Parchment And Brooms (Percive...

By Croissant555

4.3K 122 82

I do tend to go on breaks, apologies for that. Just a story I'm writing. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this... More

Chapter 2: Pumpkin Juice And Pie
Chapter 3: Penelope's Tulips
Chapter 4: Cold Feet And Warm Blankets
Chapter 5: Emotions With Penelope
Chapter 6: Laughter And Tears
Chapter 7: Crimson And Gold
Chapter 8: Out On The Pitch
Chapter 9: O.W.L.S.
Chapter 10: Packing And Planning
Chapter 11: The Train Home

Chapter 1: Nightfall

1.2K 26 49
By Croissant555

It was night at Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. The sky was a dark blue, glistening with stars. The grass of Hogwarts was sprinkled with raindrops from earlier that evening. The wind was a cold breeze and brushed against the trees. A flock of owls were out hunting and every five minutes would fly up to the moon making them look so majestic.

In Hogwarts, it was completely silent except for the quiet footsteps of the professor's patrolling the hall's. All was peaceful, except for the quiet agruemuent happening in the library between Filch and professor Snape on who should patrol the library.

Most of the students were sleeping as it was so late. The only ones awake in the school were a upset Draco Malfoy, a tired Pansy Parkinson, a wonderous Luna Lovegood, cuddling a sleeping Dean Thomas was a hardly awake Seamus Finnigan, a few chaotic Ravenclaws, five sneaky Hufflepuffs, who were sneaking food from the kitchen, a very awake Oliver Wood and a tired, bedhead Percy Weasley.

Oliver couldn't take his mind of a game of Quidditch he had played with his friend's, of which he had won. He had nearly been beaten to Alicia Spinnet, but scarcely beat her. She was a bit upset that she had lost but she was happy for Oliver. Angelina had laughed about how Oliver had celebrated his victory.

Percy Weasley on the other hand was up late studying. He had his O.W.L.s this year and had been crazy about it. Every minute he wasn't in class, he was studying. He was stressing over it so much. He sometimes forgot to eat but Oliver, his boyfriend, would always remind him to eat. If Percy didn't come down for breakfast, lunch or dinner, Oliver would bring him them and sometimes extra.

The winter night was cold. Percy cuddled into to his blanket, shaking with cold, he was freezing. It was much more colder for Percy due to him being rather skinny.

Oliver looked down at the red-haired boy sitting on the floor with a blanket around his shoulders, he had a roll of parchment infront of him which he wrote on with a quill and a small glass of ink and a pile of book's, one of which was infront of him, opened. Oliver had a lot of energy, Percy, on the other hand, was exhausted.

It was nearing Christmas, in fact, it was only two weeks away. Percy planned to go home to his family, Oliver however had to stay at Hogwarts, his family was going away for a few month's and they had already left for it. He didn't mind. He enjoyed being at Hogwarts.

Oliver silently stood up, the oak floor  creaked under his feet, he slowly walked closer towards Percy. When he was next to Percy he crouched down, only then being noticed by the other boy.

'I think it's time for you to get some rest.' The Scot said, taking the book Percy was reading from him. Percy glared at him.

'I've only got a few page's left!' He shout-whispered, to which the brunet raised an eyebrow. They both heard some shuffling, which turned out to just be one of their dormmates.

'Oh, yeah. How many?'


'Come on, Perce. Time for bed.' The brunet said, picking up the bedhead boy off of the floor, cradling him in his arm's.

'Put me down, Oliver!' Percy shout-whispered again.

'Oh, I will.' And with that Oliver placed Percy carefully onto the bed, tucking him in with his blanket and smirked.

The Scot walked back to his own bed, sitting down on it but after only about ten minutes Percy spoke out of the darkness:

'Oliver? Are you awake still?' His voice was quiet but sounded oddly fearful.

'Mhm. What's wrong? You sound scared.'

It was silence but only for a few moment's.

'Can I sleep with you? It's alright if not but I've just been having these awful nightmares, and I-' Percy said in a even more scared tone.

'If it makes you feel safer, then you can sleep with me. Come on over then it's freezing and I'm not holding this blanket up for much longer.'

The bedhead got out of his bed, silently walked over to the Quidditch fanatic and snuggled in next to him, his curly ginger hair cuddled into Oliver's chest as the Scot's warm arm's wrapped around him. Percy peacefully fell asleep while Oliver stayed awake a bit longer. After a while he figured that it was probably time for him to sleep. He gave Percy a small kiss on the head and then peacefully fell asleep just like his boyfriend.

The night was still and so peaceful. The upset Draco Malfoy was now happily asleep, the tired Pansy Parkinson was sound asleep, the wonderous Luna Lovegood was now stargazing on the Astronomy Tower, the hardly awake Seamus Finnigan had fell asleep a few minutes ago, as for the chaotic Ravenclaws and the five sneaky Hufflepuff most had fallen asleep and the rest were silently reading in their dormitories.

The night was abouslety perfect. Until it wasn't.

Percy woke up, panicking. Oliver was gone, in fact, everyone was gone. He was alone.

He slowly got out of bed, taking in his surroundings as if he didn't know where he was, but he knew exactly where he was. He was in his dormitory. Why did it seem so different?

He took a few steps forward before sprinting down the stairs as fast as he could. He didn't know why he was sprinting all he knew was that he didn't feel safe anymore. He sprinted out of the portrait, that was for some unknown reason wide open, he sprinted down the moving stairs but they were no longer moving, they were perfectly still. He quickly ran down the hall, he didn't care if a professor saw him, he wanted someone to see him, he needed to just see someone. Anyone. But no one interrupted him. No one was there. He was all alone.

'Oliver!' Percy called out. He couldn't help it, he felt like he was in danger but he didn't know why. He thought Hogwarts was a safe place, but why didn't it feel like it then? Why did he feel like he was in more danger being in the castle? 'Ginny! Ron! Fred, George! Anyone!' But no response.

He ran and ran until he was out of the castle. It was so dark out that at first it took a few minutes for his eye's to adjust, but when they did, Percy wished they hadn't.

On the wall was dead bodies and not just random people's dead bodies, no, he knew these people very well.


Fred and George Weasley were impaled on the wall by a sword. Bill Weasley was beaten and left on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Ginny Weasley was hanging from the wall by a piece of rope. Ron Weasley was sitting, beheaded and had his head on his lap. Molly and Arthur Weasley were decapitated and their body parts were scattered over the grass. Charlie Weasley lay on the floor, his face looked like it had been hit of the stone wall many times. And finally, Oliver Wood was impaled on the wall with his broom going through his chest.

Percy couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. No, this can't be. Who would do such a thing? Percy didn't know the answer and he wasn't sure if he even wanted to know.

He burst into tears. He couldn't live without them.

Just then Percy woke up. It was still night but Oliver was looking at him. Percy noticed he had been crying, it was just a nightmare. At the realisation he hugged Oliver.

'You're alive.' Percy whispered causing Oliver to just be even more puzzled than he was already.

'Crouse I'm alive! What you thought I was dead?' Oliver said, sounding very confused.

Percy didn't answer him but just hugged him tight, not wanting to let go. The imagine of Oliver dead still bothering him a large amount.

Tear's streamed down the freckled boy's face once again. The moonlight showed his teary face.

'Hey, don't cry. It's alright,' the Scot said quietly. 'Just tell me what happened.'

'Just a nightmare.'

Oliver frowned but nodded, understanding that Percy didn't want to talk about it.

They lay down, tired and just wanting to sleep. As the wind hit off of the window they drifted off to sleep once more.

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