Can I Call You Mine

By mofokz

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Best friends since the day they met in preschool but happens when one fails to confess his feelings and they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Epilogue
Thank Youโค๏ธโค๏ธ
A/N New story

Chapter 14

928 39 19
By mofokz

Neji was forced awake by the smell of deliciousness. He was still exhausted after his long trip to Japan and back.  Trying not to feel guilty for taking the day off because of them finding so much information on Sai but Garra insists that he has to wait on some final forensic evidence before they can even proceed. 

Naruto smiled as Neji walked into the kitchen. "Morning."  He greeted, placing a plate of pancakes in front of him. 

Yawning out a good morning and running his hand through his bed headed hair he eagerly accepted the plate pouring maple syrup over the stack.  He was still trying to recover from the jet lag of his trip across the world two days ago. 

"I'm surprised you're awake." Eying his sleepy looking friend in amusement whilst wiping his hands with a dish cloth and leaning against the counter, his hands subconsciously rubbing over the swell of his stomach.  "The smell of food called you over?" His face morphed into a smirk, teasing him.  

Moaning in pure joy.  “You make the best pancakes, what can I say." 

"How was the trip?"  

Came a question he really didn't want to answer, causing him to gaze up from his plate. "We got the leads we were hoping for but I'm not talking to you about it." He said sipping at the pippin hot coffee. "Consider this me taking care of you and you taking care of them. That's your only job right now."  Pointing his fork towards the rotund belly and winking at him but his tone was serious. 

"Is it almost over?" He bit his lip sadly and unconsciously placed his hand back on his belly. 

Neji put his fork down. What could he say? Naruto had taken up with some one who was cunning, sly and precise. Someone who was very good at their job until that one slip and then that's when they come in.

"I can't be a hundred percent sure..." He paused, trying to find the right words to explain to his friend. He couldn't give the latter to much hope because he himself wasn't sure how much control was on his side. "He's getting sloppy.  So hopefully yes, it'll be over soon. There's a light at the end of that tunnel, but I'm not sure how far we are from it.  That's all that I can discuss with you" 

Naruto nodded. He didn't know how to feel. If someone had came to him before all this and told him that this was going to be his life, he would of thought they were crazy and would've carried on his life with Sai, repressing any thoughts about a certain raven he grew up with. 

"I won't lie to you. Sai is one of the slyest kingpins that we've ever had to deal with, but what I can tell you from experience and history, they eventually slip up and the evidence we've gathered so far indicates that he is. Why he is, we don't know yet but we're working on it. What I'm asking you to do is focus on yourself and the twins. I know that's probably not easy to do considering the circumstances but it would really help me out. Okay. Do you think that you can do that for me?"  The closeness of this situation was new for him and he himself was feeling a constant level of anxiety so he could only imagine how the younger victim was constantly feeling.

Nodding his head.  "I just don't know what to feel right now." Licking at his lips nervously and using his thumb to wipe the tears from his eyes before they could fall. 

"If I was in your shoes I can honestly say that I would feel lost as well. Not knowing how to feel." He said reaching his hand across the table to squeeze the latter’s.   "I've enlisted the assistance of my father and uncle. You can't get any more experienced then they are. Hopefully that gives you a little bit of consolation."

Naruto gave a wet laugh and wiped his eyes again. "Sorry for ruining your morning like this. Bringing work to the table on your day off." Fanning his face and sniffled. "Did you have fun with Gaara?" He asked taking a bite out of his breakfast and trying to change the subject. 

"I actually did. He's not only cute but seeing him first hand in his element of forensics, his intelligence is way beyond fascinatingly attractive."

"And you said you had to keep it professional." He wiggled his eyebrows with a sly knowing grin, enjoying the flush that covered the brunette's cheeks, looking away in embarrassment.

"Just eat your pancakes."

"No, no. I'm going to put it out there. Why don't you just ask him out?  Please let my ship sail." 

"Ugh! You're relentless, you know that?" He chuckled at the desperate enthusiasm spreading across the younger's face. "All right. Give me until after this investigation and I'll see if he would like to be serious with me." 

His eyebrow rose in question. "Serious?"  He hummed then cackled when the detective's face turned a darker shade.  "I would like little Nejis and Gaaras running around and playing with my kids. It sounds nice." Neji huffed mumbling something the blonde couldn't hear under his breath. "What was that?" 

"Nothing.  Just wondering what are your plans for today?"   Happy that he was able to change the subject. 

"Oh, nothing exciting. Do you have any plans? If not we could do something together.  The Farmer's Market is having a big sale today."

"Sure why not? I need a breath of fresh air and a different setting to calm my mind." He pointed a finger warningly at the latter. "But no more nagging me about Gaara."  His lavender eyes softened at seeing the pout form on the tan's lips. "I'll talk to him after all this. And you need to wear big boy pants and talk to a certain Uchiha too." 

