A Day in the Life of Oliver W...

By superiorweasleyy

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in this short story, ill be telling you how it would maybe be in the life of Oliver woods girlfriend im just... More

Starting the day
three hours of freetime
quidditch life
the end of the night
our life after hogwarts
☆bonus chapter☆

how we met/ first date

2.8K 51 24
By superiorweasleyy

I met Oliver in our 6th year. He was in my charms class. He was my partner most of the time

This is the story (read below)

I was walking with Katie bell when I ran i to this boy. My coffee went all over.

It was early in the morning and I wasn't in the best mood.

" I am so sorry, I will get you something to clean that up and" he stops talking as we both look at each other

"It fine, I can just go change. I have 3 hours of freetime" I says.

"No no I insist" he says.

"Y/n this is oliver wood, oliver this is y/n l/n" Katie says.

"Katie imma steal y/n away from you so I can help her" oliver says

"I'll meet up with you at lunch" Katie says. She then walks away and I follow oliver

He then hands me something to clean my shirt then he made me where his gryffindor robe until we got back to the common room

"How am I just now meeting you?" He ask, looking at me

"I'm always around katie so I really don't know" I say, smiling a bit.

"Whag yeah are you?" He asks

"I'm a 6th year, what about you?" I say.

"I'm a 7th year but im gonna be retaking a year so I'll end up graduating when you do" he say.

"Oh nice. I think I've seen you play quidditch" I say.

"Yep, are your that girl who would bring such a huge sign to cheer Katie on?" He asks, as we enter the common room.

"Thats me, I love cheering on my friends" I say, he smiles a bit and we stare at each other for awhile

"Oh um here, o should probably give this back" I say, starting to take off his robe

"Oh no its fine, where it back to your room, so no one sees your shirt, ill just go get another one" he says

"Oh ok, well then ill see you later quidditch boys" I say, smiling

"Later coffee spiller" he says, smiling as well then we both walk to our dorms

Once i got my robe on, I left his robe in my room on my bed and walked back down to the common room and I layed on the couch

I then made a book appear and start reading. Then I hear percy talking with Oliver. They where walking out of their dorm.

I over headed their conversation.

"Oh you ran into y/n? And she didn't explode when you ran into her? Wow thats a first. He coffee is everything to her in the morning" percy says.

"Ah yes thats why she's coffee girl" oliver says

"Percy, the only reason why I went off at you is because you then laughed" I say. Sitting up

"What it was funny" he says. I throw my book at him

"Whoa coffee girl, calm down. How about we go get you new coffee" Oliver says.

"You know id like that, mostly so I don't harm percy" I say. Oliver smiles

We both walk down to the great hall.

"So,  what are you plans for the yule ball" oliver asks.

"Nothing really, I might just go alone" I say, "what about you"

"I was gonna ask Katie but she is going with someone else" he says.

"Ah yes, her crush. I love that she's happy" I say, we both smile

"So quidditch boy, if you ever make me spill my coffee again, I will hurt you. Coffee is my baby" I says.

"It helps you function. Without it you would be a mess huh?" He says. I nod

"Hey speaking of the ball, maybe we could go as friends. Like we both don't have anyone to go with so why not" I say, I smile a bit

" ok coffee girl but you have to wear red" he says.

"I was gonna wear red anyways so dont worry about it" I say.

We then get my coffee and sit and talk for 3 hours in the great hall.

Soon its lunch and Katie walks over to me and Oliver

"Hey guys, y/n we have to get you a red dress. I got hermiones to help us and ginny weasley" Katie says.

"Ah, now they will definitely make you look nice for the ball" oliver says.

"What are yall going together?" Katie asks.

"Yes as friends but I'm still waiting for oliver to ask me. It would be nice" I say, smirking at him

"So you want me to ask you, even though we are going together already?" He says

"That would be sweat, a moment to remember and in the future a good story to tell about coffee girl getting asked to a ball by quidditch boy" I says

"Fine, ill do it. It won't be big though, I dont do big" olivers says.

