Kakashi's daughter, is in lov...

By annimefreakxx

163K 4.9K 1.8K

This is a story about a girl who Kakashi found and was supposed to kill. But he felt something about that gir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

5.3K 196 35
By annimefreakxx


I looked up at the cloud covered sky. Today is the day, we remember those who fought for us in battle and lost their lives.

I knew Kakashi was at the K.I.A stone. He always goes there. I think he needs comfort. After everything that happened to him all those years ago.

I sighed and began walking.

I was wearing a black dress that reached my knees, normally I don't wear long dresses or anything but I do have some decency when it comes to days like today. The dress had simple thin straps that held it up. I tied my hair into a bun, with some loose bangs so it was out of my face. I also had simple black shoes to go with.

All or should I say most ninja's stood on top of the Hokage's building, while the citizens had still gathered down on ground level.

Up front, there was a picture of him in the middle and pictures of the other shinobi next to his. There were two lit touches, on either side of the pictures and a bouquet of white flowers in front of the Hokage's picture.

Everyone wore black and stood in rows, some looking down while others looked ahead. I stood in between Asuma and Tamaki.

Everyone was silent until it slowly began raining.

"Even the heavens weep," said Asuma.

I felt the rain drops hit my face. I closed my eyes and looked forward as the elders began to speak.

"We are gathered here to honour and remember not only the third Hokage but all those that sacrificed themselves in battle so that our village would survive." said the man.

Soon everyone began to walk up and place a white flower on the stone in front.

As I walked up and placed my flower, I had some flashbacks of all the fun times I had with him. I hid my smile and my tears as I walked back, I looked left and noticed Konahamaru crying. The poor thing. I thought. He loved him so much.

I looked away and carried on to my spot. It's a shinobi rule. Never show your feelings. Keep your mind focused on your mission. No matter what. No matter how much your hurting inside, you can't shed a tear. I thought.

But it's become easy for me now. I've learned to act. To never show anyone anything. No matter who it is. No one can fully read my feelings. No one really knows what is going on inside my head.

I leaned my head against Kiba's shoulder as we walked through the street.

"So what do you wana do Kasumi?" he asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Hmmm.." I said thinking. "What about we spend the day together? Just the two of us?" I asked.

He grinned.

"Sure! That sounds good to me!"


I giggled and looked down to Akamaru. I always forget about this guy... My bad! Haha I guess I'm always to focused on Kiba.. oh well!

We spent the day laughing and just chilling. This was nice, I haven't spent time like this with him in ages. And I won't be getting to much longer. I have a month after Sasuke leaves. That's not long.

I need to enjoy these moments, as much as I can.


This has been awesome! I've been hanging with Kasumi all day and things have just gone really smoothly. No one has interrupted us and no one has taking Kasumi off for a mission or anything so it's all good.

But I soon saw Kasumi flinch. Is she ok?


I heard the bells. The slight chime of bells. Those are their bells.

What the hell are they doing here?

I quickly pulled up a smile once I noticed Kiba was staring at me.

"Um I wana show you something come!" I said a little to quickly pulling Kiba along.

"Wait wha-"

"Hurry!" I said yanking him harder.

No way are they getting any where near me when I'm with Kiba. Otherwise I might have to do something I don't think I could bring myself to do.


After about 10 minutes of Kasumi yanking me along while she ran, we finally reached our spot.

Holy shit. I thought. I completely forgot that we've been going this way the whole time! I mentally face palmed.

"What?" said Kasumi with a sad expression. "You didn't want to come here?"

"Oh no!" I said quickly regaining myself. "I just feel bad cause....well..."

"Cause why?" she asked concerned as she sat down.

"Cause I kinda forgot that this was the way to our spot." he said sitting down next to me.


I giggled.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Well...yeah.." he said blushing.

"Aw Kiba!" I said hugging him. "Your so cute!"

I wonder if this is a better way? I asked myself. Should I slowly drift away from him? Should I start acting cold so that when I leave him, it doesn't hurt so much?

I pulled away, only to be pulled back in, as he kissed my lips ever so gently.

I smirked and kissed back.

It wasn't long before the kiss turned into something more.

His tongue searched every inch of my mouth, and mine did the same to his.

Once we pulled away for breath, he began kissing down my neck. I let a small moan slip as he found my weak spot, I then felt his lips smirk as he began sucking.


Those eyes haven't changed, I thought. This ones a true air to the sharingan. That means I've gotta be ready for the worst.

"Well well what a surprise." said Kisame. "That's how you copied my jitsu. So there really is someone besides Itachi with those crazy eyes. You Kakashi aren't you? The copy ninja."

"You can imagine my surprise." I said. "I go to check on a couple of lowlife thugs in a tea house and I find none other then Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki the scurge of the Hidden Mist Village."

"How about that? You know my name. I'm honoured. Oh wait a second, hey Itachi, isn't he the father of the girl Kasumi?" asked Kisame with an evil glint in his eye.

My eyes widened in shock and then narrowed.

"Yes it is." said Itachi.

