The 100; Fighting. || Bellamy...

By HarperRennie

448 17 1

Harlow Kane, another individual that was sent to the ground, she was sent to die. She had only a few hours b... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 11.

Chapter 10.

22 0 0
By HarperRennie

Harlow Kane

By the time midnight had come around, there were only small amounts of people still awake; Harlow included.

For some reason she couldn't sleep, so she was currently sitting by the warm fire, lost in her own thoughts.

When Harlow was told that she could not speak to her father again, it absolutely broke her, she was excited to have the chance to communicate with him again.

Harlow sighed deeply, before she was removed from her depressing thoughts.

The girl from earlier was now sat next to her, she smiled at Harlow kindly. "Hi... I never got to introduce myself, I'm Harper." Harlow returned the smile, "it's nice to meet you Harper, I'm Harlow."

"I know... Bellamy and the rest speak really highly of you."

This made Harlow raise her brows, "what do you mean?" Harper played with her fingers "well, everyone knows you... uh... you're dating." Harlow scoffed "I'm sorry but that isn't true, that flame went out a long time ago."

Harper nodded looking down "sorry." This made Harlow sigh, "you don't have to apologise... you didn't know."

They were silent after that, Harlow looked up into the sky. "The sky is pretty, isn't it." Harlow tried to relieve the tension, Harper followed her gaze.

"It really is, but... I don't want to go up there ever again." This made Harlow chuckle "I agree... what's that?" Harlow stood up looking into the black starry sky, she had to squint her eyes tightly to notice that something was falling down to the ground.

A few other people around Harlow also noticed the object shooting towards earth, they started to panic. "I'll be right back, I'm going to get Bellamy."

She hesitantly moved her eyes away from the object, and rushed towards Bellamys tent, his flame was still on. Indicating that he was still awake.

But when she walked through the opening, the sight she saw shocked her, Bellamy had two girls at his side. All completely naked, underneath the fur cover, he looked content.

Harlows heart clenched slightly, before she pushed away the feelings.

The two girls screeched when they noticed Harlow, making Bellamy jump noticing her too "Harlow! I!-"

She put a hand up, "you need to see this, hurry up." Harlow quickly left the scene, with each step she took it was unexpectedly long and heavy.

She shouldn't be feeling this way, he left her for dead. Bellamy Blake should be dead to her.

Harlow looked up in time, just as the object crashed into the forest somewhere.

Bellamy stood next to her now fully clothed, "what was that?" Harlow shrugged "I don't know but im about to find out." He held onto her arm, "No Harlow it's dangerous, we don't know what could be out there waiting, we'll go at first light." Harlow was about to completely ignore him, before giving in, and shaking his hand off, "please don't touch me... I don't know where you've been."

With that she left Bellamy stood there speechless, as she walked off into the drop ship.

Her heart sank completely, she was feeling emotions that she never wanted to feel again. Harlow couldn't ignore the way her heart tightened, it was very painful. She hated herself for still feeling like this, after everything he did— not what he did, everything he didn't do.

It still played over her mind, just as she thought she was over him, he does stupid shit like this and her heart breaks. The first time she found him with someone, it didn't bother her— so why now? She really needs to get over him, and fast.

But how?

Jasper quickly came to her side, and smiled at her. "Hey Harlow... are you okay?"



Jasper isn't the right person to go to, Harlow thought. He was her best friend, she shivered at her thoughts.

"Yes I'm fine why?" She raised her brow at him,  "well... I heard that you walked in on Bellamy... you know." This made Harlow roll her eyes. "I'm fine, thank you Jasper."

Next came Octavia, she hugged Harlow tightly before looking Jasper up and down. This made Harlow frown, when did this happen?

"Harlow are you o-" but Harlow groaned loudly cutting her off, "can everyone please stop asking how I am? I'm absolutely fine!"

Anger seething through her. "What me and Bellamy had was a long time ago, it's over. I've gotten over it, and everyone else should too... Bellamy has..."  her voice went small for a moment, before walking up to the second floor of the drop ship, happy that no one else was here.

She sat down on a nearby box, taking a shaky breathe.

As good as everyone intentions were, they started to get on her nerves, she put her hand through her hair angrily.

Placing herself a few onto the floor, Harlow stared at the wall.

The sudden quietness of the drop ship, and the small murmurs of the teenagers around the camp, made Harlow really sleepy.

Only now realising that she hasn't slept for two days.. her eyes slowly closed falling into a sweet slumber.

"Harlow... Harlow wake up baby girl." Harlow groaned from the sudden awakening, seeing the eyes of her father. "D-daddy?" Harlow now sat up fully, but he didn't answer.

Harlow then noticed that he wasn't looking at her directly, but behind her. She turned her head, enough to see behind herself.

She saw a younger version of herself, tucked up in a small bed, rubbing her eyes with her small hands tiredly. "Yes baby girl, it's me," he then picked up the small child, who didn't look more than 5 years old.

Younger Harlow instantly gripped to her fathers shirt, hiding her face into his neck.

He sat them down, younger Harlow was placed on his lap. He handed her a bottle of water, she wrapped her small hands around the bottle. "Thank you daddy." She then drank some of the water, "you're welcome baby girl, Harlow today you'll be going to a friends, daddy has some duties that he has to take care of."

