By MsDimplz24

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Human Trafficking is a harsh reality we all have to deal with. Just remember this is FICTION/FAKE and in no w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 38

22 0 0
By MsDimplz24

Vlad observed her antics with their daughter with a puzzled frown. What was she trying to

accomplish? Irena wasn't pleased either, given the amount of crying she was doing and Azura

looked like she was on the verge of tears herself. From his vantage point, it looked like Azura was

attempting to play with her, but she was holding her as though she was a bomb and not a child. 

Neither of them looked pleased and the noise was getting to him.

"You're holding her wrong." He said by way of greeting as he entered the nursery. And of course, 

she frowned as she wasn't pleased with his input, but she tried to adjust her hold on Irena and

well.... made it worse. 

"Here." He said gesturing to Irena. She placed the baby in his hands, and he showed her what to 

do, silencing Irena in the process.

"Just make sure you support her back; she's getting good at supporting her own head and try

not to squeeze too tightly. It allows her to move in your arms." He told her placing a now quiet

Irena back in her arms. He adjusted her hands in position as he showed her. She frowned, and 

Vlad suggested. "Don't do that! Think happy thoughts. It relaxes her as well."

Azura took a deep breath and exhaled. Then made a tentative rocking motion. "Not too fast."

Vlad corrected, and she slowed her movements. "There, you see." He praised, smiling at her. 

"Please don't cry." He whispered when he saw her eyes fill with tears. "I didn't know how either. 

Mila taught me. And it took a while too. Don't feel too bad that you didn't."

"Mothers are supposed to know." She whispered tearfully.

"You weren't exactly in a mothering mood before." He admitted sadly, looking away from the

image she presented on the floor at his feet. It was a place he would have relished her being not

too long ago, but now...he hated seeing her look so beaten down.

Her tears turned to a frown as she agreed. "No, I wasn't."

"As long as you're willing to try...she'll be fine. Trying is what counts with children I hear." Vlad

said watching her carefully. "I just wish it worked that way with adults as well."

She glanced up at him then down to a smiling Irena. "Trying counts with adults too."

He took it as an invitation and fell to his knees behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

 "Maybe if I was a better husband, you would've already been a better mother. I made you hate 

our child..."

"No." Azura corrected. "I did that. I should've looked beyond your blood and love my own child." 

She turned partially in his arms and looked up at him. "I'm willing to start over." She whispered

snuggling into him. "I'm going to try, at least."

"We'll both be trying, so have some patience."

"I do have patience!" Vladimir screwed up his face in doubt and she corrected. "I will try to have

a little patience with you. But that's on you! If you act like a jerk, don't expect me not to throw 


"Agreed." He smirked then kissed her forehead. They sat like that on the floor, just being close

for a few minutes more then, Vlad stood and offered his hand. "Come wife, maybe a change of 

scenery is needed."

"Are you going to leave me on another island, Vlad?" Azura asked and he frowned. "Sorry."

"I only meant for us to take a walk." He clarified, and she went "Oh!"

He walked beside her with her holding their baby and it was the most peaceful pastime. He

didn't understand why he didn't do this sooner. Life would've been so much simpler and more

peaceful. He directed her into the gardens, and they took a seat near the fountains. He hated to

end it, but putting off this discussion would do them no good.

"The traitor said the Americans were behind the attack."

"So, what do we do now?"

"It was a lie," Vlad explained. "The traitor was English sent by my cousin."

"Your cousin?" Azura gasped in shock then frowned. "Are you sure? How do you know that?"

"I know how he thinks." And the fact that he was one of those rich buyers; Vlad thought it best if

he left that out. "My cousin is an English royal. Untouchable...for some. It's time you met my 

family." Vlad suggested.

"I'm confused...didn't he tried to kill me?"

"Which is why we pay him a visit. He needs to know, you are family now. Harming family isn't

allowed." Vlad explained.

"That's it! We tell him I'm family and he just...stops."

