The Lunar Witch

By BlackRockShooterstar

2K 51 8

When the Van Aifreed pirate crew was attacking an exorcist ship, Eizen saves a mysterious female malak that w... More

Chapter 1: Destined Meeting
Chapter 2: Reawakening
Opening 1
Chapter 3: Encounter
Chapter 4: Vortigern, The Sea Gate Fortress
Chapter 5: Escape From The Fortress

Chapter 6: Loegress

155 5 3
By BlackRockShooterstar

Help me come up with a name for Diana's old master!


The next morning, the group arrived in Port Taliesin. Eizen and Diana on the other hand didn't mention anything about what had happened the night before. The female malak knew that Eizen was still angry over what her old master did to her but she knew he really cared about her. Diana blushed at the times Eizen took care of her after the incident in the Fighal Icecaps a few days ago, the earth malak would use his free time to check on her until she recovered.

Eizen got off the Van Eltia with the rest of the group in tow. Diana stretched as they finally got to mainland after days on sea, the port was as bustiling as ever since the last time the malak was at this port.

"Now this is refreshing! Sailing into port like normal people." Rokurou said.

"Well done, boy. The sharks are gonna go hungry tonight." Magilou said to the boy malak, it was her way of giving him a compliment.

"Yes, I'm glad." Laphicet nodded.

"This won't be a problem? Docking a pirate ship here?" Velvet asked as a man came forward the ship to Eizen and Diana.

"So, how were the northern seas, Eizen?" asked the older man who seems to be the owner of the port and obviously knew the blond malak.

"Hellawes and Vortigern are in ruins. Trade with Northgand will likely be disrupted for quite some time." Eizen replied.

"Well, I like the sound of that. I'll have to act quickly."

"Any word of the captain?" the pirate malak asked.

"Aye. It's an old rumor, but they say Captain Aifread was sent to Titania."

"The island prison overseen by the exorcists, eh? We'll have to look into that."

"The Island Prison isn't easy to escape from." Diana explained, confused. "Especially considering that exorcists are in control of it."

"I registered your vessel as one of our merchantmen, same as always. But even so, stay on guard. There's a grand ceremony being held in Loegres, lots of watchful eyes about." The man said as he looked at the girl. "Considering that the lady here is the witch of your crew has been rumored across the land, she's quite the beauty." Diana blushed in embarrassment at the sentence and looked away with her hands on her face.

"We'll be on the lookout." Eizen answered and the man left.

"He flirted with me, didn't he?" Diana mumbled.

"Probably. Be careful, alright." Eizen said with a smile. Diana peeked between her fingers at the first mate before taking them away and smiled.

"Don't bother going to Titania. You won't find Aifread there." Velvet said seeing the pirate malakhim approaching them.

"And how do you know that?" Eizen asked.

"Because I escaped from there. And before I did, I heard something from the prisoners. They said Aifread was the only prisoner to ever get out alive...And that he was taken by an old exorcist named Melchior." Velvet explained to the two.

"Lord Melchior is an elder legate of the Abbey. He should always be present at the headquarters." the boy malak gave his thought, information anyone from the exorcist institution would know.

"Don't call him Lord." Velvet scolded him.

"Van Aifread's our captain. It's starting to look like his disappearance has connections with the highest levels of the Abbey." Eizen pointed out.

"You've told me about his disappearance." Diana said confused. "Once we're done here, then I'll do a divination just in case."

"Their headquarters should be in the capital, right?" the witch asked.

"Yes, at the royal Villa in Loegres. I've never been there, though." Laphicet said.

"And Velvet, your business is with a man in the capital, right?" Rokurou asked.

"Looks like we're all headed to the same place." Eizen said.

"Well, they did help us." The female malak said seriously. "I don't see why we can't go to Loegres together."

"I won't apologize for involving you." the black haired woman said.

"Usually I'm the one who says that." The First Mate answered.

"Can I ask the two of you something?" Rokurou brought up which confused the two. "What were those things that Diana summoned back there? I find it really interesting."

"My powers allow me to summon the Zodiacs." Diana replied nervously. "As well create other living beings to existence except human beings." Everyone seemed to be shocked at the statement except Eizen, after all he's seen her use it in full power before.

