Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

752K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 18

17.1K 386 56
By SkylarJapera

Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 18

“Violet!” Chloe shouts but the stubborn girl continues to walk towards the entrance of the school. Chloe looks around at the destroy lockers and crack ceiling from her magic. She in takes a breath and over hears the rumors already forming.

“Chloe what happen?” Chloe turns her head at Kimberly voice. “I can’t talk right now.” Chloe replies running after Violet who is cranking up her motorcycle. “Violet!” she shouts again but she is too late and the alpha speeds off towards town.

“Chloe?” Olivia screams pushing people out her and Catherine way. “Where the hell she is going? What happened?”

“They took Jessica.” Chloe answers. “Isaac and some policemen took her saying she was under arrest then Violet just start fighting Isaac.” Chloe explains tears beginning to swell in her eyes. “Now she is gone and I don’t know what to do.”

“She is going to the station.” Catherine speaks. “Let’s go.”

Everyone nods their head and jumps in Olivia car. Kimberly runs up as the black mustang gt roars. “Wait.” She begins to wave her hands while standing in front of the car. “I’m coming.”

“Kimberly you can’t. It’s dangerous.”

“No.” Kimberly opens the door and slides in. “I’m going.”

“We don’t have time for this.” Olivia says then speeds off.

Chloe begins to chew on her lip and Kimberly touches her shoulder and says, “It’s going to be fine.”

Chloe smiles towards Kimberly and nods. She silently prayed Violet wasn’t burning the station down.


“Where the fuck is she?” Violet yells with venom in each word.

“Ma’am we cannot give you any information.” The policemen says shivering a little at the young girl standing in front of him.

“Look.” Violet points a finger at his chest making the cop step back. “I swear to god I will blow this fucking worthless piece of shit of a station down if you don’t show me where the hell Jessica is being held at. I know my fucking rights you worthless bastard.”

“Profanity isn’t ladylike at all.” Another voice interrupts making the cop release a breath he had been holding from fear. Violet turns her head to see Isaac on the other side of the bars. Violet eyes begin to glow violet.

“Leave us.” Isaac orders. The cop walks away quickly. “So you’re the alpha of this town.” The older man grins then speaks, “You should leave and stay out of this.”

Violet laughs running her hand through her hair. It’s like trouble always finds her. What was up with Divide? She roll her eyes and says, “I know my rights Isaac and I know you do not have the authority to be in police business. Unless Jessica is deadly or arrested then I have the right to speak to her after your questioning.” Violet finishes.

“Well…” Isaac starts smiling showing his teeth. “I’m not the type of person to go by the rules and plus in a few days I will own Divide and a lot of things will change in this town.”

Violet growls, “What the hell you want with this shitty town.”

Isaac laughs, “That for me to know. Just be patient honey.” He begins to walk away and Violet screams, “Let me see Jessica!”

Isaac turns around and smirks, “Your little girlfriend is fine. When I have everything under control she will be release with no harm. See you at school Monday morning Violet. I’m the new principle.” He then completely walks away and Violet yells and begins to shake the bars in frustration. She can feel her eyes beginning to glow and she looks down and sees her nails coming out. She falls to her knees praying she wouldn’t phase. She wanted to eat this Isaac guy alive.

“Violet.” She begins to hear her name being called by a familiar voice. “Violet.” Her name is whisper again but the alpha shuts her eyes and concentrates on her wife voice. “Calm down.”

Chloe finally calms down when her wife calms. It was odd how they could feel each other emotions. Their bond was so strong. She looks down at her wrist and sees her marking beginning to glow. This only happen when Violet would use both of their emotions combining them so it could be stronger. It was like an internal conversation. Usually it meant Violet was sorry for getting out of control. “It’s fine baby I understand.” Chloe whispers. She then kisses Violet on the forehead knowing the alpha was exhausted from fighting with her inner wolf. “You need to hunt.” Chloe suggests.

“I can’t right now.” Violet begins to stands holding her head trying to shake the dizziness away.

