Chérie, parchments and quills

By Oleonetta

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A birthday gift voucher for Le'Amortentia - the dating service, sends Harry into a whirlwind of words after... More

Chérie, parchments and quills
Chapter One - Le'Amortentia
Chapter Two - False names
Chapter Three - Inordinate amounts of chocolate
Chapter Four - Apologies
Chapter Five - Faults of alliance
Chapter Six - Precarious nature of trust
Chapter Seven - Playing with fire
Chapter Eight - Halloween slips
Chapter Nine - Shattering illusions
Chapter Ten - Curative company
Chapter Eleven - Irrefutable evidence
Chapter Twelve - Three's a crowd
Chapter Thirteen - The winds of remaining corruption
Chapter Fourteen - Concealed truths
Chapter fifteen - Christmas gifts
Chapter Seventeen - Sonixies
Chapter eighteen - Draco's dilemma and delusions
Chapter Nineteen- Miss Payne
Chapter twenty - Young Darkened Heart
Chapter Twenty-One - Fettered by Fear
Chapter Twenty-Two: Dueling of Desperation

Chapter Sixteen - Christmas games

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By Oleonetta

(Authors note here: I really hope all my readers are all enjoying this story so far. This chapter was both fun and hard to write. Please, please leave comments so I know what you like and what you don't XD it helps me create better stories, and it really does encourages me to post new chapters sooner.) 


Sitting at a one long Hogwarts table in the middle of the Great Hall, decorated spectacularly in a winter wonderland theme of silver and blue, were seven merry teachers, and twenty-seven joyful students. Everyone was tucking into their Christmas dinner and talking cheerfully between mouthfuls of turkey, stuffing, and roast potatoes, over the sounds of silverware on brilliant white plates.

Draco sat among the teachers that had stayed for the Christmas holidays, at the far end of the frosty-blue decorated table – adorned with miniature ice sculptures and floating candles burning in silver holders – and he found himself unable to stop glancing across the table at Harry as he spoke with Minerva.

"Mother did consider returning for the holidays," said Draco, answering Minerva's latest question regarding his mother's well-being, "but I assured her it wasn't necessary. She has been keeping busy with the book story... and I believe her attention has been greatly occupied with a possible male companion."

Yes, his mother had mentioned a man – many times in fact, in her correspondence to him – and if he'd read the letter correctly, then he was certain she had been alluding to a growing relationship with one Valerius Cantrelle. One didn't simply mention the same man twenty times between three letters, if one was only a regular to her shop. The fact he was so regular spoke volumes... perhaps he needed to pay his mother a visit and scoop out this Valerius!

"Really?" Minerva sounded shocked. "That must be difficult, what with her standing marriage to Lucius."

"With all due respect Minerva, I'd rather not talk about this here... but I'll say is this," Draco whispered, "Mother will be divorced before the new year." Taking a forkful of roast potato to indicate he would say more on the subject, he thought back to his Mother's letters.

It was true, Harry had come through for her – something he was eternally grateful to Harry for - and his mother was planning on sending the divorce certificate to her ex-husband as a New Year gift. Lucius had no idea that Narcissa would be a Malfoy no more, and Draco suspected that his father would not be happy. He didn't care what Lucius thought anymore, his mother deserved happiness after what that bastard put her through... what he'd put them both through. Lucius Malfoy was no longer his father, and even though he would be keeping his Malfoy name, he wanted nothing to do with the man that had sired him.

As he glanced up at Harry again, he couldn't help but blame his father for dealing the cards that had inevitably stolen his chances today, to explore and admit the feelings he was developing for one Harry Potter. In fact, and he sneered at the thought, it was his father's upbringing that had inevitable caused his rivalry with Potter in 1991; his beliefs, his holier-than-thou attitude, and his narcissistic nature ... were all thanks to his sire's misguided beliefs of what, and how, one should teach their only child.

"Then good for her!" Minerva said, stopping him from dwelling any longer on his pathetic excuse of a father.

