Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsuk...

By Tesby1006

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'Everyone has long since fallen asleep, but for some reason sleep continues to elude you. Thoughts of Kiyoko'... More

Ch.1 Meeting the team...
Ch. 2 Him....
Ch. 3 Teasing...
Ch. 4 Nosey Friends...
Ch. 5 Never Have I Ever...
Ch. 6 ๐Ÿ‹ Too Close... ๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 7 Sunlight Through The Window...
Ch. 8 Girl's Night...
Ch. 9 Secrets...
Ch. 10 Ulterior Motives...
Ch. 11 Jealous...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 12 Can't Resist...๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 13 Early Riser... ๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 14 Claiming...
Ch. 15 Unwanted Attention...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 16 Reactionary Nature...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 17 Reflection...
Ch. 18 Insider Info...
Ch. 19 Movie Night....
Ch. 20 Morning Entertainment...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 21 Let's Play a Game...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 22 Distraction...
Ch. 23 Operation...
Ch. 24 Tryouts...
Ch. 25 Strategies...
Ch. 26 Brotherly advice...
Ch. 27 Body study...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 28 Slippery when wet...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 29 Highs and Lows...
Ch. 30 Nagashima Spa-Land...
Ch. 31 Nabana no Sato...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 32 Impatient...๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 33 Moments in time...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 34 Catalyst...
Ch. 35 Reality Check...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 36 The last time...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 37 Avoidance...
Ch. 38 Irony...
Ch. 39 Tipping point...
Ch. 40 Aftermath...
Ch. 41 Too little too late....
Ch. 43 IDFC...
Ch. 44 ๐Ÿ‹ Again...๐Ÿ‹

Ch. 42 Help me, please...

731 27 11
By Tesby1006

A/N: okay okay... you twisted my arm... here's another chapter... lol honestly I just can't help myself , I have no chill 🧡🖤🧡🖤


All Tsukki can think about the rest of the day is how badly he wants to fix things between you two. You had blocked his calls and texts and avoided every possible encounter he might have made since what has now been labeled as "the incident" by everyone that knows of it.

'How the hell am I supposed to fix things if she won't even talk to me'

'It's not like I can blame her...'

'What do I even say, how do I even begin explaining myself...'

Tadashi has already made it clear that he won't help him any further. He already felt like he over stepped his bounds by verbally ripping Tsukki a new asshole but he couldn't just say nothing. Tsukki suddenly sits up from his bed and groans, coming to terms with what he needs to do to at least maybe get you to talk to him, but seriously... he wished it could have been anyone else at all but it just had to be that orange haired little shit that he's going to have to ask for help. He just prays that he hears him out and is willing to help.

He reaches for his phone and with a deep breath to center himself, he taps the contact, putting it to his ear and listened to it ring.

'It's funny how after all these years of teasing this idiot, now I've got to ask him for help... Damn  karma really is a cold hearted bitch'

*ring*   *ring*    *ring*

Tsukki removes his glasses rubbing his eyes when finally...

H: Hello? Huh, well Tsukishima I
think this is a first. Do I even need
to ask why you're calling me...

                T: Probably not but.... Okay...
*hufh*  so please let me get all this
out before you say anything.

H: Ooookaaaay?????

Tsukki pulls the phone from his face mumbling 'I can't believe I'm doing this' before taking a deep breath and returning the phone to his ear.

T: So I'm sure you're aware of
how I royally effed up, yes?

H: With Y/N, yeah I'm aware.
Speaking of that, what the hell
is wrong with you? Y/N hasn't
been the same since that happened...

Guilt hit him like a punch to the gut knowing it's his fault you're feeling like that but Tsukki cuts in before Hinata can speak any further.

T: That's why I'm calling... I have
been trying to fix things between
Y/N and myself but she avoiding me.

H: Well I can't say I blame her
Suckyshima you were quite the
asshole from what I've heard
of "the incident" I thought you
guys were getting along and then
everything went to shit.

T: It's a long story but.... well...

Tsukki drops the phone away from his mouth again as his anger and frustration at himself, that he hurt you mounts higher, trying to muffle the microphone before shouting to himself "Goddammit!" Then returning the phone to his ear once more.

H: Tsukishima???