"Why is everyone so fixated about what's between me and Sasuke?" He huffed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Because we all know that you two belong together. And I know for a certainty that if he knew we live under the pretense of a fake marriage, and if he didn’t have much respect for 'us', he would be barging down someone's door. Take you and run away with you into the sun set. Believe me I can feel the invisible daggers stabbing into my back every time I see him."  Murmuring the last words as he dodged the dish cloth being thrown in his direction. 

"You guys are just imagining things.  Sasuke only sees me like a little brother."

"He might see you as little but definitely not as a brother." Chuckling at the said man's innocence before becoming serious. "You're that Uchiha's sun and moon.  And as much as he and I may have our differences, you fit him like a handmade glove. He loves you."

"Riiiight. I'm going to go get ready.  You can deal with the dishes." Rolling his eyes and slowly rising off his chair. "Where you guys get the idea that Sasuke loves me more than just friends is beyond me." His mumbles could be heard as he waddled out of the kitchen. 

"The day he confesses you owe me one of your famous Carmel pecan cheesecakes!" Bellowing to make sure he was heard clearly in the next room.


"Ugh!  I'm ...over ... this pregnancy." Deidara whined. "Not even Lilium took her own time to get here. We're going to have a drama queen."

"That'll make three in the house."  Sasuke whispered to Itachi, being careful that his brother in-law didn't hear him.

"Shut up." He whispered back to his younger brother, coughing and taking a sip of his water to try and hide his amusement, acting innocent when blue eyes turned to him.

At times the younger raven felt sorry for his older brother. 

"I said it! I said it last time. No more babies but did you listen to me?  NO!"  Itachi smiled at his husband and snuck his arm around the blonde's waist, placing his chin on the other's shoulder. "That's not how I remember the story." Replying sweetly, smiling wider when his hand is slapped away and a blush blossoms on the latter's cheeks. 

"I'm serious!  After this one NO MORE!"  

"But it's so much fun making our own little humans. Look at the beautiful children we're having." 

"What beautiful children? As far as I know we have ONE beautiful little girl in the next room and that's thanks to MY genetics. And one unborn baby boy we don't know what he looks like. But again probably thanks to MY gene pool he too will be beautiful. Where are these OTHER children are you're talking about?" 

"They're on their way." Itachi noted, rubbing his large hands over the womb of his son with a grin only to laugh when the omega grabbed a close by cushion and playfully smacked him with it. 

"You just want to keep me pregnant and barefoot." 

"Because you made me an honest man. How can I not love this side for you.  I love you to death just like a fool."

'I'd rather a coffin'

Deidara placed his hand on Itachi's lips to stop him from kissing him. "Is that why I'm here? To be a baby maker." He frowned, moving his head about to dodge his mate's kisses.  The older continues to listen to his complaining but grinned at finally capturing the omega in his arms, listening to him burst into incredulous giggles. 

"Uh I feel sorry for Naruto. He's having to slow down already with what he can do." Deidara winced at that truth.  "Already starting to reach the stage of misery. I feel sorry for him.  Having one is a mission enough but two! Thank God Itachi didn't have greedy sperm. Who knew Neji had it in him." Huffing slowly while walking back and forth in the living room because his back pain wasn't letting up.

"I've tolerated you two long enough. I really don't need to know that."  Sasuke's face scrunched up in disgust, ignoring the smirk on his brother's face, plus he didn't want to image his best friend's affairs with another man.  

"Which means we get to bake again."  Itachi egged on, wiggling his eyebrows to his husband, being dismissive of Sasuke's complaints. 

"I do not need the image of your love making." 

Deidara snorted, but smiled at his husband. "I think it will be a long time before we can get back on that adventure." He said, pulling his husband in for a kiss. "Or we could just wait until Sasuke and Naruto have their own bambinos."  He teased winking playfully at the nonplussed expression on the younger Uchiha's face as Itachi helped him ease down on the couch.  The baby was putting pressure on his lower region and sitting hurt a lot. 

Sasuke spat out the juice he was drinking and coughed when some of it went down the wrong pipe. Glaring at the goons laughing at him, whom he sometimes hates to admit as family. 

"Don't look at us like that." They said.  

"We're only trying to give you insight on what to expect when you're in a relationship."  His brother in-law clarifies nodding his head. 

"Dei-dei is right you haven't had a decent relationship since..." The older Uchiha looked off to the omega, both pretending to be calculating the younger’s love life. "...Ever." 

"You always brought home unruly people." Itachi supplied. 

"Remember that beta girl with the crazy looking hair." Deidara used his hands to describe the person he was talking about. Itachi snorted in laughter. 

Sasuke looked at them and gave them a bland look that hopefully was conveying his irritation toward them.  He felt some contemptuous joy when Deidara winced. "My nephew doesn't appreciate you bullying his favorite uncle." Giving a smug smile at the pained man.