"Her Zodiac summons give her additional abilities that she can use in battle, though I've never seen her use them." Eizen continued for her, lying a bit. "Zodiacs like Leo and Gemini are for offense while the one Diana summoned yesterday, Aries, is all for support. She's a very powerful ally."

"It almost sounds like the Lunar Witch in a lot of ways." Velvet pointed out.

"You've heard about her too?" Eizen asked and Velvet nodded as an answer.

"Me too, but I find it hard to believe she exists." Magilou said as well which confused the other three.

"I'm not sure I follow." Rokurou said unsure together with Diana, who nodded in agreement.

"Who's the 'Lunar Witch'?" Laphicet asked, curious.

"The 'Lunar Witch' is a myth about a beautiful maiden, who presumably can only be seen under the moonlight like a ghost or spirit, walking around the Midgand Empire." Magilou explained. "She's been around for a very long time and some say that she could be the Moon Goddess Selena in spiritual form, though only a few have seen her."

"We malakhim have heard of her as well." Eizen pointed out seriously. "Her blessing says to bring miracles and salvation to those that have hope and faith. It says that she comes from the moon herself and a messenger of the Empyreans."

"I believe in it, though I've never seen her with my own eyes." Velvet mumbled to herself.

"She sounds really powerful." Laphicet pointed out excited. "I want to meet her someday."

"To be fair, I don't know who I was before I was caught by my master." Diana said unsure. "I might be regaining my memories, but I think you're up for a disappointment."

The group then decided to leave the port and check ahead. There were plenty of people around. No surprise since this was the main port of Midgand. All kinds of merchants would come here to make their business. It was also the best place to gather any kind of information. Leaving through the gates of Port Zekson. The group was met with the high road known as the Dannan Highway. It was quite beautiful with the sun shining upon the land. Filled with vegetation and a small amount of trees.

The past hour has been quite interesting. The group has engaged in a lot of battles. The Dannan Highway has it's monsters. Creatures that were hostile and weren't planning to let any visitors go off easily. They had to fight wolves, snakes, the ape creature known as Gibbon and the bird type axe beak. The birds were the most annoying to deal with. They had to rely more on their break artes to cause more damage. Either way they emerged victorious, with little damage taken on their side. If it comes to that, Diana can heal them, no problem.

As always Magilou was doing nothing. Just sitting on the side lines. Diana asked the rest of the group of why it was that way but they didn't know why except she needed something for her magic. As they took a turn, the group was met by a stone bridge. They were very near to the capital. Once they crossed it, they were able to see people in the distance. Straight ahead, there should be a wall that covers and protects Loegres. The front gate was guarded by four knights. But they might be asked about their travel permits issued by the Abbey. All travelers, merchants and sailors should have one. Otherwise, they won't be allowed into the city. They might even get arrested or executed, depending on the situation.

"Wow...Those walls...They're so huge." Laphicet said in awe.

"Yep, that's the capital. We made it." Diana said.

"They keep daemons out by enclosing the city within a great wall." Eizen pointed out.

"Humanity has achieved great things on the backs of slave malakhim." Magilou pointed out as well.

"Why the surprise, Laphicet? You've been here before, right?" Rokurou asked, confused.

"I have. But back then... I was not who I am now..." Laphicet answered.

"Malakhim with their will sealed are completely unaware of their surroundings. They know nothing other than only to take orders from the exorcists commanding them. Obviously, Laphicet won't know anything of how Loegres would look like." Diana explained sadly, knowing how it felt.

"That's true. I was unaware of where I was or what I was doing. I just followed Lady Teresa around and obeyed all her commands." the boy malak replied.

"Sorry, my bad. I guess tethered malakhim aren't even allowed the freedom to observe their surroundings." the daemon swordsman said.

"If our free will is sealed, then all that is left is an emotionless empty shell." Diana explained further.

"We'll soon lose such freedom ourselves." the human witch said with a grin.

"Huh?" Laphicet said, confused.

"We've reached the heart of the empire, and the Abbey. Soldiers and exorcists are stationed all around. This is no place for a collection of villains like us." Magilou replied.

"I'm not looking for a place. All I need to find is Artorius. That's it." Velvet said with determined eyes. They were getting closer to the entrance. "An inspection." Velvet definitely didn't like this.

"They won't inspect everyone. Just act natural." Eizen said to the group. "You too, Diana."