This statement made younger Harlow look at her father, and start to tear up, her bottom lip wobbling.

"But daddy today you said we can spend today together, and dress up!" This made Kane sigh, and holding his crying daughter in his warm embrace. "I know baby I know... I'll make it up to you."

Older Harlow frowned remembering this memory, he did make it up to her. A tear running down her cheek, she missed her father so much.

"Okay daddy." the young Harlow kissed her fathers cheek, leaving his lap and getting changed into a bright pink princess dress.

"You're such a good girl Harlow, no one is as lucky as me..." he bent down to his young daughter, and once again bringing her into his embrace. Harlow wrapped her small arms around him, though because of her small arm length, older Harlow could only her small finger tips.

Harlow let out a loud sob, as the scene changed.

Her father held her younger self in his left arm, as she hid her face into his shoulder. Standing in front of a metal door.

She instantly knew this door, this was Auroras chambers, this is the first time Harlow met the family.

As her father knocked on the door, it took her a few moments to answer the door. Older Harlow could only guess, that she was hiding Octavia.

When she opened the door, a young dark haired women opened the door, showing her pearly white teeth. It was Aurora. She was absolutely beautiful, she didn't look tired or beaten up, she was full of energy and life.

This made Harlow bite her lip, she missed Aurora. Anger raised inside her, as she now looked at her fathers back, he was one of the reasons Aurora wasn't here anymore, she frowned deeply. But, she was also the reason the most amazing women was not here anymore, her tears continued to fall.

"Hello Aurora, Harlow say hello, she'll be looking after you." Younger Harlow only shook her head, keeping her face hidden, whimpering loudly.

"Don't leave me daddy..." this made her father sigh, rubbing his daughters back comfortably. "Look at me Harlow."

For a moment she refused, but she did move her head to look at him, fresh tears now running down her rosey cheeks.

Her father wiped away her tears. "Now... why have you got all them tears, Hm?" Younger Harlow sniffled before shaking her head, this made her father chuckle. "See? Nothing to worry about, I'll be as quick as I can."

Then coming out from behind Aurora, was a young Bellamy Blake, Harlows heart tightened.

He's always had a slim figure, and beautiful curls on top of his head. His chocolate brown eyes, met with young Harlows teary ones.

"Why are crying? You'll be fine, I can take care of you, and we'll have lots and lots of fun!" Bellamys eyes beamed brightly, as his smile brightened the room.

Young Harlow sniffled before nodding, looking at her father before hugging him one last time, before he placed her down. She kissed his cheek. "I love you daddy.."

"I love you too baby girl"

Bellamy held onto Harlows tiny hands, "I won't let you down sir, I'll guard her with my life!" This caused Aurora and her father to laugh, "well then solider, I'm counting on you to look after my baby girl."

Bellamy puffed his chest out proudly, before guiding Harlow into the room, Older Harlow followed suit.

As her father and young Aurora nodded to each other, giving one another smile. Her father left, and Aurora closed the door.

"M-mummy is it safe?" Another small girls voice could be heard, making young Harlow tense up, as she looked around the room. Seeing no young girl.

This also made Bellamy tense, as he looked at the floor. Young Harlow followed his eyes, knitting her tiny eyebrows together.

"Come on Harlow, let's play outside—" but he was cut off by his mother, "No Bellamy, she's not to leave this room without me, it's okay."

Aurora bent down to Young Harlows height, smiling kindly, but she made small Harlow nervous. "You don't have to be afraid here, but what I'm about to show you... cannot be repeated or shared. Promise?"

Harlow didn't like keeping secrets, she felt like she was going to be in a lot of trouble, but she nodded anyway.

Aurora smiled happily at her response, before she turned around and lifted up the floor, her small eyes widened.

As young Harlow saw a small Octavia, she had teary eyes as she latched onto Aurora. Bellamy ran over to his sister, and hugged them both tightly, "it's okay Octavia, we're here with you now, we also have a new friend.." Young Bellamy pointed towards Harlow, as Octavia beautiful ocean blue eyes, met Harlows.

Octavia was very unsure about her presence, looking at her mother for reassurance, resulting in her mother smiling comfortably. "This is Harlow, and it's okay she won't tell anyone, will you Harlow?"

Young Harlow quickly shook her head, this made Octavia slowly smile, as she waddled over hugging Harlow tightly. "Yeah new friend!" This made Harlow giggle, as Bellamy joined in the hug. "My two favourite girls!"

They all laughed happily.

When Harlow really woke up, she sighed deeply at the memory, why has she been getting all these dreams suddenly? She didn't want to see them...

She rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands, trying to keep herself awake, and the tears that ran down her face.

There were people shouting, this made Harlow shoot up quickly, leaving the warmth of the drop ship and meeting with the cool air.

Clarke, Finn, and Bellamy stood in the spotlight again in the middle of the crowd, with an unknown female... Harlow has never seen her before.


I am MUCH more happier with this chapter, than last chapter, hopefully you guys can agree with me. Thank you for reading my small amount of  readers, it does mean a lot to me.

Please comment, vote, and follow me!

Written; 21/11/20
Completed; 22/11/20
Edited; 09/04/21


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