Most people like to say the journey is much more easier when you have your second baby. But for Deidara that wasn't the case. This pregnancy has rather been a roller-coaster ride from the start. 

Some days his nephew would be so still his brother in-law would swear the baby was a log.  He'd find him in tears begging his brother to take him to the hospital to make sure everything was ok, no matter how much the others tried to assure him. And even though the older Uchiha seemed calm when dealing with the tear filled blue eyes, Sasuke could also see fear in his brother's.  The same fear the night he called him to come over and babysit Lillium because it was a school night and they were once again off to the hospital or the time Deidara called during their meeting with the Björklund clan from Sweden. 

The secretary discreetly interrupted the preliminary conference that Itachi and Sasuke were in the middle of with one of their important clients.  

As she made a bee line to the head of the table where the older raven sat, Itachi knew that it had to be of importance.  His heart beat picking up immediately when she whispered in his ear that Deidara was on the phone.  He instantly looked down at his cell phone that sat to the side on the table but was on silent and saw several missed calls.  The urgency of her message sent a panic through him as he politely excused himself leaving his brother to continue with the conference, dismissing the barley noticeable look of worry crossing his face.

Not bothering going to his office Itachi quickly dialed his husbands phone as a million and one scenarios ran through his mind of what the emergency could be involving his family 

"Deidara, honey what is it?"  He asked anxiously hearing the sobs on the other line.  "Is Lillium okay?"

"The baby...something is wrong with the baby Tachi." The raven tensed at hearing the distress in the blonde's tone. 

"What do you mean?"  The older man was already leaving the building and heading to the car garage for his car.

"I don't know... I don't know." Deidara sobbed. "The baby hasn't moved all day. Not once!" The blonde said hysterically. "I don't want to think about it Itachi...but I..." He couldn't finish his sentence to afraid to acknowledge the possibility. "I even took a warm shower and he won't move."  He was able to add through the sobs.

"Okay. Hang tight."  He said trying to mask his worry for the sake of his husband.  Their first child had been very active always causing a fuss but this wasn't the first time Deidara had mentioned that their son seemed calmer but he had just put it off as every pregnancy being different.  The alarm system beeps on the black BMW X7 suv.  "I'm on my way.  I'll call the doctor."

The doctor reassured them after taking an ultrasound that their child was healthy just comfortably hanging out without a care.  "Your child is big, so he doesn't have much space.  But even so he seems to not mind his confinement and is content at doing practically nothing. Really he couldn't be bothered by anything."  He smiled trying to suppress a chuckle as Deidara was  pointing at the screen scolding the fetus for troubling him.

The blonde remembered that his mother had predicted that her first grandson would be a lazy child. That he would grow up as a go with the flow kind of adult and for the Uchiha couple to brace themselves because they might be at their wit's end.   Deidara tried to dispute, claiming it to just be a  'old wives tale' until the doctor confirmed this to be true during his seventh month exam.

Deidara let out a heavy sigh as he attempted to stand gracefully but ended up falling back on the sofa. He whined as his back protested against the awkward position. It was way uncomfortable sitting anymore due to the weight of the child being two weeks overdue. He moaned leaning forward and letting Itachi have more room to massage his back.   

"This child hates me!  I want induce, like yesterday."  He complained pushing the paler's hands away and bracing the underside of his belly.  The massage not doing much to give him relief.

"They just told us that it's best to hang out and let him come on his own.  It's less stressful on babies if they come when they feel ready, plus you and your cervix will be happiest."  The raven slowly repeated what the doctor said after Deidara made him call them again for the fifth time in a week.  

"Easy for them to say. What the heck do they know! They're not the one suffering here!"  His hormones getting the best of him, on top of his misery.  A mixture Itachi didn't want to deal with.  "He fought with me until the sun rose and I still ain't been to bed."

"I'll go get the hot water bottle."  Kissing the top of the blonde's forehead before heading into the kitchen to put water on the stove, beckoning Sasuke to follow him in silent code.

"Could you look after Lilium for a while?"  Glancing around the corner to make sure he couldn't be heard. "I want to do something special for him. Something to help him relax."

"Yeah sure. I can take her to the park and then we can grab a bite to eat."

Itachi smiled with gratitude at his little brother. "You're going to make a great father one day." Sasuke scoffed and rolled his eyes at his brother's comment. 

"So where is the little gaki anyways?"  Deciding today was not the day for him to wallow on his short coming. 

"She's watching Cyberchase in the family room." The statement causing him to raise a brow at that. 

"Cyberchase?  Since when did she start watching Cyberchase?" 

"What? It's an educational program." 

"Suddenly it's educational?" 

"Minds change." Itachi shot back. "Says the guy who thought it was a silly show." He said bluntly; his tone disturbingly flat, bickering all the way to the family room. 