"Well thats ok because I don't like big either" I say, smiling.

Oliver then smiles and gets up and goes and sits by percy.

"Omg he totally is gonna ask you out" Hermione says, running over with ginny

"What? We just met today though" I say

"Thag doesn't matter, the way he looks at you girl, yall are ment to be and I can see that ginny says.

"Well the next trip to Hogsmeade is this Saturday and the balls next Wednesday so we will see" I say.

"Y/n, if he was to ask you out, would you say yes?" Katie asks.

"Maybe, I most likely id say yes, he doesn't seem like a bad boy plus, id like to try dating for once" I say

"Well thats good" Hermione says

They all smile and we eat lunch. I feel like they where up to something juts don't know what

~*~Time Skip~*~

Its currently Saturday and im waiting for the girls and I see them walk up to me and Oliver behind them

I smile, I knew they where up to something.

"Ms. L/n will you be my girlfriend and go to the ball with me" he says, handing me a jersey that says the same thing in the back of it

"Well of course, I will be your girlfriend and go to the ball with you" I say smiling

We then hug and he says "I know we've only been friends for like 6 days but I have a really good feeling about us"

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Lets go! We gotta get you a dress y/n!" Hermione says, grabbing my arm.

I say bye to oliver and we head to hogsmeade and go and look for dresses

"Ok y/n here are the three dresses for you to pick from" Hermione says.

Hermione held this dress

Katie held this dress

And ginny held this dress

I smile at the one ginnys holding. Ginny smiles as well.

"Its beautiful, maybe try it on" Katie says.

I smile and take the dress and go and try it on then i walk out and they gasp.

"Omg y/n you look stunning!" Hermione says.

"You look absolutely beautiful y/n" Katie says.

"I really think you should get this dress. It will look so good at the ball plus oliver will be so shocked" ginny says

"Girls?" We hear oliver say.

"Back into the room! It has to be a surprise!" Hermione says. I go back into the room

"Guy wheres y/n?" I hear oliver ask

"Shes trying on dresses. You can see her, it's gonna be a surprise" Katie says.

After a while of them talking he leave and I buy the dress.

When then head back to the castle and I put the dress in my room and head to find oliver.

"Hey, theres my coffee girl" I hear him say, I turn and see him

"Hey there my quidditch boy" I say, hugging him

"So I hear you are gonna surprise me on how you look for the ball?" He says smiling

"Yes I am, and I promise im going to look great" I say, kissing him

I seriously can't wait for the yule ball. This would be our first date

~*~Time Skip~*~

Its the night of the yule ball. Katie and hermione are helping me get ready. I put on my dress and Katie does my hair and hermione does my makeup

This is how Katie did my hair

This is how Hermione did my makeup

I look into the mirror and smile. They smile as well

"Guys hes gonna love it! Thank you so much for your help" I say hugging them both

We soon all are ready and we head down to the great hall. Katie went a head as me and Hermione stayed back, nervous

"Hey let's go in together ok?" I say, grabbing her hand. She smiles and nods

We walk in and walk down the stairs. Everyone stares at us. I watch as oliver turns to see.

His eyes meet mine. He smiles and I smile back. I walk over to him and he hugs me and kisses me

"Wow, you look.... wow. Stunning that's what you are" he says. I smile and blush a bit

He then grabs my hand and we walk in and soon watch are the 4 champions dance then people start joining in and soon we join.

He grabs my waste and we start dancing, he look at me and we stare into each other's eyes for a while. We then kiss

"So mr. Quidditch, wh do you like me so much" I ask, smirking at him

"Your beautiful, have a wonderful personality, you make me smile like I've never smiled before. You bring me happiness" he says.

I smile and kisses him again. Soon the night ends. This boy, I knew I was gonna marry this.

He clearly knew it too. He was going to change me life. I loved this boy more than anyone could know

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