Soulmates |LustBerry|

By __Yami_

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LustBerry. That's it. Lust Sans and his universe Underlust terrify the others in the multiverse, even the Bad... More



676 31 23
By __Yami_

Alphys cheered in joy, "Thank you so much guys! Is there anything I should keep out?" Lust snuggled more into Blues arm, falling asleep despite just waking up. "How about I tell you and her about the multiverse? That seems easier than any other option. We should also invite Carrot and have him bring Red and Edge as proof." Blue continued muttering mostly to himself as Alphys was amazed at how smart and calculated Blue was. She knew he was intelligent as he could keep up with what all Undyne said but she didn't just how smart he was and how good at strategizing he was.

Lust had fallen asleep by now and Blue moved him into his lap. "It would be great if you explained Blue! Would be alright if we asked questions too? You can of course not answer if you don't want to!" Blue nodded, "Yeah I don't mind. Want to go to Undynes lab now and wait for me and Carrot?" Alphys jumped up excitedly, "Yeah! See you later Blue!" Al ran out the door yelling happily. Blue took Lust back to his room and laid them both down under the newly clean covers to their bed and Blue grabbed his phone, opening it and going to his messages.

In the stars group chat was a new message, an image. Blue tapped on the chat and saw a picture of Ink and Dream tied and beaten in a basement against a wall. In a corner just barely in shot were Error and Cross who were tied up and on the ground. Blue facepalmed and sighed before getting out of bed and writing a note for Lust. Blue quickly teleported outside the lab and slid a note under the door saying that they would talk in the evening. Once he let go of the note he teleported outside Nightmares castle, where he would probably find his friends and if not would get some help from them.

Blue was pissed, his friends were taken and beaten and so were their lovers. The attackers could be trying to get Blue and L or the other stars and Blue would not stand for that. As such his eye lights were white circles and his voice was demanding and not anything like the innocent facade he put up when he told the ones guarding the gate to open it. Fearing Blue they listened and one walked with him, telling others he caught Blue and was taking him to Nightmare to see what to do with him. When they were outside Nightmares throne room the guard bowed to Blue and left.

Blue didn't even bother knocking and entered the throne room making Nightmare jump up, prepared to fight until he noticed the look on Blue. He had that look of no fear and pure anger in his eyes though he behaved rather calmly. "Nightmare do you know where Error and Cross are?" Nightmare cocked his head and sat down on his throne, complying with Blue, "They should be in the castle probably in the kitchen. You should have passed it on your way here and heard them fighting about what chocolate is best." Blue growled quietly, "Shit. If not you then another AU but none would dare. So another multiverse? But which one?" Nightmare walked up to Blue and looked at the one equal to his hight, "What happened?"

Despite how Nightmare acted he cared for his crew, well the more important ones anyway like Error, Cross, Dust, and Killer. He was concerned for those he called family and used a darker tone when he asked Blue his question. Blue opened his phone and showed the photo, "Have any clues? If the person or people took these four they might try to take me and L, or even you and Killer." Nightmare thought for a moment as they both stared at the photo. Killer joined them as he had been standing next to Nightmares thone the entire time. He pointed out a sliver of gold in a corner of the photo, "What's that?" Nightmare stared at the gold sliver and hummed in defeat as he didn't know. Blue however recognized it immediately, "Dreamswap castle it is then."

Nightmare and Killer looked confused as Blue took his phone back and started typing on it, "Dreamswap is a different multiverse. There Dream a golden apple and grew golden wings. Just a warning when we go there, the Star Sans' are cruel even to each other. Their Blue poisoned Dreams tea one time and abuses their Error." They remained quiet though questioned how Blue knew this information. Blue stopped typing on his phone and grabbed both of their hands before teleporting them into a room that looked similar to the star's base though darker toned.

