A Medieval Meeting (Technobla...

By Catherine_Vanas

72.5K 2.8K 3.1K

So, I mostly wanna practice my writing with this. Came up with this while half asleep, and I'm bored, so why... More

The First Appearance - Chapter 1
Formalities - Chapter 2
A Fight - Chapter 3
Another First Appearance - Chapter 4
A Dash of Anger - Chapter 6
small break until cat recovery
Was It All A Dream - Chapter 7
The Prophecy - Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Dreamy Explanation
Chapter 10 - A Day On The Town
Chapter 11 - A Choice
Chapter 12 - A Spy
Chapter 13 - Friendship with an Unlikely Ally

A Pinch Of Deliquiency - Chapter 5

4.6K 205 426
By Catherine_Vanas


Luckily, the palace gardeners had apparently grown a large shrub conveniently placed below the queen's window, which you two landed in...somewhat safely. Hearing shouting in the distance, the masked man panicked. "Alright, I think now's about time to run!" He quickly got up, pulling you with him and running through the garden. You did your best to hop over the bushels of daisies and patches of lavender, tripping every so often. The theif seemed to always have his footing perfectly, yet you somehow kept his pace - and not only because he was holding your hand.

As soon as you reached the forest that surrounded the castle, he glanced back to you, slowing his pace. "You okay?" He eventually slowed to a stop while you caught your breath, practically wheezing. Once you noticed your hand was still in his, you took it away, waving him off. "I'm fine, I'm fine." You muttered, biting the inside of your cheek.

After a few moments, you stood up straight, taking a deep breath. "Can you lead me to that lake now?" You questioned slowly, attempting to pretend whatever just happened didn't happen.

He looked you over, then nodded, beginning to walk forward. "You know, I wasn't exactly expecting this..." He trailed off, looking to the trees around himself. "But maybe it was a good thing. After all, I might've just stolen the king's greatest treasure."

Your face lit up in a frenzied blush as you hit him lightly on the arm, causing him to chuckle. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, your majesty." He teased with a smirk. You just ignored him, continuing your little trek.

A few minutes past until he stopped, motioning to the body of water in front of him. "Here we are."

It was beautiful - the trees had made a clearing just for the lake, causing the moon to reflect down and shimmer along the surface. It was so clean and clear that you could practically see the scales of the fish that swam deeper in the water. Instead of sand meeting the bank, flowers met it, which was somewhat unusual. Possibly planted there by people? Or a result of birds sitting to drink and releasing seeds onto the ground.

Whatever it was, you didn't care. You'd never seen something as beautiful in real life. He noticed your stare and turned. "Well, I suppose that's my que to leave."

You quickly turned to him, panicked. "Wait, wait. Can you stay, please?" You questioned, somewhat embarrassed. Quickly, you tried to find excuses. "It's just - I don't know this place all too well and I don't know what sorta creatures live here...and.." You took a deep breath, "I can't swim very well..." You whispered, embarrassed. It was true - you'd never been a great swimmer.

He just huffed, turning away. "Alright, alright. You didn't need to give excuses, anybody would've wanted me here." He said with some confidence, to which you just huffed. Once he turned, you stripped down to your undergarments, entering the cold water with a pleased sigh. "You can turn now." You called out once you were deeper into the shallows, the water reaching your chest.

He turned to look at you, his face lighting up in a blush. "You look...a lot nicer." He muttered, sitting down at the bank. You just scoffed, raising an eyebrow. "Why, is it because I'm half naked? Wandering eyes don't help anybody." You teased, putting your head underwater for a few moments to wash your hair before coming back up.

He gasped, offended. "Hey, how do you know I have wandering eyes? I have a mask, you dunno that!" He pointed out, crossing his arms. "I meant you were cleaner, that's all!"

You just grinned. "And how would you know I was cleaner if you hadn't looked at my body?" You knew you'd won.

He froze up, groaning in annoyance. "Ugh! I give up." He looked to the sky, his scarlet blush not visible under his mask. "You win." He wasn't paying much attention to you anymore.