T: I need your help.....
can you meet up with me so I
can explain what's going on. I know
I can't make you help me and
it's not like I've ever been nice enough
for you to owe me one but... I hope
once you hear everything you
might be willing....

H: I never thought I'd ever hear
you ask me for my help...
*sighs* I don't like seeing Y/N hurting
like this. So if I give you this chance
you better not fuck it up further.
I'll hear you out but I'm not
making any promises.

T: I know... thanks for at least
being willing to listen

H: You gonna be at the house later?
I'll swing by after I'm done at the gym.

T: yeah I'll be here. See ya then.

H: see ya


Clasping his phone between his hands, he squeezes it so tight he's shocked he didn't break it. He takes a deep breath before getting up, pacing his room back and forth as he tries to organize his thoughts into a plan of action in case Hinata is willing to help.


Hours pass before Hinata makes his way over. Feeling conflicted on the entire situation. He's known Tsukki for years but seeing how badly you were hurting made him fuming mad. You hadn't been a part of all their lives long but you grew close with them all quickly. Nursing their injuries and scolding them when they didn't take care of themselves. It was hard not to become close to such a caring person.

After knocking on the door, Kuroo answers. "Hey Hinata" the look on Kuroo's face is solemn.

"Where is he?" Hinata asks

"He's in his roo..." Kuroo starts to respond. He hears Tsukki rushing down the stairs. "He's right here I guess..." Kuroo leans over to speaking quietly "thank you for being willing to talk to him. I've never seen him this messed up before."

"I can see that" Hinata comments seeing a disheveled Tsukki as he makes his way into the living room having a seat on the couch. Kuroo heads upstairs to his room to give them space to talk. Hinata gestures for Tsukki to sit down before crossing his arms. "Alright, I'm here... now explain..."

Tsukki can tell how irritated Hinata is, it takes a lot to make him mad but clearly Tsukki has managed to do that.

"So how much do you know? I'm not exactly sure where to start explaining..."

"Pretty much everything, Do you have any idea how much you hurt Y/N?" Tsukki flinches at Hinata's words like they are a physical slap. "Why don't you start explaining from the night it happened."

"Uh okay so, Y/n had been avoiding me and I had been really frustrated and confused why she was saying one thing but acting another, I just wanted her to talk to me and tell me what was going on..."

"You know why she was avoiding you now, correct?" Hinata's voice is agitated.

"Yes, I know that was my fault too, but I didn't realize the extent of things at the time, I thought she was just busy like she was telling me. I talked to Kuroo and Bokuto about everything and why she was probably avoiding me and they told me I needed to open up to her. They decided to take me out for a few drinks to quote unquote 'get me to chill the fuck out'. I had planned on telling y/n how I really felt the next day."


"Well, we were there at the club and I had already had few drinks, when I saw her dancing with Terushima." Tsukki grips his fist against his leg.

"And... your point?" Hinata is not giving him any room get out of this.

"And... Come on Hinata... He's a complete man-whore!" Tsukki snaps.

"Tsukishima... you are a man-whore. So you don't have any room to talk. I don't think I've ever seen you in a successful relationship, so who's calling the kettle black here?" Hinata snaps back.

"FUCK!!!" Tsukki says tugging on his hair in frustration. "I know I am, or I was at least but I don't want to be anymore. I just want her. I want to fix this, I know I hurt her and I know it's my own fault this happened but please Hinata I'm trying to fix this." Hinata can hear the tears in Tsukki's voice. "I don't want to lose her."

Tsukki tosses his glasses on the table in front of him and buries his face in his hands, tears slowly slipping through his fingers.

"I honestly don't know if you can fix this Tsukki. You made her feel like she was special to you then put her on par with every other woman you ever slept with. You basically implied that she was a slut for sleeping with you." Hinata's voice finally has lost some of its bite, now replaced with pity.

"I know... I know how badly I fucked up. I'm just hoping for this small chance to fix it, and if I can't... if my actions have caused me to lose her then I'll accept it but I need to apologize. She deserves that much from me." Tsukki raises his head to look at Hinata. "Please Hinata, please help me do this. I Love her."

Hinata looks at Tsukki, thinking for a moment.
Finally he relaxes his posture before pulling out his phone, calling you.

*ring... ring....ring...*

Y/n: Hello?

Your voice rasps out and right away Hinata can tell you've been crying again.