"Where are we?" Nightmare and Killer said in unison, not recognizing the room. Blue walked towards a wall and looked carefully along it, "This is the star's base. The only thing is this is the Dreamswap base so it's a bit different." Blue stopped looking along the wall and pushed a hidden button making a door slide open. Blue entered it, prepping a couple of bones in his hands and Nightmare and Killer following close behind. They went down a flight of stairs but before the exit Blue stopped, making the other two stop as well. "You stay here for a second, we need to play this carefully. I'll pretend to be their Blue and you two cover me if things go bad."

Not knowing anything about this multiverse they nodded, willing to listen to Blue who was smarter than them in this case. Blue nodded and left the two behind, entering a room with chains and some bloodstains. To his right, he saw Ink and Dream on the ground next to Error and Cross. In front of them were Dreamswap Ink and Dream, holding attacks and questioning them. Blue took a deep breath and put on his bitch face, "Hey fuck heads! What are you doing?" They all looked at Blue and the Dreamswaps smiled at him, "Hey Blue. Have fun on your killing spree?" Blue sighed and groaned, taking his place beside the Dreamswaps, "Not at all! They always run away then hide! What's the point if they don't even scream."

Nightmare and Cross watched in awe at how easily he could deceive them not to mention make his act so convincing. The others grew more scared as another tormentor arrived and the Dreamswaps all laughed, "You're such a sadist Blue!" Blue gave a wink to his Ink and Dream quickly, making sure the Dreamswaps didn't catch on. Ink and Dream noticed the wink and grew more relieved but still said nothing. "You seem to have had a lot of fun without me. Want me to get you some water?" Ink shook his hands, "No fucking way! You might poison us again!" Blue whined, "Come onnnnn. I don't have any poison left! Some bitches threw it away." Blue gave them a glare and they laughed. "Fine! But don't poison us this time!" Blue smiled creepily, "I wouldn't dare."

Blue then left the room, dragging Nightmare and Killer with him, "I need you two for a minute." They followed closely into the kitchen where Blue grabbed two classes and a pill bottle, knowing where they were. "How did you know most of that stuff?" Killer asked. Blue shot a glare as he put two pills in each glass and put the bottle away. "Ask later. For now, Nightmare go into your passive form and act weak. Killer you need to act sweet and bubbly, like how I behave normally." Scared of Blue still they listened as Blue filled the glasses with water and the pills dissolved instantly. Blue teleported some rope into his hands and loosely tied their hands behind their backs, "Act scared. When we get back down there I will actually hurt you if need be, don't act like yourselves." Blue grabbed the water and led the two back downstairs.

Getting near them Killer stopped, causing Nightmare and Blue to stop, "I have to act now, don't take it personally." Despite saying this they both could hear the grin on Blues face but before they could say anything Blue shouted, "Move it you fucks!" They all looked toward the stairs and saw the three walk into the room. "Sit with them" Blue nodded towards their people and Nightmare and Killer ran to them, scared of Blue. Blue handed the water to the Dreamswaps and kneeled in front of the hostages, his pupils were still circles. "Who are these shits? They look so damn weak." Ink and Dream grew angry as they knew this was their Blue now and he just called them weak. DS Dream laughed, setting his water down, "They so are weak. Their Ink, Dream, Error, and Cross of the original Multiverse. Their Error and Cross are stronger than ours but still weak."

"Ohhh. Well, Nightmare and Killer seem way stronger in their Multiverse, too bad we have these weak losers." Blue tsked and stood up. DS Ink yawned as he downed his water immediately, "Did you drug the water?" Blue gasped and made a hurt expression, "You think I would do that! You're totally right I would. But I didn't this time." DS Dream glanced at his water and handed it to Blue, "Take a sip then." Nightmare and Killer got nervous as they knew Blue drugged them, just not with what. Blue grinned and grabbed the glass. "Sure thing pussy." Blue took a drink of the water and swallowed it, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue to prove he did actually drink it, "Happy now?" DS Dream took his water, moving his wings a bit in defeat, "Yeah." DS Dream downed his water then set his cup down, "That really hit the spot! Thanks, Blue." Blue grinned as DS Dream got dizzy.