"Just so," Vlad assured her simply. "To do otherwise will bring forth a very public war neither of 

us wants nor can the world afford."

"And why did he say it was the Americans?"

"Because they're expendable and easily offence." He tacked on.

"None taken." She assured him.

"Besides it's better to have him as an ally than an enemy." He pointed out.

"And by me being declared family he becomes our ally?"

"Just so."

"Only the insanely rich can afford to be that strange," Azura stated, shaking her head. "Just who

is your cousin?"

"A prince." He evaded, smiling.

"You want to surprise me, don't you?"

"Shouldn't a husband want to give his wife surprises?" He teased.

"You just want to shock me. I think I know who he is anyway."

"Do you now?" Vlad sneered. "And do you know he had his wife killed for knowing too much?"

Her eyes widened, "You really do like to shock me."

"It wasn't meant to shock you. It was meant to warn you. He may be family, but he's far from

harmless. Accidents can happen. Never be alone with him." He warned.

"What about Irena?" Azura asked glancing at the sleeping child.

"He won't harm her. She's blood." Vladimir stated simply.

"And I'm not."

His face twisted as he explained. "You're a complication some very powerful men want to be rid 

of. We need him as an ally. I can't watch him and fight them."

"Who are the others?" I asked

He counted off. "Another prince, one or two heiresses, a few on one they are

no match but together, they can be a problem. Uniting will be their best-case scenario, but they 

do not know each other as we do. As long as that remains the case, you will be safe, the foolish 

American has already paid with his life, my cousin's doing. No one fails him."

"Why don't they just quit stealing people?" Azura hissed.

"Some of them need them to stay alive." He said sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"The heiress...she was cancerous. Instead of waiting for a donor the legal way, they buy the

entire body. She's not the only one to do so. Some use their blood to keep themselves young. It's

not always sex. Body parts are a huge part of it."

"I feel sick just talking about it." She groaned. "They act like their shopping in a grocery store 

and we're just...product."

"Ironically, that's what you're called," Vlad admitted.

"So why can't they just forget about this particular 'product'."

"Because this product can talk. Even if I were to let the world know about you now, I'd have to

explain where I found you. In Russia, they won't question but the others can make things

difficult and Stockholm syndrome would be blamed if you were to testify for me. I would have to

face a global tribunal if you were exposed. You can never be Azura King. You can only be the 


"I always wanted to know," Azura asked. "Where did you find me?"

"Egypt." He said simply.

"Egypt? With an American accent?"

"Your father was American travelling to Egypt, impregnated your mother, he stayed while you

were little then left during the conflict promising to return, she was poor, and my father saw you

on a visit there and brought you back as his ward. He died before finalizing the papers. I did so in

his memory and then I fell in love with you and we got married. End of."

"How very noble of you?" I sneered.

"Yes, telling Russian nobility my father bought product from human traffickers was not the story 

I wished to tell. No one will be telling that story, understood Azura." He said with a pointed look.

"That sounded a lot like the old Prince, making threats."

"This is serious!" Vlad ground out. "This is our family! Our lives! You cannot tell anyone where 

you came from!"

"What do you mean? I came from Egypt."

Relaxing, he praised. "Good. Let that be the tale."

"Anything else I should know about myself," Azura asked drolly.

"That's your Egyptian mother in the urn by the way. And your father is dead..."

"Actually, I don't know that." She said sadly.

Not understanding Vlad said. "I just told you..."

Azura waved him off correcting. "No, I meant my real father, I never knew my real father."

"Do you want to know your real father?" Vlad asked carefully.

Her eyes went wide. "You know who my father is, don't you?"

"I asked your mother," Vlad stated. He was angry at the time and wanted to know the sort of

man who would abandon his child. "He's married and he's well off. He's a partner in a 

prestigious law firm." He sneered then added, "You have a half-brother."

"Why didn't he ..."

"He just wanted do I say this...taste the coffee. His actual words by the way. Your

mother getting pregnant wasn't something he wanted. He told her to abort you. Even gave her 

money for it."

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