“Violet you’re becoming weak.” Chloe shouts. “You have fought your inner wolf twice today. The next time will not work if you do not hunt.” The witch finishes sternly. Violet growls and then walks towards the front of the station. “We need to go back to the mansion and report this.” Olivia and Catherine nods their head and Violet is surprise to see Kimberly in the back of Olivia car. She turns around and asks, “You brought Kimberly.”

“She wouldn’t listen.” Catherine answers.

“Ugh her sister is going to kill us.” Violet says. “Let’s go.” She hops on her motorcycle and is surprise when she feels a warm body behind her and smooth arms wrapping around her chest. She breathes in comfort and leans back a little before cracking the motorcycle up. Chloe whispers in her ear, “Hunt tonight.”

Violet grins and replies, “Yes ma’am.”


Violet bangs her fist on the table and hollers, “What do you mean you can’t do anything.”

The lawyer in front of her begins to shake uncontrollable and stutters, “The papers say that I cannot talk to her.”

“She has the right to a lawyer right?” Violet screams. “This is fucking America for Christ sakes.” Violet begins to walk towards the poor man in a suit and hollers, “Figure something out.”

The guy nods his head and then his cellphone rings. He answers and begins to nod his and head and repeats yes over and over again. He then glances up towards Violet with a worry look on his face. When he hangs the phone up Violet asks, “What?”

“Umm…Jess..ic..a” He coughs and rubs his head while stepping back afraid to speak.

“I swear to god if you don’t answer my question.”

“Jessicaismissing.” He says in one breath but Violet catches every single word. She shakes her head and asks, “Did I hear that right?”

“Yes.” The guy in suit looks down and replies, “Jessica was release an hour ago but she went missing afterwards.”

“Get out.” Violet orders and then walks into the main room with Chloe following behind. “Isaac.” Chloe comes to conclusion that it couldn’t be anyone else. “I’m going hunting Chloe.” Violet speaks ripping her clothes off walking out the back door phasing into the air.

Chloe watches the beast run into the woods with worry.


Violet walks into the mansion after a full night of thinking and hunting in the woods. She just wanted to sleep and think some more. She didn’t understand what Isaac wanted with Jessica. She was just the principle of a small town high school. Why he needed her out the way. It didn’t make any kind of sense. She walks into her room slowly and looks out the window seeing the sun about to rise. She slips in the sheets with her lovely wife and watches her sleep. She watches Chloe chest rise and fall and then her nose twitch. This makes the alpha smile. She wraps her arm around Chloe with protection. Tight and close. She then slowly falls asleep while watching the sun rise and Chloe skin glow in the light.

Violet was awakening three hours later from beating on her door. She feels Chloe stir and grumble, “Violet.”

“Yes.” Violet whispers in her ear and then untangle herself from Chloe.

Chloe turns around and ask with concern, “When did you come back. I tried to wait up.”

Violet kisses Chloe on the lips and then pulls back looking into those grey eyes and whispers, “I’m sorry I came back early this morning. I had a lot of things on my mind.” She looks down with guilt and Chloe delivers a short kiss to her lips and replies, “It is okay.” Beating disturbs their moment and Chloe smiles, “You should get the door.”

Violet growls and pulls the door open screaming, “What!”

“Good morning Ms. grumpy.” Catherine smirks. “Look I have good news. Get dress and come downstairs.”

Violet nods her head and then heads straight for the bathroom. She pulls off her remaining clothes and jumps in the shower. She begins to wash quickly and then jumps a little when the shower curtains are pulled back. Chloe steps in and then pulls the wet and soapy Violet to her body. Violet tenses and then relaxes turning towards Chloe wrapping her arms around her shoulder pulling them to closer while slender hands come around her waist. “I just want to hold you for a second.” Violet nods her head understanding. When there’s huge problems like this Violet could get a little distance and this bother Chloe a lot. Violet kisses Chloe head and then pulls her chin up connecting their lips.


