not everyone gets to play the Orpheum!"

"No. Okay, we know that it's your stamp that's hurting us!" Luke said, showing Caleb his arm. "We already told you, we have a band. We don't wanna join your little club,"

"Yeah! And you can't make us either!" Alex spat. Caleb gave him a strong look and Alex shrunk back. "...sir," Kat scoffed at her friend. Caleb's grip on Ellie's arm tightened.

"Ow! Jerk!" the young girl spat.

"C—Uncle Caleb, let her go," Kat cringed at her words. He didn't deserve the title of her uncle.

"Katerina," he chuckled, evilly. "You know I won't do that," he said. "I've already offered you'd see your family again. Now, if you decide to join me, you'll see your family again, your friends will be safe, and  I will free Ellie's soul," he smirked.

"Okay, fine!" Kat shouted. Reggie and the guys looked at her with wide eyes.

"Kat—no," Reggie's voice was tight, like he was about to cry.

"I'm already disappearing from existence," she whispered, pulling her fading hand from her pocket. "And if it will keep you safe, Reg, I'd do it over and over, because I love you." Reggie stared at her in complete shock, and before he could speak, Caleb cut him off.

"Oh, enough with that! You're crossing over tonight! So exciting! Funny thing about the cross over, no one really knows what's waiting on the other side. But I know what's happening on this side." Caleb said. He kissed his hand and blew a gust of wind in the boys' and Kat's direction.


Kat breathed and looked around. "Reggie?!" she yelled. "Alex? Luke?" no one was answering. She ran toward the bars in front of her. "What is this? Some sort of prison for ghosts?" she muttered, realizing she couldn't use her powers.

"Ugh! Let me go!" Ellie's small voice came from the side of Kat, and Ellie was pushed into Kat's side, and a man slmmed the gate closed.

"Ellie!" Kat sighed in relief and hugged her.

"Kat! I—I'm so sorry! I was coming to tell you about your dad and Caleb—he—" Ellie cried into the older girls arms.

"Ellie, hey, it's okay. What about my dad? Where is he?" Kat rushed out, and Ellie gulped.

"Kat, your dad...he—he crossed over," Ellie said sadly. Kat froze. Her heart shattered in her chest.

"He—he did?" she asked, and Ellie hugged her again.

"I'm so sorry. He was supposed to cross over when he first died, but Caleb put his stupid stamp on him—and he needed to see you again. You were his unfinished business Kat," Ellie said.

"But...but Caleb said—"

"Kat, your mom and brother...they aren't here. Caleb lied to you," Ellie frowned. "I didn't know until I heard his deal to you,"

"No, Ellie, it's okay. It isn't your fault...thank you. For telling me," Kat said. She sat down on the floor, her mind everywhere.

Kat sniffled, before breaking into a loud, heart breaking sob. Ellie moved closer to the older girl, comforting her. She ran her small fingers through Kat's hair.

"Shh, shh," Ellie soothed her. "If it helps...your friends are still alive. And I know how to get us out of here,"

"You do?" Kat sniffled. Ellie nodded.

"Willie," Ellie whispered. Willie appeared in front of the cage seconds after Ellie spoke his name.

"I told you to only do that for emergencies—Kat?" Willie looked at the two trapped girls and gasped. He opened the cage, and let the sobbing girl and Ellie out. "I'm actually glad that it's you in here Kat." Kat gave him a questioning glance. "I mean—I didn't get to say goodbye to you, earlier. I'm leaving," he explained.

"Oh," Kat frowned. "Thank you, Willie," she smiled. "How could I ever repay you?" she asked.

"You're welcome," he replied, "And uh, just...take care of Alex," he blushed. Kat smirked, wiping her tears from her face.

"You bet," she giggled. "Thank you again, Willie. For everything,"

"Even though I almost got you killed?" he asked.

"Willie, it wasn't your fault. You wanted to help us...you said it yourself. You didn't think Caleb would use his stamp," Kat told him.

Willie smiled. "I should go...before I'm caught. Ellie, last chance...are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

Ellie hesitated. She looked up at Kat. "Kat..."

"Go," Kat smiled, softly. "You deserve your best chance. And that...is away from all this evil," she sniffled. She hugged Ellie tightly. "Hey, you're still my little sister. Make sure to visit. Or at least send a postcard, eh?" Ellie giggled, sniffling into Kat's shoulder. "I love you, kiddo,"

"I love you, too, Kat. Thank you. For everything," Ellie replied.

"Thank you," Kat whispered. Willie and Ellie held hands, as they both blinked away. Kat sighed, shakily. She was going to miss them.