"Roger." The female malak replied.

Everyone followed Eizen close to not draw suspicion onto them. However, one of the guards drew his eyes onto Velvet as she walked by and followed them inside the city.

The others were too busy looking around the city. It was the first time for Laphicet now that his will has been set free. The boy malak was in awe gazing around. The capital was bigger than he thought, with so many people, so many places, so many buildings. It looked like it had no end. He turned to Diana, who smiled at him. He was so lively and cheery it made the girl malak happy. He was definitely better this way than when he used to have his will sealed.

"You, in the black coat. Show me your documentation." A voice said behind the group which caused a few to be somewhat nervous.

One of the soldiers from the front gate had followed them through the gate. And he has called out to a member of their group. Now it could be he's talking to Eizen since the pirate malak has a black coat on. Or it could be Velvet even if hers was tattered and torn. But thanks to the way he is looking at, it was Velvet he was talking to. Guess she does have the appearance of someone who will cause harm.

"Uh...Um...." Velvet didn't know what to do, causing a scene here was out of the question.

"Well? Your travel permit from the Abbey. Where is it?" The knight asked. Diana was about to take a step forward to do something but Eizen placed a hand on her shoulder which meant that she shouldn't do anything.

Suddenly, Magilou grinned as she hit the black head on the back of her head. "Foolish girl! How many times have I told you? A magician's apprentice must wear a pleasant grin!"

"Magician?" Asked the guard.

"Verily! I present to you the traveling troupe of mischievous misfits known across the land as... Magilou's Menagerie!"

"Entertainment for the ceremony?"

"Why yes, indeed we are, my dear! Please pardon my uncouth apprentice." She was obviously talking to Velvet. "Girl! Allay the good man's fears and show him the dove trick you've spent all these weeks on! Go to."

"Huh?!" that took the therion by surprise and the guard was still looking at her, waiting for such. "Oh..Uh...Sorry, mistress...I forgot to prepare" she glared at her.

"Y-Y-You pathetic little shirker! A proper performer is perpetually prepared!"

"It's fine. Doves flying around would be a nuisance." the guard believed the witch's act.

"No, this will not do! If you cannot summon a dove, then ACT like one! Act. Like. A. Dove!"

Velvet glared at the witch, she was so getting it when this was over. Nevertheless, she did her best to come up with a good authentic impression of the bird.

"Coo. Coo."

Everyone was probably embarrassed by her act. Maybe because it didn't sound ANYTHING like a dove. Poor Velvet has been turned into the capital's joke with only seconds of arriving in the city. From fearful daemon to laughing stock. Quite the big improvement. The black haired woman was glaring mentally. She was so going to get Magilou for this. Sure she might have thought of a good plan to save their hides from being discovered. But making her act like a dove was crossing the line.

The crowd present laughed at her failed attempt to act like a dove. But Magilou was able to cast a magic trick releasing doves and confetti through the street. It was very impressive for someone who lacks a malak and can't do exorcist artes. Laphicet was amazed, even Eizen, Diana and Rokurou were taken by surprise at the act. Everyone seemed to have loved the magic trick. The group was impressed that Magilou came up with this so quickly. They enjoyed the trick. Well everyone, except for Velvet.

"Remember, Magilou's Menagerie manufactures mirth! That was just a small sample for the good citizenry of Loegres!"

"Hey! You can't advertise here! Move along!" Protested the guard.

"As you say!" Magilou said.

After the guard left the group resumed walking the city. The people were still cheering at them as if they were famous celebrities, or heroes. If they only knew the truth, they would be running for their lives instead of cheering. Velvet was avoiding eye contact and was clearly embarrassed and had every right to be, after all most of the people around them were laughing at her.

"Hahaha! That was a fine ploy, Magilou." Rokurou chuckled.

"Well, don't expect tricks like that everyday. Coo, coo." Magilou teased and Velvet gave the witch another glare, she was really asking for it. "Oh! That murderous gaze! Coo, coo."

"Those doves were amazing." Laphicet said excited.

"They were, weren't they?" Diana asked.

"Yeah! Can you do that trick too, Diana?" Laphicet asked the female malak, who smiled.

"I don't know but I can try." Diana answered.

"Just a crude trick. If anything, it just shows the capital's defenses are pathetic." The therion said, still irritated over what just happened.

