Formalities - Chapter 2

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Imma try to update this regularly. Cover art by WolfyTheWitch!)

You looked to the link haired man in front of you, confusion clearly written all over your face. "Uh... (Y/N). (L/N)." You stuttered out. "Why's your hair pink? Is it dyed?" You suddenly asked, unaware of where the brave question came from in your tired state.

He raised an eyebrow at your question, not exactly knowing the meaning of 'dyed', however he figured it was an insult. Techno motioned to himself, the cape behind him puffing out slightly with the air. "It's pink because my whole family's hair is pink, thank you very much. Only true kings have pink hair." He pointed out as if you were supposed to know. He reached out to you, grabbing your chin and unexpectedly looking your face over.

You couldn't help but trigger a fight or flight response at his actions, your answer unfortunately being fight as you yanked your head back and bit into his hand, drawing some blood in the process.

He recoiled at your response, taken aback. He held his now slightly bleeding hand, looking down to you with an annoyed smirk. "Feisty, hmm?"

You were still on your knees, which quickly led you to try to get up - but to no avail. The guards just brought you down again. "Can you tell them to fuck off? I don't necessarily like being crotch level with you." You growled with a small huff, sudden confidence filling you.

Techno ignored your response, instead snatching your phone from one of the guards. "You know, I read the prophecy yesterday, coincidentally." He studied your phone with bewilderment. "Never knew it'd bring someone like you in. You kinda look like a peasant, to be fair - I was expecting some sort of extravagant show for me. Now, how does this thing work?" He went on as if he hadn't just insulted you.

You felt angered by his statement, though, to be fair, you had appeared in a rather large pile of garbage. You didn't smell the best, nor did you look it. "I'd show you, but I can't get up, now can I?" You pointed out, nodding towards the guards.

Techno looked you over before drawing what looked to be a sword made of pure diamond, motioning for the guards to let go. "One wrong move and you're dead, peasant." He said with a hint of joy in his voice, as if he wanted you to do something wrong so he could plunge his sword into your heart.

Hesitantly, the guards released their hold and you stood up, brushing your knees off and carefully taking your phone from the king. You opened it, your password being simply '1234', before going to your photos and beginning to flip through them. Seeing them reminded you of where you should've been - at home, studying, since most of it was college related. Every once in a while, you'd come across an interesting photo, such as nature or even a cool meal you ate, however you skimmed past them just like everything else, before shutting off the phone.

Techno looked to it as you skimmed through with genuine amazement and curiosity, blinking once you turned it off and clearing his throat. "I'm sure I already know this, but explain. How does it work?" He seemed to actually want to know, which surprised you.

You glanced from your phone to him with narrowed eyes, before looking to the walls. "I don't think I can explain," you stated, "it'd be like explaining why you have so many paintings of yourself to a homeless man."

A Medieval Meeting (Technoblade x Reader x Dream)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora