The Founders Four

By ForteOProtegat

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The lives of the Four Founders of the legendary school of Hogwarts has remained a mystery - until now. This s... More

Godric Gryffindor
The Fight
The Invitation
The Arival
That Fateful Day
Benedick Greyson
Lord Salazar
A Little Charm Goes A Long Way
Through The Snow
A Most Unwelcome Guest
Uninvited Company
A Good Shot
Godric's Discovery
A Big Mistake
No Smoke Without Fire
Arthur's Idea
The Past Hurts
The Promise
The Return
Bad News
The Serpent Whisperer
An Urge For Adventure
A Little Assistance
Stand And Deliver!
The Decision
A Narrow Escape
Just A Thought
The Parting Of The Ways
The Search
The Proposal
A Helping Hand
Dark Teachings
The Grand Feast


31 1 0
By ForteOProtegat

The very next morning the four friends found themselves waking up very early due to their excitement. After a comfortable but rather cramped night in Alexis's little cottage they were eager to get outside and put their idea of a school into action. After running the idea past Alexis, who thought it was quite brilliant, they were all feeling rather optimistic. They'd also been told that Lord Schreiver's castle was in fact free for the taking. Once they'd obtained the keys from the old man who still took to tending to the stable yard and such, who was more than happy to hand the burden on to someone else, they hurried out of the village. Polly came with them, who also thought their idea was a grand one. She was to show them around the old castle, as she knew it like the back of her hand. It was also a useful thing, as she'd warned them that some rooms were unsafe and she'd be able to keep them from harm.

"Well, it's certainly in need of some rebuilding," Rowena muttered. She was speaking rather quietly for fear that the vibrations of sound may cause the roof to fall in on them.

They all stood in what was once the great hall, a place Lord Schreiver would feast with his many guests. It was a sad sight to see it like this, with great amounts of stone and rubble strewn across the floor. Most of the castle was in this state, with sections of stone missing from the walls, and some rooms had caved in completely. Godric was quite astounded that it had all stood standing for this long. The only room that seemed in decent condition was where the food had once been prepared. All in all, though, the situation seemed bad and their high spirits soon fell.

"I didn't realise it was this bad," Godric said sadly.

"Well, it's been like this for years, just deteriorating," Polly explained. "I think the damp that's set in was an issue to begin with."

"Then we'll have to start from scratch," Godric said.

"That's a little extreme, don't you think?" Salazar pointed out, looking worried. "It'd be a troublesome job to take on. It could take years to complete."

"Not with the help of magic," he murmured, looking thoughtful as they made their way back out into the autumn sunshine. "Maybe everyone in the village will lend a hand."

He really hoped they were all generous people because he didn't see how this giant task would get done otherwise.

"Of course, we'll need someone to draw up plans," Rowena pointed out.

"I think I know of someone," Helga grinned.

She was staring down the hillside towards Hubert, who was hurrying towards them, waving in greeting.

"Morning!" He called. "My mother told me what you're all up to - utter genius!"

"And you wouldn't stand in the way of genius, would you, Hubert?" Helga asked.

"Of course not!" He replied, looking slightly puzzled.

"Good, because we need your help!"

Once they had explained the predicament they were in Hubert was more than happy to help them. Just an hour later he began talking about all the things he could do with such space; he seemed very excited. He also seemed to think that they could adopt not only teaching magic but creating a magical environment, which all seemed very appealing when he spoke of secret passages and moving staircases.


Over the next week Hubert had managed to draw up some amazing plans for their new castle. Whilst he'd busied himself with this Godric and the others had all managed to get the villagers to agree to help. There weren't all that many villagers but Godric was confident things would go to plan.

"Here it is," Hubert announced excitedly.

They all gathered around the plans he'd brought with him, sheltered beneath the shade of the trees near the vast lake. They were so amazed by what he was showing them that no one spoke as he talked them through every room and secret passageway.

"Can we really do all this?" Godric asked quietly, still blown away by the prospect that this was actually going to happen.

"Of course," Hubert nodded. "It will take a lot of time and effort but your school should be build within three years!"

"That's wonderful!" Rowena smiled. "That'll give us time to scour the country for our students!"

"But how will we do that without arousing suspicion from the mortals?" Salazar asked, looking rather concerned.