"No, thank you. You're lucky I didn't poison you for taking people from my Multiverse and hurting them. I only gave you sleeping pills, so you shouldn't die yet." Blues tone got a lot darker and normal Dream shouted, "Blue! Stop being sadistic and save us!" Blue sighed, "Fine, Fine." DS Ink was sitting on the ground nearly passed out, "W-Why isn't the drug e-effecting y-you?" Blue looked at DS Ink, "I purposely drugged myself to build a tolerance to it. How else? That's also how I can outdrink the stars any day!" Blue turned back to his friends and worked on untying them. "Where...Is our Blue?" DS Dream had fallen to the ground but was still conscious as of right now.

Blue continued untying his friends and didn't bother looking at DS Dream, "I texted him. We are buddies after all. You know you give him a lot of shit about being abusive when he was abused his whole life, it's a safety measure. Now I have a meeting to catch in my AU with Lulu, bye everyone!" Without another word Blue teleported away, leaving all the others in Dreamswaps basement. Nightmare turned back into his hostile form, "Why did we even come then!?" Dream put a hand on his brothers shoulder, "That's his way of telling the truth behind him. Blue isn't all sunshine and rainbows, that's an act. This was how he decided to tell you two, trust us he did the same to us." Cross hugged Dream, "Blue is terrifying how can you feel safe with him?" 

Ink smiled, "He makes us feel welcome so we make him feel welcome. Don't get us wrong, there are times we feel unsafe with him but that's why we have sleeping meds in the kitchen. We just have to tie him up then force an entire bottle down his throat." Error stayed in the corner, "You guys are scary too." Dream and Ink smiled cutely, "We know! That's our greatest weapon!"

Meanwhile, Blue teleported into his room and saw Lust still asleep in the same spot he was in when Blue left. Blue threw away the note he made and kissed Lusts forehead, "Baby we have to go now. We're going to answer Undyne and Alphys' questions remember?" Lust groaned and wrapped his arms around Blues neck loosely, kissing him. Blue kissed Lust back gently, sitting up his lover then picking him up. Blue teleported the two of them in front of the lab and knocked. Undyne opened the door and let them in, "Hey guys! U-Um just get comfy I guess!" Blue smiled at Undyne and sat on the floor with Lust in his lap. After a bit Carrot arrived with Edge and Red, (Edge is Underfell Pap and Red is Underfell Sans) then sat next to Blue on the ground.

"Hey L, nice to see you again!" Carrot seemed happier now that he wasn't lying to his brother about his boyfriend. Lust gave a weak wave as a response, still just waking up, "My pelvis hurts." Blue chuckled, "Sorry Lulu!" Carrot and Red had a shocked expression while Edge was curious, "Who is Lulu? I've never heard of a Sans with that name." Blue smiled, "Let's answer questions later. They don't have to relate to AUs and the multiverse if you have a question ask it, just wait until after we explain to Alphys and Undyne." Undyne got super excited when she heard AUs.

Undyne and Alphys sat down, Undyne calming down, to allow Blue to explain while the others added here and there. Once Blue was done explaining Lust was asleep again and Carrot was, of course, asleep as well. Carrot was cuddled in Edges lap with Red in his. Surprisingly Red was still awake and inputting into the conversation. "Any questions at all? Like I said it doesn't have to be about the AU's and Multiverse." Edge spoke up, "Who is Lulu?" Blue didn't even blink before answering, "Lulu is Lust Sans, he's not a pervert so don't worry about me. Any other questions?"

Hello all you amazing people out there! You all have so much love I get giddy whenever I get a notification from Wattpad! Thank you all so, so, so much for your support! I have decided to give you a chapter to ask questions. You can ask questions any chapter but are there any questions you want to ask the character or even me, the writer? If you want you can have another character ask a question to see how they react! Like having Undyne ask if Carrot and Reds relationship is incest and at the same dating Edge, (they're in a polyamorous relationship, aka threesome) is masturbation. I will try to answer all your questions honestly! Love you all and thank you so much for your love!

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