"More like it shows how much confidence they have in those defenses. How many soldiers are there, Laphicet?" Magilou asked.

"The number of exorcists in the capital? At least a thousand. And two divisions of guards." Laphicet replied.

"This is the capital, the home of his highness and where the Abbey headquarters are located. It's to be expected to see all exorcists' forces here." Diana continued as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Right. They're not careless.They're covered." Eizen said serious.

'We need transit documents.' Velvet thought.

"See how the citizens smile? To think they were fleeing from daemons just a few years ago..." the witch said.

"To hold observance of this scale shows just how much peace their power has brought." Rokurou said.

"A peace...Paid for with Laphi's...." the black haired woman said to herself.

"Velvet?" the boy malak asked worried.

"We should get going. Even if we're safe for the moment, I suggest not lower our guard for a second." Diana suggested to the group, who nodded in agreement.

While roaming the streets of the capital they heard all kinds of rumors. About the crown prince Percival, about the Empire, about the ceremony, about the Abbey and also about the leader of the exorcist institution. There were things he already knew but it was still impressive to hear them. Apparently Artorius was given complete control of the Empire by Prince Percival. He will be the one to punish and bring down the law to those that break it. He was also given complete authority of the church by the high priest, Gideon.

Diana told the group where the ceremony would be taking place. In front of the royal palace. It was the only place when the crown prince had to make an important announcement to the people. The female malak has attended a couple times during her time with the Abbey as a malak slave but she thought about the positive instead of her past.

Despite them being let in thanks to Magilou, the group didn't let their guard down completely. Especially now under the ceremony when many guards were roaming around the city. They walked through the big crowds to avoid those guards just in case. When they arrived, the group saw a lot of people outside. They were definitely at the right place. Velvet was restless unlike the others as she looked around frantically.

Diana and Eizen knew the ceremony would be in the palace itself which it was currently closed to the public while others were inside attending it. Looks like they were a little late to see it from up close.

"Midgand! Midgand! Midgand! Midgand!" The crowd kept on chanting.

The gate to the palace was obviously being guarded by four soldiers. They weren't letting anyone in unless they were given permission by the crown prince or Artorius himself.

"Listen to those cheers. The royals sure have these folks in line." Magilou said.

"Subjects!" A loud voice was coming from inside of the gate. "May I have your attention? It is I, Percival Asgard prince of the Midgand Empire! His majesty my father and I are pleased to celebrate with you on this auspicious day!"

"The ceremony's starting." Eizen stated hearing the cheering from the crowd getting louder.

"It'll be impossible to slip through now." Rokurou pointed out.

"We'll have to listen to the speech from here." Diana told them. "We can't do anything careless or we'll cause a commotion with all these people."

"After the Opening ten years ago, our kingdom faced an existential threat, both from daemons and the terrible spread of daemonblight. However, one man raised a miraculous sword and stood so that the body and soul of the land would not be lost."

"Over there!" Velvet pointed to a tower-like structure.

"You can climb up if you want, but attacking now would be suicide." the daemon swordsman said.

"Not to mention is downright crazy." The malak witch said. "You can't climb up without guards or exorcists spotting you."

"And the name of that man... was Artorius Collbrande!" Percival resumed. At this, Velvet ran away towards the tower at high speed with everyone noticing her.

"Artorius! Artorius! Artorius! Artorius!" the crowd chanted.

"That girl is going to be trouble for all of us if she continues to make rash decisions like this." Eizen pointed out as Rokurou and Laphicet followed after Velvet with rest going after them up the tower, thanks to Diana's artes.

"Judging by the reaction, we know who her target is." Diana replied, "but why would Percival give the title of Shepherd to Artorius?"

"Let's just listen and observe for now." Eizen said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Artorius will give a speech now."

"Even though the world was filled with suffering, I had asked something tremendous of you all. I entrusted you to endure the pains of Reason. I asked you to blind yourselves with shackles of your own will! For the only blade that can expel calamity is one forged from unshaking reason and the iron will to do what must be done! And now that very blade stands ready...Before all of us today! I offer my body and my life in service to the people of this great land! With the blessings of the Empyrean Innominat, I will guide you to a word without calamity! And this world's suffering will be nothing but a distant memory!"