"You know you wanna take a chance and be a little bit bad
Ain't nothing quite like living on the edge so get ready to go
I'm chasing down a thrill, and lookin' fit to kill
So listen to the words a wise man said
He said, "Covington, I got an offer that you can't refuse"
You got nothing to lose, boys
Lose, lose, lose
You got nothing to lose, boys
Lose, lose, lose
You got nothing to lose"

Kat heard the music in her head, and confusion struck her features. Kat closed her eyes and thought of Reggie.

"Welcome to my stage, boys
You know you want a little taste
Life's short, not a minute to waste
I'll take you higher than you've ever been
So come over and tell me how you'd like to begin
You got nothing to lose, boys
Lose, lose, lose
You got nothing to lose, boys
Lose, lose, lose
You got nothing to lose"

Kat followed the noise, and ended up backstage.

"Alex, show me what you've got
Reggie, swing it, baby
Now Luke, yeah
You and me"

When she looked through the curtain, she was watching the boys unwillingly play with Caleb, and her eyes widened.

"How do you like my new band?
You got nothing to lose
So come over here, baby
I got what you need
Let yourself go crazy
All bets on me, it's electrifying
From your hat to your shoes
I feel it in the air
We got nothing to lose, nothing to lose, yeah"
She looked at the clock. "Julie," Kat whispered.

What were they gonna do now?


"Guys!" Kat whispered, and the boys hurriedly exited the stage.

"Kat! You're okay!" Reggie kissed her hard, and she smiled.

"He's not paying attention right now. Julie is on now, and we've gotta get going," Kat rushed out. Alex, Luke, and Reggie nodded. Kat closed her eyes. "I can hear her," she whispered.

"Don't blink
No, I don't want to miss it
One thing, and it's back to the beginning
Cause everything is rushing in fast
Keep going on never look back
And it's one, two, three, four times
That I'll try for one more night
Light a fire in my eyes
I'm going out of my mind
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
Whatever happens
Even when everything's down
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
I gotta keep on dreaming
Cause I gotta catch that feeling
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall"

Before they knew it, Alex was blinking away. Kat sighed a breath of relief. Reggie had gone too, and Luke and Kat gave each other a much needed hug.

"Right now
I'm loving every minute
Hands down
Can't let myself forget it, no
Cause everything is rushing in fast"

"And where do you think you two are off to?" Caleb asked, angrily, holding Luke by the collar of his shirt. Luke struggled against his grip, attempting to blink away.

"Kat! Go! I'll be there! I promise," Luke said. Luke slipped her the pick she'd gifted him for his birthday, and he shrugged. "I'll have to get it back somehow," she took his word for it, holding the gift close to her chest, as she blinked onto the stage and sang with Julie.

"Keep holding on nevеr look back
And it's one, two, three, four times
That I'll try for one morе night
Light a fire in my eyes"

Come on Luke.


Kat's thought we're wild. She watched Luke try to appear, with a worried look.

"I'm going out of my mind"

Luke had made it. The smile on Julie's face was priceless.

"Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
Whatever happens
Even when everything's down
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
I gotta keep on dreaming
Cause I gotta catch that feeling
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall"

Kat smiled wide, and she nodded along to Julie and Luke singing together. Kat and Reggie shared a glance as they sang together.

"Like I'm glowing in the dark
I keep on going when it's all falling apart
Yeah I know it with all my heart
Ooh, ooh
Never look back"

Alex sang, and Kat smiled.

"Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall"

Then, it was Reggie's turn, and Kat's heart swelled at his beautiful voice.

"Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
Stand tall"

The bad harmonized.

"Stand tall"

"Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
Whatever happens
Even when everything's down
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall
I gotta keep on dreaming
Cause I gotta catch that feeling
Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing
I'ma stand tall
I'ma stand tall"

As soon as they bowed, the four ghosts blinked back to the studio, and the pain that they masked on stage, got worse.


They didn't expect Julie to come back to the studio. They had just assumed she'd go to bed.

When she walked in though, tears in her eyes, Kat couldn't help but silently cry with her. This was it.

As Kat's hand that had been disappearing all day finally disappeared for good, she get a tingly feeling in the rest of her body.

She was now numb. She felt nothing anymore. She was done.

"I...I know I already said this but, uh...thank you, guys." Julie said.

"You're welcome," Reggie replied, in pain.

Alex groaned.

"Dude!" Luke said.

"He's just...being nice," Kat was too tired to argue.

Julie turned on the lights, the four ghost sprawled out on the floor. Kat was missing a hand, and Julie's eyes widened.

"Why..why are you here? I...I thought..." Julie was cute off by a jolt going through the boys. Kat's other hand disappeared.

"No...no!" Julie said. "I thought you crossed over. Why didn't you cross over?" she asked, sobbing,

"I guess play the Orpheum wasn't our unfinished business," Alex sat up, holding his chest.