Once down stairs Chloe and Violet walks into the library and is surprise to see Sue sitting down drinking white wine. “Now this is a surprise.” Violet comments. Sue turns around in the chair and smirks. “Well…well...well I heard an original is in town.”

“Yeah Isaac.”

Sue stands and then frowns, “Isaac is not my problem. I thought it was Ralph.” Sue comments walking towards the door but Violet steps in her way and says sternly, “No we need that stupid stick that kills originals.”

Sue smirks and laughs, “You know how many years I had to wait to find this stick.” Sue smirks and then giggles again. “This stick is specially made for Ralph.”

Violet growls and Sue steps back and smirks, “I do not think you want to kill me Violet. I’m the only one who knows where the stick is of course.”

Violet growls again launching towards the vampire. Sue grabs her fist and then Chloe pulls Violet back screaming, “This is not helping. We’re running out of time.”

“Now Sue will you help or not.” Chloe asks harshly. “We don’t have time for your games.”

Sue runs her hands through her hair and speaks, “Yes I think I have another proposal.”


“Father?” Leo yells through the bathroom door. Ralph quickly emerges with a towel wrap around his naked body. “What son?”

Leo unmutes the TV and turns it up surprise to see his older brother on the TV with a nice suit on. ‘Well I’m very pleased to replace Jessica Ris. I do not know what has happen but I’m confident I will turn this high school around. But that is only the start. I will quickly turn this town around.’

Leo and Ralph continue to watch the screen in shock as the people clap and cheer for Isaac.

“What is he planning on doing?” Leo asks.

“I do not know.” Ralph speaks. “But I think it is time to go visit Isaac.”

Violet throws a vase onto the floor as she watches Isaac on the TV. Everyone in town now thought Jessica was some sort of murderer or terrorist. The rumors were getting ridiculous. “Violet.” Chloe whines. “You’re scaring your daughter.” She stresses. Violet turns around seeing her little girl as just walk into the room.

Rue bites her lip in worry and says, “It’s going to be okay mom.”

Violet smiles and picks Rue up and hugs her saying, “Yes it is I’m sorry honey.”

Chloe grabs Rue and puts her down saying, “You getting big aren’t you.” Rue smiles and then Chloe says, “Okay go get ready for bed while me and your mother talk.” Rue nods her head walking out the room.

“I need you to control your anger Violet.” Chloe states. “It has never been this bad.”

“I know.” Violet looks up apologetic. “I’m sorry okay. It’s just frustrating that Jessica is gone and I do not have a clue what this Isaac guy is planning.”

“The only thing you can do is sit and wait for Sue to return okay?”

“Fine.” Violet groans sitting in the nearby chair in frustration.


A week later things were different Isaac was the new principle and Violet had skip an entire week of school. Jessica was still missing and the policemen were doing nothing about it. Violet and her pack were searching but it seem like it was impossible. Chloe was sticking onto Violet anger like glue controlling her when she got out of control. Catherine and Olivia was working constantly and attending school to be able to give info on what has been happening in school. Mostly everything was normal and Olivia suggested Violet to go but the alpha refused saying she would try next Monday.

Chloe notice that Kimberly was gone all the time. She had a feeling that it was her and that Calvin dude she was hanging out with. It was sweet but she notice that Kimberly wouldn’t glow as much as she use to with Cassandra. It was quite sad that she haven’t heard from her older sister she was beginning to love but it was her sister decision and she had to live with it.

Kimberly walks through the main room blushing and Chloe smirks knowing where the girl has been. “Have you too kissed yet?” Chloe teases. Kimberly blushes and then shakes her head no. Chloe smirks, “So are you too dating now.” Kimberly nods her head yes and says, “He asked me out today.” The strawberry blonde breathes and then says, “I’m so happy.”

“Because he asked you out?” Chloe questions.

“No.” Kimberly says. “Because I finally wasn’t thinking or comparing him to Cassandra once he did. I believe I’m finally over her.” Kimberly frowns, “It that wrong?”