"We'll send information all about what we're planning through the oldest of wizarding families," Helga said. "And the rest I suppose we'll have to find ourselves."

"That won't be easy," Salazar sighed. "You three are practically outlaws now! If any of you are caught out then we'll be in big trouble."

"We can't just leave it to you!" Godric exclaimed.

"Why? Am I not trusted?" He snapped, rather offended by this outburst.

"Of course you are!" He insisted. "It's just that...we can't leave all that hard work to you! It'd be dangerous too. We should all chip in."

"I agree," Polly nodded. "But perhaps you should cross that bridge when you come to it. For now, we have a more pressing matter."

"What's what?" Rowena asked.

"A name. You haven't named this school of yours!"

"Oh..." Godric grunted, glancing awkwardly at the others. "I hadn't thought of that."

"Perhaps we should name it in gratitude to the village for offering to help us," Helga suggested.

"Hogsmeade school?" Salazar muttered, not looking too keen.

"Good idea but it doesn't have a very good ring to it," Godric replied.

", that's the inn," Rowena mumbled.

They all sat in silence, looking rather confused.

"What about Hogwarts?" Polly suggested, looking uncertain.

"Hogwarts? Hogwarts! Yeah, I like that!" Godric beamed, mulling it over in his mind.

"Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" Rowena smiled. "I think it's great!"

"Then we're all decided?" Hubert asked. They all nodded in agreement and he hastily scribbled the name at the top of the plans. It felt good to see it like this, as though it was all final and definite.

"Of course, we're still missing something," Polly pointed out.

"What's that?" Godric asked in confusion.

"A crest."

"What? Like a family crest?"

"Well, everyone will be like a big family once we're ready to teach," Helga pointed out. "We're helping our kind. In such times of danger we have to stick together!"

"But some will differ," Rowena pointed out. "Most will not see eye to eye."

"A fair point," Polly nodded, staring between them all. "Then there shall be four houses, four families!"

"Why four?" Salazar asked.

"Because there are four of you!" She chuckled. "Gryffindor house for those that are brave and fearless, Ravenclaw house for those that are smart and quick to learn, Hufflepuff house for those that are friends to all and Slytherin house for those that are skilled and powerful!" She announced, pointing to each of them in turn.

They all stared at each other, looking quite amazed.

"That sounds perfect!" Hubert smiled.

"Polly, your brilliant!" Godric chuckled, smiling fondly at her.

"And their crests?" Hubert asked, quill suspended upon his parchment.

"I think Rowena should be a raven," Polly said matter-of-factly. "The smartest animal you could find!"

"I shall be a serpent," Salazar said. "I have a fondness for snakes."

"Alright," Hubert nodded, sketching these down.

"But what about me?" Godric asked, looking confused. "I don't know what I could be."

"That's easy!" Polly laughed, eyes twinkling. "You're a big, strong lion!"

He chuckled at this, remembering the flower she'd given him all those years ago. She'd said it reminded her of him because it looked so much like a lion.

"And me?" Helga put in.

"A mouse," Godric suggested. "You remind me of a mouse."

"Do I?" She giggled.

"Oh...I can't draw mice," Hubert muttered.

"Hubert, of all the brilliant things you can do...and yet you can't draw a mouse!" Helga exclaimed, looking highly amused.

"I could draw a badger instead?"

"A badger?" She muttered, thinking it over. "Okay, I like that idea."

After waiting a moment or two Hubert stopped scribbling away and showed them the rough ideas of their crests. He'd also sketched another, which had each of their animals around a bold letter H.

"Oh, it's wonderful!" Rowena beamed.

"Well done!" Godric said, impressed.

"So there we have it!" Salazar smiled. "Our school. Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"


Over the weeks that followed the residents of Hogsmeade began their work on the castle. Godric had, of course, offered to pay them all for their help. Far sooner than everyone had expected, the remnants of Lord Schreiver's castle had been brought to the ground. The rubble that remained had its uses, however. The women of the village helped transform these blocks of stone into fresh new ones to build up the foundations and make the castle even stronger. With Hubert overlooking all the work, the lower levels soon began to take shape, where they planned to build a new underground kitchen. Salazar had even had the idea to build a small harbour within a cavernous area beneath the mountain that overlooked the huge lake.

