4.1 | The Talanian leader ✎

By -Thiaa

684 34 40

After one unsuccessful travel through space, NASA scientist Quinn McNelly crash-lands in an unknown place. De... More



38 3 5
By -Thiaa

Chapter 03

What this Talan thing was, Quinn didn't know. It could have meant home, walk, or perhaps it was the name of this place. Or maybe he just said stop, to shut her up as she continued to ask questions he couldn't answer. Either way, she had to find another tactic on how to communicate with him.

First, she thought of writing on the ground with a stick but chased that thought immediately because if Idris couldn't understand her language, what were the chances of him understanding her writings.

While thinking of another method of how to communicate, Idris continued on his road and with his self-given task to clear the path in front of them. He didn't seem very bothered by the idea of them not being able to talk freely.

Well, what do you think Quinn... You are the one lost in space, not him.

Idris's back and broad shoulders were the only things she saw from the next two hours. All of this walking was catching up to her. The heat, the hunger, and thrust had made Quinn reach her limit points. The surroundings weren't so interesting anymore, and Quinn only prayed that they were getting close to their destination. She hoped that Idris was going to be a hospitable host and provide her with her desperate need for food and some cold beverage.

Now, where is that ice tea when you need it ...

She began to hallucinate about the delicious drink, her colleague Mary usually made for her on the hot summer days. Aside from being an excellent scientist, Mary was a great cook. She made the best blueberry pancakes in the world, a wonderful mashed potatoes salad, pies of every flavor, but really, her specialty was her homemade lemon ice tea. Heaven in a glass, they called it. The thought of Mary also made her think whether she was going to see her ever again. The older woman was the closest thing she had to a mother, a sister, and a best friend.

"Come on Quinn, this isn't time for sappiness. You will see her as soon as you take care of your ship. Happy thoughts, girl - only happy thoughts..."

She encouraged herself, but her loudly-spoken plans seemed to have gotten Idris's attention as well. He stopped on his track abruptly causing her to bump her nose in his back.

"Hey, why did you stop?"

Quinn asked seeing that Idris didn't turn to face her. That meant that he didn't stop because of her, but something else must have gotten his attention. And judging by the stiffness of his back she feared it was nothing good.

A loud roar came from a few feet in front of them, before Quinn could even take a look. Idris took a fighting posture, ready to attack whatever was in front of them. He moved his hands behind his back as if to shield her the best way he could. Another angry roar came until Quinn managed to see from under his arm.

"What in the world is that thing?"

She gasped at her view. The animal, if one could even call it that, was a few feet taller than Idris. It owned the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. But what really got Quinn's attention were the two large bear-like heads resting on its shoulders, where it should have been only one.


Idris whispered, but she didn't know whether it was the answer to her question or he was telling her to stay quiet and not cause a disturbance to the creature. Not that she was planning on having anything to do with that beast. She would have let it walk on its way, but the creature seemed to have other ideas. She gulped again when one of the heads had just noticed her. Its yellow eyes were bored right into hers and it roared loudly showing its dominance.

For a second, Quinn thought that Idris was going to attack first because he pushed her away from him and looked at the creature with a murderous gaze. But then he turned towards her and looked back and forth between her and the creature.

"You are not deciding whether to let it eat me, are you? I swear I'm not even delicious. That thing needs something meaty, not skinny old me."

She commented, seeing that Idris got lost in his thoughts for a short while. Then, he seemed to have made up his mind, because suddenly without any previous signaling, he just exhaled deeply and lifted her off her feet. Before Quinn could realize what was happening, Idris had thrown her over his shoulders like a bag of rice and began to sprint away from the beast.

"Idris, what do you think you are doing?"

She yelled, but Idris didn't seem to mind her shouts nor the way with every step he took, Quinn's cheeks were slapping his butt ones.

If the situation wasn't as dangerous and ridiculous as it was, Quinn would have taken her time to appreciate the deliciously-looking peachy ass bouncing a few inches from her face. But unfortunately, she didn't have time for those kinds of thoughts. Not when the creature chasing them now, figured that if it couldn't reach them on foot, at least it could make them roast ducks.

"Oh, shit!"

She screamed when she saw the fire blast coming from the left head's mouth. The first one didn't come so close, but the second caught the ends of her long hair, now waving like a mop above her face.

"Idris, run faster! Run, damn it!"

She shouted again in fright and slapped his butt as if he was a horse she was mounting.

Oh god, did I just do that?

Her inner turmoil was as messy as their situation was. But she couldn't regret her impulsive decisions now because suddenly the trees around them disappeared and a wide-open field of grass came into their view.

"Wasn't it smarter to stay in the jungle? We could have hidden somewhere."

She commented even though she perfectly knew that Idris didn't have a clue what she was saying. Smarter move or not, she couldn't know because, within a moment, the ground from underneath her vanished as well.

To outrun the beast, Idris had decided to jump off a cliff, taking her with him into their possible death. He didn't even scream while they were falling, or maybe he did, but Quinn's ears were only filled with her own shouts and curses...

"For your information, I don't know how to fly!"

The air was slapping her angry and frightened face. It had dried her lips and eyes, waved her hair on every side, but in all that misfortune - it had lifted Idris's fabric wrapped around his hips. His naked butt and genitalia were the last thing she saw before darkness invaded her view.

Well, well, what a nice way of saying goodbye to this world...

N O T E:

I swear I love Quinn's character a little too much and I'm the one who created her. But tell me, how do you like her? What do you think of this chapter?

Also, we met another creature in this chapter, even though this one isn't as friendly as the lokas. The Khankies are deadly beasts as Quinn describes them. In the future, I will make drawings of how they look in my head.

Thank you for reading! I promise that the next chapter will come sooner than expected.


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