“No.” Chloe quickly answers. “It’s a good thing you have moved on.”

Kimberly smiles at the answer and then quickly walks up stairs. Chloe laughs and walks upstairs to check on her daughter and then her grumpy wife. Once she puts Rue to bed she walks into her room to see the alpha already asleep which was weird. “My baby is tired.” Chloe whispers looking down at her wife who was sleeping peacefully. Chloe strips out of her clothes and cuddles in close to Violet.

Violet plays in Chloe hair as the witch sleep with her head on her chest. The alpha stares at the ceiling. She finally makes a decision to attend school today. She could get more information there than staying in the house all day. She pulls Chloe closer as her wife stirs jumping out of her sleep. “Babe its time for school.”

Chloe grunts in response and then buries her head deeper into Violet chest. The wolf giggles at Chloe for acting like a stubborn child. Chloe pulls her head up and pouts folding her arms across her chest like a baby. Violet lifts up kissing Chloe on the lips and says, “Good morning beautiful.”

“Are you coming to school today?” Chloe whines.

Violet grins, “Yes I am.”

Chloe smiles jumping on top of Violet straddling her waist. “Yes I’ve missed you.”

“Really.” Violet smirks rubbing up and down Chloe soft smooth thighs. Chloe rolls her eyes and kisses the smirk off Violet lips.


All the kids that attended Harland High school sit in the auditorium and listen to Isaac new rules. Violet and the main crew sit in the middle with frowns on their face as Isaac continues on and on. Violet growls and whispers, “You didn’t tell me of this.”

“We didn’t know.” Chloe whispers back.

“There will be high black gates put up so you will not be able to enter the woods. Also starting next week we will start wearing uniform.” Isaac says while the PowerPoint continues and shows a picture of the girls and the guys’ uniform. Violet scowls seeing the hideous green plaid skirts and pure white dress shirts. The guys had to wear black dress pants, white button shirt, dark green vest and a black tie. Violet understood the colors because Harland High colors were green and yellow like Green Bay the professional football team but what was the point of the uniform.

“I want get caught dead in that shit.” One of the star football players mumbles to his friends. Isaac growls and then points his hand and immediately the boy is getting escorted to the principal’s office. Violet rolls her eyes this was so over rated. Gates, Uniform, what was next she wonder.

“During your free block everyone will fill out a paper saying your size and by next week everyone will have three sets of their uniform. You are dismissed.” Isaac finishes.

All the kids groan and leaves going towards their next block. Violet sits in her class and tries to block out all the commotion about the uniform. “Violet it’s not that bad.”

“The uniforms are not the problem Chloe.” Violet says. “It’s Isaac.”

Chloe rubs Violet thigh and whispers, “I know.”

Violet walks Chloe to her next class and then heads to the restroom. She then smells an familiar scent and turns around quickly when she hears, “I see things have changed.” Once she is facing the voice her eyes goes wide. Cassandra stands there tall with a pair of dark jeans and a fire red button up shirt. Her hair was straight falling down her back and her blues eyes were bright. Violet looks her up and down and then hisses, “What the hell are you doing here Cassandra.”

“I thought you said whenever I wanted to come back I had a family to come back to.” Cassandra smirks walking towards Violet. She then pulls her into a tight huge and laughs, “I’ve missed you too Violet. Now where’s my little sister.”

“You can’t do that.” Violet stress making the witch frown.

“Look I know I left and didn’t check in but I had to make sure that I was in control. These new powers are not as simple as you think.” Cassandra explains.

Violet rolls her eyes and runs her hand through her hair and says, “A phone call wouldn’t hurt.”

“I know.” Cassandra whispers frowning. “And I’m sorry for that.”

Violet smiles and then says, “So where did you go.”

Cassandra shines brightly, “I travel the world. First I went to California and learn to surf.” This makes the alpha eyebrow arch. “Then I travel to New York and then across the seas to Rome then back here.”

“What made you come back?” Violet asks curiously.