He saw Minerva help herself to another serving of honey roasted parsnips. Draco was thankful that she'd taken the hint and didn't ask any more on the subject, he didn't want his business aired all over the school – students had a knack for overhearing things and spreading gossip.

He turned to face Harry when he heard Minerva suddenly say, "you really should eat more veg Harry." The ageing headmistress then pushed the parsnip tray towards the raven-haired man.

"Thanks, but I'm saving room for dessert." Harry declined politely, smiling with slight embarrassment – possibly because he'd been caught eating mostly meat again, and then only enough to fill a six-year-old – but he was a brave man... Draco would have taken the parsnips just to avoid the look Minerva was now sending Harry's way. Yes, Minerva might be aging gracefully, but she was still a formidable woman ... and not someone you denied if you could help it.

Harry was always weird with food though, Draco thought, wondering if that was just part of being a Potter or something. He'd noticed Harry's complete lack of eating routine, how he simply ate when he wanted – which wasn't much at all; Harry also skipped meals in the Great Hall, and when Draco had asked about it in the past, Harry had just shrugged and said, 'Kreacher brings me food when I ask for it, I sometimes eat in my private chambers.' He wasn't sure why it bothered him or acted like an itch he needed to scratch, Harry wasn't losing weight or anything, but it was a mystery... and Draco liked to solve mysteries.

"You've barley eaten Potter!" Draco said before he could stop himself.

"I just don't have a big appetite, its not like I'm underweight or anything." Harry chuckled rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'll take that–"

Draco was interrupted by a loud bang of a nearby cracker. Two fifth year Hufflepuffs – Miss Briana Payne, the girl that had blown up many cauldrons this year, and Miss Ella Munson – had just pulled the first Christmas cracker. Both girls were laughing as Miss Payne donned a rather large, bright-yellow sunhat, featuring dancing reindeer. The typical squeak of mice was followed with an obnoxious squeal of horror from Miss Josephine Prescott – a second year Slytherin, who jumped to stand on her bench, and an equally ear-piercing shriek from Miss Leona Adair – a first year Ravenclaw.

"Miss Prescott!" Draco's voice of annoyance was laced with a cold disappointment, and the entire table went silent. Perfect, Draco thought, when the girl in question looked contrite at his glare. "Forgive me if I missed the latest," he drawled, "but I'm quite certain that the customary behaviour of one at the dinner table, is still to remain seated unless one is excused or one excuses themselves."

Unknown, and unseen by Draco, a shiver ran though Harry spine – caused by that drawling voice that reminded him so much of one Severus Snape. Draco's ability to silence a room, to gain totally silence, and to send chills down his spine with his voice alone... Damn, it was attractive and arousing!

"But there was rat sir, and-"

"A mouse, actually!" Filius Flitwick added, nodding from a few seats up in his modified – raised chair. He wasn't angry, but a little disappointed. "That was quite an unnecessary commotion from you too Miss Adair." Filius address his first year Ravenclaw with a shake of his head.

"Sir?" Miss Leona Adair looked offended. "It was a mouse! They carry diseases, plagues, and-"

"I hate to say it Professor Flitwick," Minerva shook her head in feigned sympathy, "but we may have just discovered an unintelligent eagle. It will surely be one for the history books! I dare say it is pointless arguing, but," she turned to face the Ravenclaw student, "I can assure you Miss Adair, that if you end up in the hospital wing due to rodent-bite fever, I'll award you a house point for every spot you can find when the rash eventually breaks out."

There were a few chuckles at the table, from some of the students and teachers alike. Hagrid seemed to shift slightly with his hand in one of his pockets. Miss Adair and Miss Prescott, both looked equally embarrassed.

"I'll warn everyone now," Minerva address all the student's this time, "for those of you who do not know yet. Each Hogwarts Christmas cracker contains mice, if that is going to be an issue for you... you may be excused back to your dormitory. Although I must also inform you that rats and mice have lived within these walls since the founders built the school, perhaps Beauxbatons Academy of Magic will be better suited to your needs."