The only thing that was concerning Godric was the fact that he thought this was rather disrespectful. This had been Lord Schreiver's home, after all, and he didn't think he'd appreciate seeing it like this!

"Don't feel bad," Rowena said quietly to him, sensing his concerns. "He'd be proud of you."

This did wonders to make Godric feel better. She always had the knack for that.


Salazar felt rather alone, even though he had his friends with him. He also rather felt like Godric was taking charge of the situation, along with Hubert - of all the people! He tried to let this pass over his head. He rather thought that he'd be sick of power by now, after having to carry out his duties as Lord of Southern England. Somehow, though, this project of theirs was far more appealing and he wanted to contribute a little more than what he was currently.

He soon decided to contact his uncle and Belle. In all the excitement he'd forgotten that they'd probably be awfully worried about him. He'd also decided to contact Benedick and tell him of their plans, as he'd been good enough to take over Salazar's duties down in London. He was very grateful of this and rather thought that, after all he'd taught him about magic, he'd be eager to hear about the idea for a school.


It seemed that Benedick was indeed very eager to see this school because just a week later he surprised Salazar by turning up in the Hog's Head one night. Salazar was one of the few in there, as Godric and the others were busy mulling over the plans for secret doorways and such with Hubert. Salazar was pleased to see a familiar face.

"There he is!" Benedick chuckled, shaking his hand.

"This is a surprise. I wasn't expecting you!"

"I always did like the element of surprise! So...where are your friends from the forest?" He asked, glancing around and looking rather relieved that they weren't there.

"Oh," he muttered quietly. "They're dealing with a few unfinished plans."

"Without you?"

"Well..." He began, trailing off.

"Let me guess," he said, lowering his voice. "That loud-mouthed Scot the Princess loves more than her own father fancies himself as first in charge, eh?"

"Well, he does but I could be if I wanted to," he added quickly. "I just thought I'd humour him!"

Benedick laughed at this, gratefully taking the mead that was handed to him from the bartender.

"How are things down in London?" Salazar asked, wondering if the king had noticed how suspicious his absence was.

"As well as can be expected," he nodded. "The king hasn't cottoned on, if that's what you meant," he added, winking at him. "As a matter of fact, he's quite enjoying having me at his side for the time being, what with all the stress he's had to endure of late."

"He doesn't know about Rowena, does he?" He demanded.

"No. Her secret's safe with me," he smiled, eyes remaining cold.

"Thank you Benedick. You are a true friend!"

"And I was under the misconception that they were your friends," he murmured, nodding in the direction of the door.

"They are," he insisted.

"Better watch them," he warned, raising his eyebrows above a serious expression. "If you're out of the picture for too long they might get ideas."

"Ideas? What do you mean?"

"Well..." he said slowly. "They might change the plans for the school, plans you've all agreed to. They'll try to put their own mark upon it. I'm guessing they'll each want some glory all their own."

"But they wouldn't do that, not without me," he assured him, beginning to doubt this himself.

"But they are right now," he pointed out, taking another drink from his tankard. "Perhaps they don't trust you."

"What? Why wouldn't they trust me?"

"Well, you're the outcast. They've severed all their ties - the princess with her royal heritage, the young Hufflepuff girl with the land that would have offered her refuge if she hadn't cavorted with that peasant. And, of course, that boy never had anything to lose to begin with. I'd trust him least of all."

"Godric is my friend. A good friend!" He said defiantly.

"Friendships can change, my boy," he grunted, his face taking on a dark expression in the candlelight. "You still have ties with England. They are jealous, I expect. Perhaps they think you'll turn them in."

"I'd never do that!"

Benedick surveyed him for a moment, a faint smile curling the edges of his thin mouth.

"You must have great belief in this school of yours."

"I do!"

"Then you intend to stay here in Scotland for as long as necessary?" He asked seriously.

"Yes," he said, after a slight pause.

"That's wonderful. I'm sure this school will be a great success. There's just one problem, however."

"What's that?" He asked, his heart skipping a beat.

"You still remain a Lord. Your duties will need to be carried out and I fear it is terribly impractical for you to travel between Scotland and England every other week."

"I realise this," he muttered anxiously.

"Might I suggest a simple yet effective solution?"