H: Hey y/n, how are you feeling?

Y/n: ummm... I don't know...
okay I guess, pretty much the same though.
Did you need something?

Hinata looks at Tsukki one last time holding a finger against his lips to silently communicate to Tsukki to stay quiet. Tsukki nods in understanding.

H:I just wanted to check on you. Do
you mind if I come by in a little while?

Y/n: Tonight??? Yeah I'll be here,
I'm just laying on the couch watching TV.

H: Alrighty then, I'll see you
a little later then okay?

Y/n: okay... Thanks for checking on
me Sho, I appreciate.

H: Of course! Anytime! Bye

Y/n: bye


Tsukki sits up once Hinata ends the call "Thank you Hinata"

"Don't thank me yet, I don't know if she will be willing to talk to you, but I will try. I hope you have a plan or something."

"Yeah, I do. Now I just gotta hope she'll talk to me. Still though, thank you for at least being willing to try, I owe you." Tsukki looks at Hinata, sincerity in his eyes.

Hinata chuckles a little. "Damn straight you do. You know you look like shit right now right?"

Tsukki rubs his hand over his face then runs his fingers through his hair. "Yeah I don't doubt it. I feel like shit too."

"Hey maybe it'll work in your favor and y/n will see you and take pity on your sorry ass." Hinata jokes.

Tsukki smiles a little "Maybe, I can only hope."

Hinata stands up clapping his hands together. "Alright... get up. Go clean yourself up and change before we go."


Hinata pulls up to your place. Tsukki's sitting in the passenger seat headphones around his neck and his phone in his hands gripping it anxiously.

"You ready?" Hinata asks hesitantly.

Tsukki's head snaps to Hinata. "Huh?? Uh yeah... yeah I'm ready."

"Alright, you wait here. I'll go see if she'll talk to you."

"O-okay, alright I'll wait here then." Hinata can almost see the anxiety and fear rolling off Tsukki.

Hinata claps him on the back before heading up to your place. Knocking on the door then opening it up. "Hey y/n, it's just me."

"Hey Sho, I'm in here." You call from the living room.

Hinata makes his way to the living room. When he walks in, he sees you curled up on the couch in sweats and a tank top wrapped up in a blanket watching tv. Hinata hesitates for a moment before crouching down on the balls of his feet in front of you.

"Okay so, please don't be mad at me. Just hear me out for a moment."

You look at him guarded and confused. "Okay??"

"So Tsukishima's here..." Hinata says carefully. Your head snaps to the front door, pain and hurt on your face.

"Hey hey, calm down for a second. Deep breath okay." You look back at Hinata meeting his eyes before nodding your head and taking a deep breath.

"Good good, now just listen for a second okay. He's here to apologize. He said he understands if you say No and that you don't want to see him but that he just wants to be able to apologize because you deserve at least that much for the way he hurt you, okay?" Hinata holds your hands in front of you waiting for you to respond one way or another.

"I... I don't know... I don't know if I'm ready to see him yet Sho." Hinata can see the sadness in your eyes.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, but I think you can do it okay, you're strong. I know you can do this, okay." Hinata squeezes your hands in his.

You take a deep breath then nod your head. "Okay... yeah okay. I can do this."

"Alright I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get him and then I'll wait by the front door if you need me but that way you two still have a little privacy. Okay?"

You nod as Hinata stands back up heading for his car. He opens the door tapping on the roof before leaning down to look at Tsukki. "Alright you're up big guy. And from now on you can no longer make short jokes at my expense. That's your payment to me for this, got it?"

Tsukki just stares at Hinata for a moment "Seriously?" Finally relaxing his shoulders letting out a small laugh at Hinata's thumbs up smile. "Yeah alright, that's fair."

"Alright, now get your ass in there and grovel to your woman about how sorry you are." Hinata slaps him on the back once more as they make their way to the door.

Standing there for a moment Tsukki just stares at the door, scared of what's about to happen. He closes his eyes takes a deep breath then steps inside....


🥺🥺🥺 Hinata is the BAMF of this story 🧡 I love his sunshine energy but ooo boy don't make him mad...

2 more chapters my dear readers... talk about speed running the ending lol. But I've had these chapters pretty much finished for months now and dying for you all to see the ending 🧡🖤🧡

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