"Uncle Sasuke!" Lilium cheered. Running from the tv and jumping into her favorite uncle's arms. 

"How's my half pint?" He lifted her off the ground tossing her in the air and catching the giggling girl. Allowing her to wrap her little legs around his waist and her arms around his neck when he secured her in his arms. 

"All good. Are you staying for dinner tonight?" She questioned, hopefulness colouring her voice, running her tiny fingers through the spikes of his hair. 

Sasuke smiled at her. "I thought maybe you could hang out with me today." Ruffling her hair back.  

The child gasped, her blue eyes twinkled. "Really?" she asked excited of the idea of spending time with her uncle. 

"Yeah. So what would you like to do? Go to the park and get lunch?" Lilium hummed thoughtfully. "The park sounds nice. Can uncle Naruto join us?" Sasuke blinked at her hearing a chortle behind him. 

“Well can uncle Naruto go too?" Deidara's tone teased. 

“I'm not sure about that. From what I've heard Naruto is supposed to rest."  He stated ignoring the look his brother and brother in-law were giving him. Even trying to avoid the puppy dog eyes his niece was giving him. 

“Please. He can sit and rest on the swings. The babies will like the swings." She gleefully reasoned. Sasuke chuckled at that, knowing that one of Naruto's favorite things about the park had always been the swings. 

"I'm sure they would. But Lilly just like mommy, Naruto needs to rest. Growing two babies is very hard work." He tried to make his niece understand. 

“Daddy says that mommy is okay. It's just brother is giving him a hard time right now."  She explained.

They turned their attention to the blonde being helped into the recliner and Itachi reclining it comfortably while slipping the hot water bottle and pillows behind his back.  They turned back to look at each other. "See that's a big job. Naruto and mommy need to rest the more the babies gets bigger." 

Lilium looked sad, but was still determined to spend time with Naruto too. "Does uncle Naruto's babies give him a hard time too?" she asked with a frown. 

Sasuke nodded with a smile.  “Yes they are a very excited bunch. Always wanting to play and it always make uncle Naruto tired. So maybe next time?" Sasuke tried to stay strong against Lilium's pout. 

Deidara snorted at Sasuke's comment from where he was seated and cuddled in Itachi's arms. "But what if he can't next time because they'll be like brother and not want to come when they're supposed to and he has to stay home like mommy?" 

"Yes Sasuke what if?" Itachi added his unwelcomed two cents.  Sasuke passed his brother a blank look. Unimpressed with the couple trying to pretend innocent on the recliner they were sharing.  

"Mommy says fresh air is good for babies." Lilium said sagely. "And mommy doesn't tell tales." 

"That's right baby, mommy doesn't tell a lie." encouraged Deidara. 

"Hn.  I beg to differ." 

The blonde gasped, pretending to be offended. "You're calling me a liar?" He looked over at an amused Itachi. "Babe your brother is calling me a liar." 

Itachi played along. "Don't call my husband a liar Sasuke." 

The raven in question raised a challenging brow. "Itachi ask your husband what happened to your dangos."  He took great pleasure in seeing his brother in-law going pale and Itachi looked at the blonde as if he was betrayed. "That was you?!" Itachi exclaimed. 

"It wasn't me it was the baby!"  The blonde blurted out, avoiding eye contact with his husband. 

“Sure blame it on our unborn son." Itachi snorted. 

"Well obviously he must be a lot like you or he wouldn't have convinced me to eat them." Deidara huffed.  He was over this pregnancy and ready for their son to make his way into the world. 

"Tell me something. How do you know the baby wanted it when the baby has no idea what food tastes like?" Asked Sasuke, his smirk widening when the blonde glared at him. 

“Because Uchiha's know everything." He responded sarcastically. 

"I don't think that works on the baby." Sasuke muttered. "Admit it you were just being greedy." The raven accused. 

Deidara huffed already getting fed up with his brother in law questioning him. "Even if I was being greedy, Itachi doesn't mind." He cranked his head up a little, smiling at his raven lover. "Right baby?" He received a quick kiss as a response. 

Sasuke rolled his eyes at the couple.  They could be so queasy romantic that it makes him want to gag. 

"Mommy! Daddy! Ew!" Lilium squealed in Sasuke's arms. The adults laughed. "Yes tell them Lilium."  Sasuke encouraged.

"Lilium remember I told you that kisses is what makes the world go round." Itachi chuckled at the gross expression on his daughter's face. 

"Then why doesn't uncle Sasuke kiss uncle Naruto?" She questioned. 

"Ah, I do Lilly, on the cheek or the head, like I do you." He kissed her cheek and head to prove a point. Lilly giggled and pushed her uncle's head away. 

“No daddy said the best kisses that make the world go round are the ones on the lips when adults kiss the ones they really love." 