Everyone cheered but not the malakhim. Eizen and Diana were not happy with the way Artorius showed in his speech toward the lives of others, everyone has a choice to live their lives however they want. That goes for Malakhim and daemons as well. But Artorius and the exorcists want the people to choose their way of living in a world where you can't choose your path or think and say your thoughts the way you like. Something told the two malaks that there's something else in the makings, something about the so-called 'Fifth Empyrean'.

Once the others got down from the tower, the group hid themselves in an alleyway nearby to regroup.

"The Shepherd Artorius...THAT'S who you're after?" Eizen said to tell them what they found out about the black haired woman's objective, Velvet kept herself quiet.

"Aww, and here I was hoping you'd just straight-up pounce on him." Magilou grinned.

"That would be certain death." Velvet said for the group's relief. "No, I need a sword of reason and will. That's the only thing that can kill him."

"Killing...Lord Artorius." Laphicet said.

"Playing it safe? Booooooring." The witch said. "Regrettably, it is at this juncture we go our separate ways. I've got a bit of hunting to do."

"No one's stopping you." Velvet said as she didn't have a problem.

"Goodbye." the boy malak said, a bit sad.

"Farewell. May your days be fruitful and your nights tormented!" Magilou then walked off.

"If our enemy's calling himself a Shepherd, he won't be going into hiding. Let's take this slowly." Rokurou said, even for a war daemon, he was very logical.

"So Melchior was the old man behind him?" Eizen asked.

"Yeah." Laphicet confirmed.

"Let's gather information on these people. If we know what they're planning, we can find a weakness." Eizen pointed out.

"They're the most powerful men in the land. If we're going to look into them, we need to learn first." the daemon swordsman said.

"I think I know where we should go." Diana spoke turning to the group. "If we're looking for information on Artorius and the Abbey, then the Shadow Guild is our best bet."

"Right. A tavern in the city is run by an old man called Baskerville serves as a front for them." Eizen continued, "Aifread had close ties with that guild."

"A shadow guild? Those sort of things actually exist?" Velvet asked in disbelief.

At that point, Laphicet's stomach suddenly grumbled, surprising the young malak and interrupting the conversation.

Rokurou laughed, "Well looks like someone's hungry. The shadow guild is at a tavern right? Let's go and get something to eat for Laphicet. They'll have food, I'm sure."

"Well, he does have free will and still have some growing up to do." Diana giggled slightly in amusement. "Then, let's go to the tavern and get something for you to eat."

"Why not." Velvet said, not really caring for the situation but she couldn't argue about that.


Eizen and Diana led the group through the crowd of people towards the tavern. Now that the ceremony was over, the people were still cheering high and mighty about Artorius gaining the title of 'Shepherd'. They wouldn't stop talking about him. Everywhere they go, they will speak of him as if he was some sort of God. That there was no one like him who can protect them from the daemons and the daemonblight. He was truly their savior and the Abbey, the protectors of mankind. This only shows how much power that man holds over all of Midgand. Not the kind of opponent you would want to face in a fight.

The one thing that the Malakhim of the group were glad for was that Diana's master wasn't with the other exorcists behind Artorius. Diana was relieved that he wasn't there for a reason, Eizen would definitely charge at him for what he had done. The exorcist praetor that had threatened to burn down a whole village in order to force a malak into becoming a slave to use as he pleases, that isn't someone who is a hero to the public.

They spotted the tavern quickly without any problems and fixed some food for Laphicet, the tavern's mabo curry. It was a nice place to eat and drink, especially when it came to the group consisting of escaped prisoners and pirates. Velvet and Laphicet were eating at the counter together with the rest of the group, Diana was sitting next to the young malak while writing down things in her book as the last of the group was drinking on the other side of them.

"Velvet! This mabo curry is amazing!" Laphicet told the black haired woman next to him, who hadn't touched her food yet.

"Slow down, Laphicet." Diana giggled at the boy's reaction to the food. "If you eat too fast, you'll end up choking yourself."

Velvet hesitated before taking her spoon and eating some but to Diana's shock, Velvet kept quiet and was slightly shocked about something. This caught the witch malak's attention slightly and wondered what the mysterious woman was hiding from the group since she could see the anger and sadness in Velvet's eyes. 'Eyes cannot lie' someone told her a long time ago.