Minerva stared down at the students over her square spectacles, but no one dared to leave the table even if they had wanted to – which they did not. The two girls that had previously screamed at the mice, looked a bit disgusted at the idea of rodents roaming the castle, but they hung their heads in shame. Draco wasn't exactly keen on rodents himself, but they were harmless – often eating scraps of food around the school or the kitchens, but otherwise they were mostly unseen – and no one had ever been bitten by a wild rat or mouse when he was student here.

"Very well," Minerva said, "as it is Christmas, I'm sure we can all agree to excuse your ridiculous behaviour this time around. Let us enjoy the rest of this wonderful feast. I think the deserts will be along soon." And as an after though she added, "I'm rather looking forward to the Christmas pudding!"

Everyone resumed eating merrily, but Draco turned to look at the students. He caught Miss Payne's line of sight – she looked a bit sheepish as if she was embarrassed by the fact it was her cracker with Miss Munson that caused the interruption. They didn't usually pull the crackers until pudding, so it was premature, but the girl shouldn't look so whipped.

"You do have a tendency to cause explosive reactions Miss Payne." Draco smirked slightly at her look of mortification. "Not to worry, I'm teasing... but I must say, that hat rather suits you."

She smiled at her potion professor, apparently relaxing now that she knew she wasn't being held accountable. "Thank you, sir!" She said, and Draco nodded.

"She seems less nervous around you." Harry suddenly commented from across the table.

"Ah yes. Miss Payne has been taking extra potions lessons with me. I know she has the ability; she did manage to get exceeds expectations in her OWLs, but with the difficultly level increase of her potions class this year she just needs the extra practice and study time. I believe it was her nerves that have been causing her disastrous start of term, at least where her potions were concerned."

"That's good, she's a bright student. She works hard from what I've heard." Harry said.

"What is she like in your lessons?" Draco asked, drinking eggnog from his crystal goblet. He'd noticed a change in Miss Payne – both in her behaviour and grades, but then he only taught her potions.

"She does very well with her written work, but lacks confidence in practical. She gets there in the end, but now you mention it ... she does seem to need to extra help – she didn't last year."

"Perhaps we should bring this to Longbottom's attention; her change in performance and behaviour could be affecting her other classes likewise?" Draco suggested. The girl maybe prone to somehow blowing up cauldrons, but she could brew potions to 'exceeds expectations' level when she concentrated. This year she had increased her penchant for explosive errors, but she had also become careless and nervous. It wasn't like her, and it would be best for her head of house – Neville Longbottom – to know that something was off.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea actually. I'll talk to Neville tomorrow." Harry agreed, thinking about Miss Payne's behaviour so far.

Draco nodded, wondering if something had changed in the girl's home life... or perhaps it was just the increase of work that was expected of fifth years in comparison to fourth year ... either way, he'd feel better knowing her head of house was aware of the change. The girl seemed happy enough right now though ... but then it was Christmas day.

He hadn't realised that the pudding had been sent up until he next looked down at the table... his mind rapidly changing from thoughts of Miss Payne to chocolate... in particular, one very luxurious, triple chocolate yule log with chocolate shavings. Oh Merlin! He couldn't... he shouldn't... but... it was Christmas!


Harry had left Draco to his thoughts while he talked with the students and the other teachers – trying not to be the awkward one at the table that sat in silence. It seemed that Draco was still being limited with him though, only talking about trivial things or work, and quickly retreating from communication if it got too much or run past his quota for the day. He still glanced Draco's way; he just couldn't help it! He was fool in love and Draco had no idea that Harry's heart was frozen, anxious, and waiting with bated breath – or in this case, with bated beats – for the answers that would only come when the truth came out about Padfoot.