Sasuke stared blankly at her, feeling a little ambushed not knowing how to answer when he looked at her parents for help but they were both sporting a stupid twit leaving him to feign for himself. 

"It's complicated. You'll understand when you're older." The blonde little girl pouted at that. 

“But it's taking forever to get bigger." She whined. 

"Don't rush it. Life is much simpler as a kid."

The little girl stared at him complexing at what he meant from that.  Most of the time she found herself unable to understand adults.  

"So you mean uncle Naruto can come with us?" Sasuke sighed. He half hoped that the little girl had forgotten about his best friend. 

"I don't know Lilly. I still think uncle Naruto needs to rest like mommy." He said gently. 

"But it's a beautiful day out and the babies will love to play outside." 

"They are not even born yet. How would they know what playing feels like?" Both Uchihas stared into each other's eyes, waiting to see who would fold first. Sasuke sighed when Lilium decided to toss a quivering lip into the mix. "Fine I'll ask if he wants to join us."

"Yay!" she squealed squirming to get down and running off to her room to get ready.

"That is if he agrees to join us." He called after his niece, who paid no mind to her uncle, far to excited to spend time with her favorite people.  

"Oh he will." Itachi said. "Uncle Naruto loves the park." 

"You're enjoying this aren't you?"  The younger drawled with a glare.

"Immensely!" Deidara smirks at the raven his eyes shining with a devilish glint. 

Lilium came rushing back with her shoes and jacket. She quickly put them on and ran over to her uncle to take a hold of his hand. "Come on let's go!"  She pulled at his hand.

"Aren't you going to kiss mommy and daddy good bye first?"  Asked Sasuke. 

"Hai!" She curtly nods her head and runs to her parents to kiss them. Then she carefully placed a kiss on top of the bulging womb. "Be good to mommy."  she whispered to her unborn brother, missing the fond look her parents gave her. Then rushed back over to her uncle, taking hold of his hand,  grinning as her uncle shook his head fondly at her. 

“Did you call uncle Naruto?" She asked her eyes gleaming with happiness. 

Sasuke sighed and took out his phone. "What if he’s not home?"

"Uncle Sasuke, you said that he needs rest so why wouldn't he be home?" She asked with the tilt of her head, like it was the only logical thing. 

Sasuke's eye twitched. He couldn't stand it when she seemed way to wise for her age, already thinking intellectually smart.    She was so much Itachi in spite of having a perfect blended appearance of both her parents.  He guessed it was a good thing that she didn't easily fall for tricks.  But sometimes it was annoying to feel like a child is smarter then you. 

"Yes but he could be resting at his parents'."  He tried to think on his feet ahead of her.

"Can I call him?"  She asked reaching for the phone. "Please?"

She quickly went through the raven's contacts, hitting the speaker button and dialing the number.  Sasuke glared at the giggling couple across from him. 

“Sasuke?" said man startled when he heard Naruto on the other line. 

"Uncle Naruto! You answered!"  The child bellowed at the top of her lungs causing the raven's cheeks to dust a little red, the colour turning a deeper shade when the couple burst out laughing. 

"Hi sweetheart how are you?" Naruto cooed back over the phone.

"What are you doing today?" 

"Nothing sweetie. Why do you ask?"  His voice sounded curious. 

"Are the babies giving you a hard time today like brother is giving mommy? Because if not I want you to come to the park with uncle Sasuke and me." The hopefulness was pure in her tone. 

"Oh my, yes.  The park sounds like a lovely idea. I could use the fresh air." Lilium stuck her tongue out at her uncle in victory. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and chuckled at his niece's behavior. 

"Yay!!" She shouted. "We'll come get you!" She exclaimed shoving the phone back into the paler's hand and ran off to grab something from her room.

"Right so I guess we'll see you soon.  Are you home?" said Sasuke when he got a hold of the phone. 

"Yeah. Just finished up some cleaning." The raven could hear shuffling in the back ground when the blonde said that. "Neji's working a 12 hour shift so I put dinner in the slow cooker." It bothered the raven to hear that Naruto was domestically caring for the brunette, especially cooking for him.  He felt a tinged jealous and a little angry. The blonde shouldn't be straining himself when he should be resting but he knew it was Naruto's way to put others before himself.

"All right. See you soon."


"But how come uncle Naruto get's to eat all of that but I can't." Lilium whined eyeing the treat in the blonde's possession. 

"Well for one uncle Naruto is older than you and two he’s not eating for himself. And three you're still punished, it's only mercy I let you have ice cream." Sasuke still could not believe his niece was capable of pulling the stunt she pulled not long ago. 

