The Founders Four

By ForteOProtegat

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The lives of the Four Founders of the legendary school of Hogwarts has remained a mystery - until now. This s... More

Godric Gryffindor
The Fight
The Invitation
The Arival
That Fateful Day
Benedick Greyson
Lord Salazar
A Little Charm Goes A Long Way
Through The Snow
A Most Unwelcome Guest
Uninvited Company
A Good Shot
Godric's Discovery
A Big Mistake
No Smoke Without Fire
Arthur's Idea
The Past Hurts
The Promise
The Return
Bad News
The Serpent Whisperer
An Urge For Adventure
A Little Assistance
Stand And Deliver!
The Decision
A Narrow Escape
Just A Thought
The Parting Of The Ways
The Search
The Proposal
A Helping Hand
Dark Teachings
The Grand Feast


26 1 0
By ForteOProtegat

Neither Godric or Rowena really had time to consider the current situation or the fact that their new friend was risking his life inside that castle all for the sake of their love. They hastily leapt onto the horse as Alan came to a stop. It couldn't take the weight of all of them so he leapt down.

"Five miles or so from here there's an abandoned old farm surrounded by a forest. Go north and you'll find it."

"What about Helga?" Godric demanded, looking horrified. He hated the thought of being responsible for her death.

"She'll be fine!" Alan insisted. "John will get her out. You must hurry, the guards are coming!"

With a flutter of the heart and an uncomfortable churning of his gut, Godric spotted them racing towards them from the other side of the castle. He nodded in understanding to Alan, hoping that his words would ring true, and then kicked the horse into action, which immediately started to gallop down towards the city. Rowena clung on tightly, deciding to keep her eyes closed. She could hear unfamiliar sounds all around her, dreading that they may be her father's men.

Once they'd thundered their way down to the main part of the city, the horse's hooves echoing loudly against the cobbles, Godric realised that the panic wasn't over yet. The guards had taken a short cut and had gained on them quite considerably. The peasants that were milling about in the streets weren't helping matters either. Godric was forced to dodge around them, coming close to bowling a few over a number of times. As he steered the horse away from danger he could hear Rowena making noises of worry right behind him, which only spurred him on.

"Stop him!" He heard one of the guards roaring at the peasants.

None of them really seemed eager to help, which relieved Godric somewhat. His heart skipped a beat when he spotted a high fence, beyond which lay rolling bands of countryside. He knew that, if he could jump it, they'd be on their way to freedom. If the horse faltered, however, they'd be captured within seconds. Rowena seemed to know what he was thinking because she clung on more forcefully. She obviously wasn't keen on the idea.

"Godric..." She pleaded.

He made his choice, knowing that they would soon be caught anyway if they took the long way around. He urged the horse to go faster, which obliged immediately. As they hurtled towards the fence Godric bend low against the horse's neck, preparing for the jump. Rowena squeaked nervously and he could tell she had her eyes tightly shut. At the last second, just when he found himself doubting the horse, he was thrilled when it quite easily cleared the fence. It landed a little haphazardly once on the other side but maintained its footing, soon gaining its speed again.

"Are they still following us?" Godric called.

Rowena nervously turned her head around and was relieved to see that all of their horses had skidded to a halt behind the fence. The men were shouting in annoyance and waving their fists. This relief didn't last long, however, as another of the guards shot out of nowhere, his horse clearing the fence easily.

"There's another still giving chase. He's coming up fast!" She warned, clinging tightly onto Godric again.

Godric urged the horse on, which was already struggling with the speed, but could hear the last guard thundering towards them. The hooves pounded along the soft ground and, judging by the noises Rowena was making, he was almost upon them.


"I can't go any faster!"

Rowena could see the guard's nasty eyes behind his helmet and felt white hot anger course through her body. She had come this far, she'd escaped her father's clutches, she was going to be with the man she loved...she wasn't about to let one stupid guard take all that away from her. She knew full well that what she was about to do was incredibly risky but didn't see any other option.

She thought back to all the spells she'd read about in her books and felt the adrenaline run through her at the prospect of putting one of them into practice. Concentrating hard, she shot a bright bolt of light towards the guard. In the split second that preceded the impact she saw his eyes widen in shock within the helmet. She knew her aim was good as he was knocked clean off his steed, crumpling to the ground. After a few moments he looked up, rather dazed, but knew he'd never catch the princess now.

"You did it!" Godric cried, laughing with relief.

She smiled and leant in close to him, breathing in the smell of his cloak. Now they were free.


After what felt like an age they managed to reach the deserted farm Alan had told them about. It was rather sinister the way it unexpectedly loomed from between the trees, even in daylight. It was in a bad state with many of the outbuildings barely still in tact. It would do, though; anything was better than being anywhere near the king.

"To be amongst the trees!" Rowena beamed, once they'd tethered up the horse and settled down to wait for the others.

"When was the last time you were outside?" Godric asked, smiling serenely at her.

"I can't even remember," she sighed. "Tragic, isn't it?" Her face fell as her thoughts caught up with her.