“Heard there was some trouble down here.” Cassandra replies. “It’s all over the news about this principle that is missing.”

“What?” Violet asks.

“Yeah its not really that big but it caught my attention when I was drinking coffee one morning.” Cassandra explains.

“I see.” Violet says then looks at her watch and says, “I have to get back to class. See you at home.”

Cassandra smiles and nods her head and watches Violet leave. Once Violet gets further down the hall she quickly turns around when she thinks of Kimberly. She should have given Cassandra a warning about the young girl now having a boyfriend and finally being over her. She runs back into the bathroom and sees that Cassandra is gone. She groans and waits impatiently for the bell to ring for her last class of the day.


Violet rushes to her next period to see Violet talking with Catherine and Olivia. She rushes towards them and Chloe looks up worried and asks, “Babe what is wrong.”

“You haven’t seen her?” Violet asks confused. She would have thought Cassandra would have surprised her sister before her.

“Seen who?” Chloe asks while grabbing Violet motioning her to sit down. Violet bites her lip and then answers, “Cassandra has return.”

Chloe looks surprise and then laughs awkwardly. “You’re serious?”

“Yes I thought she would have surprise you like she did me in the bathroom earlier.” Violet frowns seeing her wife feelings crumbling.

“Oh.” Chloe says. “Well is she staying this time.” the witch asks with an attitude.

“I don’t know.” Violet replies. “But don’t hate her until she explain herself okay honey.” Violet pecks Chloe on the lips and says, “We will see her when we return home.”

The ride home was quiet and Violet stares at Chloe and wonders what the witch is thinking. But when she tries to use their bond she notice Chloe is blocking her. “Honey what’s wrong.”

“I don’t want Cassandra to become between again.” Chloe says looking towards Violet once the car stop at a red light. “Promise me. I love my sister and you.”

Violet smiles and kisses Chloe, “I promise Chloe.”

Chloe smiles and then admits, “I’m really excited to see her.”

“Yeah the only person I’m worried about is Kimberly.” Violet comments. Chloe wide goes wide and Violet laughs, “Yeah I forgot to.”

“She just got over her.” Chloe says. “This is not going to be good. Kimberly is going to be piss.”

“Yeah but Kimberly seem like she can forgive easily.” Violet comments getting out the car. They walk into the house to see Cassandra sitting in the main room. Chloe runs towards her and hugs her tightly and then smacks her on the arm and says, “Don’t disappear like that again.”

They all laugh and drink sodas as Cassandra talk about her crazy adventures. Cassandra then looks at the clock and asks, “Where is Kimberly.”

Violet instantly thinks of the Calvin guy. “Look Cassandra when you were gone you really hurt Kimberly feelings and she sort of move….” Before Violet could finish she smelled a familiar scent enter the room. She turns around to see Kimberly holding hands with her boy-friend with a surprise look on her face. Cassandra grins not noticing the links hands. Kimberly frowns and then crosses the room and stops in front of her and without hesitation, she slaps Cassandra across the face so hard that it caused Violet and Chloe to jump.

Cassandra held one hand to her cheek and waved Chloe off when her little sister tried to pull Kimberly away.

Kimberly face was a mask of hurt and rage. “Fuck you Cassandra.” And with that she walks back towards the confused Calvin grabbing his hand saying, “Let’s go.”

Violet leans towards her wife and whispers, “Forget what I said about Kimberly being forgiving.”

Cassandra sits down and says, “I deserved that but who is the boy.”

“Yeah.” Violet says awkwardly. “As I was saying before Kimberly came in. that’s um…His name is Calvin.”

“And who the hell is Calvin.” Cassandra asks with anger getting impatient.

“That’s Kimberly boy-friend.”


“Yes Cassandra.” Violet answers. “Maybe you should back off a little until Kimberly calm down.” Cassandra stands abruptly and doesn’t answers stomping upstairs. Violet groans and Chloe rubs her back whispering, “Just give it time.”