Sasuke had stared at his niece in disbelief.  Honestly he had never thought he'd be prepared for something like this. Sure he grew up with unpredictable and mischievous people like Naruto and Deidara, but never once had they ever shoplifted.  Yet here was Lilly, grinning proudly up at him and showing off  two stolen radios from the machine outside of the small utility shop.  Kids loved the challenge of getting a prize for a yen, and of course Lillium was no exception.  Sasuke would always give her coins for at least three tries and normally she would win something.  But today wasn't such a lucky day for the small Uchiha so she took it upon herself to change the lots to her favor.

Sasuke was partially to blame for not giving her his full attention when Naruto had run into an acquaintance from school and the guy was ogling the blonde up and down causing jealousy to flare up within him, which conveniently preoccupied his attention.  Therefore, he hadn't noticed that his niece cleverly hacked the claw machine and robbed it's treasures.

She had explained to him that she was upset for not winning because she really wanted to win a prize for Naruto.  He had expected that the security to run behind her to take back the stolen toys and ban them from the premises and what made the situation worse was Naruto had laughed hard when he finally joined them once again.

The spoon in the blonde's hand paused half way to his mouth. "Are you calling me fat Uchiha." Blue eyes narrowed dangerously. 

Sasuke hesitantly gazed at the blonde feeling slightly afraid at hearing Naruto address him by his surname before responding,  "No. I'm just helping her to see that you need more of a calorie intake then she does."

Naruto raised a single eyebrow. "I'll give you a second to change your wording. Because it still sounds like you're calling me fat."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he knew hormones were kicking in, after all he's already personally experienced the blonde's fluctuations in mood swings.  "Look. You're carrying twins. You're beautiful.  You can eat anything to your hearts content. And so can Lillium."  He reassured giving in to the two sitting across from him.. 

"Yay!" Lillium squealed earning a wide smile from the cobalt blues. 

"But you're not getting extra toppings." He said pointedly at his niece who gave him a pout. 

Naruto hummed. "I think I'll forgive you if you allow Lilly to have some toppings. What do you say Lilly?" The blonde turned to the little girl sitting beside him who lit up and glanced at her uncle smugly. "Plus I'm sure she won't do it again,” he shrugged.  "Right sweetheart?  It's wrong to steal, no matter what.  If you ever need something, that's what your parents and uncles are here for.  Understand?"

"Yes, uncle Naruto. I understand."

"Good.  See Sasuke she understands.  She won't do it again."

Sasuke just sat there staring blankly at the two people sitting opposite of him.  He should know by now not to even bother putting down any boundaries for the five year old as long as Naruto was in their presence. 

"Well it's a shame. Because you won't be the one dealing with a kid that will be bouncing off the wall. So no, Lilly will not have extra treats."

Naruto glared at the Uchiha sitting across from him before kicking him under the table. "You are spoiling my day with you and her.  Be the sweet person I know you are and let her have the toppings. She's a kid and she'll run off the extra energy at the park."  He said lowly before leaning back painfully to rub at his stomach where the twins were responding to the sugar and his emotions.

"I'd like to see you say the exact same thing when you have those two."

Naruto glares some more.  "I will!  Besides, I'll just hit you up to take them for a day and you won't say no, because you love me."  He hissed briefly from the pain to his side before a grin was reaching his ears.  "Right Lilly?  You'll help uncle Sasuke babysit won't you?"

Lilly nod her head with so much enthusiasm, Sasuke was surprised it didn't fall off.  The raven's eye twitched. 

"Best friend forever with benefits! Nothing like it." Naruto giggles watching the paler's eye twitching. 

The pregnant blonde turned to the little girl and smiled warmly knowing that he had triumphed over the older. "Go see if you can get those extra toppings. And I'll try to see if I can remove that stick that’s stuck far up your uncle's dark side." 

Lilium smiled at the blonde man. "Thanks uncle Naruto you're the best." She kissed the omega's cheek, then ran off to the counter where they could still see her. Naruto glanced at his raven friend. "Only for this moment. Let her be."

Sasuke saw the glint of despair in the azures as he pressed his hand to his stomach where a twin was obviously messing with him.  "Let her enjoy being a kid. Free to have fun and enjoy life.  It goes too fast. I'd give anything to do it over again."

Before the Uchiha could ask what was wrong, Lilium was standing before them with a huge smile on her face and eyes wide in excitement. "Uncle Naruto they said they can do it for me." She said breathlessly, having ran back to the pair.  

Naruto smiled. "Let's get you those extra treats. What are you planning to have?" He asked as he tried to get up, holding onto the edge of the table and the little girls hand when he was on his feet. 

“I want chocolate. And sprinkles. And..." Sasuke watched his friend and his niece slowly walk towards the counter a frown firming on his face, wondering to himself on how was he going to fix a broken soul.  


Deidara leaned against the wall he was half excited that this was possible labor until it was the familiar sensation of a Braxton Hicks.  Once it passed he couldn't help the tears that ran down his cheek.  He carefully pushed himself off of the wall and waddled painfully to the kitchen, one hand to his back to keep his balance and the other bracing to help support the weight of his bump.  The baby was pressing down on his pelvic bone and it hurt like hell.  "I swear Itachi if he doesn't come soon, I don't know what to do!" 