"Of course!"

"You allow me to take care of things in London for you. I will be more than happy to set things in order."

"You'd do that?" He asked hopefully.

"Of course," he smiled. "Though, there is a slight problem. At present my powers are limited, for I am only assisting with your duties. For me to help further I would need to be given full power."

"I see..." He muttered slowly, wondering what this could mean.

"All it would take is one little signature, allowing me powers in your place," he said casually, withdrawing something from inside his cloak. He unfolded this amount of parchment and placed it before him. "This would ensure that you are kept within the fold of high society, I'll make sure of that, but it'll mean you're free to go about your business here. Like I said, simple, yet effective." Salazar stared uncertainly down at the parchment. Could he really afford to sign away what was rightfully his? What would his parents say? This had once been their responsibility. But, then again, they'd be so proud of the school he was helping to create. "Well...?"

Salazar hastily took the quill Benedick handed him and scrawled his signature. Benedick smiled cheerily and put it back inside his cloak, rising to his feet.

"Very good, I wish your school all the luck in the world. And Salazar...make sure you put your own mark on it, won't you?" He winked. "Oh," he added hastily, before leaving the Inn. "I wouldn't advise you to tell the others I was here. Let's face it, they might think you're up to no good."


The next day a dark carriage came trundling its way up to the castle, where building work was still going strong. Salazar was thrilled when two very familiar people stepped out.

"Uncle!" He called, abandoning the work he'd been doing and hurrying over.

"Salazar, it's so good to see you!" Belle cried, engaging in a tight embrace. Her eyes looked red and puffy, as though she'd been crying.

"And you!" He smiled, his heart soaring terrifyingly fast.

"When I heard what you were up to..." Arthur began to say, looking around in a rather impressed way. "Well, I had to see for myself. Well done, my boy!"

"Thank you. I can't take all the credit, of course. Oh, these are my friends, the other founders," he said, spotting them and beckoning them over.

"Hello there," Godric beamed in greeting. "You must be Salazar's uncle. I've heard a lot about you!"

"And I, you," he replied, shaking his hand. "And this beautiful young thing must be your princess?" He smiled, indicating Rowena with open arms and then proceeding to kiss her hand. "It's an honour to meet you, my dear!"

"And you."

"And this is Helga," Godric added.

"Ah, Hufflepuff? Wonderful to meet you!" She smiled politely in reply.

Everyone's gaze had now fallen upon Belle, who was standing awkwardly by Salazar. He had taken to staring fondly at her but soon snapped out of his stupor when he realised that everyone was staring.

"Oh, this is Belle," he said quickly. "She...well, she's my - "

"Abandon site!" Someone yelled suddenly, as great streams of rain decided to plummet from the dark, sinister clouds above.

"We had better get inside!" Godric insisted. "Come with me. The Hog's Head's the closest place."

Once they were safely inside and could hear the heavy rain thundering down outside Salazar and the others explained all about the plans for their school. They were soon joined by Hubert, who revealed the new draft of plans, which Arthur was very impressed with.

"And how will you locate the students that may keep their magic a secret?" Arthur asked.

"Well," Rowena replied, who'd devised a way they could go about this. "It will be time consuming but we think it best to scour the country. We'll investigate any strange goings on and, hopefully, it will lead us to a young witch or wizard."

"You're so dedicated!" He smiled. "Just what our kind needs."

"Where will you look first?" Belle asked, also intrigued by the whole idea.

"Well, we thought we'd each take an area of land," Rowena explained. "Helga will take Ireland, as she already knows of a few wizarding families in that area, myself and Godric will take Wales, as there's less chance we'll get caught out, and Salazar will take England."

"Then there's Alexis Dumbledore," Godric added. "She's offered to search Scotland for us."

"You've got it all worked out. That's what I like to see!"

"You know," Belle said quietly, speaking to Salazar. "England is a very big place to search alone. You'll need help. I could help you."

"It could be dangerous," he warned, trying to hide the fact that he desperately wanted her with him.

"And I suppose you get to have all the fun? I might like a little adventure too!"

"Oh, I agree!" Arthur boomed, who'd overheard them. "Take her with you, boy. She'll keep you out of trouble!"

Salazar just smiled down at her, amazed at how well everything had worked out.

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