"What's wrong?" Godric asked, worried she might be having second thoughts about running away.

"I just...I hate to think what might have happened if you hadn't come for me. What made you come back? I was so horrid before."

"I came back because I love you. I knew I'd eternally regret leaving you to a life with that prince and so I had to take a chance."

"I'm glad you did!"

He was pleased to hear this and kissed her. To hold her close like this, miles from anyone, was what he'd always wanted. He felt all the worries and problems they'd have to face drift away, for this moment - their moment - was perfect.

"Where will we live?" She asked quietly.

"In Scotland, I expect. For a while now I've been staying in a village called Hogsmeade. You'll love it. It's full of people like us...people of magic!"

"It sounds wonderful!" She smiled. "My magic!" She gasped suddenly. "I revealed it to the guard that followed us. He will tell my father!"

"It's okay," Godric assured her. "He won't find you. Tomorrow we'll be far from here."

She nodded, calming somewhat as he held her close.

"What's that noise?" She asked warily.

Godric's hearing sharpened as he heard a rustling a short distance from them. He instinctively grabbed the handle of his sword. The sound of hooves grew louder but he relaxed somewhat as they drew nearer.

"Robin, you escaped!" He exclaimed, when his exhausted form came into view.

"You sound surprised, my friend!"

He was in a bad way, with many cuts and bruises, but there seemed to be no serious damage. Alan seemed to have got caught up in some form of scuffle as he had a black eye and a bleeding lip. John, who Godric guessed no one would be foolish enough to fight, was unharmed.

"But where's - Helga!" He beamed, as she stepped out from behind John's giant form. "Are you okay?" He asked, hoping that his embrace would signify how grateful he was that she'd helped him.

"I'm fine," she insisted.

"It's so good to see you," Rowena said, also rushing forwards to hug her.

"You too...and outside that castle for once!"

"But..." Godric said slowly, his heart chilling with dread. "Where's Salazar? He wasn't captured?"

"How dare you suggest such a thing!"

This voice sounded from the band of trees that the others had just materialised from, along with the sound of a horse's hooves. Godric beamed with relief when he saw the pale face of his good friend glowing in the moonlight.

"I apologise!" He laughed.

"Well, apology accepted. It was a rather close call if I'm honest but I got away!"

"If I may suggest that we retire to the old barn," Robin put in. "We are still within the London and danger lies everywhere."

"Of course," Salazar nodded, leading the way.

They all nestled within the shadows, trying to make themselves comfortable for the night. This was easier said than done, as every sound beyond the barn walls sounded like hooves or a knight dismounting his horse.


Back at the castle all was silent. All the guests had long since been sent home. The king and queen were mortified by what had happened and it seemed that, due to this terrible occurrence, ties between England and France would forever be severed. Edmund had been furious and, although the king was a proud man, he felt shame beyond anything at his own daughter.

For most of the evening he'd locked himself up in his private tower room, commanding that he wasn't disturbed. He was, in actual fact, mulling over his own thoughts and feelings. A part of him wanted to find Rowena and reason with her but another part of him wanted her dead...his own daughter. It was a cruel thing to think but quite rational in his opinion, after everything she'd done!

A few floors below the very guard that had witnessed Rowena's hidden traits was storming his way up to the king. He had to let him know what his daughter truly was. This would mean that she'd be hunted down and burnt at the stake, as was the correct method for dealing with those who practiced witchcraft. It was probably a very lucky thing that Benedick Greyson happened to be heading in this guard's direction.

"Sorry Sir!" The guard said quickly, after almost walking into him.

"And where are you off to?" He demanded.

"I must see the king!"

"At this hour? Quite out of the question!"

"But it's important!" He insisted. "It's about the princess," he explained, lowering his voice to barely more than a hiss.

"Well, I'm sure whatever it is can wait until morning!"

"This can't, Sir," he said seriously, throwing him a meaningful stare. Benedick was intrigued by this. Even by the dim, flickering quality of the torches on the walls he could tell it was an urgent piece of information.

"Then tell me. I shall deliver the message to the king in the morning."

The guard looked rather uncomfortable at this prospect. It was quite obvious that he wanted to deliver the information personally, probably so that he could feel important.

"Come on, man, spit it out!" He snapped, making him flinch.

"The princess...she...she's..." He took a deep breath, as though this caused him great effort. "I saw it with my own eyes, Sir."

"What did you see?" Benedick demanded impatiently.

"She has magic," he breathed, his eyes wide with fear. "She used her evil powers upon me. She's a witch!"

"Are you certain?" He asked calmly, looking rather surprised at this news.

"Yes! So you see, Sir, it's vital that I let the king know!"

"Oh, no you don't!" He said quickly, grabbing his arm before he made to run up the stairwell that led to the king's room.

"But, Sir - "

"You think the king needs to hear something like that after the day he's had?" He demanded. "Think about it, you fool!"

"But he must know!"

"Yes, he will," he retorted, becoming rather annoyed. "But I will be the one to tell him, not some foolish guard!"