Not sure how to respond. Without sounding cheesy. "Just take deep breaths. We're in this together,” said Itachi in an effort to encourage his husband. 

"The hell we're in this together. I don't see your body pushed out to its max!" Deidara screamed slamming the refrigerator door. "He's big Tachi and he is hurting me." He whined.  

Itachi approached Deidara cautiously, trying his best not to set off the blonde like he did moments ago. "I've already called the hospital. They know we're coming."

Deidara gripped the ledge of the counter top swaying his hips back and forth.  He finally felt his child move lower kicking him harshly.  He took a deep breath.  He stood straight up with great difficulty.  "He moved down,” he said smiling and Itachi instantly noticed the shift in his stomach.

The raven looked down in panic. Half expecting the baby to slip out suddenly. "Ok. Ok we're moving. We're moving." He said guiding his mate out the house. 

Deidara stopped walking as a contraction ripped through him.  This time he knew for sure that it wasn't Braxton Hicks.  He grabbed hold of Itachi's shoulders to brace himself as the air caught in his throat from the sudden pain.  The pain in his back was making him weak in the legs.

"God this is worse then Lillium." He whined resting his forehead against the broad chest 

"Wait Lilium? -" Itachi realizing that their daughter was in school.  "I'll call Sasuke on the way.  Right now we need to get you to the hospital so you can deliver him safely."

Deidara attempted to stand straight but could barely catch his breath. The pressure in his lower region preventing him to stand fully.  He wouldn't let go of the raven's shoulders. "I can't walk" he looked up at his husband frightened, "I might be having him here!"  Squeaking loudly as another contraction had begun causing him to collapse.  

Itachi lifts his husband in his arms and takes quick steps out of their house towards their car.  He helps the blonde to get into the back seat, then he quickly makes his way to the drivers seat. He looks at a pained man on the mirror who was gripping the sides of his stomach.  Itachi starts the vehicle and moves out of their driveway, driving as fast as he can to their destination. 


The sweat poured down Deidara’s forehead.  He had been laboring for two hours and his waters hadn't broken yet.  "I'm done rocking back and forth. I want to get in the bed." His voice shaking as the contraction having eased up. 

Itachi pulled back the sheet on the hospital bed.  Just as he was helping him sit on the bed, Deidara grabbed hold of him and the side of the hospital bed grunting in pain.   Soon the raven felt something wet splash onto his pants leg and shoes.  "Well I'll be buying a new pair of shoes." 

Deidara tried to laugh but he felt the baby's head instantly drop at the top of his entrance. Itachi got him laying down just in time as the next contraction hit, the worst one yet so far. 

"My water just broke. Our son is coming and all you can think about is a new pair of shoes." He hissed, rolling onto his side to curl into himself. 

Itachi winced.  "Honey breathe." he said. 

"Don't you honey me!" He bellowed. 

"Alright how are we handling things in here?" Asked a nurse as she walked in. As soon as she was close enough Deidara yanked her by her scub top. "His stay is over due. Get him out." He says through his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, panting heavily.

Both hers and Itachi's eyes went as huge as saucers until the contraction passed and Deidara rolled onto his back, falling into the pillows to mentally prepare for the next one. 

"Well you're going to have to deliver him naturally because you're too far along in labor for a c-section." The nurse informed.

Panting heavily. "Yeah what ever. As long as you get him out." He spoke feeling another contraction beginning.  "Just give me your strongest drug too while you're at it."

"Honey we can't. You've progressing to rapidly-" And before she finished her words Deidara lifted up as the contraction built.  "Itachi tell them to get him out!” He cried. Blue eyes turning to the nurse. "I know what I said before but give me something strong. Something to ease the pain. I'll be your best friend. Please." He gasped as the pain surges to its highest point.  

The contraction passed and she put his legs in the stirrups and covered him with a sheet.  Just as the nurse gave him a sorrowful look, leaving to get the doctor, she made way at the door for a pregnant blonde to pass her. 

Itachi greeted Naruto as he walked into the room.  He stared at the sweaty male laying in bed covered completely with a sheet with his feet in the stirrups.  Deidara made eye contact with him, reaching out a hand for him to take.  Naruto hurried to his side, taking his offered hand and receiving a weirdly smile in return.  "I'm glad you could make it." Deidara said accepting the ice chips from Itachi.  

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."  Naruto said trying to be calm when Deidara grimaced at the kick letting go of their hands to hold his belly.  "God he is killing me.  Lillium was nothing like this."  Whining and looking up at the ceiling.  

"We're going to meet him soon." Itachi said reminding his husband of their excitement. 