"You get along so well." The lady at the counter asked curious and the daemon woman looked at Laphicet again, her eyes softening slightly. "Is he your brother?"

"No." Velvet replied.

"No, he wouldn't be, would he. After all..." The woman pointed out. "Your brother was murdered before your eyes." Velvet was triggered by this and immediately stood up in both shock and anger.

"How do you know that?!" Velvet demanded as she glared at the old woman as everyone was on guard after the statement.

"The shadows watch those who flinch from the light." The woman replied unfaced.

"So the guild is still active, even after Baskerville's arrest?" Eizen asked.

"That's right. Just like how Aifread's crew continues their piracy, even without their captain." The woman replied before glancing at Diana a bit surprised without the group noticing.

"So you're the contact?" The black haired woman asked.

"What may I help you with?"

"I want to know what Artorius is planning."

"Information such as that...It won't come cheap." The older woman took a piece of paper from her pocket putting it on the counter top table. "I have a list of jobs, not one remotely legal. Take care of all of them, and I'll tell you what you want to know."

The black haired woman gave a read of the list before nodding. "We do this. You tell us everything you know about Artorius' plan. Do we have that clear?"

"Yes. Also, take this with you." The woman handed her another piece of paper which it was obviously a travel permitted with the seal of approval by the Abbey. "It's a fake, but it's a good fake. It'll hold up to inspection."

The therion took the permit reading it, "It's registered to 'Magilou's Menagerie'?"

"Oh brother." Diana mumbled a bit embarrassed.

"Oh? Was that not the name you gave to the guard at the gate?"

"It's fine." Velvet didn't argue, petting away the permit.

"Heh, I can see you're a group to be reckoned with. Report back here once you're finished. However, be aware that should you fail..."

"Then this conversation never took place. Got it, I'll cause you no trouble."

"I appreciate your understanding. You're welcome to stay the night, free of charge. Forget about work until the morning comes." Everyone nodded in agreement before going forwards the stairs to the upper floor, "You, young lady with white hair? Can I have a moment with you?"

"Uh, sure." Diana answered as the others except Eizen left them with a slight confusion on their faces.

"What is your name, young lady?" The woman asked gently. "Your appearance is rather unusual."

"What do you want from her?" Eizen questioned with suspicion before Diana held up her hand and turned to face him with a confident smile.

"It's fine, Eizen. I can tell from the look in her eyes, she just wants to tell me something." The female malak replied. "Someone told me a long time ago that eyes are windows to our souls and thanks to them, you can tell someone's emotions and they can never lie." Diana then turned to the old woman once again. "My name's Diana. It is only polite if you would tell me your name."

"Of course. Call me Tabatha." The woman introduced herself and Eizen just snickered over Diana's strategy, trading information with the contact to get on her good side. "A year ago, a woman came in here, asking for a favor to give a package to a girl with beautiful snow white hair and amethyst eyes if she ever came here." Tabatha took out a small wooden box from under the counter and Diana gratefully took it. "Open it once you're alone. There was also a message she left behind: 'If you wanna remember your past clearly. Start with the special gift he left for you at the end of the journey as a symbol of your friendship'. That is all I have to say."

"Thank you." Diana thanked her. "Good Night, Tabatha. Eizen." The malak witch then left the two alone, Eizen waited until he couldn't see her anymore before turning to the Bloodwing.

"I see now why you favor that girl." Tabatha pointed out. "She's very wise for her appearance though I know you shouldn't judge a malak's age by appearance alone."

"That's a smart choice." Eizen replied. "Diana is a mystery but it's enjoyable to see new sides of her every time we learn something new about her."

"You know, she gave that box to herself to be fair." The earth malak's eyes widened in shock. "A year ago, a hooded woman came into this tavern and gave me the box, leaving a message too. The reason I recognize her as that woman was not because of her voice but her eyes and outfit is something I will never forget when I see it. Could it be that Diana must have known what would have happened to her in the future somehow?"

"That's a possible reason, but I wouldn't expect that she would get rescued by a couple of pirates." Eizen snickered, remembering the first few days with the female malak. "She's truly incredible. Having planned to regain her memories even if she didn't know how she would be free from the exorcists."


Diana was sitting on a bed in one of the rooms of the tavern, looking at the wooden box in front of her. She was so confused over the message that Tabatha had given her. Something in this box could help her remember her past, but it seemed there was more than one thing inside it. Diana was scared to actually open it, she wasn't ready to do it. Laphicet walked in to see the white haired malak, looking at her confused.

"Diana, are you okay?" Laphicet asked, causing her to look up from the box on her lap.

"Oh, Laphicet." Diana said as the boy walked over to her. "I'm all right. Just in deep thought, that's all." Laphicet then noticed the box in her lap.

"What's that?" He asked in curiosity.

"I don't know, Tabatha gave me this a little while ago." Diana explained, making the younger malak tilt his head. "The woman downstairs. I'm a little scared to open it."

"Well, if you're scared, we can open it together if you like." Laphicet offered as he sat next to her on the bed. Diana could only smile at this, they haven't spent that much time together but she could already feel a connection with the young malak.

Diana gently removed the cover of the box and laid the cover between them. Inside the wooden box were a few items with red fabric covering them, placing the box between them and taking an item each to take off the fabric to see what they were. Diana took out a small plate shaped item from the box while Laphicet took a small bag from it.

The plate-like item was a beautiful astrological clock but the clock faces had a swirly silver pattern in both the small one and the crescent shape that was left, covering the dark blue crystal background on both at the front and back. Two circles of silver were around it but looked like it didn't have anything made them be pieced together. The clock hand was also made from the same silver as the rest.

"Diana, look!" The witch looked at Laphicet, who was holding a necklace by its chain with a stone that contained a flower. A white lotus inside the red stone. "Isn't it pretty?"

"It really is." Diana then took out the last item which was more round in appearance.

Taking off the fabric, Diana was amazed by it. It was a beautiful music box with the zodiacs decorating it. All twelve of them were in small frames around the base and on the colorful lid, which all of them were in between the rays of the sun and moon in the middle of the lid. Diana could just trace the details with her fingers, feeling every intricate detail around it.

"What a beautiful music box." The white haired woman replied, feeling very excited and turned it upside down to wind the key underneath fully. Laphicet was so curious about the music box that Diana held in her hands.

Opening it up, the music started to play and the inside was as beautiful as the outside. The lid had a starlit sky under a sheet of glass while the base had a white haired goddess looking at a temple in the horizon, the dancer spinning slowly around as the melody played was dressed in a long dress, her long hair seemed to move in the direction it was spinning as she held the dress up. Looking like she was waltzing around, the dancer's face was smiling in contentment. The two malakhim started to hum together with the melody but when Laphicet looked at Diana, he saw a tear running down her face.

"Are you okay? You're crying." Laphicet asked worried as Diana closed the music box and dried away her tears.

"This song..." Diana started, "...I know the lyrics to it. I made it together with a dear friend of mine long ago. All of these items feel so important to me, just like this song."

Laphicet gasped at this, "These'll help you remember! That's incredible, Diana!"

Velvet was listening close to the doorway, she was meant to check on Laphicet when she heard him talking to the strange malak that was with Eizen. Somehow, the two had managed to get closer to each other ever since they met. Maybe this was a good thing since Diana was supposedly another malak that had been controlled by the Abbey, however, Velvet didn't trust her just yet despite understanding the relationship between her and the exorcist that used her.

"Can you sing it for me? Please?" Velvet heard Laphicet say in excitement.

"I don't know, I might not remember the whole song." Diana answered a little uncomfortable.

"Come on." Laphicet said. "I heard from Benwick that your voice is beautiful when you sing." The witch giggled at this, of course Benwick had to tell everyone that she sing pretty amazing,

"Alright, alright." Diana answered, amused and winds up the key again while taking a deep breath before opening the music box again, "You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek. Life beyond the shore just out of reach. Yet the water's ever change, flowing like time. The path is yours to climb." Laphicet smiled big as she sang with the melody, "You are the ocean's gray waves, destined to seek. Life beyond the shore just out of reach. Yet the water's ever change, flowing like time. The path is yours to climb. You are the ocean's gray waves." Laphicet clapped in applause and Diana hugged the little malak as the two laughed together at it.

Outside the room, Velvet was panting. Her bandaged hand was shaking and the other grabbing her head, forcing herself to walk to her room but stumbling as she did so and using the wall to keep herself steady.

'Where? Where have I heard that song?!!' Velvet exclaimed in her head as she continued to her destination.

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