"Point Caleb," Reggie said. He was crying as well, and all Kat wanted to do was hug him, but she didn't want him to see her hands.

"We wanted you to think that we crossed over, so we pretended to. We just... we had no where else to go," Luke cried.

"We thought you'd go straight to bed," Reggie said.

Kat shuffled in her spot on the floor, and pulled the pick out of her pocket with her invisible hands that still seemed to work. Luke's eyes widened, at her appearance, but he grabbed the pick with a soft smile.

"Where are your hands?" Julie asked Kat.

"Oh, I'm uh, vanishing," Kat tried to joke, but Julie cried harder.

"Yeah, well...I knew Julie was gonna come out here but nobody ever listens to me," Alex changed the subject.

Another jolt buzzed and the guys groaned, as Kat began to shut her eyes.

"You have to save yourselves right now!" Julie said. "Kat no! Don't go to sleep! Go join Caleb's club please! It's better than not existing at all! Please just go! Go! Poof out! Do something. Please! Do it for me!" she begged, sobbing.

"We're not going back there," Reggie said, running his hands through his girlfriends hair. Kat had tears streaming down her face.

"No music is worth making, Julie, if we're not making it with you," Luke told the girl. "No regrets," Julie cried, and threw her arms around him.

She sniffled into his chest. "I love you guys," she said. Reggie cried. Julie did a double take. "I..How can I feel you?" she asked.

"I don't know. I... I feel stronger." Luke said.

"Alex, Reggie, Kat, come..." Julie said. Alex and Reggie stood up, and Reggie bent down to help Kat.

Kat stood up, weakly, and began to walk over with the boys. Julie embraced the four of them in a group hug.

"Oh...I don't feel as weak anymore," Reggie said.

"Me either. Not that I was ever that weak," Alex joked.

Kat smiled. The stamps on the ghosts arms flew off of their wrists, vanishing into the air. "What do you think that means?" Julie asked.

"I think the bands back," Luke said. Everyone smiled.

"I think my hands are back too!" Kat squealed excitedly. Reggie laughed. "Oh, Julie! This is the greatest! I can finally hug you!" she squealed.

"You guys think we could try that hug think one more time?" Alex asked, the band laughed.

"Yeah," Reggie said, taking them all into a hug.

"Hugs are good," Alex said.

"I like this," Reggie said, as they broke apart.

"Me too," Julie agreed, hugging them again. "We played the Orpheum! Whoo!" The five friends jumped around in a circle.

Kat giggled.

"Yeah we did!" Alex said.


Kat sat in the garden, smiling brightly. She had been so much happier the next few days, and though she knew she wouldn't be able to physically see her family again, she knew they were with her.

She thought about Ellie, and smiled. It was right to let her go. Kat knew she'd visit, and she could count on Willie to take good care of the younger girl.

Kat had been getting closer with Julie, having sleepovers in the girls room, talking in hushed tones so that Ray didn't ask who she was talking to. Oh! And Flynn could see her again. Which was amazing because....it's Flynn. She's awesome.

Kat played her ukulele softly in the garden, humming a soft tune to herself. She was trying to write a song for Reggie. It was almost finished.

"Hey, beautiful," Reggie said, as he found her in the garden. Kat smiled at him, and blushed. She closed her song book, placed her uke down, and held out her hands for him to take.

"Reginald," she replied. "What a pleasant surprise," she gushed. Her boyfriend chuckled.

"Katerina," Reggie teased, and Kat kissed his nose. "You know. That day...when you said what you said..."

"Oh. Uh, you don't have to—"

"Would you shut up, Kat! He's trying to say something!" Luke yelled at her, and Kat stuck out her tongue when she saw Luke and Alex hiding behind a rose bush.

"Hey! Go away!" Reggie groaned.

"Yeah, Luke. Go away," Alex said.

"You too, Alex," Kat smiled, and rolled her eyes.

Alex huffed and pulled Luke away by his ear.

"Anyway. Now that we're alone," Reggie said. "...Kat. I love you, too,"

"Yeah?" Kat smiled, tearing up.

"I do. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you," Reggie announced.

"I love you, too, Reggie," Kat smiled. "More than anything in the world,"

"So...you'll marry me then?" Reggie held out a Ring Pop, and Kat smiled.

"Of course, Reggie." Kat leant in, and kissed him hard.


OKAY. THIS IS SO HARD. I'm crying. UH. Wow. It's over.... I have no words other than thank you. I say it constantly, i know. But seriously, this has been the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I love you guys so much.

I hope you like how I ended the story.

Obviously, when JATP gets renewed for season 2, you best know there will be another book.

but for now...this is goodbye to Kaggie. Although I literally began to think that Kat is a real character in JATP and I just love her so much.



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