Deidara nodded until he felt another contraction beginning and grabbing the hands on either sides of him.  It was more painful this time. Grabbing hold of the Uchiha's arm he practically yanked Itachi into the bed as he screamed at the top of his lungs the contraction hitting its height, "I'm going to kill you when this is over!" He said panting out in pain before throwing his head back into the pillows.  Itachi soothingly wiped the beads of sweat from the laboring man's forehead and pushed the blonde strands behind his ears.  "You can just a little bit only because I love you to death."

After another hour passed of curses and screaming, "I can't do this Tachi! It hurts!"  Deidara lamented as another contraction rolled into him, letting go of Naruto's hand to grip the bed railing and squeezing the paler's hand tightly.  "I need to push."  He cried as the doctor walked in.  "Let's get this show on the road." She cheered.

Naruto left shortly after the doctor arrived, grateful that she dismissed him to join Sasuke in the waiting room.  She could see him pale and she didn't need a pregnant person passing out. 

"After these two are born I'm becoming a virgin." Naruto declared. 

"I don't think it works like that." says Sasuke, though he’s strangely satisfied at the idea of the blonde holding off having sex with the brunette. Not that he knows their sex life, but he still felt over the moon. 

"Shut up!  You won't be the one forcing out a baby the size of a watermelon out of a tiny hole in your body."  He remarked, hissing at his friend, who raised his hands in a sign of peace then turning his sight back to his niece who was watching cartoons on the television.

"All I can say is thank the gods for that." He said with a blank expression.  

“This is not fair." Naruto cried in outrage. "Why couldn't it be the alphas that carried the babies." He huffed. "We put up with way to much and then you guys have it easy." The blonde felt like he was about to cry. Those chubby cheeks and cute button noses were just a trap to lead them into a world of horrifying pain. He already had an idea of child birth and their instructor from the lamaze gave false advertisement into making them think it's just small pain while the baby slides out of you. But seeing Deidara just now, that did not look like a walk in the park. "What did we omegas do to nature to be so cruel." He hugged himself, shivering  at the horrific thing he witnessed at the delivery room.  He couldn't go on observing them. 

"I'm sure you'll be okay." He said putting his arm around him.  "Deidara said that you actually forget the pain after it's over." 

Naruto grumbled under his breath and nugged Sasuke hard with his elbow. "Is that okay? Have you forgotten the pain?" He asked sweetly. They bickered, both sounding flirtatious in their playful argument, until they heard someone clearing their throats.  

They both looked up to see Itachi standing by the door in scrubs and a tired smile. "Guys would you like to meet the new member of the Uchiha family?" Sasuke helped Naruto stand, Lilly bouncing beside them with to much energy that Sasuke wasn't sure if  it was the sweets from earlier or just the excitement of meeting her little brother. 

They spotted a heavily tired Deidara on the bed. His arms cradling a bundle swaddled in a blue blank. He smiled and cooed softly at the little boy in his arms. He smiled up at Itachi and his daughter with all the joy in the world when they stood by him and shared a sweet kiss. His eyes then turned to Sasuke and Naruto. "Everyone. I want you to meet Kaen. Kean Uchiha." He then looked at the baby in his arms. "Kean I want you to meet your big sister Lilly, and your two uncles Naruto and Sasuke."  Both men came closer to meet the newest addition to the family, Lilly having long rushed to softly touch the top of his head. 

They both smiled softly at the infant that looked like a replica of Itachi.  His eyes blue as Deidara's.  

Sasuke took in the surreal expression morphed on Naruto's face as the said man unconsciously rubbed at his belly.

Itachi took the baby and gently pushed it into the pregnant man's arms.  Sasuke moved closer helping support the infant and to coo at his little nephew.  

"I love the name." Naruto said his body unconsciously moving on its own and leaning against the raven so he could get a better look. 

Itachi and Deidara glanced at each other as if to speak a unknown truth before looking back at the others standing near the bed holding their child. 

After a while of greeting and both having a chance to hold the baby. They gave him back to his parents. Itachi had helped Lilium to get on top of the bed and he took pictures of her holding her little brother.  Naruto and Sasuke shared the couch that was placed in the room. They watched Itachi and Deidara coo and kiss their new born son, both of their hearts clinging at the sight of the happy family from where they were seated.  They both turned to each other, sharing soft looks and gentle smiles before Naruto leaned into Sasuke's arms and sighed in content. 

It was a sweet moment, welcoming a new life into the world making Naruto wonder more about his own future. The adoration they had in their eyes when their eldest gave her little brother a promise to protect him and love him forever. 

"You're going to make a wonderful big sister." Sasuke assured the little one. 

Lilium smiled at her uncle. Then turned her attention back to Kean to tell the sleeping baby about all the adventures they would have in the future. If anyone noticed that Naruto and Sasuke were holding hands a little intimately, despite the blonde being "married," nobody dared to say a thing.

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