Supermarket is a Cupid [On Hi...

By piana_staric

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"Don't you talk to me like that. Do you have any idea who I am?" "Oh yeah, you must be the prince of jerks be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 20

90 22 81
By piana_staric

^^today's outfit

When you have been single all your life you tend to create a special bond with yourself and love yourself. No doubt there are many occasions you desperately want to be in a relationship. And when finally you do, you realise no more all day me time, you are supposed to give all your free time to the other person.

It has been two days since Matt asked me out and it is friday today. For the last two days he has been texting me a lot. I mean A LOT. To be honest I have gotten a bit irritated by it.

But he likes you.

Why else do you think I text back?

And right now I am mopping and mad at myself because I just realised that I did say yes to the date but I have no feelings at all for him. At first I thought that I like him but then it hit me I don't, I just like the idea of liking someone and being with them.

But I also don't want to cancel on him. Why does it have to be so freaking difficult? Relationships are just too much work.

I hate myself I am leading him on but I could not say no now, he would be sad and I cannot make anyone sad. I will tell him that I don't feel for him after the date. Also who knows maybe after spending time with him on this date I will develop feelings for him.

"You haven't even washed your face yet." Laura said giving me a serious look while leaning on the doorframe.

I groaned and fall back on my bed, burying my face into a pillow.

"Get up you lazy bum Matt will be here in an hour." Bree pulled me up from my bed almost dislocating my shoulder and pushing me in the bathroom.

"Here take the dress, come fast and we will do your makeup." Laura tossed me one of the three good dress that I own and I get to my business.

I don't understand why people take around 3 hours to get ready its just half an hour work max.

It took me two minutes to change but I didn't go out yet. No, instead after putting on my clothes I posed in front of the mirror and then started sexy dancing.

I am judging you.

What? it is not every day that I wear a dress.

I was stopped from gushing over my body and how fabulous I look from a knock.

"Are you washing face or taking a whole effing bath? Its been 10 minutes." Bree said from the other side of the door. Oops, what can I say you lose track of time when you appreciate your beauty.

So losing track of time shouldn't be a problem for you.

Bitch shut up.

You know it. I know it. Your mama knows it. Obama knows it. Unicorns know. Universe knows it. You ain't pretty.

I hate you.


I do.

I don't take it so right back at you.

You don't take what? What are you talking about you do talk some shit-

"Jesus Christ did you die in there." Bree banged on the door.

"Chill woman geez." I snapped back walking into the room.

"Sit" they both pushed me on the bed.

"We got a mess of hair and your makeup to deal with, in an hour." Bree huffed.

"I can do my makeup." I said and they raised their eyebrows.

"Have you ever put on any real makeup." Laura narrowed her eyes at me.

"I mean no because my parents didn't let me buy some or put it on but I think I can do it very nicely. I can put on liner in a straight line and also my mascara never smudges." I nodded.

"Fine. Do it we will be in the kitchen but make it fast we still got your hairs." Bree said and they both walked out. I gazed at all of the bottles and tubes sat on my bed. I am still not allowed to put these on but it is my first date so I asked girls to bring their makeup over.

Even my mom doesn't use anything just some lipsticks and compact. I remember telling her yesterday about the date she was sceptical about it in the start but eventually came along. Dad still do not know about it or he would have flipped.

It is not like my parents have a problem with dating, actually they do but it is just that they think, this is not the age to date. Ironic cause they started dating in high school.

They think I should focus on studies get a good college have a good job and then think about dating stuff ; Because relationships can be distracting and hold people back.

Pushing my thoughts at the back of my mind I started painting my face with concealer, foundation and what not.

Don't mess up your face than it already is.

Oh please I think I have it in me.

Ahem. Remember that lipstick concea-

Don't you dare complete that sentence.

Try me. Anyways I was saying remember when once you tried to contour using mum's lipstick.

It wasn't that bad.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Twenty minutes after I walked down the stairs eager to show my work to girls. As soon as they heard me they looked up.

