the end of the night

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Once we got back to the dorm, I sat on the bed.

"Hey imma jump into the shower so after you can take a bath ok? Also I wanna give you thousands of belly kisses ok?" He says, leaning in for a kiss.

"Ok fine you can give my belly thousands of kisses now go shower, you smell" I say, kissing him

He smiles and goes and takes a shower. I walk over and pick out his clothes for him, he forgot to grab clothes, then I pick out some of his clothes for me to wear.

As I was looking threw i found his jersey that he game to me in my 6th year. For the yule ball.

On the back of it, it read "will you ms. L/n be my girlfriend and go to the yule ball with me?"

I knew from that day on, I'd love this boy forever. Its been a year since then.

I folded the jersey and put it back into the dresser.

I then watched as he opened the door and bit and I handed him is clothes

He then walked out without his shirt on and I rolled my eyes and smiled.

" whattt, I dont want a shirt" he says, smiling a bit

"Whatever you say pretty boy" I say. "Imma go take a bath now, no peaking your head in to talk to me" I add

He sighs then nods and I smile and go and start my bath

After my bath I walk out in my shorts and  his shirt. He smiles and me and tackles me onto the bed, trying not to hurt me

He then kisses my face all over then kisses my stomach. I smile then laugh.

"Baby stop! I love you but I can't stop laughing" I say, still laughing

He stops then lays on his back.

"Hey what would be name our child if I was a boy?" I ask.

"Not percy" he says. We both laugh. We both love percy to death just he can be to strict.

"Maybe Thomas then maybe make his middle name something close to Percy's" I says.

"Then we could name a girl after Katie bell" I also say.

"Great names, well let's see what the future brings for us. Hey let's study for our classes" he says, make me sit up.

"How about we just layed and cuddle for the night " I ask. He nods and turns the lights of the comes and cuddles

I love this boy I swear

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