He glanced up at Draco, withholding a smirk as the blond helped himself to the chocolate yule log. Harry helped himself to the sticky toffee pudding, and then froze – only for a few seconds – with the spoon of toffee dessert on its way to his mouth when he heard the quiet moan of delight escape Draco's chocolate covered lips... he quickly continued to shove the spoon into his mouth before anyone caught him staring at the blond teacher, and he looked down at his plate to hide the blush that was mortifyingly on his face. Sounds like that should be illegal!

Luckily, Draco made no more illicit sounds, and it seems no one but himself had noticed the first one, but he did notice when Draco took a second large helping of the yule log, and soon enough ... he went to take a third...

Draco was telling himself that one more helping would be okay, it would be his last, and he just couldn't resist one more bowl of that rich, irresistible, homemade, chocolate log. The moist treat was enough to melt his mind, to take him away from reality ... and to temporarily remove Potter from his thoughts. He picked up the knife, and as soon as he went to cut off another slice... the yule log vanished.

What the fuck? Looking up and down the table in hopes it had just been moved, he soon caught Harry's pointed look and folded arms. His disappointment turned to anger at the injustice.

"Potter!" He accused, and the raven-haired prat opposite him smirked.

"The fruit cocktail isn't bad." Harry said, innocently.

Draco sneered – Oh, innocent my arse! He thought viciously. He'd kill Potter, he'd really wanted that chocolate! "What did do with it?" He demanded, realising he was acting like a petulant child, instead of a thirty-year-old adult teacher... but he really couldn't give a fuck right now – the audacity!

"Draco, ask yourself this," Harry whispered, leaning over the table and trying not to laugh, "do you really want to interrupt Poppy's Christmas because you foolishly got sick? She looks really happy right now, don't you think?" He turned his head to surreptitiously look toward the healer before continuing. "Enjoying her food and taking a well-earned break – no one in her infirmary. And Minerva," he flicked his eyes over to the headmistress, "do you really want to deal with her ire, today of all days..."

It had the desired effect Harry was hoping for, and he smirked when Draco shuddered at the thought. The blond didn't look happy though, more petulantly resigned to the fact he wouldn't be having more chocolate today, and he acted like a reprimanded child. Harry chuckle.

"Shut it Potter!" Draco whispered, glaring at the raven-haired man. Why did he have to be right? Bloody saint Potter!

Draco couldn't help feeling extremely embarrassed though; chocolate was like a drug to him, a craving that he'd developed after figuring out that chocolate soothed his less than positive moods. Yes, chocolate had always been a weakness to him, but after the war it had become something he could rely on – something that would always been there to warm him when he fell into a depressive or stressed state of mind. Luckily, no one else had noticed his childish behaviour, and Salazar... he would have mortified if they had.


Draco jumped, realising that everyone who had yet to do so were now pulling their Christmas crackers.

"Draco?" Harry called to him over the bangs, laughter, and squeaks, holding out his own cracker toward him. "Will you do me the honour?"

Harry was smiling at him – the same smile that he craved to see, yet at the same time, it was a smile that he wished wasn't aimed at him because it muddled his well-organised mind. Oh, right... the cracker... Should he? He really didn't want to give Harry hope that there'd ever been something between them... Oh, but it was a just a bloody cracker! As long as he didn't have to wear a stupid hat... he nodded.


Harry laughed – such a pure addicting sound – as smoke filled the air between them. A tall hat with hanging baubles appeared, two mice squeaked as they ran off, and other crackers 'banged' around them with similar effects – only with different items appearing. Of course, Harry put the ridiculous hat on, still chuckling away.

Shaking his head in mock disgust, Draco felt a pang of longing for the man opposite him, a deep-rooted want, a strong desire to have... ... Oh, that would not do! He blanched. How was this possible? He could not be in love with Potter! He refused to believe that his swirling stomach, sweating palms, and raised heart rate meant anything more than simply too much chocolate... and Harry had rudely taken away his yule log for crying out loud! Okay, that was a lame excuse, he'd admit it... and he'd even go as far to admit that he was grateful Potter hadn't let him embarrass himself further... but... he just could not be with Potter! It wasn't possible. It wasn't logical...

He couldn't think right now... his mind was a mess – Harry's laughter, and his smiling wasn't helping in the slightest – he needed space.

"Please, excuse me!" Draco politely excused himself from the table. He left the Great Hall, forcing himself to walk normally, but once he was in the corridor he walked briskly to his private chambers.

No! Any relationship with Potter would only be a doomed; the media, the accusations that would be thrown his way, the ruin it would cause to Potter's reputation... not to mention the attention it would cause – attention that Potter hated so vehemently, and that he-himself really didn't need right now either...

No! He had to focus on something else... someone else! Yes, he had found something quite real and wonderful with Padfoot. His only chance at love lay with the mysterious man behind the parchment. It would work as a distraction – as it had been these past couple of day – but it was also something that was truly promising; he truly felt something for Padfoot, he honestly was attracted the mysterious man, and...

He had to ask Padfoot to meet him! Had to do it now while he had the sudden bout of courage he needed. Yes, he had time before he would be missed.


Sitting on his bed, Draco had just finished the most nerve-racking letter to Padfoot...

Good evening Mon Chéri,
I do hope you've had a most wonderful Christmas, but I have question to ask you.

While I'll admit that I find it most difficult to put this in writing, I think it is time that I did; you leave me no choice Mon Chéri, for all I have been waiting... you have not asked me.

It is no secret that I am fond of you, that I am attracted to not only your words but to the person you have portrayed yourself to be in our letters. I want more Mon Chéri, I want to know you beyond the parchment – beyond the words. I yearn to hear your name – your voice, to colour the grey parts of you that I have yet to discover... will you let me?

Mon Chéri, will you do me the honour of agreeing to meet me?

Please, take your time to think about it. I will be waiting with bated breath, but I do not wish to make you feel uncomfortable. I'll admit that I am nervous, but you Padfoot... you are kind, non-judgmental, caring, and amusingly peculiar; I know that whatever you chose, you will do so without ridicule – without meaning to cause me harm.

Please, Mon Chéri, do not agree to meet me unless that is what you desire. I will not hold it against you if you if you decline my offer, and although I will be disappointed, I will not take it personally.

Tau x

Draco hesitated only a moment longer, before finally sending it using the Mannaz shaped rune. It was done... now he just had to wait. In the meantime, he unfortunately had to return to work post haste; the students needed to be supervised and he would be missed if he remained absent any longer.

With a deep sigh, he nodded to himself and left his private rooms – vowing to distance himself from one Harry bloody Potter, and focus his energy on Padfoot.


As much as Draco tried to avoid Harry Potter, it seemed that the fates had other plans – why they tormented him so was beyond him, hadn't he suffered enough?

"You can't hide forever Mr Malfoy!" Harry goaded, bouncing a red snowball in his hand.

They were outside in the snow; most of the students had begged for outside activities that evening before bed – finishing their snowmen and having snowball fights. They would be sent in at half past eight, so they could bath or shower, and then wind down for the night in their common rooms. Minerva had sent Filius, Neville, Draco and Harry to supervise the outside students – all eighteen of them.

"Yeah Mr Malfoy, you're trapped!" Fourth year Gryffindor, Arlan Monero shouted from behind Harry, also with his own red snowball... in fact, all sixteen students that were around Harry had red snowballs – as did Filius Flitwick and Neville Longbottom.

Draco, along with two Slytherins, where currently hiding inside a charmed fort of snow with green snowballs – whispering to each other.

The snow was charmed red for Harry's team, and green for Draco's – a nice idea of one Professor Filius Flitwick. If you were hit, you joined the team you were last hit by, and so far, Harry's team were winning. They had started with even teams: Harry's team having Neville and nine students, Draco with Filius and nine students... but now Draco was left with only two Slytherin students, and they were hiding behind charmed snow.

"Okay," Draco whispered breathlessly from inside the magical fort, "this is our last chance to gain team members for our side again. Are you sure you both know the spell?" Draco really didn't want to lose to bloody Potter! He'd quickly helped the girls brush up on a spell they'd already learnt from home, and he was thankful that Potter had gotten so complacent and cocky in his winning streak that he'd left them be long enough to plan their next move.

"I'll give you ten seconds to come out guys... then we'll melt your little fort to a puddle!" Harry called out, laughter ringing around him.

As the students on Harry's team were ready to clout Draco, Lilium, and Josephine in red snowballs, Draco was starting his own count down.

"Then on the count of three..." Draco whispered conspiratively, " two... three!"

Draco used a spell to melt a bottom section of their snow fort, while the girls pointed their wands at the ground and said, "Gliaciar!"

It worked! The snow on the ground froze like ice, and their opposition were momentarily shocked. In their haste to gain balance on the ice, and their laps of focus ... it was on!

Draco and the girls emerged with non-slip charms on their boots, they started lobbing snowballs and quickly gaining back their numbers. Students glowed green and red for their change of teams as they were hit, and It was utter madness once again. In the chaos that rained – in snowballs quite literally – Draco threw a well-aimed snowball straight at Harry's shocked face as the raven-haired man tried to dodged and reflected a multitude of other snowballs. Harry's chest glowed green, signalling his new team position.

Harry had forgotten one of the most important rules of battle... Never let your guard down until the last opponent is taken out! Smirking when Harry looked at him in surprise, he realised he didn't need to win this – he'd just needed to hit stupid Potter. Now however, his smugness was turning to anxiety as Harry moved closer to him with a smirk of his own.

Each step closer that Potter took, was another skip of his heart... and what Draco didn't see, was that Harry was using wandless magic to lift a small mound of snow that sat behind him. Distracted by the oncoming raven-haired man, he almost squeaked in shock when that mound crashed over his head and snow exploded over his entire body.

"Potter!" Draco practically shrieked, shaking of the snow. "You can't attack me! you're on my team now!"

"Guess I broke the rules!" Harry winked, sending a whole knew type of shiver down Draco's spine. "What are you going to do about it?"

That challenge was Draco's undoing... he forgot everything he'd resolved to do, everything around him, even that he was a teacher with students to supervise, and he only knew that he had to accept the challenge with an action. Draco hastily moved away from the raven-haired man, swiping his wand, and causing the snow to lift from the ground in a small snow flurry.

Harry braced himself, wand at the ready as pure excitement took hold of him, and he too lost himself to the anticipation of this friendly battle. The snow flurry that Draco had caused, morphed into a small blizzard – one that blinded him from his opponent, but he wasn't afraid or nervous... this would be fun!

Harry managed to cancel the blizzard around him, the snowy gust whooshing upwards and dispersing in a show of falling snow, and he used his wand to encase Draco's feet in ice.

Draco used a charm to send no less than ten large snowballs speeding towards Harry's face, and while Harry deflected them with a shield, Draco used the distraction to free his feet.

Harry wasted no time in sending the head of a nearby snowman speeding straight for Draco, but the blond used his wand to change its course just in time, and sent it flying through the air towards Harry instead.

Harry lifted his left hand in slight panic, and managed to use wandless magic to explode the head halfway towards him. Using his wand, he tried to imprison Draco in the snow that he was causing to build up and around his legs fast.

Draco countered the spell as the snow reached his waist, but he had no time to cast his attack – suddenly, a multitude of incoming snowballs where headed straight for him, and he had to doge them all by diving to the ground and rolling in the snow.

Harry, having noticed the amount of snow in Draco's hair and on his clothes from the dodge and roll, quickly cast the melting charm to turn it into water. Laughing at the look of horror on Draco's face as the cold wet seeped thru his clothes, he didn't have time to deflect the jinx sent his way that knocked him backwards into the snow.

Draco stood up and twisted his wand, causing the snow around Harry to crawl over his downed body, attempting to hold him down on the ground.

Harry sent a boiling spell at the snow under Draco's boots, causing Draco to lose his focus on the spell as he jumped away from the now boiling water. Harry used that few seconds, to free himself and get back to his feet – wand brandished or the next round of friendly attacks.

So caught up in their own battle, they didn't see nor hear the students watching and cheering for their favourite teacher... or just egging on the battle and watching in awe. Their own snow fight had been completely forgotten about, and Filius and Neville kept them at a safe distance while they watched.

Neville, was still shocked at the power Draco and Harry wielded, even now – the passion behind their friendly battle was surprising too, and the two of them were so into it that they'd forgotten the students. They were completely focused on each other...

Filius, was enjoying the show to be honest, proud of his ex-students use of charms. They maybe teachers now, with a responsibility, but it was Christmas and even the teachers needed to have fun sometimes. What intrigued him the most however, was the obvious fire that burned brightly between them... yes, there'd always been something burning there – the flames of rivalry, competition, enemy's ... but now ... now the flames burned for each other. He could see it in their eyes; this battle wasn't meant to harm, no... but to prove their worth to each other.

The students were mesmerised, excited, and they viewed this as a very rare and awesome treat. They were so glad that they had stayed for Christmas, and that they had opted to play outside this evening – no one would believe them when the other students returned, when they got to share the recount of events with their other friends.

When Mr Potter started to manipulate the snow that was being sent his way by Mr Malfoy, the students gawped in awe at the huge, massive snowball that had started to form above their defence against the Dark arts teacher's head, growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger...

Harry was manipulating Draco's incoming snow attack, planning to send the growing snowball straight towards the blond the moment that Draco let up with his current spell. He thought he had it all sussed out, but before he had a chance to enact his evil plan... Draco flicked his wand up, smoothly ending one spell and immediately casting another in such a quick succession, straight at the very massive snowball above his head.

The bear sized snowball, that Harry had only managed to move about a foot in Draco's direction, rapidly melted! A huge wave of freezing water poured down over Harry's panting, exhausted body. Harry was both literally, and metaphorically frozen to the spot in a shivering mess.

Draco stood panting, wet, covering in snow, exhausted, and with thoroughly mess up hair. They were both breathless and sore, both bruised from the onslaught of snowballs, and both freezing bloody cold – although Draco might admit that Harry must be worse of on the cold front right now.

Harry, completely frozen to the bone, started laughing; Merlin he was exhausted! He collapsed to his knees in surrender.

Draco flicked his wand, casting a drying charm over Harry's clothes before he developed hypothermia, and followed it up with a heating charm.

"Thanks." Harry shivered.

If Draco replied, it was drowned out by the cheering and shouting students. It was only then that they remembered where they were, and why they were outside to begin with... they were both suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"That was AWESOME!" One of the male students shouted over the loud cheering and clapping. Neville and Filius could be heard ushering the students back towards the castle, but Harry and Draco were still a bit distracted with pulling themselves together to pay attention just yet.

"Need a hand?" Draco smirked down at Harry, holding out a hand for him to take when Harry showed no signs of getting up.

Harry nodded, taking the offered hand, and letting Draco pull him back up on to his frozen, numb feet. The warming charm would take a while to get his body temperature back up – he could probably do with a warm shower too. Their hands held for longer than necessary – a couple of seconds maybe, and before they moved away to get their respective students back to their dormitories, their eyes met... and for a moment they just stared at each other. Their breath clouded between them as they breathed, the fire so hot in its unspoken desire... but Draco just nodded and strolled away.

Draco cursed himself for his moment of weakness. What the fuck was he thinking? The friendly battle was one thing, but what the bloody hell was that at the end? He had to stay away from Potter, the risk of doing something he'd regret was too great in the man presence... he had, for a moment of foolishness on his part, wanted to kiss the man again... and in front of the students and the other two teachers. 'Merlin help me!' He thought, gathering up his congratulating Slytherin students. It was only when Miss Zabini pointed out that he was still wet, did he remember to cast a drying and warming charm on himself.

Harry took a moment to gather his wits about him and remember that he had students to escort to the Gryffindor tower. He'd felt bereft of the warmth that had seemed to radiate from Draco's own cold body somehow, and he thought, just for a moment, that Draco had shared his desires. He'd probably imagined it; their battle and the cold having affected his better judgement... but there was still a tiny ray of hope that came from the way Draco had stared at him. The only thing was, if Draco did share his feelings – or even a fraction of them – why would he claim that it would never work between them? That's what he said, right?

"Don't ruin what we have!" Draco's eyes pleaded. "Don't! Nothing can happen between us... I have Padfoot, and you're–"
"What if Padfoot wasn't ... what if he didn't exist?" Harry asked.
"I-I don't, I don't know Harry."

It was certainly something that he'd spend the night pondering.


In the Slytherin common room, Draco was just waiting for the house elves to send up hot chocolate for his four students; the teachers had all agreed that they could have a mug each before bed to help them warm up and sleep tonight. The first year – Samuel Bartlett, and the two second years – Lilium Zabini and Josephine Prescott, had showered and were ready for bed. Colten Sayer – a seventh year who hadn't joined in with the outside activities that evening, was also ready for bed and allowed a hot chocolate too.

"This was the best Christmas!" Samuel declared, plopping down on the empty dark green button-tufted, leather sofa.

Draco was in two minds on that statement; it had mostly been a good day, yes, but his feelings were still in chaos behind his mask and walls regarding both Potter and Padfoot. His complete realisation that he was, in fact, in love with Potter, meant nothing! He could play the denial card, would play it, and perhaps his new feelings for Potter were simply a strong sexual attraction – something enticing because it was new and exciting, and something that he'd get over once things grew with Padfoot... he certainly hoped so.

"I wish it wasn't over." Lilium said, a sadness to her voice. She was sitting next to her best friend Josephine, who nodded in agreement.

"All good things must come to an end, or they would no longer remain special." Draco told them, secretly feeling a sense of grief over the fact that it had to end with Potter, because it could never even get started... before it even started. Denial! He had to stop thinking about bloody Potter!

"We know sir," Lilium said, "but it's still a shame that it is over already. The day went rather quickly; I feel as if I've just woke up."

Draco sighed, wishing he could just retreat to his private rooms, but he sat down in the empty armchair instead so that he could do his duty as teacher. "The best moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one's grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.' That was a quote from a muggle writer, E.A. Bucchianeri, who rather liked music and chocolate, but it is quite true. You can measure the moment by how fast time sees to move."

And for a second, before his thoughts were interrupted by Mr Sayer, he couldn't stop the thought about how time had gone so fast during his snow battle with Potter this evening...

"You sure you're a Slytherin sir, you sound more like a Ravenclaw!" Colten Sayer chuckled.

"To be truly cunning you need wisdom to pull it off, and there are many kinds of wisdom. It never hurts to know more than your adversaries, and it certainly helps when one wishes to be ambitious." Draco told them. "Did you not wish to spend the night with your brother Mr Sayer?"

"Not tonight, Curtis was just going to study anyway... like always." Colten rolled his eyes; his twin brother was sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Ah." Draco nodded, withholding a smirk.

Their drinks suddenly appeared on the table in the common room, and Draco's eyebrow raised when he realised there were five drinks and only four students... well, he certainly wouldn't complain, Salazar only knew how much he needed something chocolatey right now to help settle his rampaging thoughts and feelings.

"Finish your drinks and then retreat to bed; breakfast will be served at the usual time tomorrow and I expect to see you all present." Draco reminded them, smiling in pride at his students, and eventually bidding them goodnight before finally retreating to his own private rooms with his hot chocolate. 

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