You backed up slightly further into the water, smirking - though, that victorious expression soon vanished as you silently plummeted into the water. Unbeknownst to you, there was a steep drop in the shallow end that you had come across - and as you know, you weren't a good swimmer,

The theif glanced to the lake, noticing your lack of presence with a confused hum. "Uh...hello?" He called out, his eyes widening once he saw bubbles raise from the water. Panicked, he threw off his top and hyped himself up before jumping in.

You felt like you were dying- well, you were. You had a fear of drowning, a fear which usually didn't culminate until you were actually in the act of drowning. Before you could inhale a lungfull, you felt a pair of arms yank you out of the darkness. Soon enough you found your footing in the shallows, bringingyourself above the water and taking a deep breath - then a few coughs.

The theif held you tightly, looking you over with immense worry. "Why didn't you look where you were going! You could've died!" When it was clear you were in no shape to take criticism, he sighed. "Are you okay?"

Without even thinking about it, you held him close, shaking lightly. He just held you even closer, running a hand through your hair. "Shh...it's alright. Okay?" He muttered, resting his chin at the top of your head.

You pulled back slightly, looking up to him with a frown. You reached forward and put a hand on his mask, noticing it was out of place. He instinctively reached a hand up to stop you, though he paused once he noticed you were just moving it back into place, he stopped, just lightly putting his hand over yours.

You looked to him, trailing your thumb over the smile of the mask. "Has anyone ever seen your face...?" You questioned quietly.

He just looked you over, his face hot. "N-no..." The theif managed to stutter out, leaning slightly closer. "My mom made it for me...I haven't taken it off in front of anyone since she's passed." He said sadly.

You frowned, lightly grabbing the side of his mask. "...Can I see your face...?"

He seemed to hesitate before giving a small nod. Slowly, you moved his mask to the side of his face, staring into his green eyes. His face was somewhat paled and freckled, looking innocent - yet somehow mature. He leaned forward, placing his forehead against yours. "Can I kiss you...?" He whispered.

You didn't answer, instead just leaning forward. Your lips softly met his with some hesitancy, your other hand reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. His hands met your hips and he leaned into it, bringing you even closer. After a few moments, he pulled back, blushing brightly. "That was my first kiss."

You suddenly leaned forward once again, meeting him in another kiss. It was slightly quicker than the first, yet just as sweet. You giggled as you pulled away, your face just as red as his. "That was my second kiss." You smiled up at him.

He just laughed, his thumbs trailing over your skin. "Why don't we get out of the lake so we can have our fourth and many more?" He suggested flortaciously.

You were about to point out that it'd be the third, though he pulled you into a kiss before you could even say anything. Once he pulled away, you bit your lip. "Clever." You muttered, grabbing his hand and beginning to lead him to the flowery bank. You sat down, pulling him on top of you and into another kiss.

You didn't really know what you were doing. Maybe it was just trying to get back at the king. Maybe you liked the theif. You didn't have much time to ponder, interrupted by a sharp sensation in your neck, which you responded with a small moan. He smirked, biting your shoulder - to which you let out another moan.

Suddenly, he tugged lightly at your bra, his other hand brushing over your thigh. Something didn't seem right, at least, not to you. "I don't even know your name..." You pointed out quietly.

He just smiled. "It's Clay." He didn't even bother asking yours before giving another bite to your neck, causing you to squeal. Something definitely wasn't right. Your fight or flight response kicked up, and as you know, it was fight. Suddenly, you yanked his mask off, throwing it into the shallow part of the lake before kicking him off of you. Quickly, you got up, grabbing your clothes and hurriedly running off into the trees. You ignored his apologies and pleas from behind you, half hazardly throwing your clothes on as you moved through the trees, his voice fading away behind you.

While you were trying to put on your shoes, you tripped, falling forward and landing on your arms and knees. You knew that'd bleed later. With a small cry, you took a few moments, struggling to look up - though, you wish you hadn't. The pink haired king stood in front of you, looking down with a raised eyebrow. "And what do we have here?"

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