"So how do I look?" I asked feebly.

"Holy lord." Laura whispered.

"Sweet baby Jesus." Bree's jaw was practically on the floor.

"What happened?" She asked me appalled.

"What?" I questioned.

"Never, I will repeat never touch makeup again." Laura grimaced.

"It is not that bad." I shake my head and they give me a look.

"You sure about that because those unblended lines and over highlighted forehead says otherwise." Bree retorted.

Okay I will accept I overestimated myself I look horrifying.

"Shit! We only got 15 minutes" Laura exclaimed looking at her watch.

We three rushed upstairs and I quickly washed off the makeup being careful to not ruin the dress.

"Okay we go light, just foundation bit blush and eye work, here we go." Bree mumbled and started working on my face. Now I understand why people take hours to get ready.

Bree being the expert that she is somehow managed to do it in 10 minutes we just brushed my hairs and leave it in the natural wavy form. I put on my heels and both my friends forced me to wear a girly perfume.

You know how usually in movies and books when the girl gets ready they change into a different person like they magically turn into a runway model, well I didn't.

I don't look much different just my face looks brighter and skin looks smooth as now all the spots or blemishes are hidden you can more clearly see my sharp jawline and a bit high cheekbones.

The bell rang and we went downstairs.

"Hi" I smiled at Matt who was standing in black jeans, dark blue shirt, dark blue jacket and white converse

Okay dang it, he looks hot. Why don't I like him again?

"You look beautiful." He said blushing a little.

Oh God, he looks so cute blushing. Like him bitch, like him, like him!!

Shut up you are not helping. I am already mad at myself don't make it worse.

"Thank you. You look good too." I said looking at my feet.

"Okay we get it you both look good blah blah blah not stop blushing like middle schoolers and go already also do not forget to use a condom." Bree said nonchalantly and I glared at her.

"Kids you better be home by 11 and have fun but not too much." Laura added. Oh how I want to strangle these two.

"Shut up." I gritted.

"Not mine your mom's order." Laura shrugged. I groaned, of course laura heard it, she was here when I was talking to my mom today.

Not wanting to embarrass myself further I pushed Matt out and shut the door.

"Sorry, my friends can be too much sometimes." I said while we walk towards his car he replied with a "no worries".

The car ride to the restaurant was a silent one we both kept stealing glances at one another.

Matt did some pretty cheesy but sweet things like open my car door and the restaurant door for me he even pulled out the chair and made me sit properly before sitting himself saying "a lady should not do work."

Although I didn't say anything but that statement put me off. Why should a lady not work? I brush it off thinking that he did not mean it in that way.

Matt is a very sweet person. Always smiling. Smiling gives a different edge to a person's face. Jerkface should smile more he is usually either very serious or grumpy or cocky. But recently he has been opening up more, he is not that narcissistic, arrogant asshole anymore I did notice he can be gentle.

I remember how he calmed me down when I had a panic attack. Thinking about that a small smile came to my face.

"Mind telling me what is going on in that cute little head." Matt winked.

Shit. I did not just zone out on a date and why was I thinking about Jerkface? I need some serious help.

Matt and I then engaged in some casual chat, when suddenly we heard a commotion.

"Everybody on the floor now. Try being smart and you die." a voice boomed.

What the hell is happening?

I stood up from our table and turn around to see about 6 men bustling in the restaurant with guns.

They are fudging guns.

I gasped not able to comprehend what to do. I was frozen.

I need Jeremy. I need Jeremy right now these people are dangerous.

"Get on floor and quiet." Someone shouted but my legs were glued to the ground.

"Get down why are you standing" I faintly heard Matt whisper.

I need Jeremy.

"You. Get down or I shoot you." Someone shouted.

"Nyla get the fuck down." Matt whisper shouted and I finally come to my senses.

Before I can register what he is saying I hear a gunshot go off. I feel pain in my forearm and next thing I know I was falling.


Sooo that happened. I will go before you guys kill me, hope you enjoyed.

Don't forget to hit that star love you. people.


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