Kimberly walks into the mansion later that night still angry that Cassandra would just show up like everything is okay. After slapping her Kimberly felt bad and left with Calvin crying on his shoulder at his house. Calvin asked who was she but Kimberly just shook her head and answered. No one important. After her crying they sat up and watch movies all night but it didn’t help the imagines of Cassandra running through her head.

All the hard work of her getting over Cassandra was for nothing. She still liked Cassandra a lot but she was with Calvin someone she grown to like a lot also. They both made her happy and she didn’t know how she would be able to see Cassandra every day and not fall again.

Kimberly steps up the final step and walks into her new room. Violet had given her and Kate separate rooms. At first Kate argued saying they didn’t need one but Violet saw the pleading look in Kimberly eyes and talked her sister into it.

Kimberly opens the door and groans when she sees Cassandra sitting on her bed. “Get out.”

“I’m going nowhere.” Cassandra hisses. “Calvin his name right?”

“You do not get to question me about him.” Kimberly hollers.

Cassandra rolls her eyes and steps towards the human which makes Kimberly step back until her back is connected to the hard and cold door. “Leave like you did before.” Kimberly hisses with venom.

“I’m not leaving you again.” Cassandra whispers.

Tears stung at Kimberly eyes as she watches Cassandra, “No you left that was your choice. You didn’t call you didn’t check in. You left me alone!” Kimberly screams. “I do not want you here. I do not want you.” Kimberly hollers and then begins to beat on Cassandra chest while screaming, “Go away! Leave!”

Cassandra fights Kimberly hard blows to her chest and wraps her arms around Kimberly waist pulling her close. Kimberly took in the familiar scent and buried her head into Cassandra shoulder and mumbles, “You left me. You cannot just do that.”

The older woman ran her hand through the strawberry locks and kisses the side of her head. She half led, half carried Kimberly to the bed. As she sits down, she pulls Kimberly onto her lap and wraps her arms tightly around the younger girl waist, kissing her shoulder and neck.

“We cannot do this.” Kimberly whispers holding back her moans while biting her lip. “You can’t do this.”

Cassandra shrugs her shoulder she wanted Kimberly she wouldn’t be surprise if she already loved Kimberly. She pulled back and looks into the bright hazel eyes and brought their lips together for the first time.

Kimberly instantly becomes dizzy. She forgets everything once Cassandra lips are on hers. There was no more Calvin, no more anger towards Cassandra, it was just Cassandra soft lips on hers and soft hands on her back pulling her closer. She was kissing Cassandra she couldn’t believe it.

Long fingers gripped the back of Kimberly neck pulling her closer. Cassandra grins and bites Kimberly lower lip making the younger girl gasped and then moan when she feels Cassandra tongues enter into her mouth.

Kimberly runs her hand through Cassandra hair and then pulls back looking down at the smirking witch. Kimberly was mute she couldn’t speak and she knew her face was red from blushing. She missed Cassandra so much but she couldn’t do this. She leaps off Cassandra making the older human frown.

“What is wrong?”

“You need to leave.” Kimberly whispers. “I have a boyfriend.”

“You don’t care for him as you do for me.” Cassandra hollers. “He is nothing.” She could feel her anger rising. Just thinking of this guy touching Kimberly made her sick.

“You are not my mother I make my own decision like you make yours Cassandra.” Kimberly stands ground crossing her arms over her chest. Cassandra walks towards her whispers, “But I’m selfish. I want you to myself. I love you.” She then kisses Kimberly again pulling her towards her. The strawberry girl moans and then pushes Cassandra away, “You cannot say that. Please leave.” Kimberly was on the verge of tears again.

“Pumpkin…” Cassandra starts but Kimberly cuts her off, “Please leave.”

The witch nods her head and leaves out the room with tears in her eyes. “I fucked up again.”

So Cassandra is back. Please Comment and tell me what you think. Should Kimberly stay with Calvin she has feelings for or Cassandra who just admitted her love for her. Awww their first kiss. :)

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