"And just what would you want with Kasumi?" I asked.

Kisame grinned.

"It's more what she is going to do with-"

"Kisame." said Itachi. "Don't speak about pointless things."

What the hell are they talking about? There's no way Kasumi got into shit like this. No she's not that dumb.

"Oh right we didn't come here for her." said Kisame pulling out his what looked like a sword.

"I assume that bazaar excuse for a sword is one of the seven swords of the mist. The one called sharkskin?" I said.

He chuckled.

"I heard that you and Zabuza had it out a while back." he said.

"Yes. We did." I answered.

"Go ahead! I love to cut you to ribbions." said Kiasame noticing as I pulled out my kunai behind my back.

"Kisame, stop it." said Itachi. "If you take this man on, it won't be without cost. Further more it will take time, and the commotion is liable to bring more shinobi running. Your way is less efficient and unnecessarily risky. Don't lose sight of our goal."

"Let's hear it. What is your goal exactly?" I asked.

"We are looking for something and we know it's here." said Itachi.

"And what would that be?"


I lay on Kiba's chest, cuddling into him as we looked at the sky.

We were silent. But it wasn't awkward. It was just easy. Although I think Kiba was a tad annoyed since we didn't get very far before Akamaru was barking at us and we had to stop enjoying ourselves.

"Kiba.." I said breaking the silence.

"What's up?" he asked.

Is it better if I slowly drift away?

"Sorry." I said slowly standing up. "I gotta go."

"Hey wh-" before I could hear what he had to say, I poofed away.


"Hey wh-" but before I could finish, Kasumi poofed away.

I sighed. Something's been up with her lately.

"Arrr...' Akamaru whined beside me, nudging me with his nose.

"I know boy. But I don't know what's up with her. She doesn't talk to me about stuff any more." I sighed and put Akamaru on my head.


"Let's just go home." I said and began walking home.


I appeared in the Hokage's office.

It's empty. No Hokage in sight.

I sighed. I really do miss him already.

I turned to walk out the door when Tamaki walked it.

"Oh hey Kasumi." he said holding a bunch of papers.

"Hey." I said. "Are those all missions?"

"Oh yeah they're all just solo missions though."

"Is anyone taking them?" I asked.

"No bu-"

"Then I'll do them. All of them." I said cutting him off.

"Kasumi. Haven't you heard yet?"

"Heard what?"

"About Kakashi? He was attacked by Itachi who returned to the village looking for Naruto."

I ran through the crowds pushing through people, not caring if any one fell over.

What the fuck happened to dad? What the hell did Itachi do!? I have to find out everything.

I jumped through the window and found Kakashi in his bed, knocked out with several Jōnin around him.

"Kasumi!" exclaimed Kurenai.

"What happened to him." I asked, my voice fast and almost angered as I grabbed dad's hand, holding it as I knelled down to his level.

"I don't know if it's wise for you to find out. We don't want anyone else seaking revenge." said Guy as he left the room.

I stared at my dad. No. He's not my dad. I thought. I need to break all these attachments I have to people. But this is Kakashi.. he's done so much for me. Can I really break the bond that we share?

I closed my eyes, holding back tears. I won't cry.

"Tell me what happened." 


I sat quietly at the dinner table with Mom and Hana.

"You alright Kiba?" asked mom.

"Yeah why?"

"Cause your so quiet and usually your boasting about something." answered Hana.

"Psh. Like I said I'm fine." I said as I picked up my plate and and left the table. "I'm just tired so I'm going to bed early. Night."

I could feel Moms and Hana's eyes on me. As I walked down the hallway and shut my door before flopping onto my bed.

Why Kasumi? Was it cause I was scared of you so now your afraid to tell me things? Is it cause you no longer trust me? Or maybe...you don't feel the same way anymore. No that's just stupid! I told myself as I ran my fingers through my hair.

Maybe she just needs some space.


I slowly stood up, letting go of dad's hand.

"You will always have a Jōnin or anbu watching him 24/7 got it?" I said.

"Kasumi wh-"

"Got it!?" I said with more force in my voice.


"Very well then." I said and I disappeared.

I went back to the Hokage's office where Tamaki was still ordering papers.

"Kasumi are-"

I held up my hand, cutting him off.

He went silent as I took the mission forms off him.

"I'll get these done whiten the month." I said as I disappeared.

I appeared at my house. It was empty. Lifeless. Exactly how I was feeling.

I need to make a decision now. I thought. I'll leave earlier. I leave one week after Sasuke. But starting now, I'm going to drift away from everyone. I need to change my feelings about everything or I won't be able to handle this.

I took out the first mission, I pulled out a piece of paper which had the name Sadao. He's a wanted man in the land of fire. He's killed many innocent people and destroyed some villages.

Looks like this will be my first solo mission in a while. I thought as I made my way out the door.


I'm back! Hahhah Sorry I haven't updated I was on a tournament! :D

Anyways I'll be back to normal updates now so yeah!

Do you guys like this chapter? To be honest I don't know what to think of it lol.

So you guys can tell me what you think!




Please? x

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