He looked rather put out by this, obviously wanting to deliver the news himself.

"Yes, Sir," he muttered, rather begrudgingly. "What do you think he'll make of it?"

"Well," he said slowly, raising his eyebrows. "I feel it will break his heart. He does not deserve another disappointment like this. Our poor ruler..."

"Of course," the guard said quietly, looking thoughtful. "Then maybe it's better if he doesn't know at all?"

"I think that would be best," he nodded. "But he has his ways of finding things out so you must never speak of this again, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," he stammered.

"Good. Off you go then!" He commanded, when the guard remained, looking rather baffled. Once he'd scuttled out of sight, leaving Benedick alone in the corridor, he glanced up into the darkness of the stairwell. "Not to worry, your majesty..."


The next day dawned slowly, the sun beginning to illuminate all the trees surrounding the farm, making them look like sinister, withered hands. It was safe to say that everyone awoke early, not keen on remaining so close to London for long.

"What will you do, Salazar?" Rowena asked, as everyone busied themselves with the loading up of the horses. "Return to your uncle's home?"

"Eventually," he replied. "For now I should like to see that my friends are settled in safely."

She smiled in response to this. He was a true friend to do so.

"Well," Robin said seriously. "You have a long journey ahead of you. We will escort you some of the way," he smiled, indicating John and Alan.

"That's very kind of you," Helga smiled, blushing slightly.

"Who's that?" Godric demanded suddenly. His heart jumped into his throat when he spotted a horse galloping their way through the trees.

"Hold your fire!" Salazar said quickly, as Robin loaded his bow and Godric readied his sword. "It's just Benedick."

"The man who works for the king?" Helga demanded, looking horrified. "How did he know where to look for us?"

"I told him where we'd be."

"You did what?" Godric snarled, rounding on him.

"No need to worry," he insisted. "If he'd come to capture us he would have brought the king's men. He can be trusted, I assure you!"

Godric exchanged a dark look with Robin, both of them looking rather doubtful.

"Salazar!" Benedick called buoyantly.

"Hello, Benedick," he replied. "Any news from the castle?"

"I'm afraid so," he nodded. They could tell by his tone that it wasn't good news. "I'm afraid you've been caught out, miss," he said seriously, pointing to Rowena. Her face became paler than it already was and she looked rather guilty. "One of the guards knows you're a witch."

"And my father?" She asked urgently.

"I have managed to keep such information from him thus far. However," he added, just when she sighed with relief. "He may still find out. I'm sure you're aware what this would mean?" She nodded sadly. "I suggest you reside far from here. You have somewhere safe in mind?"

"A village in Scotland," Godric replied.

"Good," he smiled. "It should be good for all of you there. I trust there's room for even Salazar?"

"Me?" He barked, looking rather shocked.

"Of course," he said silkily.

"But what of my duties as Lord of Southern England?" He demanded. "I cannot just leave!"

"I'm afraid that is the only option," he insisted, the sadness he expressed not quite reaching his eyes. "Until things calm down, you understand?"

"Won't it look rather suspicious if I were to just vanish?"

"Not at all!"

"But what of my duties. Who will - ?"

"Need you look any further?" He asked calmly, opening his arms wide. "I will be more than happy to ensure that all your affairs are kept in check. I will merely tell the king you needed a little time for rest."

"You're sure?" Salazar asked awkwardly.

"Of course! That's what I'm for. Besides, you must ensure that your friends and the princess are in safe hands. Young Rowena has suffered for too long."

"Thank you, Benedick," Rowena smiled, obviously bowled over by his generosity. Godric and Robin, however, were still rather sceptical towards him, not too hasty to trust him just yet.

"I will keep you informed," Benedick said to Salazar, mounting his horse once more. "As for you," he said coldly, staring superiorly down at Robin and his men. "I suggest you keep your heads low. There is little I can do to protect outlaws."

"We wouldn't want the protection of someone like you anyhow," John replied nastily.

"A good job then," he sneered. "Good day to you!"

They all watched him ride off into the trees once more. Godric wasn't sure that he trusted this man. At least no one had been foolish enough to reveal where in Scotland Hogsmeade was.


"This is where we must leave you, friends!" Robin announced.

Later that afternoon, when the sun was hanging low in the sky and causing an amber glow to illuminate everything, the congregation reached a fork in the road. Robin and his men now had to return to Sherwood forest.

"Robin, I can't express how grateful I am for everything you've done," Godric insisted. "I am forever in your debt."

"No, my friend, I am forever in yours. You, all of you, showed me the good points in adventure. I shall never stand down for what I believe in again. Besides, I'd do anything to help the course of true love run smoothly." He smiled fondly around at them all. "I wish you all the best in your futures, whatever they may bring."

"You can come and see us in Scotland whenever you like," Helga said quickly.

"And don't think I won't," he grinned, his beaming smile causing her to blush. "For now, however, we must bid you farewell. I expect we'll meet again...some day..."

And with that he rode off into the surrounding trees, John and Alan following close behind. It seemed that Robin Hood was indeed a legend.

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